I am back in Canada now
I'm not at home though, I'm in my appartement, my parents are sleeping to get ready to a 4 hours drive to home
But here's something that I am REALLY hype for.
We tried to go to an electronic store in New York for me to check stuff. Unfortunately it was closed by the time we arrived
But we got back tomorrow (thanks to the outstanding amount of taxi) and this was actually awesome. So much that I bought a major upgrade for my pc:
Can't wait to clone my hard drive and boot on it
For those who are "is ssd a dishes?", no it's a mass storage medium like a hard drive. The main thing about SSD is unlike hard drive, they have no moving part so they are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY faster, but they costs more for the same capacity. Lately, they have become A LOT more affordable so I bought a 250GB SSD for 85 US $ without taxes. The same capacity as my boot drive of 7200 rpm.
I can't wait for this. I heard and saw everytime (even from a computer science teacher who has a phd) how much faster these drives are. That teacher even claimed that "SSD are magical to improve the speed of a computer".