Regarding changing initial skill levels, I'd decided not to implement such a thing for fairness' sake, since arbitrarily editing an initial value has potentially strange consequences. Over the course of time skills should balance out to where they belong anyway, and introducing "new" players to the field doesn't damage existing players' scores that much since a "new" player will have a maxed out Sigma value, which causes his score to shift significantly but lessens his own match results' effects on opponents' scores.I've been using Glickoman for PM PR's that I help with. I like a few things about SkillKeeper a little more so I wanted to switch over. I just have two problems. One is that when PM 3.5 hit we wanted to start with a fresh slate. But we wanted to raise the player skill level in Glickoman for the players that were already PR'd, so an upset in the early season would give the points deserved. Transferring from Glicko to SkillKeeper does not keep the changed player skills that were put in Glicko. I'm not sure why that is and I'm not sure if there's a way to change that. So let me ask this. In SkillKeeper, for players that are already known to be top-10 worthy, should their Sigma, MU, or score be changed? Which one and how much?
Also, when transferring from Glicko to SkillKeeper, it treats it as one big tournament. I can't figure out a way to change specific match dates meaning monthly decay doesn't work unless I manually enter in every match again like I've done with Glicko (which I'll probably end up doing). Is there any way that can be changed?
Regarding importing a GlickoMan file, unfortunately in the old program I didn't really program in any way to track dates. You *can* move entire tournaments (which SkillKeeper distinguishes by different descriptions) to different dates, but there's not much else around it.
I wasn't really sure of what this would be used for, so I didn't write the feature in at the time. Could I be given a reason for putting it in?Can we get an option to omit certain columns from the CSV