Russian roulette.
Thank you for the survey, Sliq.
Sliq, your logic is flawed. I have been fat all of my life, yet as you could see from my survey, I have always been very active.
I'm not basing this off of logic, I'm basing this off of research, something you apparently don't have.
There is a difference between overweight and large.
There are multiple factors for body size, including physiology, eating habits, exercise, as well as your genes.
You could, of course, have a physiological disease which needs to be treated medically. I doubt it, as you probably wouldn't have posted like an asshat while leaving out a disorder of some sort.
Lastly, you can be born with the genes to have 1 of 3 body types.
Ectomorph means you are skinny, and will have a hard time bulking up to gain weight or build muscle, a group I'm pretty sure I fall under since I was always small, despite how much I weight lifted for baseball.
Next is Mesomorph, which is pretty much the best body form, as they are naturally muscular and can gain and lose muscle and fat easily.
Endomorph is probably where you fall under, which comes with a larger body frame, which entails gaining weight easier.
So, you're optimal body size is probably larger than mine. Which means you might think you are fat, but you could be
EXACTLY WHERE YOU SHOULD BE. It just seems you are fat by comparison to people with other body types. So you would not technically be overweight. Overweight would mean you are above the ideal weight for your body size. EXERCISE AND HEALTHY EATING DO AFFECT YOUR HEALTH, and to claim otherwise makes you a ******.
Overweight is not about appearance, it is about health. Large does not directly mean unhealthy. It depends on
multiple factors.
Congratulations on coming into this thread with no research and making yourself look like an ignorant jerk. Maybe next time you learn a little bit before you go shooting your mouth off, or everyone will think you're stupid or lazy. Just a friendly tip.
****, you just got owned. Outstanding.
Also, nice join date. Huge shocker.