Metal Shop X
So new spm stuff has been found and this is kind of a big deal for those who would want to tas spm because it;s about rng related stuff
basically, you might know enemy sometimes drop items. Well, that;s the short version because we care about the long version which is what items and how often. The rng was found by me back when my laptop died (lots of months back) after me searching for the freaking addresses and finally find it after 5;s a pain to find rng btw.
And 2 days ago, I also found the item drop value of an enemy if it's 0, it drops nothing, but if it has a value iot will drop the corresponding items.
Good but what if the enemy had a pool of items in which he coudl only drop one of them? AND WE STILL DON;T KNOW HOW OFTEN!
......Until now
Huge thanks for
@Jdaster64 for honestly being super lucky (seriously, I was there with him on discord, it;s a huge luck if he found that) and we found an array of the enemies and some data that defines them. We can know what slot is for what enemies because it has the card id in the slot. Anyway what interest us is there's a value int he array that tells how often out of 100 any item will be dropped at all. the other stuff is a pointer to a slot in another array definining a list of items and their weight so how likely it is to be chosen over another another one in the array IF theres a drop at all.
Further investigation are needed, but basiclaly, we can now compile every items that every enemy would drop and how lkely they are.
This will make tasing MUCH easier