I am arguing against the selling of tobacco. Wish me luck, and thanks for reading.
I. Nicotine The plant contains nicotine, a highly addictive chemical that causes the user of the cigarette to want more. By consuming tobacco, the user begins to become dependant on the substance, forcing them to attain more and more of the substance to feel satisfied.
II. The Effect of Tobacco Besides causing addiction in users, tobacco has some nasty effects on the body as well.
Once tobacco has been smoked, two main ingredients are left in the consumer's body: tar and nicotine. While the latter acts as a stimulant and gives the tobacco its addictive qualities, tar is the gooey black substance that remains in the consumer's lungs. Both have negative impacts on the respiratory system: Nicotine constricts blood vessels, causing the heart to pump harder (and strain, while making gas exchange difficult) while the tar causes the person to cough (the body attempting to remove it). Eventually, this combination decreases the body's lung mass, leading to emphysema, which can't be stopped.
In addition to this, tobacco has been proven to be one of the leading causes of lung cancer (which is the leading cancer in deaths of both men and women): "About 90% of lung cancers arise due to tobacco use." (from emedicine health) Lung cancer is a deadly cancer that spreads ravenously once it becomes a malignant tumor. Lung cancer is to be feared: "Only about 2% of those diagnosed with lung cancer that has spread to other areas of the body are alive five years after the diagnosis, although the survival rates for lung cancers diagnosed at a very early stage are higher, with approximately 49% surviving for five years or longer."
Now, after reading this information on tobacco, let's get back to the main point. After seeing all of these negative effects of tobacco, how can we possibly keep it legal in our world today? Not only does it cause dependencies, but it is a proven of both men and women. If the user is lucky enough to survive, the plant usually causes irreversible harm to the body, with the sad part being the user will just want even more.
One counter-arguement I expect to see is that tobacco is good for our economy. While I must agree that the sales of tobacco products do bring in an impressive amount of capital, we must consider the price we are paying: human life. Is it right to kill our brothers to have some extra money? Human life is not comparable to any monetary value; it's not right to murder our own brethren for the sake of money.
There is no question that tobacco does nothing positive for the body (except the short lived feeling of happiness), yet we continue to distribute it to our fellow human beings. We need to take a stand and improve our future by removing this threat now.
Links for information:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette (for a definition)
I can find more information if needed. Thank you for reading, and I'll adress any criticisms to the best of my ability.
Tobacco is a very common product in our economy today, appearing in many stores like Wal-mart and even the average corner store. One of the most common forms of tobacco is the cigarette, a small roll of finely cut tobacco leaves wrapped in a small tube of paper for smoking (tobacco is also used for cigars and pipes) . This ingredient, unfortunately, creates very serious side effects for its users.
Tobacco is a plant that is grown in warm climates. After it is picked, it can be ground/dried up to be made into a cigarette. These cigarettes and other tobacco products are sold all over the world (http://www.cancer.org/downloads/AA/TobaccoAtlas07.pdf). While this is a major economic success, there are serious flaws with the tobacco plant..
Tobacco is a plant that is grown in warm climates. After it is picked, it can be ground/dried up to be made into a cigarette. These cigarettes and other tobacco products are sold all over the world (http://www.cancer.org/downloads/AA/TobaccoAtlas07.pdf). While this is a major economic success, there are serious flaws with the tobacco plant..
I. Nicotine The plant contains nicotine, a highly addictive chemical that causes the user of the cigarette to want more. By consuming tobacco, the user begins to become dependant on the substance, forcing them to attain more and more of the substance to feel satisfied.
II. The Effect of Tobacco Besides causing addiction in users, tobacco has some nasty effects on the body as well.
Once tobacco has been smoked, two main ingredients are left in the consumer's body: tar and nicotine. While the latter acts as a stimulant and gives the tobacco its addictive qualities, tar is the gooey black substance that remains in the consumer's lungs. Both have negative impacts on the respiratory system: Nicotine constricts blood vessels, causing the heart to pump harder (and strain, while making gas exchange difficult) while the tar causes the person to cough (the body attempting to remove it). Eventually, this combination decreases the body's lung mass, leading to emphysema, which can't be stopped.
In addition to this, tobacco has been proven to be one of the leading causes of lung cancer (which is the leading cancer in deaths of both men and women): "About 90% of lung cancers arise due to tobacco use." (from emedicine health) Lung cancer is a deadly cancer that spreads ravenously once it becomes a malignant tumor. Lung cancer is to be feared: "Only about 2% of those diagnosed with lung cancer that has spread to other areas of the body are alive five years after the diagnosis, although the survival rates for lung cancers diagnosed at a very early stage are higher, with approximately 49% surviving for five years or longer."
Now, after reading this information on tobacco, let's get back to the main point. After seeing all of these negative effects of tobacco, how can we possibly keep it legal in our world today? Not only does it cause dependencies, but it is a proven of both men and women. If the user is lucky enough to survive, the plant usually causes irreversible harm to the body, with the sad part being the user will just want even more.
One counter-arguement I expect to see is that tobacco is good for our economy. While I must agree that the sales of tobacco products do bring in an impressive amount of capital, we must consider the price we are paying: human life. Is it right to kill our brothers to have some extra money? Human life is not comparable to any monetary value; it's not right to murder our own brethren for the sake of money.
There is no question that tobacco does nothing positive for the body (except the short lived feeling of happiness), yet we continue to distribute it to our fellow human beings. We need to take a stand and improve our future by removing this threat now.
Links for information:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette (for a definition)
I can find more information if needed. Thank you for reading, and I'll adress any criticisms to the best of my ability.