Same issue as since Resident Evil 4. A large number of fans are already complaining about the apparently increased action focus and the game retaining the over-the-shoulder camera of 4 and 5, claiming this is "not survival horror." Either you think it's a good thing to have done away with wonky camera angles and awkward controls at the cost of making the games feel less claustrophobic and scary, or you welcome these things for improving the overall experience and think it's a price worth paying. That being said, steps do appear to have been taken to bring back some of the atmosphere and horror that were lacking in RE4 and RE5 in particular, so Capcom appears to have at least tried to keep both groups happy.
However, RE6's attempt at keeping the atmosphere and horror of the older games while simultaneously being action-packed for the modern audience only widened the gulf between the fanbase. Fans of the classic games have nothing but contempt for the deluge of cutscene setpieces laden with QTEs, and even fans of RE6 are broken up over the campaigns, since each one had completely different scenario designers; they may like the zombies and the action of Leon's campaign but loathe the Call of Duty-ish Chris's campaign, and so on, and fans claiming to like all campaigns equally are especially rare. By trying to blend genres such as survival horror, action, and even stealth into one game, it did neither of them particularly well. Many critical of the game share the same sentiment: By trying to please everyone, it ended up leaving many unimpressed.