Yeah...i know what you mean NESSBOUNDER...about Fox's who jump cancel quickly...its easier to do the further down they fall to shine you.
I don't try this one myself too often because of its difficulty, but I jump at the chance to do it when the fox has already used its second jump...really the only time i use it when they CAN jump cancel it is when im on my very last stock.
By the way...I've decided to do what NESSBOUNDER did in his guide and not update the same post, but rather I'll continue the guide in reply posts like this one
Here's an addition to the Advanced section:
Full-Range PK Thunder 2 -- The full range of PK Thunder 2 is not known by many people who don't play as Ness themselves. I don't mean the complete
distance it travels(although some dont know that one either^_^), I mean the range of directions you can hit yourself using a PK Thunder travelling in a single direction. Imagine this scenario: <Ness is standing in the middle of FD. He has a PK Thunder out and its flying just above his head and perfectly parallel to FD.> Now most would say that while travelling in that direction that PK Thunder will either miss Ness or hit him across FD in the direction it is flying. The truth is, that PK Thunder can hit Ness in any direction that is not upward. The trajectory of PK Thunder 2 has nothing to do with the DIRECTION the PK Thunder is travelling. It DOES have to do with WHERE the PK Thunder is in relation to Ness and where it HITS Ness' body. Let's go back to that scenario: <The PK Thunder passes by Ness just barely over his head. Out of nowhere Ness screams and the next thing you see is Ness being fired backwards in the opposite direction the pk thunder was travelling.> This can also be done vertically. If Ness is in the air, a PK Thunder that is travelling alongside him moving straight down has the potential to send Ness straight up, or in any direction for that matter, except in the direction that the PK Thunder itself is blocking.
Hmm...let's see if I can do a diagram:
Now, a that PK Thunder will not send Ness anywhere as long as it stays above his head, but because it is floating just BARELY above his head it can be dropped onto any part of Ness' upperbody without and change in its animation before Ness is hit. This cannot send Ness in any upward direction because as long as the PK Thunder is above him, it cannot hit him from underneath. The same goes for the vertical version, if the pk thunder is travelling downwards on Ness' left side, it cannot send him in any leftward direction. (Note: When doing this in the air you must compensate for gravity...or rather I should say use it to your advantage)
Although this knowledge does not cut the lag of using PK Thunder, it does nearly all of its predictability. The speed at which you can drop the PKThunder on Ness (or drop him onto it for vertical) is faster than your opponent's maneuverability speed in the air or on the ground. Unless they know you well and can predict when and where you are going to hit yourself then they will be caught by surprise even when they expect it. Eventually your opponent will see the PK Thunder's blind side and move into it, knowing that you cannot move in that direction. If this happens then you don't need to worry. Simply turn the PK Thunder and hit your opponent or hit yourself into the ground.
(Personally, I find this technique easier to use in the air, however while you are in the air{u need to be pretty full jump+midair jump or higher} your opponent has more options are moving around you and possibly...this makes it more risky and at the same time more effective.)
****....this one is difficult to explain...i hope i put in enough to get it clear to a few ppl....I need to make that vid to go along with this guide....when that's done it will be MUCH easier to get this stuff...cause trying to explain every detail on HOW to do them is harder than actually doing them.