My gripes with the roster aren't so much about what I like/dislike, but what it lacks.

: He was long overdue and Sakurai had neglected his obvious potential and the fact that AC deserved a rep.

: She represents the Galaxy games, probably some of the finest games that have ever shown themselves to us mortals, plus she's pretty cute and her design rocks, not to mention the whole
Space Goddess thing she had going on.

: The only part of the roster where I can say Sakurai did something 100% percent right, Awakening deserved representation as it's the best Fire Emblem game to date
(If you're not a purist).
: He's Megaman for god's sake, probably the only heavy-hitter newcomer, that should speak volumes about the supposed star-power of this roster, when a third-party's the biggest face the game has to offer.
At first I didn't dislike anyone on the roster, but then...
- The lack of requested newcomers like Ridley, K. Rool, Isaac, Dixie Kong, Mewtwo...etc. If the fanbase wanted them, they're pretty much guaranteed to NOT be on this game.

: He's a disgrace to the roster, a literal recolor with a few tweaks who doesn't even have his own name...he turns my stomach whenever I see him and he's everlasting proof of Sakurai's unending bias for the Kid Icarus franchise, and not even for a good Kid Icarus villain like Hades, we get a recolor...speaking of which...

: Another disgrace that shouldn't have ever happened, of all the characters he decides to show his ugly head to taint this game's roster rather than staying where he belongs, as a goddamn alternate costume with no real relevance, he has no real relevance to the Mario Universe, the Smash Universe or the Nintendo Universe, he's there to be there.

: He's simply stupid, and Wii Fit Trainer fullfills his role much better, thinking how much development time he must have taken that could've been spent on Ridley turns my stomach as well, hell, they didn't even get his name right!
Let's see, what else can I dislike about this roster? Oh yeah...

And sorry...can't even stand the sight of
Dr. Mario and
Dark Pit without long paragraphs asserting how much I hate them.