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Sheik's Pivots.... No not those pivots


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
So with every generation of smash there are certain AT's that are important for every character to learn. More importantly, delving into the core of each character there are certain qualities and techniques that only they possess because of their individual builds. These pivotal qualities and techniques are paramount of any experienced player and are included in their arsenals of tips and tricks used to be victorious.

So without further ado, I propose a question to the sheik maining masses. What do you hold above all else to be the most important parts of playing sheik. I do ask that you try to keep AT's that every character possess to a minimum; however if you feel one is incredibly necessary, please by all means share it with the rest of the masses. This is not simply limited to techniques in game. It can be anything from a mindset to a certain style [I use that word very loosely] of play.

Whether you consider your self a sheik connoisseur or just some neophyte learning to play sheik, what is it that you feel is the most important part of playing sheik?


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
Chainlocks, though significantly difficult, are imo, one of Sheik's best assets.
Vanish Glides are a given. They're used in practically every game.

Vanish Catch > F-smash, for me personally, works wonders. Gets a lot of damage in little time.

The much over-hyped chain jacket is relatively useless. Even in it's most promising situation, edgeguarding, a simple N/B/F-air will do just as well, if not better. Heck, Sheik's best, if not only, true method of KOing is edge-guarding. Sitting on the edge waving a sparkly chain in the air isn't that becoming of a ninja.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Mrs.sauga, Canada
forward tilt

forward air

good moves to get used to. forward air isnt as bad as people make it out to be. it sometimes ko's better then nair or bair even though its weaker, since it still sends the opponent down at that mean melee angle.


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2008
illinois peoria area
when i play shiek i hug the character on the ground since im always trying to tilt lock i use shield rolls and spot dodges far more with her because u always want to be close range when u punish an opponent as for the edge i use vanish glide to hit them out and then i sweet spot the edge and gaurd it with b-airs as for a mind set i just play insanely fast paced and try to be deceptive


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2007
The most important is the Ftilt lock: how to do it, how to maintain it against DI, how to link into it, how to follow it up.

The Dash Attack Up Smash Cancel (DACUS) is a slightly universal AT, but it is incredibly useful for Sheik as it gives her only "Excellent" KO move a huge range and surprise factor.

Zelda Transformation and good use thereof can be incredibly useful as well.

Other than that, Sheik-Specific AT's are mostly just for getting a slight edge: Vanish Gliding, Needle Boosting, Chain Locking, Chain Jacketing, etc. None of these techniques are 100% vital to good Sheik play.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
Burbank, California
hrm... some characters might use this AT, but i'm not sure which ones. Its kind of difficult to do, but with practice you can get used to it. When sheik does it though, its amazing. So basically, in order to do this AT, one must stand still and wait for the opponent to approach them. The next part requires INSANE amount of patience as you must wait and wait for the opponent to approach. however, if you are playing against falco or another good projectile spammer it is harder to use this AT because you must first hold down on your control stick in order for their projectiles to miss you. after you successfully you lure your opponent to attack, you must press L or R at the PERFECT timing. to perfect, that an orb comes outside of your body before they attack. this orb protects you and prevents your % meter from going up. however, this is only the first part of this AT. after you press L or R, you must then immediately press A! If you do not press A fast enough, then the AT fails. The timing of the A must be perfect. If you do it right, Sheik will GRAB the opponent. This part is CRUCIAL. Once the opponent is grabbed... you must then either pummel the opponent or THROW them. Since not many people use this AT, I am willing to let you guys on to this so that you will improve your sheik-ing skills.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
Someone tell me what the vanish glide is. I have probably heard of it I just can't match the name to the move.

Edit: Oh wait. Isn't that where you run off the edge of a stage and vanish back? It's an edgegaurder?


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
Most important?

The memorizing of percentages that Sheik can and cannot link a said attack into another easily.

So basically the ftilt locks, set ups, and everything else.

Most important ATs: RAR, DACUS, and vanish gliding. In that order of importance but that's just me.

edit: Chain Jacketing could also be consider important for Sheik but I don't use it in my gameplay so I'm not going to list it as important.


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2007
f-tilt lock isn't really an AT, is it?

Pressing A doesn't seem that advanced.
There's more to it than that.

1) Timing. Ftilting at maximum speed requires a fairly specific button input. Simply mashing won't get it for you.
2) Setting up. You need to know what moves at what percentages lead to Ftilts, and what things can help this (like walking into ftilts, which takes a little practice to do without forcing a dash, or dash-cancelling with a shield)
3) Maintaining. You need to know how to quickly alternate directions if your opponent is smash-DI'ing. This takes quite a bit of skill and timing. It's also important to know the limits of the lock against most characters, etc.
4) Following up. It takes some practice to figure out what are the best follow-ups at what percentages against what opponents.


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
Any of the things listed here don't have to be AT's just anything that a sheik player believes is important and quintessential to playing sheik in brawl. So just saying forward tilt is perfectly ok. Besides I think it's mastery is paramount myself.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Sheik is about patience and jumping around and ftilting

I think sheik does better defensively than offensively.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
i think the opposite. on the defensive, too many characters can take advantage of sheik's lack of priority, such as toon link, rob, peach, snake and diddykong. sheik needs to be the aggressor in some of these matches in order to have some sort of control.

however, you are right, there are certain matchups where a defensive sheik is pretty much unstoppable (donkey kong) at those times you can just throw needles and then dsmash them away if they get close. it's because they lack speedy moves.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
i think the opposite. on the defensive, too many characters can take advantage of sheik's lack of priority, such as toon link, rob, peach, snake and diddykong. sheik needs to be the aggressor in some of these matches in order to have some sort of control.

however, you are right, there are certain matchups where a defensive sheik is pretty much unstoppable (donkey kong) at those times you can just throw needles and then dsmash them away if they get close. it's because they lack speedy moves.
Diddy kong really doesn't have that much priority, it's just his bananas really. His aerial game is pretty good in terms of priority though, but not that much.
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