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ЩΦЦlD ყΦЦ lΦΦκ ǞƮ Ʈ৸ę Ʈiɱę!
Jun 24, 2015

well then
did he just walk slowly and down smash
i'm starting to hate that meme
Last edited:

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
W-...What? :4charizard: u wot m8?
he makes these annoying noises that sounds like he is trying to do a quack thinking he is being funny but it really sounds like he is choking
Then I might be watching the wrong highlights. 'Cause I've never heard it.
I think it was in an old video, I cant remember which one it was I heard it in


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
@ Will Will Hold on, I may have a wall of text coming. It's tough typing alot stuff on a phone. Let me ask did you really do Research on Knuckles?
You know Knux has a similar move too. Knuckles can use his Hammer Punch or Knuckle Slam to create wide tremors or explosions that effect everything within their effect range in, displayed in SA2 and Heroes. It too also effects whether someone is standing on a floating platform even high up or climbing on a wall. It seems to affect anyone in a general region.

I remember him being invincible for sure, for logical reasons I'd say he's just that tough. I don't know how durible you have Knuckles at however, can you explain that? I also have something for that.

Was just asking to make sure. As for the noodle arms comment yeah, most Mobians have power disproportionate to their bodies. They don't seem to have visible muscle so it could be a deeper, inner strength thing perhaps.

Edit: why's the text thick?
Dude did you change your text font? :4dk:
  1. Neato, but does Knuckles have to wait a bit before doing it again or can he do it all day every day with no problem? Note that I do my research one at a time, and as I go on, I find interesting facts I feel like posting mid-research.
  2. Again, one at a time. I don't think I can tell how tough Knuckles is considering for the most part considering it's either you can live through a hit as long as you have rings. I might have to look at cutscenes. Maybe even ones from gulp Sonic '06...
  3. Something about the Master Emerald, maybe? I'll look into it sometime later.
Something I forgot to add, when Wario has an ailment/condition happeneing, he is for the most part invincible, meaning nothing can hurt him. Any normal enemy that touches him during that period of time he's in one dies immediately on contact.

Anyways, I'm done with my research and will post it now...in a few seconds, hold on.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Yeah but they just don't realise it yet.
I understand though. Just because you were wrong about them being a dumb choice doesn't mean I'll throw a tizzy over it. Geez, Fal...:smirk:


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Wario is very strong for a tubby guy. His strength rivals those of Bowser's and DK's, who both have either lifted entire fortresses or punched small moons. His trademark Shoulder Dash and other moves prove to be powerful attacks in their own rights. He even has accessories to help power them up a bit. He can use his varied disguises, pots, or even bombs to his advantage whenever he needs them. Another thing that helps him in battle is his weight. His fat alone is enough to create a small tremor and able to detach enemies on walls or ceilings.
Wario's fat is also one of his greatest defenses. He can survive numerous things considered fatal to a human. Burned alive? Crushed? Stung by bees? Fatigue? Obesity? Wario's can handle it. In fact, most of these ailments help Wario, because not only does it help him through his journey, but he also obtains invincibility. Neato, right? This doesn't mean that Wario is immortal/indestructable. Sometimes Wario can become hurt enough to go down, but good luck getting to that point.
Wario is a fat guy, so you don't expect him to run very far. In fact, he'll probably only run really fast if it depends on his life, which he has done before by outrunning boulders falling down from a slope before. It doesn't mean he's never fast though, because some power-ups like the Jet Helmet and the Thief Disguise to make him faster and more agile. His Shoulder Bash and Dash Attack are also very fast moves that Wario has gone onto using for an unlimited amount of time unless he hits something, of which it will knock him back. He can also roll and/or jump, which by doing so he can break through blocks with his (I guess) weight.
Wario's got some need things he can find or use to help him through his adventures.
Yes, Wario wears pots on his head to power him up. Weird, huh?
  • Bull Pot - This pot gives Wario an easier time dealing with enemies and breaking blocks. His Ground Pound also causes shockwaves and the horns give him the ability to stick to the ceiling.
  • Jet Pot - This pot allows Wario to be more agile by walking faster and jumping higher. He has also been given the ability to glide for a short period of time until he touches the ground.
  • Dragon Pot - This pot gives Wario the ability to spew fire from the hat. It even works underwater, but the fire is replaced with arrows instead. He cannot do a Ground Pound while wearing this.
After stealing Goodstyle the wand with the Pringles face, he has gained the ability to use disguises, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
  • Thief Wario - Basic form of Wario when using diguises. It makes him more agile by being faster and jumping higher, but nothing else.
  • Arty Wario - Wario becomes DaVinci. He can summon up to three stones and place them to out-of-reach areas and things to replenish his health. To attack, he...throws **** at them. I don't even want to know. The disadvantage is that he is unable to move while in this form.
  • Sparky Wario - In this form, Wario looks like a superhero with the ability to light up rooms and reactivate machines. He can attack enemies with his electrical powers.
  • Genius Wario - Wario becomes smart? He can use this form to see unseen objects and attacks by using the Ultra Hand, a literal Nintendo toy with a boxing glove attached to the end.
  • Dragon Wario - Wario can breath fire, although unable to breathe it underwater unlike the Dragon Pot. However, he can go through lava with ease. He is also heavy, meaning if he lands on something with thin layering, he's going to fall. He can also breathe blue fire, which is hotter.
  • Cosmic Wario - Space Wario over here is a bit floatier, but he is given a laser pistol whose blasts is able to ricochet off walls
  • Wicked Wario - Wario is able to fly with no limits to how far he goes. If he's not flying in midair, he will slwoly descend to the ground.
Wario has used Power-Ups like Mario before, but that doesn't mean he uses them often/is the same since he uses the ones from Sarsaland (Super Mario Land).
  • Carrot - He obtains bunny ears and can glide and hover around with ease
  • Super Flower - Wario shoots balls. What, you thought the Gameboy was showing fire? No, those are actual balls. But they do give out the same effects as before complete with a genie hat.
  • Metal Cap - Wario becomes pure metal, heavier, stronger, and invincible. He can also can sink to the bottom of the ocean and walk around until the limit of time is up for him and reverts back to normal.
Then there are these things.
  • Steel Overalls - Wario is given the added benefit of breaking through blocks unstopped, instantly defeating large enemies, and is given a ground shaker add to his Ground Pound, which can stun enemies
  • Gloves w/Superpower - These allow Wario to lift and throw large and small enemies alike.
  • Spiked Helmet - These allow Wario to crush tougher blocks with his head like Mario.
  • Jumping Boots - Simply an agility boost, it allows Wario to jump higher.
  • Swim Fins/Prince Frog's Gloves - These allow to Wario to swim fast and against strong currents with ease.
  • Garlic - Wario really loves Garlic for some reason. Not only does it heal him, transform him into a weird superhero, but it also enhances his strength. There is also a Garlic Bottle that can instantly give Wario the Bull Pot.
  • Bike - In recent years, Wario now has his own company, WarioWare. Nothing helps him in battle from it, but he does has a custom made bike he drives around. Neato.
  • Magnet - Ever since he was a baby, Wario has a magnet that can attract coins and other metallic objects.
  • Bob-Ombs - Wario is associated with bombs, and it has been very clear especially in the GCN era. Whether they're big or small, Wario has used them before, and he's not afraid to blow up your face for the money.
Conditions are what you call "status ailments". But for some reason, most of these help Wario in the first place by making him invincible and will kill anything he touches every time he's in one of these states.
  • Flame Wario - He is set on fire and he darts around. As time goes on, he soon becomes engulfed in flames before burning out and coming back a few seconds later.
  • Frozen Wario - Wario slides in the opposite direction he is facing once being hit with something cold. He will break free once he hits a wall.
  • Fat Wario - Wario becomes obese once being fed, uh, food, he will become fat and isn't as far or can jump as high. But his weight can come in use for breaking blocks. Enemies who come at his path are instantly defeated.
  • Crazy Wario - After being intoxicated "stunned", Wario tumbles around dizzily. Wario will regain his senses if he goes into water. He will still kill any enemy that is in contact of him.
  • Bubble Wario - He is trapped in a bubble and going upwards. However, he can go against strong currents in this form. The bubble can be popped.
  • Tiny Wario - This is the equivalent to Small Mario. Small Wario can jump higher and can fit through smaller holes as a benefit, though. He will turn back to normal after being hit or touching water.
  • Bouncy Wario - Wario bounces high into the sky and can reach platforms, but he cannot turn back at will. He will revert back to normal over time, though.
  • Flat Wario - Been crushed? No problem! Wario just becomes a pancake without the ability to attack and can glide while fitting through small holes. Touching water reverts him back to normal.
  • Puffy Wario - After being stung by bees, Wario will puff up and begin floating into the air. He will stop once he hits a ceiling.
  • Electric Wario - After being zapped, Wario is sent back a little and stunned for a brief moment. Any enemies in his path will be defeated.
  • Invisible Wario - Wario becomes invisible, that's basically it. If he passes through pipes, he will revert to normal.
  • Snowman/Ball o' String Wario - Wario becomes enveloped in either snow or string. He will roll down slops and is able to break blocks and defeat enemies
  • Zombie Wario - Wario becomes a zombie, as the name implies. He will still defeat anything he touches, but he is slower, can't jump as high, falls through thin floors, and will revert back to normal by touching light or water.
  • Vampire Wario - Wario will still defeat anything he touches, can transform into a bat and fly for a little bit, and he reverts back to normal by touching garlic, light, or water.
  • Wario Punch - It has a name apparently. This is simply a punch, but a simple combo is simple enough to make the biggest enemy knocked out.
  • Shoulder Dash - You know what this is. It's the Wario trademark! Wario charged at his enemy shoulder first to knock them over. He can keep going at his charge forever until he hits something. His additional items help by making this move stronger and able to take and break more. He can jump during his charge.
  • Dash Attack - Imagine this as the Super Shoulder Bash. It goes faster, stronger, and can break through more things until it has to be stopped. Wario must gain momentum by walking in order for this move to be used.
  • Smash Attack/Ground Pound - This move is a stronger iteration of the Ground Pound. Wario's version is strong enough to crush multiple blocks, enemies, and even cause small tremors and cause enemies on wall or ceilings to fall down to the ground. There is a stronger version of this move that occurs when he goes for a long period of time without hitting the ground, making it stronger and can even make blocks explode.
  • Roll - If Wario goes to a 45-degree angle slope, he will begin to roll. His rolling can break blocks and defeat enemies easily. He is able to jump while doing this and can only stop when hitting a wall or water.
  • Corkscrew Conk - Wario performs a Shoulder Bash in the air. While it doesn't look like it, Wario can use it to reach to places he normally wouldn't be able to go to with a simple jump.
  • Shake - It's in the name, Wario shakes the living soul out of his enemies until Wario has had enough and throws them away. Literally.
  • Earthshake Punch - Wario punches the ground so hard, he stuns his enemies even if they're not on land not attached to the ground, makes objects from above fall, and can send some objects like pillars or anything underground to go upwards. Wario can use it based on his Shake Meter, which fills up over time.

  • Throw - It's Wario's basic throw. He can pick up an enemy once he knocks it down or shook it, and he can throw it at any direction with little force to shoulder dash them again or far enough that they'll never see him again.
  • Power Throw - Or if Wario wants to get crazy, he can charge up a throw and hurl them so hard they explode after they've been thrown. Man, Wario's so cool.
  • Wild Swing-Ding - Imagine the throw Mario does on Bowser in Super Mario 64, but with movement and more power. Wario is able to swing them over 20 times before he finally htrows them into whatever direction he stops. He can use the enviroment around him with this attack, such as breaking things or activating things.
  • Piledriver - OH YEAAAAAH BROTHER! WE'RE GOING TO SLAM DOWN ON HIM, BROTHER. YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH! After an enemy is stunned, Wario will pick them up and piledrive them into the ground below him. This can even hurt enemies surrounding Wario when he plants them into the ground. He can use this move o break through things below him, such as trapdoors.
Wario doesn't even need an enemy to use this move. He can throw cannonballs, stones, pillars, anyhing Wario can get his grubby little hands onto.
Wario is all about that $CA5HM0N€Y$ :4villager: Whether he is looking for it. stealing it, or just getting it back from robbers, it's his main goal. Speaking of money, he's also very greedy and will never allow anyone to even LOOK at his treasure. He is considered very scary by Toads and even King Boo. THE KING OF SPOOPS IS SCARED OF WARIO.

However, his attributes make people thing he's dumb. In reality, he's actually pretty smart. He's a pilot, has constructed his own race track, and built a dimensional portal in just a few seconds. Hell, you know that he even runs his own company: WarioWare Inc and one time even a pharmacy. Wario ran a goddamn pharmacy. Dr.Wario when? But his arrogance is what makes people always forget these things.

Again, he is very arrogant, and by that I'm saying to never piss him off. When Wario gets mad, mostly if it's someone takes his (chances of getting) treasure, someone is going to die. He hates distractions, and taunts his enemies numerous times. He also likes to rush people, like in WarioWare. His arrogance does come out in his favor, but for driving the enemy insane and that when he is angry, he becomes fearless. He also likes to cheat. He has won battles without cheating, but it does enhance his chance in victory by setting the odds in his favor.
  • Has defeated the likes of Gods (Rudy the Clown), demons (Terrormisu/Golden Diva/Crystal) and the Shake King along with other strong enemies like Red-Brief J
  • Has lifted Dinomighty, who is a giant dragon, and threw her (it's a girl) around like a ragdoll
  • Was able to steal and take back his treasure multiple times
  • Canonically won a basketball game
  • Was able to run and still is running a video game company
  • Very strong, especially with the Earthshake Punch and Shoulder Dash
  • Accessories and Disguises boost his strength and capabilities
  • Nearly indestructable
  • Taunting/Cheating helps Wario get the upper hand
  • Although powerful, not very fast
  • Taunting/Cheating won't always work.
  • Needs to be up close to dish out the goods
  • Not motivated to do anything unless it involved treasure/$CA5HM0N€Y$

Don't worry @MainJPW , Knuckles is coming up next week. :4dk:

EDIT : God dammit, why do I always mess up the organization? :4darkpit:
Last edited:


Smash Hero
May 6, 2013
I understand though. Just because you were wrong about them being a dumb choice doesn't mean I'll throw a tizzy over it. Geez, Fal...:smirk:
I'm pretty that was one of the clauses of your Moderator contract when you signed over your heart and soul for the title.

"By signing this contract, you are not obligated to get in a tizzy with forum members for bad mouthing Ice Climbers (even if their chances were slim.)"


Smash Hero
Mar 8, 2015
Wario is very strong for a tubby guy. His strength rivals those of Bowser's and DK's, who both have either lifted entire fortresses or punched small moons. His trademark Shoulder Dash and other moves prove to be powerful attacks in their own rights. He even has accessories to help power them up a bit. He can use his varied disguises, pots, or even bombs to his advantage whenever he needs them. Another thing that helps him in battle is his weight. His fat alone is enough to create a small tremor and able to detach enemies on walls or ceilings.
Wario's fat is also one of his greatest defenses. He can survive numerous things considered fatal to a human. Burned alive? Crushed? Stung by bees? Fatigue? Obesity? Wario's can handle it. In fact, most of these ailments help Wario, because not only does it help him through his journey, but he also obtains invincibility. Neato, right? This doesn't mean that Wario is immortal/indestructable. Sometimes Wario can become hurt enough to go down, but good luck getting to that point.
Wario is a fat guy, so you don't expect him to run very far. In fact, he'll probably only run really fast if it depends on his life, which he has done before by outrunning boulders falling down from a slope before. It doesn't mean he's never fast though, because some power-ups like the Jet Helmet and the Thief Disguise to make him faster and more agile. His Shoulder Bash and Dash Attack are also very fast moves that Wario has gone onto using for an unlimited amount of time unless he hits something, of which it will knock him back. He can also roll and/or jump, which by doing so he can break through blocks with his (I guess) weight.
Wario's got some need things he can find or use to help him through his adventures.
Yes, Wario wears pots on his head to power him up. Weird, huh?
  • Bull Pot - This pot gives Wario an easier time dealing with enemies and breaking blocks. His Ground Pound also causes shockwaves and the horns give him the ability to stick to the ceiling.
  • Jet Pot - This pot allows Wario to be more agile by walking faster and jumping higher. He has also been given the ability to glide for a short period of time until he touches the ground.
  • Dragon Pot - This pot gives Wario the ability to spew fire from the hat. It even works underwater, but the fire is replaced with arrows instead. He cannot do a Ground Pound while wearing this.
After stealing Goodstyle the wand with the Pringles face, he has gained the ability to use disguises, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
  • Thief Wario - Basic form of Wario when using diguises. It makes him more agile by being faster and jumping higher, but nothing else.
  • Arty Wario - Wario becomes DaVinci. He can summon up to three stones and place them to out-of-reach areas and things to replenish his health. To attack, he...throws **** at them. I don't even want to know. The disadvantage is that he is unable to move while in this form.
  • Sparky Wario - In this form, Wario looks like a superhero with the ability to light up rooms and reactivate machines. He can attack enemies with his electrical powers.
  • Genius Wario - Wario becomes smart? He can use this form to see unseen objects and attacks by using the Ultra Hand, a literal Nintendo toy with a boxing glove attached to the end.
  • Dragon Wario - Wario can breath fire, although unable to breathe it underwater unlike the Dragon Pot. However, he can go through lava with ease. He is also heavy, meaning if he lands on something with thin layering, he's going to fall. He can also breathe blue fire, which is hotter.
  • Cosmic Wario - Space Wario over here is a bit floatier, but he is given a laser pistol whose blasts is able to ricochet off walls
  • Wicked Wario - Wario is able to fly with no limits to how far he goes. If he's not flying in midair, he will slwoly descend to the ground.
Wario has used Power-Ups like Mario before, but that doesn't mean he uses them often/is the same since he uses the ones from Sarsaland (Super Mario Land).
  • Carrot - He obtains bunny ears and can glide and hover around with ease
  • Super Flower - Wario shoots balls. What, you thought the Gameboy was showing fire? No, those are actual balls. But they do give out the same effects as before complete with a genie hat.
  • Metal Cap - Wario becomes pure metal, heavier, stronger, and invincible. He can also can sink to the bottom of the ocean and walk around until the limit of time is up for him and reverts back to normal.
Then there are these things.
  • Steel Overalls - Wario is given the added benefit of breaking through blocks unstopped, instantly defeating large enemies, and is given a ground shaker add to his Ground Pound, which can stun enemies
  • Gloves w/Superpower - These allow Wario to lift and throw large and small enemies alike.
  • Spiked Helmet - These allow Wario to crush tougher blocks with his head like Mario.
  • Jumping Boots - Simply an agility boost, it allows Wario to jump higher.
  • Swim Fins/Prince Frog's Gloves - These allow to Wario to swim fast and against strong currents with ease.
  • Garlic - Wario really loves Garlic for some reason. Not only does it heal him, transform him into a weird superhero, but it also enhances his strength. There is also a Garlic Bottle that can instantly give Wario the Bull Pot.
  • Bike - In recent years, Wario now has his own company, WarioWare. Nothing helps him in battle from it, but he does has a custom made bike he drives around. Neato.
  • Magnet - Ever since he was a baby, Wario has a magnet that can attract coins and other metallic objects.
  • Bob-Ombs - Wario is associated with bombs, and it has been very clear especially in the GCN era. Whether they're big or small, Wario has used them before, and he's not afraid to blow up your face for the money.
Conditions are what you call "status ailments". But for some reason, most of these help Wario in the first place by making him invincible and will kill anything he touches every time he's in one of these states.
  • Flame Wario - He is set on fire and he darts around. As time goes on, he soon becomes engulfed in flames before burning out and coming back a few seconds later.
  • Frozen Wario - Wario slides in the opposite direction he is facing once being hit with something cold. He will break free once he hits a wall.
  • Fat Wario - Wario becomes obese once being fed, uh, food, he will become fat and isn't as far or can jump as high. But his weight can come in use for breaking blocks. Enemies who come at his path are instantly defeated.
  • Crazy Wario - After being intoxicated "stunned", Wario tumbles around dizzily. Wario will regain his senses if he goes into water. He will still kill any enemy that is in contact of him.
  • Bubble Wario - He is trapped in a bubble and going upwards. However, he can go against strong currents in this form. The bubble can be popped.
  • Tiny Wario - This is the equivalent to Small Mario. Small Wario can jump higher and can fit through smaller holes as a benefit, though. He will turn back to normal after being hit or touching water.
  • Bouncy Wario - Wario bounces high into the sky and can reach platforms, but he cannot turn back at will. He will revert back to normal over time, though.
  • Flat Wario - Been crushed? No problem! Wario just becomes a pancake without the ability to attack and can glide while fitting through small holes. Touching water reverts him back to normal.
  • Puffy Wario - After being stung by bees, Wario will puff up and begin floating into the air. He will stop once he hits a ceiling.
  • Electric Wario - After being zapped, Wario is sent back a little and stunned for a brief moment. Any enemies in his path will be defeated.
  • Invisible Wario - Wario becomes invisible, that's basically it. If he passes through pipes, he will revert to normal.
  • Snowman/Ball o' String Wario - Wario becomes enveloped in either snow or string. He will roll down slops and is able to break blocks and defeat enemies
  • Zombie Wario - Wario becomes a zombie, as the name implies. He will still defeat anything he touches, but he is slower, can't jump as high, falls through thin floors, and will revert back to normal by touching light or water.
  • Vampire Wario - Wario will still defeat anything he touches, can transform into a bat and fly for a little bit, and he reverts back to normal by touching garlic, light, or water.
  • Wario Punch - It has a name apparently. This is simply a punch, but a simple combo is simple enough to make the biggest enemy knocked out.
  • Shoulder Dash - You know what this is. It's the Wario trademark! Wario charged at his enemy shoulder first to knock them over. He can keep going at his charge forever until he hits something. His additional items help by making this move stronger and able to take and break more. He can jump during his charge.
  • Dash Attack - Imagine this as the Super Shoulder Bash. It goes faster, stronger, and can break through more things until it has to be stopped. Wario must gain momentum by walking in order for this move to be used.
  • Smash Attack/Ground Pound - This move is a stronger iteration of the Ground Pound. Wario's version is strong enough to crush multiple blocks, enemies, and even cause small tremors and cause enemies on wall or ceilings to fall down to the ground. There is a stronger version of this move that occurs when he goes for a long period of time without hitting the ground, making it stronger and can even make blocks explode.
  • Roll - If Wario goes to a 45-degree angle slope, he will begin to roll. His rolling can break blocks and defeat enemies easily. He is able to jump while doing this and can only stop when hitting a wall or water.
  • Corkscrew Conk - Wario performs a Shoulder Bash in the air. While it doesn't look like it, Wario can use it to reach to places he normally wouldn't be able to go to with a simple jump.
  • Shake - It's in the name, Wario shakes the living soul out of his enemies until Wario has had enough and throws them away. Literally.
  • Earthshake Punch - Wario punches the ground so hard, he stuns his enemies even if they're not on land not attached to the ground, makes objects from above fall, and can send some objects like pillars or anything underground to go upwards. Wario can use it based on his Shake Meter, which fills up over time.
  • Throw - It's Wario's basic throw. He can pick up an enemy once he knocks it down or shook it, and he can throw it at any direction with little force to shoulder dash them again or far enough that they'll never see him again.
  • Power Throw - Or if Wario wants to get crazy, he can charge up a throw and hurl them so hard they explode after they've been thrown. Man, Wario's so cool.
  • Wild Swing-Ding - Imagine the throw Mario does on Bowser in Super Mario 64, but with movement and more power. Wario is able to swing them over 20 times before he finally htrows them into whatever direction he stops. He can use the enviroment around him with this attack, such as breaking things or activating things.
  • Piledriver - OH YEAAAAAH BROTHER! WE'RE GOING TO SLAM DOWN ON HIM, BROTHER. YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH! After an enemy is stunned, Wario will pick them up and piledrive them into the ground below him. This can even hurt enemies surrounding Wario when he plants them into the ground. He can use this move o break through things below him, such as trapdoors.
Wario doesn't even need an enemy to use this move. He can throw cannonballs, stones, pillars, anyhing Wario can get his grubby little hands onto.
Wario is all about that $CA5HM0N€Y$ :4villager: Whether he is looking for it. stealing it, or just getting it back from robbers, it's his main goal. Speaking of money, he's also very greedy and will never allow anyone to even LOOK at his treasure. He is considered very scary by Toads and even King Boo. THE KING OF SPOOPS IS SCARED OF WARIO.

However, his attributes make people thing he's dumb. In reality, he's actually pretty smart. He's a pilot, has constructed his own race track, and built a dimensional portal in just a few seconds. Hell, you know that he even runs his own company: WarioWare Inc and one time even a pharmacy. Wario ran a goddamn pharmacy. Dr.Wario when? But his arrogance is what makes people always forget these things.

Again, he is very arrogant, and by that I'm saying to never piss him off. When Wario gets mad, mostly if it's someone takes his (chances of getting) treasure, someone is going to die. He hates distractions, and taunts his enemies numerous times. He also likes to rush people, like in WarioWare. His arrogance does come out in his favor, but for driving the enemy insane and that when he is angry, he becomes fearless. He also likes to cheat. He has won battles without cheating, but it does enhance his chance in victory by setting the odds in his favor.
  • Has defeated the likes of Gods (Rudy the Clown), demons (Terrormisu/Golden Diva/Crystal) and the Shake King along with other strong enemies like Red-Brief J
  • Has lifted Dinomighty, who is a giant dragon, and threw her (it's a girl) around like a ragdoll
  • Was able to steal and take back his treasure multiple times
  • Canonically won a basketball game
  • Was able to run and still is running a video game company
  • Very strong, especially with the Earthshake Punch and Shoulder Dash
  • Accessories and Disguises boost his strength and capabilities
  • Nearly indestructable
  • Taunting/Cheating helps Wario get the upper hand
  • Although powerful, not very fast
  • Taunting/Cheating won't always work.
  • Needs to be up close to dish out the goods
  • Not motivated to do anything unless it involved treasure/$CA5HM0N€Y$

Don't worry @MainJPW , Knuckles is coming up next week. :4dk:
Wario is a jerk in Smash. His taunts makes me want to destroy him... Personally... ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
I think returning character DLC is lamer than newcomer DLC.


ЩΦЦlD ყΦЦ lΦΦκ ǞƮ Ʈ৸ę Ʈiɱę!
Jun 24, 2015
Wario is very strong for a tubby guy. His strength rivals those of Bowser's and DK's, who both have either lifted entire fortresses or punched small moons. His trademark Shoulder Dash and other moves prove to be powerful attacks in their own rights. He even has accessories to help power them up a bit. He can use his varied disguises, pots, or even bombs to his advantage whenever he needs them. Another thing that helps him in battle is his weight. His fat alone is enough to create a small tremor and able to detach enemies on walls or ceilings.
Wario's fat is also one of his greatest defenses. He can survive numerous things considered fatal to a human. Burned alive? Crushed? Stung by bees? Fatigue? Obesity? Wario's can handle it. In fact, most of these ailments help Wario, because not only does it help him through his journey, but he also obtains invincibility. Neato, right? This doesn't mean that Wario is immortal/indestructable. Sometimes Wario can become hurt enough to go down, but good luck getting to that point.
Wario is a fat guy, so you don't expect him to run very far. In fact, he'll probably only run really fast if it depends on his life, which he has done before by outrunning boulders falling down from a slope before. It doesn't mean he's never fast though, because some power-ups like the Jet Helmet and the Thief Disguise to make him faster and more agile. His Shoulder Bash and Dash Attack are also very fast moves that Wario has gone onto using for an unlimited amount of time unless he hits something, of which it will knock him back. He can also roll and/or jump, which by doing so he can break through blocks with his (I guess) weight.
Wario's got some need things he can find or use to help him through his adventures.
Yes, Wario wears pots on his head to power him up. Weird, huh?
  • Bull Pot - This pot gives Wario an easier time dealing with enemies and breaking blocks. His Ground Pound also causes shockwaves and the horns give him the ability to stick to the ceiling.
  • Jet Pot - This pot allows Wario to be more agile by walking faster and jumping higher. He has also been given the ability to glide for a short period of time until he touches the ground.
  • Dragon Pot - This pot gives Wario the ability to spew fire from the hat. It even works underwater, but the fire is replaced with arrows instead. He cannot do a Ground Pound while wearing this.
After stealing Goodstyle the wand with the Pringles face, he has gained the ability to use disguises, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
  • Thief Wario - Basic form of Wario when using diguises. It makes him more agile by being faster and jumping higher, but nothing else.
  • Arty Wario - Wario becomes DaVinci. He can summon up to three stones and place them to out-of-reach areas and things to replenish his health. To attack, he...throws **** at them. I don't even want to know. The disadvantage is that he is unable to move while in this form.
  • Sparky Wario - In this form, Wario looks like a superhero with the ability to light up rooms and reactivate machines. He can attack enemies with his electrical powers.
  • Genius Wario - Wario becomes smart? He can use this form to see unseen objects and attacks by using the Ultra Hand, a literal Nintendo toy with a boxing glove attached to the end.
  • Dragon Wario - Wario can breath fire, although unable to breathe it underwater unlike the Dragon Pot. However, he can go through lava with ease. He is also heavy, meaning if he lands on something with thin layering, he's going to fall. He can also breathe blue fire, which is hotter.
  • Cosmic Wario - Space Wario over here is a bit floatier, but he is given a laser pistol whose blasts is able to ricochet off walls
  • Wicked Wario - Wario is able to fly with no limits to how far he goes. If he's not flying in midair, he will slwoly descend to the ground.
Wario has used Power-Ups like Mario before, but that doesn't mean he uses them often/is the same since he uses the ones from Sarsaland (Super Mario Land).
  • Carrot - He obtains bunny ears and can glide and hover around with ease
  • Super Flower - Wario shoots balls. What, you thought the Gameboy was showing fire? No, those are actual balls. But they do give out the same effects as before complete with a genie hat.
  • Metal Cap - Wario becomes pure metal, heavier, stronger, and invincible. He can also can sink to the bottom of the ocean and walk around until the limit of time is up for him and reverts back to normal.
Then there are these things.
  • Steel Overalls - Wario is given the added benefit of breaking through blocks unstopped, instantly defeating large enemies, and is given a ground shaker add to his Ground Pound, which can stun enemies
  • Gloves w/Superpower - These allow Wario to lift and throw large and small enemies alike.
  • Spiked Helmet - These allow Wario to crush tougher blocks with his head like Mario.
  • Jumping Boots - Simply an agility boost, it allows Wario to jump higher.
  • Swim Fins/Prince Frog's Gloves - These allow to Wario to swim fast and against strong currents with ease.
  • Garlic - Wario really loves Garlic for some reason. Not only does it heal him, transform him into a weird superhero, but it also enhances his strength. There is also a Garlic Bottle that can instantly give Wario the Bull Pot.
  • Bike - In recent years, Wario now has his own company, WarioWare. Nothing helps him in battle from it, but he does has a custom made bike he drives around. Neato.
  • Magnet - Ever since he was a baby, Wario has a magnet that can attract coins and other metallic objects.
  • Bob-Ombs - Wario is associated with bombs, and it has been very clear especially in the GCN era. Whether they're big or small, Wario has used them before, and he's not afraid to blow up your face for the money.
Conditions are what you call "status ailments". But for some reason, most of these help Wario in the first place by making him invincible and will kill anything he touches every time he's in one of these states.
  • Flame Wario - He is set on fire and he darts around. As time goes on, he soon becomes engulfed in flames before burning out and coming back a few seconds later.
  • Frozen Wario - Wario slides in the opposite direction he is facing once being hit with something cold. He will break free once he hits a wall.
  • Fat Wario - Wario becomes obese once being fed, uh, food, he will become fat and isn't as far or can jump as high. But his weight can come in use for breaking blocks. Enemies who come at his path are instantly defeated.
  • Crazy Wario - After being intoxicated "stunned", Wario tumbles around dizzily. Wario will regain his senses if he goes into water. He will still kill any enemy that is in contact of him.
  • Bubble Wario - He is trapped in a bubble and going upwards. However, he can go against strong currents in this form. The bubble can be popped.
  • Tiny Wario - This is the equivalent to Small Mario. Small Wario can jump higher and can fit through smaller holes as a benefit, though. He will turn back to normal after being hit or touching water.
  • Bouncy Wario - Wario bounces high into the sky and can reach platforms, but he cannot turn back at will. He will revert back to normal over time, though.
  • Flat Wario - Been crushed? No problem! Wario just becomes a pancake without the ability to attack and can glide while fitting through small holes. Touching water reverts him back to normal.
  • Puffy Wario - After being stung by bees, Wario will puff up and begin floating into the air. He will stop once he hits a ceiling.
  • Electric Wario - After being zapped, Wario is sent back a little and stunned for a brief moment. Any enemies in his path will be defeated.
  • Invisible Wario - Wario becomes invisible, that's basically it. If he passes through pipes, he will revert to normal.
  • Snowman/Ball o' String Wario - Wario becomes enveloped in either snow or string. He will roll down slops and is able to break blocks and defeat enemies
  • Zombie Wario - Wario becomes a zombie, as the name implies. He will still defeat anything he touches, but he is slower, can't jump as high, falls through thin floors, and will revert back to normal by touching light or water.
  • Vampire Wario - Wario will still defeat anything he touches, can transform into a bat and fly for a little bit, and he reverts back to normal by touching garlic, light, or water.
  • Wario Punch - It has a name apparently. This is simply a punch, but a simple combo is simple enough to make the biggest enemy knocked out.
  • Shoulder Dash - You know what this is. It's the Wario trademark! Wario charged at his enemy shoulder first to knock them over. He can keep going at his charge forever until he hits something. His additional items help by making this move stronger and able to take and break more. He can jump during his charge.
  • Dash Attack - Imagine this as the Super Shoulder Bash. It goes faster, stronger, and can break through more things until it has to be stopped. Wario must gain momentum by walking in order for this move to be used.
  • Smash Attack/Ground Pound - This move is a stronger iteration of the Ground Pound. Wario's version is strong enough to crush multiple blocks, enemies, and even cause small tremors and cause enemies on wall or ceilings to fall down to the ground. There is a stronger version of this move that occurs when he goes for a long period of time without hitting the ground, making it stronger and can even make blocks explode.
  • Roll - If Wario goes to a 45-degree angle slope, he will begin to roll. His rolling can break blocks and defeat enemies easily. He is able to jump while doing this and can only stop when hitting a wall or water.
  • Corkscrew Conk - Wario performs a Shoulder Bash in the air. While it doesn't look like it, Wario can use it to reach to places he normally wouldn't be able to go to with a simple jump.
  • Shake - It's in the name, Wario shakes the living soul out of his enemies until Wario has had enough and throws them away. Literally.
  • Earthshake Punch - Wario punches the ground so hard, he stuns his enemies even if they're not on land not attached to the ground, makes objects from above fall, and can send some objects like pillars or anything underground to go upwards. Wario can use it based on his Shake Meter, which fills up over time.
  • Throw - It's Wario's basic throw. He can pick up an enemy once he knocks it down or shook it, and he can throw it at any direction with little force to shoulder dash them again or far enough that they'll never see him again.
  • Power Throw - Or if Wario wants to get crazy, he can charge up a throw and hurl them so hard they explode after they've been thrown. Man, Wario's so cool.
  • Wild Swing-Ding - Imagine the throw Mario does on Bowser in Super Mario 64, but with movement and more power. Wario is able to swing them over 20 times before he finally htrows them into whatever direction he stops. He can use the enviroment around him with this attack, such as breaking things or activating things.
  • Piledriver - OH YEAAAAAH BROTHER! WE'RE GOING TO SLAM DOWN ON HIM, BROTHER. YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH! After an enemy is stunned, Wario will pick them up and piledrive them into the ground below him. This can even hurt enemies surrounding Wario when he plants them into the ground. He can use this move o break through things below him, such as trapdoors.
Wario doesn't even need an enemy to use this move. He can throw cannonballs, stones, pillars, anyhing Wario can get his grubby little hands onto.
Wario is all about that $CA5HM0N€Y$ :4villager: Whether he is looking for it. stealing it, or just getting it back from robbers, it's his main goal. Speaking of money, he's also very greedy and will never allow anyone to even LOOK at his treasure. He is considered very scary by Toads and even King Boo. THE KING OF SPOOPS IS SCARED OF WARIO.

However, his attributes make people thing he's dumb. In reality, he's actually pretty smart. He's a pilot, has constructed his own race track, and built a dimensional portal in just a few seconds. Hell, you know that he even runs his own company: WarioWare Inc and one time even a pharmacy. Wario ran a goddamn pharmacy. Dr.Wario when? But his arrogance is what makes people always forget these things.

Again, he is very arrogant, and by that I'm saying to never piss him off. When Wario gets mad, mostly if it's someone takes his (chances of getting) treasure, someone is going to die. He hates distractions, and taunts his enemies numerous times. He also likes to rush people, like in WarioWare. His arrogance does come out in his favor, but for driving the enemy insane and that when he is angry, he becomes fearless. He also likes to cheat. He has won battles without cheating, but it does enhance his chance in victory by setting the odds in his favor.
  • Has defeated the likes of Gods (Rudy the Clown), demons (Terrormisu/Golden Diva/Crystal) and the Shake King along with other strong enemies like Red-Brief J
  • Has lifted Dinomighty, who is a giant dragon, and threw her (it's a girl) around like a ragdoll
  • Was able to steal and take back his treasure multiple times
  • Canonically won a basketball game
  • Was able to run and still is running a video game company
  • Very strong, especially with the Earthshake Punch and Shoulder Dash
  • Accessories and Disguises boost his strength and capabilities
  • Nearly indestructable
  • Taunting/Cheating helps Wario get the upper hand
  • Although powerful, not very fast
  • Taunting/Cheating won't always work.
  • Needs to be up close to dish out the goods
  • Not motivated to do anything unless it involved treasure/$CA5HM0N€Y$

Don't worry @MainJPW , Knuckles is coming up next week. :4dk:
That was... great.
but i still hate wario


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
I think returning character DLC is lamer than newcomer DLC.
What?! You have an opinion different than mine?! I hate you now! >:|
*begins to write an essay on how you are totally wrong*


ЩΦЦlD ყΦЦ lΦΦκ ǞƮ Ʈ৸ę Ʈiɱę!
Jun 24, 2015

oh wait that sucks
You say yes, but your avatar says no. :cool:
i hate it when people like my posts!
Like if you agree!
this is a joke keep on likeing my posts :awesome:

edit: O Fudge
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Smash Hero
Mar 8, 2015
i hate it when people like my posts!
Like if you agree!
this is a joke keep on likeing my posts :awesome:

edit: O Fudge

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ЩΦЦlD ყΦЦ lΦΦκ ǞƮ Ʈ৸ę Ʈiɱę!
Jun 24, 2015
Anybody wanna do some 3ds smash?


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Okay, I did it. Did I get everything on Wario that is canon? Good...
Now it's time to hit the books on-Oh No! I have work to do! :troll: Be back in an hour or two.


Mr. Blue Sky
Nov 29, 2006
The Netherlands
That moment when you planned to work on your backlog this summer but 11 days from going back to college and you still haven't done anything.
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Ace Adventurer and Truth Seeker
Jan 14, 2013
That moment when you planned to work on your backlog this summer but 11 days from going back to college and you still haven't done anything.
This is stressing me out for some reason.
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