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Sigma Busters (Name Pending): Official Discussion Thread


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I've been thinking randomly, if the WIkkan's biggest delicacy is a type of squash, and pumpkins are also squash, does that make them technically cannibals, or is the squad okay to eat since it's non-sentient?
Kinda random, but no, they wouldn't be because they're not eating their own kind.

Is a salmon a cannibal for eating an anchovy? No. They're both fish but they belong to different species.

In the case of your Wikkan species there's an even bigger divide since it's comparing a fruit to a sentient species. Also bear in mind that fruits are a means of spreading a plants seeds and aren't the plant proper.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Kinda random, but no, they wouldn't be because they're not eating their own kind.

Is a salmon a cannibal for eating an anchovy? No. They're both fish but they belong to different species.

In the case of your Wikkan species there's an even bigger divide since it's comparing a fruit to a sentient species. Also bear in mind that fruits are a means of spreading a plants seeds and aren't the plant proper.
Just a random thought I had, no worries. People seem to be really receptive of Aremi's kit, so I think we have a keeper.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
So Kirbeh Kirbeh do you think Aremi has a balanced recovery. She has a reliable horizontal recovery in Ember Dance, a solid air stalling tool in both her down air, Big Bang, and Firestorm if you want to spend meter, and a risky but flexible Up Special. That is on top of the tether recovery she has in her Vine Tether. Keeping in mind the lack of ledges, do you think this set of recovery tools are not OP?


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
So Kirbeh Kirbeh do you think Aremi has a balanced recovery. She has a reliable horizontal recovery in Ember Dance, a solid air stalling tool in both her down air, Big Bang, and Firestorm if you want to spend meter, and a risky but flexible Up Special. That is on top of the tether recovery she has in her Vine Tether. Keeping in mind the lack of ledges, do you think this set of recovery tools are not OP?
I would say her recovery options are above average, but it balances out with the fact that she's on the lighter side and not particularly strong.

Also, what's her actual jab combo supposed to be like? I assume Jabs 1 and 2 are a standard one-two, short, left/right jabs.

Should Jab 3 be something like Mario's Up Tilt? Ryu's Heavy Up Tilt? Little Mac Up Smash? What are we going for here?


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
I would say her recovery options are above average, but it balances out with the fact that she's on the lighter side and not particularly strong.

Also, what's her actual jab combo supposed to be like? I assume Jabs 1 and 2 are a standard one-two, short, left/right jabs.

Should Jab 3 be something like Mario's Up Tilt? Ryu's Heavy Up Tilt? Little Mac Up Smash? What are we going for here?
I feel going in the Little Mac inspiration for her jabs would work, complete with a 3rd jab based off Little Mac's up smash, though obviously less potent, but the purple flames would add some flare, no pun intended.

Also just so you know, Little Mac is mainly portrayed as a left-hander and Mario a right-hander, don't know if that is important to your design process but its a unique design element both fighters have.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
I feel going in the Little Mac inspiration for her jabs would work, complete with a 3rd jab based off Little Mac's up smash, though obviously less potent, but the purple flames would add some flare, no pun intended.

Also just so you know, Little Mac is mainly portrayed as a left-hander and Mario a right-hander, don't know if that is important to your design process but its a unique design element both fighters have.
If you have a dominant hand in mind for each character, we could try to implement it for when the characters are facing right, but since we're working with sprites it's all going to get mirrored anyway.

As for the punches themselves, I was actually thinking Mario (or perhaps the Mii Brawler) would be a better base line given her body type and overall gameplay inspiration.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
If you have a dominant hand in mind for each character, we could try to implement it for when the characters are facing right, but since we're working with sprites it's all going to get mirrored anyway.

As for the punches themselves, I was actually thinking Mario (or perhaps the Mii Brawler) would be a better base line given her body type and overall gameplay inspiration.
True, I just wanted to share this tidbit since I didn't know if it mattered to you. I also don't mind what character you pick to base this attack on since it's just a 1-2 jab ending in an uppercut, as long as said uppercut is cloaked in purple flames, the rest of the attack is up to you. Depending on how you style these animations to the right side, it will determine the character's dominant hand. Also, should Aremi have a rapid jab, of the two characters you mentioned to model the jab after, Mario and Little Mac, Little Mac has a rapid jab, but Mario doesn't.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
True, I just wanted to share this tidbit since I didn't know if it mattered to you. I also don't mind what character you pick to base this attack on since it's just a 1-2 jab ending in an uppercut, as long as said uppercut is cloaked in purple flames, the rest of the attack is up to you. Depending on how you style these animations to the right side, it will determine the character's dominant hand. Also, should Aremi have a rapid jab, of the two characters you mentioned to model the jab after, Mario and Little Mac, Little Mac has a rapid jab, but Mario doesn't.
Preferably, I'd like to avoid rapid jabs tbh, and with Aremi in particular, I don't think it suits her anyway.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Preferably, I'd like to avoid rapid jabs tbh, and with Aremi in particular, I don't think it suits her anyway.
Okay then, good to know. My idea for jab strings like this is that holding the button makes the attack string faster but much weaker, while pressing each attack individually would make each hit stronger. Don't know if that is a good idea though.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Okay then, good to know. My idea for jab strings like this is that holding the button makes the attack string faster but much weaker, while pressing each attack individually would make each hit stronger. Don't know if that is a good idea though.
So basically, an auto-combo? With as simple as platfighter controls tend to be and with it only being a 3-hit combo it seems kind of unnecessary. I don't really see the benefit of having a slightly faster Jab 2 and 3 either. The first hit still has to come out the same, and if the idea is to have a quicker move to beat out the opponent, the initial hit is what matters.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
So basically, an auto-combo? With as simple as platfighter controls tend to be and with it only being a 3-hit combo it seems kind of unnecessary. I don't really see the benefit of having a slightly faster Jab 2 and 3 either. The first hit still has to come out the same, and if the idea is to have a quicker move to beat out the opponent, the initial hit is what matters.
True, when looking at Mario, when the jab button is held he just does Jab 1 on repeat until he hits someone, letting him do the full combo. Alternately, you can do the combo manually. Either way, he still does the full trio of jabs. May just replicate that for Aremi.


Smash Rookie
Jul 4, 2024
Hey I have an idea for a fighter do I just put it here?
Also sorry I haven't been active much on discord. Will try to help out with Sigma Buster stuff. I'm not that good at Smash Bros. but I'd still like pitch in a bit when I can.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Name - Weevle
Gender - Female
Species - G'nat
Origin - Weevle is a G'nat, a species from the little-known outer limits of the galaxy. G'nats are hematophiles, meaning they can only drink blood as a food source, recently, this diet has caused a crisis among their species. Originally the G'nats were often preyed upon by the parasitic Mytans, who migrated from Mythis to the G'nat's native home planet of Dipteros, often slaughtering them like cattle. Eventually, the G'nats were able to cull their oppressors to the cusp of extinction; however, that came at the cost of the near ruination of both Mythis and Dipteros' ecosystems, while also causing a grave food crisis for the G'nats. While G'nats are able to survive long periods without food, extended periods without a feeding cause the G'nat people to become mindless feral savages that will destroy entire environments without food, and as the growing population of feral G'nats grows, Dipteros fell into a civil war due to the overpopulation of the planet. Weevle is one of the few non-feral G'nats native to Dipteros, as most of the other population has moved off the planet to find new food, which gave them a reputation as conquerors. She was discovered by LAMBDA, who took her in to essentially raise her as their own. No one knows the reasoning behind this action, but it has also resulted in many feral G'nats stowing away on the Double Sigma, which, if escaped, can cause a great ecological threat.

Appearance - Weevle's body is mostly dark gray, with more pale accents on her arms and face. She has purple compound eyes that shift to red when she is either feeding on blood or is particularly battle-ready, with winds curved like the wings of a bat. On her person's is a dagger, crimson and radiating a blood-red mist, the dagger was something she found around the wastelands making up her home, and contains a hollow cavity to fill with the blood of those she stabs for later feeding. Finally, her month has the classic fangs of a vampire. When talking or standing still, she often twitches in the neck with an accompanying buzzing sound, just like a fly.

Archetype - Grappler/Rushdown
Gimmick -
  • Multi-jump - Weevle's wings give her the ability to jump up to 5 times.
  • Glide - While pressing up, Weevle will glide forward, slowing down her descent and allowing her better recover horizontally. In this state any attack she does will instead be a new attack called Spiral Diver where she falls diagonally and spins like a drill.
  • Blood Meter - When Weevle grabs the target, she bites into them, sucking up their blood and filling a Blood Meter. She can perform three different actions when the Blood Meter is full, either press Meter + Shield to perform a Blood Leech to swallow the blood drained and get healed 20% damage, press Meter + Taunt to enter a 5-second Blood Frenzy, gaining a red and purple aura with all her attacks deal 1.3x more damage, while taking 1.1x more damage in return, or use consume the blood meter to perform a powerful attack in place of the Shield Burst called Bloody Trigger, a potent, albeit short range, where Weevle spawns a crimson hurricane to heavily damage opponents that are near her.
Intended Strengths -
  • A highly potent fighter, with several high damage grabs, tilts, and specials. Using Blood Frenzy can make this trait even more potent.
  • Among the best mobility in the cast, with multiple jumps and the best air speed in the game.
  • Weevle's small frame allows her to low profile several attacks, making her highly evasive.
Intended Weaknesses -
  • Has the worse defenses in the game, with extremely low weight making her easy to KO.
  • Among the best mobility in the cast, with multiple jumps and the best air speed in the game.
  • Weevle's Blood Meter, while having the potential to be potent, requires her to be close to the opponent in order to allow herself to grab them.
Planned Stats: (Give a letter grade from E- to A+)
Walk Speed -
Running Speed - B+
Traction - B+
Jump Height - A-
Air Acceleration - A+
Fall Speed - B
Weight - D-

Ground Moves:
Jab -
Four Fist Flash -
A rapid-fire jab with each of Weevle's four arms rapidly punching the target on after another.
Forward Tilt - Crimson Blade - A slashing attack using her dagger, with the mist emitted extending the range of the attack, This move can be angled up or down, and the middle of the blade, which is the tip of the actual dagger, has a sweet spot capable of KOing opponents.
Up Tilt - Butterfly Wings – Weevle performs a short backward cartwheel/butterfly kick. This can be used as a retreating attack, as the cartwheel will move her back a bit. While tricky to line up due to needing to face away from the opponent, this move can also be a solid juggling tool for combos.
Down Tilt - Sweeping Mantis - Weevle's leg does a sweeping motion across the ground, launching foes in a semi-spike angle. Despite its stubby range, its speed and decent power make it a good combo tool.
Back Tilt - Beetle Bump – Weevle hops backward a bit, hitting opponents with her closed wings and backside.
Dash Attack - Rolly Polly - Weevle tucks in her body and rolls a short distance, since her body is tucked in the attack has light armor, but it has a short attack distance. When the button is pressed in the middle of the attack, Weevle will unfurl and perform Crashing Hopper, a strong dropkick, trading extra end lag in exchange for more distance, power, and mixup potential.

Charge Attacks:
Side Charge -
Young Grasshopper –
Weevle performs a forward flip, striking with a heel drop enhanced by a trail of blood.
Up Charge - Spinning Dragonfly – Weevle flips onto her back and performs a blood soaked, spiraling kick upward. This move leaves Weevle airborne.
Down Charge - Spiked Breakspin - A move that has Weevle perform a breakdance spin, with the dagger in her feet making the move have more a sharper animation, and sharper damage.

Neutral Air -
Red Windmill –
A spin in the air, where Weevle's body spawns blood blades to extend the range of the attack, making it one of her longer ranged melee attacks.
Forward Air - Crimson Axe - An axe kick, capable of spiking opponents if you hit the heel of the move. Red mist trails this move, with the area of the spike being a deep crimson.
Up Air - Cicada Clasp - An upwards clap made with Weevle's wings, good for combos at low percents and a get off me tool at high percents.
Down Air - Bloody Arrow - Weevle brings her legs together, creating a blade at her feet, and drops straight down, spinning like a cyclone. The final hit of the move is a potent spike, so lining up the shot is important.
Back Air - Pain Kick - A thrusting kick from behind, its range and speed allows you to "wall of pain" your opponent.

Pummel -
Bite -
A bite to suck all the blood out of the opponent, which then fills the Blood Meter.
Forward Throw - Hercules Beetle Weevle swings the opponent around with surprising strength, sending them flying with a giant swing. It has the most knockback of her throws. Potentially an early kill throw when used at the ledge.
Down Throw - Crimson Drill -
Weevle knocks the opponent to the ground and quickly follows up with a drilling stomp attack using blood around her legs.
Back Throw - Rolling Beetle - Weevle flips backward with the opponent several times and slams them into the ground.
Up Throw - Meteor Mite - Weevle flies up with the opponent before crashing back down, this is a ill throw at high percents.

Neutral Special -
Red Cutters
Weevle launches two blood disks as medium-range projectiles, the initial hit is weak, but on the way back the projectiles gain stronger knockback, good for bringing opponents in.
  • Neutral Hyper - Crimson ScytheWeevle launches a single, large, spinning blood blade. Deals more damage and more reliably drags opponents on return.
Side Special - Flying Beetle - Weevle dashes then performs a command grab, with the choice of kicking the opponent forward, backwards, or upwards.
  • Side Hyper - Flying Stag - Weevle dashes forward to perform a loop-de-loop attack while grabbing the opponent, eventually crashing into the ground as a powerful command grab.
Down Special - Rhino Bomber - A downward dive, where Weevle buries the opponent with a potent headbutt. The attack is also a good way to get back on stage due to sending her straight down.
  • Down Hyper - Thrust Bomber - A stronger attack that has better recover utility, as Weevle will first leap up before crashing for a bigger attack. You can drag opponents with the initial leap up to better align the second part of the attack.
Up Special - Spinning Spider – Weevle charges her dagger to perform a spin attack, on the ground this allows her to perform a fast moving tornado, while in the air charging the move will increase its total height. Despite this the vertical distance traveled is quite low compared to other Up Specials.
  • Up Hyper - Black Widow A leaping attack that has Weevle rise up and then slashes 3 projectiles from her dagger, before being sent into free fall. These projectiles have potent homing properties to make her descent safer to perform.
Hypermax Attacks -
Level 1 - Blood Burst –
Weevle creates an explosive projectile made of blood, launching foes away in a radius all around said explosion. This move's range and power will increase based on how full the blood meter is, but will in turn also drain it.
Level 2 - Vermilion - A super version of her rapid jab, enhanced by infusing blood into her strikes. As a super it has much greater power than the rapid jab, but also gains extended range. The flurry of strikes is capped off with a cross chop from all four arms, enhanced by blood blades.
Level 3 - Vampire DiveA command grab super where Weevle will launch opponents into the air and perform a frenzy of claw attacks using blood. She'll then finish them off by grabbing them in midair and flipping upside down, slamming back into the ground Izuna Drop/SPD style.

Okay Kirbeh Kirbeh I decided to update Weevle's kit, since my and your ideas for her are so different. I decided to combine traits from both pitches, while implementing a reworked Blood Meter and gain some new attributes to emphasize her aerial focus. Also yes I gave her a Knuckles glide, again to improve her air game. I also buffed her overall recovery to better justify the initial idea for an Up Special. I may have strayed from her grappler archtype, trading that for some Falco and PM Knuckles styled moves, but she still has some potent grabs. I wonder if this is a good kit now, I want to emphasize skill with this moveset, and I think the new Blood Meter can help with that.
Last edited:


Smash Rookie
Jul 4, 2024
I assume the like on the post is a green light for me to post my concept so here it is:

Name - Nemesis
Gender - N/A
Species - Robot (not an Android, more like an older one that doesn't like as crisp or clean)
Origin - Originally from Earth, which has become a desolate, harsh, radioactive and acidic wasteland after several world wars in 21XX. Most of the humans now are either dead, or far out in space in spaceships, with none of them on Earth. Nemesis was previously a security robot guarding a bunker, but after more than 700 years of operation, the robot had become a mere shell, and was beyond disrepair. However, a few decades before The Double Sigma returned to it's home planet, it visited Earth, in search of more forces, and found the robot. The corrupt AI Core, LAMBDA knew that the robot was dead for over centuries by now, but the AI had a plan to make the robot into a weapon of mass destruction. The robot would simply have its power source change, from a battery, to an AI Core. LAMBDA took one of the dead AI's, and made it power the old automaton. After replacing a few parts, and recoding the AI Core, Nemesis was born. LAMBDA made the reborn mech his right-hand man, because LAMBDA killed/shut down everyone/thing else on the Double Sigma. Since them, Nemesis has been committing vast amounts of war crimes across the outer galaxy to further LAMBDA's goals.
Appearance - Tall, Bronze, Humanoid appearance, A bit rusty, with some dark, sleek steel in some spots, Has red/blue lightbulbs on shoulders, in Siege mode they have some missile launchers on their shoulders too, plus some flamethrowers on their wrists. In Recon mode Nemesis's torso is slimmer, in Siege mode the torso is more blocky

Archetype - Stance (can change between a rushdown-like fighter and a zoner)
Gimmick - Nemesis can change stances with their down special, but doesn't have a down hyper.
Intended Strengths - Very versatile moveset (as a whole)
Can both rushdown and play keep away if played well.
Intended Weaknesses - May be difficult for newer players to play
Changing stances is lengthy, and requires some space because you can still be damaged.

Lacks a Down Special/Hyper

Planned Stats: (Give a letter grade from E- to A+) (Recon/Siege)
Walk Speed - B-/C-
Running Speed - A-/C
Traction - B-/A-
Jump Height - B+/D+
Air Acceleration - B/C
Fall Speed - A/C-
Weight - C/A-
Some normal moves are slightly slower in Siege mode. Charge attacks can't be used in Siege mode.

Ground Moves:
Jab - A 3-hit combo if the first punch connects. 3-hit combo is a punch, kick, and then another kick
Forward Tilt - A roundhouse kick, can hit twice under the right circumstances. Can be angled a bit.
Up Tilt - Fires a small beam from its eyes. Can be angled. Low start and end lag, but can't hit most people in the ground
Down Tilt - Spews fire onto the floor from a flamethrower on its right arm. Long end lag.
Back Tilt - Same roundhouse kick from forward tilt, but makes the kick turn another 180 degrees to face the other way at the end. Slightly more end lag.
Dash Attack - Slides feet on the ground and performs a palm strike.

Charge Attacks:
Side Charge - Supercharges their flamethrower behind them, and upon releasing the attack button, thrust their arms forwards, and releases a very hot flame. Can multi-hit.
Up Charge - Does a pinwheel kick. Low range for a charge attack, but comes out fast-ish.
Down Charge - Does a low roundhouse kick.

Neutral Air - Does a backflip
Forward Air - An uppercut.
Up Air - Spews fire above them for a bit. Can multi-hit, but has more end lag than the other aerials.
Down Air - Punches downwards, and starts falling down to the ground (or to a blast zone if used off-stage haha). Minor end lag.
Back Air - Nemesis fires a melee range concussive blast from their hand shotgun behind them. Doesn't do much damage, but does the most knock out of their aerials. Small hitbox.

Pummel - Fires an eye beam at the grabbed opponent.
Forward Throw - Fires a shotgun blast at the enemy in the direction Nemesis is facing.
Down Throw - Slams opponent onto ground, and blasts them with his hand shotgun twice. This launches them into the air somehow.
Back Throw - Tosses the opponent behind them, and roundhouse kicks them.
Up Throw - Uppercuts the opponent.


Recon mode:
Neutral Special - Shotgun Slug: Nemesis loads a shotgun slug his hand shotgun (which turns his hand into a shotgun), and fires it. About as fast as Mario's fireball, goes about as far as 2/3rds of Battlefield. Does low damage for a projectile.

  • Neutral Hyper - Hand Shotgun: Instead of a slug, Nemesis loads an 8 gauge shotgun shell into their hand shotgun. Has more start up and end lag, but instead of a low damage projectile, the 8 gauge shell produces a large hitbox, that does about 15-24% damage and good knockback, depending on how close the target was to the blast. Also knocks Nemesis back a bit. Cannot use this move (or Energy Shotgun) for 3.5 seconds after use.
Side Special - Chokehold: Nemesis dashes towards the direction you choose, and if Nemesis hits an opponent, they'll grab them,, raise them into the air for a bit, and then slam the opponent down. The slam is the main damage source of this special. Long end lag if the move doesn't connect. Similar to Ganondorf's side special
  • Side Hyper - Shotgrapple: The move goes farther, has less end lag, and if the move connects, instead of the slam, the opponent will be held in place for a bit longer, and then Nemesis will fire its shotgun at his target, dealing increase damage, and you can tilt the attack to manipulate where the opponent will be knocked back.
Down Special - Function: Recon/Siege
Changes your current stance. If you are currently in Recon mode, Nemesis will transition to Siege mode, and vice versa. Takes about .5 seconds to complete.

  • Down Hyper - N/A
Up Special - Liftoff: Nemesis fires their thruster, launching them up into the air. Can hit opponent on the first few frames, but won't do much damage. Average for a recovery. Sends you into freefall when the move ends.
  • Up Hyper - Burn Thrusters: Lasts longer than Liftoff, and always has the hitbox (until the move ends of course). The main difference here is that you can tilt the joystick to change you horizontal direction significantly, making your recovery more unpredictable. Sends you into freefall when the move ends.
Siege mode:
Neutral Special - Mortar: Nemesis fires an artillery shell out of the missile launchers, (the height can be changed by tilting the stick, but by default it will travel about 1/2 of Battlefield before detonating). Detonates upon hitting the ground/an opponent. Explosion radius is small. Start and end lag is long

  • Neutral Hyper - Missile Barrage: Rapid fires 6 missiles from their missile launchers. Has very long range.
Side Special - Energy Shotgun: Nemesis's shotgun becomes loaded with energy shells, so the shotgun will now fire 3 energy spheres at a 35, 0, and -35 degree angle. Spheres are slightly faster than the slug, and can travel further.
  • Side Hyper - Shockwave: Plants the energy shotgun into the ground, and fires it, causing an explosion in the ground, and sending debris across a medium-sized area.
Down Special - Function: Recon/Siege
Changes your current stance. If you are currently in Recon mode, Nemesis will transition to Siege mode, and vice versa. Takes about .5 seconds to complete.

  • Down Hyper - N/A
Up Special - Rocket Jump: Nemesis fires a rocket below him, which then explodes and launches them into the air. Doesn't send them into freefall. More effective on the ground than in the air.
  • Up Hyper - Searing Blast: Detaches the missile launchers, and burns them with them with their flamethrower, which cooks the ammunition inside, causing an explosion. The explosion causes some self damage, but is overall a more effective recovery in the air than Rocket Jump. If used on the ground, you can also toss the missile launchers in front of you, which will deal damage to enemies. Nemesis will only take half the damage an opponent would. The missile launchers will reappear in 10 seconds. Nemesis can't use missile related attacks until they get the missile launchers back.
Hypermax Attacks -
Level 1 - Missile Swarm: Nemesis goes into Siege mode, and fires 8 homing missiles from the missile launchers. They home in on the closest opponent .5 seconds after firing. You can control the direct the missiles are fired with the joystick. The missiles will explode after 6 seconds.
Level 2 - Rampage: Nemesis goes into Recon mode, fully loads their hand shotgun with a bunch of shells, and starts shooting wildly, damaging everyone within an area around them. Lasts for 4 seconds. If someone is within the area at the end of the attack, Nemesis will punch them with the hand shotgun, and fire at them the moment the punch connects, dealing heavy damage.
Level 3 - Function: Dragon: Lasts 7 seconds. Gives Nemesis the ability to rapidly shift between Recon/Siege mode, and gives them the better stats of both stances.

I don't feel like giving the normal attacks names, and I probably messed up the balancing on this character, so if anyone has any ideas on fixing this guy, feel free to suggest stuff. If you think the character's fine though, that's cool.

Also if you want me to give a rough sketch of the fighter, I can do that.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
I assume the like on the post is a green light for me to post my concept so here it is:

Name - Nemesis
Gender - N/A
Species - Robot (not an Android, more like an older one that doesn't like as crisp or clean)
Origin - Originally from Earth, which has become a desolate, harsh, radioactive and acidic wasteland after several world wars in 21XX. Most of the humans now are either dead, or far out in space in spaceships, with none of them on Earth. Nemesis was previously a security robot guarding a bunker, but after more than 700 years of operation, the robot had become a mere shell, and was beyond disrepair. However, a few decades before The Double Sigma returned to it's home planet, it visited Earth, in search of more forces, and found the robot. The corrupt AI Core, LAMBDA knew that the robot was dead for over centuries by now, but the AI had a plan to make the robot into a weapon of mass destruction. The robot would simply have its power source change, from a battery, to an AI Core. LAMBDA took one of the dead AI's, and made it power the old automaton. After replacing a few parts, and recoding the AI Core, Nemesis was born. LAMBDA made the reborn mech his right-hand man, because LAMBDA killed/shut down everyone/thing else on the Double Sigma. Since them, Nemesis has been committing vast amounts of war crimes across the outer galaxy to further LAMBDA's goals.
Appearance - Tall, Bronze, Humanoid appearance, A bit rusty, with some dark, sleek steel in some spots, Has red/blue lightbulbs on shoulders, in Siege mode they have some missile launchers on their shoulders too, plus some flamethrowers on their wrists. In Recon mode Nemesis's torso is slimmer, in Siege mode the torso is more blocky

Archetype - Stance (can change between a rushdown-like fighter and a zoner)
Gimmick - Nemesis can change stances with their down special, but doesn't have a down hyper.
Intended Strengths - Very versatile moveset (as a whole)
Can both rushdown and play keep away if played well.
Intended Weaknesses - May be difficult for newer players to play
Changing stances is lengthy, and requires some space because you can still be damaged.

Lacks a Down Special/Hyper

Planned Stats: (Give a letter grade from E- to A+) (Recon/Siege)
Walk Speed - B-/C-
Running Speed - A-/C
Traction - B-/A-
Jump Height - B+/D+
Air Acceleration - B/C
Fall Speed - A/C-
Weight - C/A-
Some normal moves are slightly slower in Siege mode. Charge attacks can't be used in Siege mode.

Ground Moves:
Jab - A 3-hit combo if the first punch connects. 3-hit combo is a punch, kick, and then another kick
Forward Tilt - A roundhouse kick, can hit twice under the right circumstances. Can be angled a bit.
Up Tilt - Fires a small beam from its eyes. Can be angled. Low start and end lag, but can't hit most people in the ground
Down Tilt - Spews fire onto the floor from a flamethrower on its right arm. Long end lag.
Back Tilt - Same roundhouse kick from forward tilt, but makes the kick turn another 180 degrees to face the other way at the end. Slightly more end lag.
Dash Attack - Slides feet on the ground and performs a palm strike.

Charge Attacks:
Side Charge - Supercharges their flamethrower behind them, and upon releasing the attack button, thrust their arms forwards, and releases a very hot flame. Can multi-hit.
Up Charge - Does a pinwheel kick. Low range for a charge attack, but comes out fast-ish.
Down Charge - Does a low roundhouse kick.

Neutral Air - Does a backflip
Forward Air - An uppercut.
Up Air - Spews fire above them for a bit. Can multi-hit, but has more end lag than the other aerials.
Down Air - Punches downwards, and starts falling down to the ground (or to a blast zone if used off-stage haha). Minor end lag.
Back Air - Nemesis fires a melee range concussive blast from their hand shotgun behind them. Doesn't do much damage, but does the most knock out of their aerials. Small hitbox.

Pummel - Fires an eye beam at the grabbed opponent.
Forward Throw - Fires a shotgun blast at the enemy in the direction Nemesis is facing.
Down Throw - Slams opponent onto ground, and blasts them with his hand shotgun twice. This launches them into the air somehow.
Back Throw - Tosses the opponent behind them, and roundhouse kicks them.
Up Throw - Uppercuts the opponent.


Recon mode:
Neutral Special - Shotgun Slug: Nemesis loads a shotgun slug his hand shotgun (which turns his hand into a shotgun), and fires it. About as fast as Mario's fireball, goes about as far as 2/3rds of Battlefield. Does low damage for a projectile.

  • Neutral Hyper - Hand Shotgun: Instead of a slug, Nemesis loads an 8 gauge shotgun shell into their hand shotgun. Has more start up and end lag, but instead of a low damage projectile, the 8 gauge shell produces a large hitbox, that does about 15-24% damage and good knockback, depending on how close the target was to the blast. Also knocks Nemesis back a bit. Cannot use this move (or Energy Shotgun) for 3.5 seconds after use.
Side Special - Chokehold: Nemesis dashes towards the direction you choose, and if Nemesis hits an opponent, they'll grab them,, raise them into the air for a bit, and then slam the opponent down. The slam is the main damage source of this special. Long end lag if the move doesn't connect. Similar to Ganondorf's side special
  • Side Hyper - Shotgrapple: The move goes farther, has less end lag, and if the move connects, instead of the slam, the opponent will be held in place for a bit longer, and then Nemesis will fire its shotgun at his target, dealing increase damage, and you can tilt the attack to manipulate where the opponent will be knocked back.
Down Special - Function: Recon/Siege
Changes your current stance. If you are currently in Recon mode, Nemesis will transition to Siege mode, and vice versa. Takes about .5 seconds to complete.

  • Down Hyper - N/A
Up Special - Liftoff: Nemesis fires their thruster, launching them up into the air. Can hit opponent on the first few frames, but won't do much damage. Average for a recovery. Sends you into freefall when the move ends.
  • Up Hyper - Burn Thrusters: Lasts longer than Liftoff, and always has the hitbox (until the move ends of course). The main difference here is that you can tilt the joystick to change you horizontal direction significantly, making your recovery more unpredictable. Sends you into freefall when the move ends.
Siege mode:
Neutral Special - Mortar: Nemesis fires an artillery shell out of the missile launchers, (the height can be changed by tilting the stick, but by default it will travel about 1/2 of Battlefield before detonating). Detonates upon hitting the ground/an opponent. Explosion radius is small. Start and end lag is long

  • Neutral Hyper - Missile Barrage: Rapid fires 6 missiles from their missile launchers. Has very long range.
Side Special - Energy Shotgun: Nemesis's shotgun becomes loaded with energy shells, so the shotgun will now fire 3 energy spheres at a 35, 0, and -35 degree angle. Spheres are slightly faster than the slug, and can travel further.
  • Side Hyper - Shockwave: Plants the energy shotgun into the ground, and fires it, causing an explosion in the ground, and sending debris across a medium-sized area.
Down Special - Function: Recon/Siege
Changes your current stance. If you are currently in Recon mode, Nemesis will transition to Siege mode, and vice versa. Takes about .5 seconds to complete.

  • Down Hyper - N/A
Up Special - Rocket Jump: Nemesis fires a rocket below him, which then explodes and launches them into the air. Doesn't send them into freefall. More effective on the ground than in the air.
  • Up Hyper - Searing Blast: Detaches the missile launchers, and burns them with them with their flamethrower, which cooks the ammunition inside, causing an explosion. The explosion causes some self damage, but is overall a more effective recovery in the air than Rocket Jump. If used on the ground, you can also toss the missile launchers in front of you, which will deal damage to enemies. Nemesis will only take half the damage an opponent would. The missile launchers will reappear in 10 seconds. Nemesis can't use missile related attacks until they get the missile launchers back.
Hypermax Attacks -
Level 1 - Missile Swarm: Nemesis goes into Siege mode, and fires 8 homing missiles from the missile launchers. They home in on the closest opponent .5 seconds after firing. You can control the direct the missiles are fired with the joystick. The missiles will explode after 6 seconds.
Level 2 - Rampage: Nemesis goes into Recon mode, fully loads their hand shotgun with a bunch of shells, and starts shooting wildly, damaging everyone within an area around them. Lasts for 4 seconds. If someone is within the area at the end of the attack, Nemesis will punch them with the hand shotgun, and fire at them the moment the punch connects, dealing heavy damage.
Level 3 - Function: Dragon: Lasts 7 seconds. Gives Nemesis the ability to rapidly shift between Recon/Siege mode, and gives them the better stats of both stances.

I don't feel like giving the normal attacks names, and I probably messed up the balancing on this character, so if anyone has any ideas on fixing this guy, feel free to suggest stuff. If you think the character's fine though, that's cool.

Also if you want me to give a rough sketch of the fighter, I can do that.
Again we're pretty filled on the current roster, but I like the ideas, I don't know the ethical or legal ramifications of including a fan made idea, so I can't guarantee this idea being added. Would be a cool thing to pin, since now I know that there are popular requests for a stance system character. But again I have no idea if I can even include this idea specifically. Hope you understand.


Smash Rookie
Jul 4, 2024
Again we're pretty filled on the current roster, but I like the ideas, I don't know the ethical or legal ramifications of including a fan made idea, so I can't guarantee this idea being added. Would be a cool thing to pin, since now I know that there are popular requests for a stance system character. But again I have no idea if I can even include this idea specifically. Hope you understand.
Yeah that's cool. I get it.
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