That involves Zelda's magic, because, you know, she's magical? That's why Sheik's transformation doesn't seem as stupid. I mean, look at ****ing Melee. Come on. Are you saying then, that the plot device of Zelda transforming into Sheik in OoT was ridiculous? I don't see any transforming going on in TP from normal Zelda to "Cloaked Zelda," who is obviously the SAME PERSON WITH JUST A BLACK GARB TACKED ON TO HER.
Yeah because we all know that her transformation was the only attack that showed her magical prowess. And no im not saying it was ridiculous in OoT for her to transform, she has a reason to, to hide from Gannondorf and his minions, and she didnt have a moveset around it in OoT. Also the term transforming hasnt been used officially, down b, for all we know may be known as something else. Also caps lock doesnt help you prove a point.
And it is ****ing OoT Zelda. Look at the **** DOJO.
WRONG. This is Super Smash Brawl Zelda, a universal Zelda taking aspects from the most recent in the series as well as a moveset that dervied from Melee (a skillset which did NOT come from OoT, only the names did. For example If you rename Kirby's hammer to mallet, it doesnt change the game it's from), as none of these spells (as in the effects they caused) where used in Ocarina of Time.
LINK - The hero of The Legend of Zelda series.
The design of this particular Link comes from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
And? His look has been updated. He also uses the Gale Boomerang. Was that in OoT? No, because he is Brawl link, taking aspects from the most recent edition to the Zelda Fanchise.
Link wields the Master Sword and a diverse arsenal of equipment.
Use all of his weapons to adapt to the ebb and flow of battle.
The master sword is also in Twilight Princess, as well as every other Zelda game to date (although it may go under a different name in very early editions). Also does the master sword glow with attacks in OoT? No? You know why? Because he is Brawl link, taking aspects from the most recent edition to the Zelda Fanchise.
ZELDA - Just like Link, Zelda’s design has also changed.
She has a slightly more subdued color scheme.
The same goes for the points i stated about Link.
Her movement capabilities are not that good, but her magic adds power to her physical attacks. There’s a reason why her hands and feet glow, after all.
Do her hands and feet glove in OoT? No? You know why? Because this is Brawl Zelda, not OoT Zeldan and not TP Zelda.
There's your **** argument. Try debunking it now, please.
Consider it debunked.
Thank you for helping me prove my point fail.