Can't wait for the demo. Also, today was amazing on the whole TGS 2014 news. For one: Final Fantasy XV & Type-0 HD - the remaster - gameplay. Not CGI trailer, but actual freaking gameplay from yesterday! Today, we got confirmation on the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy coming to PC or well, Steam, but whatever. I like the series and haven't played the last entry, so guess I'll wait a bit longer.
Today: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain jungle gameplay. New sneaking suit, buddy system, climbing, a look at Big Boss's prosthesis upgrades, and Quiet really seems cute - she hums to you on your radio if she spots someone. I want to protect her with my life. Poor thing's in the messed up world of Metal Gear - with the direction of V, it's probably even worse than being in past MGS games. Kaz really changed. From her trailer, he demands she be killed even after Big Boss tells him no and agrees with Ocelot on locking her up for the mean time. Then again, Kaz lost an arm, a leg, his base he built with Big Boss, his mother, his father, and grew up in an unfortunate world. I guess his way of coping is lashing out and being bitter. Big Boss seems more like he's shutting down and becoming amoral to stop the pain.
TL;DR: Lots of game news that excites me! AND THE DEMO TOMORROW!