2ch back at it again
For those of you who don't know, 2ch is like the 4chan of Japan, except even more toxic and is also equipped with Japanese alt-right propaganda.
They bring up some arguments against Reimu and some other characters in Smash, and I find some of them quite humorous.
They say Touhou fans are obnoxious. Which is honestly quite true on some parts, but like every other fandoms, they're just the minority.
And it's also funny how they are complaining how obnoxious Touhou fans are by BEING ****ING OBNOXIOUS THEMSELVES.
And us Smash community is guilty for some toxicity here and there as well, so.... I suggest they quit being hypocritical.
They then proceeds to say Touhou is ancient as ****, which... Um... Did they ever play Smash? That doesn't even ****ing matter.
And they say Touhou in Smash would only please weebs, which is funny because 2ch is the weebest website in Japan.
Welp, let's just ignore this, 2ch is hated by the Japanese public as well, so... Yeah.
>“Your Twitter also shows you’re half Korean and Smash is made for humans”
I'm not even surprised.