I have seen the Good Dinosaur; at first, I did not want to... At all. I was sort of deterred from the reviews and what people were saying about it (such as intrusive southern accents); however, once I watched it for myself I was pleasantly surprised. If you are a Pixar **** rider that believes that they can do not evil and they capture "movie magic" with every IP they attempt (except for Cars 2 and Brave) you will probably not enjoy the film. I will say that the demographic for this movie is much younger than what Pixar usually attempts and therefore that resulted in less interest among the older movie going audience. Especially after Inside Out which was predominately well received by the aforementioned older audience. If you want another great, critically recieved animated movie. This is not it. If you want a fun family adventure, I can guarantee you that this is it. The plot is a little convoluted and certain events happen solely to progress the story. I can forgive it because they established the relationship between Spot and Arlo perfectly well. Trust me, prior to viewing the film, I had already hated both of them and the trailers did nothing to convince me otherwise and thought that Pixar was going to try too hard. I found it (their relationship) to be very subtle and progressive. I did not like the ending or this weird scene where it transitioned into a Western for a short duration; other than that, the animation was beautiful and the journey felt genuine. There were some great memorable moments and it truly differentiates itself from similar tales such as Finding Nemo (the premises are on par with each other). It made it among my top ten Pixar films, but I am not a huge Pixar fan. It became my sister's favorite Pixar film, but she severely dislikes Pixar.
Tl;dr: This is a departure from typical Pixar and I was okay with that unlike most.