well apparently this is the place to post this so i will
I think the smash community (mainly smash 4)) is rotten.Now i only say this because we are. If people dont get what they want in a smash game they cry and complain about it. For example everyone hated in brawl how there was random tripping, so what did they do in the next smash game? they took it out and people still complain about the game. another example is that we did not get a story mode if smash 4 because sakurai knew that someone was going to leak the cutscenes on youtube and spoil it for other people who have not got to play it or were going to play it (even though that could happen with any game series) yet another example is characters, if fans did not get the characters they want in the game they got all butthurt and salty with it. People also complain about clones (dark pit, lucina, Dr.mario...) like who cares if there clones yeah they are filling up character spots but they give more of a variety to smash. People also complain and call everyone who plays for glory as "casual scrubs" I get it some people joke around about it but most people dont.This example is more for all fighting games but if you win a match dont rub it in someones face "git gud scrub" be nice about it, most people have poor sportsmanship personally the only time when im rude to someone like that is when the other person is because a ****. people in smash 4 also complain about "OP or top tier characters" is any fighting game there will allways be top tier characters so just deal with it and learn how to play versing them but that doesint happen with the smash community because we just complain so much and then nintendo releases a patch for the character (ex. diddy) next will probably be shiek. Next is dlc, some people like it some people hate it personally i think dlc is stupid we should just get everything on the disk and not have to play for more content that should already be on the disk but im not really complaining.And lastly the most important thing on why the smash community in a whole is rotten is because we are not acting like family and what i mean by that is we hate on the other smash fans who play the other smash games for example people who play melee hate smash 4 and hate people who play smash 4, people have there own liking's and preferences so dont hate on other people for that. we should be coming together as one huge smash family instead of hating on the different groups and players. now i know im going to get a lot of hate for this buttttt oh well its freedom of speech (in this case text) and i have the freedom to express my feelings/ thoughts and if you disagree with what i have to say then oh well thats your opinion.
Thank you that is all
Well, I got your opinion and respect it but theres some stuff I want to point out
-Every community and every fandom is messed up in some way, there's no need to point out this one with facts that are widely known.
-Rotten is a bit too far, not everybody is a mess here and despite the opinion wars and other clashes, the community is united, specially because the hype beats the salt.
-The complains about clones and FG are getting smaller with time, specially because people are finally warming up to the characters and taking FG with humor. Also some people tend to act like it is the end of the world if they find something they dislike in a next patch or DLC, those are just overreactions that not represent the communtity as a whole.
-The Melee vs 4 stuff is basically endless, but in the end are different tastes and once again the sense of humor reduces the tension, yeah, there are players that feel superior because they play Melee or Project M but that is just a part of the community as I said before and that negative part of the community should be ignored instead of being pointed out constantly because that gives an unfiair bad image to the community a a whole.
-The redaction of your text is uncomfortable to read, please use more punctuation marks and ortographic checks.
-There's a censor dodge there...