Oh, damn... No, don't feel that way.If only the rest of the shipwreck could go through them so swimmingly.
I never actually got upset, despite being led on to believe he was in fact 'confirmed' by sources/dark powers that be.
I am sad I failed as Kapitan, admittedly. Or rather I felt I could have done more.
You may have been our "Kapitan," but, deep down, you were also one of us. Just as susceptible to the things which lead all of us on. The ever so classic "I put my pants on one leg at a time like everyone else" situation.
I wouldn't say you failed. I wouldn't say any of us failed. There's a difference between being wrong and being illogical.
The conclusions you, I, we came to... They may have been wrong in the end, but I don't think they were illogical.
Perhaps there's more you could've done... Maybe more I could've done... More we all could've done. Personally, I think I could've been significantly less cocky... But I won't say I was stupid for my conclusions, nor do I think anyone else is.
My Kapitan, our journey may have ended with no treasure. It may have been a wasted effort...
But I'll never say I regret any of it. I've made so many memories with the rest of the crew.
We've been through a lot, and it may have all been for not... The destination may not have been what we wanted, but the journey is something I will never want to forget... Something I think nobody will want to forget...
Kapitan, you've done so much for everyone. You've kept us all together. You've kept the ship from sinking entirely. You're a part of the memories that nobody will ever want to get rid of. Don't think that you have failed; the Kapitan is in charge of making sure everyone reaches the destination safe and sound, and I think you did an excellent job in that regard.
What lies at the end, however, is entirely up to fate... It's not something any of us can control.
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