Smash Legend
So I'm just gonna ISO everything related to neighborhoods with some commentary, commentary on posts is after the individual post. Only gonna tackle things relevant to the neighborhood because as of writing this I've been at this over 3 hours.
Confirm's gheb's neighborhood claim, says they've said basically nothing so far.
Responds to being asked about flavor by giving an ice cream flavor.
Continues being evasive, posts a magic GIF.
Objects to being asked what his role was. In context Kary was rephrasing her desire for a nameclaim.
Rejects JeXs asking if he has additional abilities. Votes him.
Talks a bit about how he doesn't like Kary's role fishing, says Kary asked for abilities when it was actually JeXs.
Talks about Gheb's play at length and theorizes why he might've claimed to save him. Claims Wizard of One of the Cardinal directions. Also claims that he knows that there are no other wizards of the Cardinal directions which strikes me as odd.
Last line I don't exactly understand.
Claims that he's wizard of the west, for reference the short can be found here. Don't get what he's talking about in regards to the wizard of the north.
His 1455 breaks formatting so I'll just link and explain it. Gheb's next post after his readup doesn't mention it.
Talks about Gheb knowing that he has other abilities making him using it against JeXs hella suspect. Claims he has the power to pick somebody to be masons with each night in addition to his permanent gheb masonry and that if he doesn't pick them by night 3, he gets a forced masonry with 2 random people.
Talks about JeXs being left in limbo without claim discussion.
Talks about why he hadn't used his role yet. Wanted to use it to gambit on gheb.
Explains that he immediately revealed after the breadcrumb because he didn't think he could use the hint, explained it was a breadcrumb.
Acknowledges Zalak calling his breadcrumbing unnecessary and suspicious.
In response to Zalak pointing out that Maven called out Rosilina for hinting like this, maven point out she was town and he hinted flavor not role.
Says he didn't give a reason for not laying out his flavor cause Zalak accused him of being afraid somebody else had it.
Said he's been making good use of the neighborhood.
Says he's gonna use his power to summon 2 randoms.
Explains action during night in the 3 person 1 night neighborhood. Says that rake and orbo contracted themselves extensively in it.
Explains why his neighborhood summery was poorly formatted.
Further explanation of night happenings in second neighborhood.
Talks about how gheb convinced him that FML's claim was ridiculous.
Asks rake why he though Maven was scum with Zalak.
Explains gheb convinced him of the ridiculousness of FML's claim in the neighborhood.
Explains gheb convinced him of the ridiculousness of the claim on the first of June.
Explained how the push drop was one of the major tells for him that the claim stinked.
Reiterates his powers, claims the flavor for it is wizard powers.
Says he reopened his role pm. Ability names are "duel you with magic" for his once a night masonry, "unforgivably lazy" for his random 2 man masonry, and the conversation with gheb is called "always bothered".
All of these are relevant to show show, "duel you, with magic" is a quote when the Wizard of the West finally agrees to fight the Wizard of the East and they go off to the forest to duel. "Unforgivably lazy" is a quote when the 2 other wizards of the cardinal directions show up after traveling through time and space, they say that because the wizard of the west has been doing basically nothing and then proceed to destroy him, and he is constantly bothered by the wizard of the east.
The oddness comes from the fact that out of the "constantly bothered" is the only thing that seems to match up with being in a neighborhood.
Explains that he sees the connection because they're both characters that wanna be left alone and are forced to do stuff, plus they're both magical creatures.
Says he doesn't know what kary means when she says it's nothing compared to what has flipped.
For reference the last masonry were two characters who were "friends" and traveled together in the same show. Both popgun viges kill things (note: that the murdering JeXs' character does is in the first vid the mod posted when Gorf got modkilled). Zalak's compulsively roleblocker is singing a song about forcing somebody in a box forever which perfectly fits the flavor. This is REALLY an odd man out.
Restates his power names.
Explains that using a one night neighborhood would stop his power from going off.
Questions gheb not having the neighborhood as a power in his role PM.
Talks to gheb about the how and why they were together, says if it was in his role PM that it's part of the setup.
Says to kary he didn't ask gheb about his flavor because he knew there weren't other wizards in the game and that's why he thought the flavor wouldn't have helped.
Unidirectional masonry where it's one player's power that another's in his neighborhood is not too hard to fathom. It could be set in the setup, random, or picked by the play. In the former cases the mod could send his role PMs out like normal. In the latter case the mod could either send all the role PMs and have the person with the power make the choice and then indicate to the chosen person with a PM or he could send the person making the choice the his role PM first, have him select a neighbor, then send the others.
Another odd thing is there are 3 characters he's connected with, not 2. Weird given that he previously mentions that both of the characters are characters that get bothered as part of his reason for not questioning Gheb's claim.
No he really doesn't know who the wizard of the east is. Not paying much attention to the short, possibly the reason the claim is fishy?
Questions kary about the sudden flavor interest during mylo.
Gheb claims to be neighbors with gheb.
Says Maven has given no content. Fits with Maven's claim that he had only said jokes up to that point.
Implies that Kary's assertion that he should've claimed masons with him is ridiculous. Presumably because he's not claiming they're confirmed town to each other which kary assumed was the reason he'd protect maven.
Explains to RR that they are not alignment confirmed to each other.
Says his intention in claiming was so he hoped maven would be replaced.
Neither confirms nor denies he has addittional powers.
Continues rejecting JeXs' argument that he should claim other powers.
Tells JeXs that he has no reason to further claim just because he asks and that is not being unhelpful.
Rails on Maven for arguing that he was trying to manipulate him and that's why he protected the slot.
Expresses disbelief that people would think that him trying to avoid a lynch on his neighbor is suspicious.
Again expresses disbelief in how people think saving Maven was scummy. Argues that he doesn't think flavor claims will help.
Expresses disbelief, frustration, or pure unadultrated horror at JeXs' claim. Unsure which.
Asks JeXs if he's a vig or in a neighborhood.
Asks JeXs if the claim of both is a troll.
Explains that he thinks JeXs is trolling because he counterclaimed 2 different roles in a single day.
Quotes his post about lack of decent reasoning to suspect him from before which includes a mention of him saving his neighbor.
Says that he has made good use of the neighborhood depending on how you define it.
Posts about how it's scummy that JeXs was discrediting the neighborhood when he was in one himself. Also points out that he doesn't understand how he has other abilities while being in a neighborhood supposedly after maven tells him that he (maven) has other abilities.
Claims he does not have other abilities.
Posts that Zalak shouldn't have questioned him on his attack on JeXs because it doesn't address the issue and implies that it could have spoiled his intentions with the question.
Asks what about Gorf's flip makes Maven think JeXs might've been telling the truth.
Says that a reason he trusts that Maven's flavor claim makes sense for him to be buddied with.
Randomly claims charlie the unicorn, says that it seems super unlikely that a wizard and a unicorn would be together by coincidence.
Seems extremely unlikely he'd say this out of the blue unless he was completely confident that it matched.
States his communication with maven isn't an ability, but a statement in his role PM. Needs to be questioned further.
Asked where maven said his conversational ability is "always bothered"
Says that he's waiting for an explanation on why maven might keep it a secret if it was an active ability. Says it seems like it implies neighborhood was an active ability that was used on him.
Says that it's possible the reason it rubbed myself and kary the wrong way is because the flavor justification is entirely maven's role.
Asks if Maven made the choice to become neighbors.
Says nevermind and that his question was answered, says he's still confused at why he was picked as maven's neighbor.
Tries to get a feeling for what maven's asking for, explains that he knows nothing about the flavor and was convinced because of the coincidence of the wizard and the unicorn which is why he didn't ask either which implies maven not asking is reasonable.
Says he's still confused and the entire thing doesn't add up.
[collapse=other relevant posts]
Zalak's flip. Note the role appropriate flavor.
JeXs' flip.
Gorf's modkill, note that the two characters are from the same show and JeXs' character is pictured as having killed lots of people.
JeXs claims being neighbors with Gorf
Claims his prior claim of vig and current claim of neighbor were both true.
Asks why gheb would think he'd be trolling.
Tells gheb it's because it's his role PM.
Tells maven that he answered his question, in other words he explained his reasoning for his behavior with his neighborhood claim.
Quotes his neighborhood claim to maven as an answer.
Says he tried to kill but it didn't work.
JeXs gives no real insight into the inner workings of the neighborhood he's in and Gorf never says anything about it so the only information we get from them is flips.
One or both of them is scum. The flavor for neighborizing doesn't fit at all every other role seems to fit perfectly, nor does the the fact that the two of them are neighbors and have no flavor connection when the other two were friends from the short.
Reasons that suggest maven:
1. Flavor abilities don't seem to match with creating a neighborhood. Not as egregious as Kantrip because some factors line up, namely unforgivably lazy with something happening with 2 people because he doesn't use his abilities but that doesn't involve significant conversation. They just tell him they came to prevent a magical catestrophe then obliterate him. This is very odd given how the other flips were VERY strongly tied with flavor and the only one that wasn't was a scumbag fakeclaim.
2. He makes references to actions that occur within the short but later doesn't know a major character, perhaps lack of quality in claim came from paying insufficient attention.
Cons for Maven
1. Out of the blue iso defending gheb as to why his play was townie suggests it.
Reasons that suggest gheb:
1. None at the moment that I can think of, it's possibly answering one of the questions I posed will reveal something though.
Cons for gheb:
1. Kantrip's treatment of gheb makes him an unlikely partner, his play seemed to assume he would flip.
2. His random nameclaim makes no sense as scum, he made it clear he didn't know the flavor and claiming added an X factor. It makes sense however if he's town with a strong town read on maven.
Reasons that Suggest they're scum together:
1. Flazeda attitude about the claim even after clear conflict is being shown. Suggets a lack of incentive to lynch each other.
2. Gheb tries to defend maven by saying that if it's a result of maven's skills exclusively it makes sense for it to not be in the flavor.
Cons the idea they're scum together:
1. Gheb staying on the kantrip wagon the entire time suggests that he's unlikely to put himself at risk for a liability and at that point maven was a significant liability.
2. The claims don't add up at all, if they're scum together why couldn't they coordinate them at all? Especially the differences in how it's presented and the fact that if Maven knew the other wizards of the cardinal directions weren't in the game he could've easily convinced gheb to pick one of them and go from there. This only makes sense if the intent was for one to throw the other under the bus here.
3. If they were trying to throw the other under the bus, why do it this way in a claimed neighborhood? They automatically looks hella suspicious. Perhaps it could've been a last minute decision but if so, why close off the potential other wizard claim from gheb.
4. Maven knows the flavor, it seems unlikely he'd just remove Gheb's out by accident.
Based on the information I have scum maven neighbored with a town gheb seems most likely. Reluctance on Gheb's part seems most likely based on a strong town read and being disinclined to change it.
Also it seems extremely unlikely Kary would bring this up on her partner as scum, in mylo, especially since neither were really in consideration and it pushes both of them into the limelight as lynch possibilities.
Followup questions
Questions: @
1. In your 966 was "From what I understand from my role, I'm pretty sure Gheb is not a wizard, or has a clear reason why he's in a neighborhood with me." supposed to mean that he has a clear reason he's in a neighborhood or he doesn't have one?
2. In your 967 what did you mean by " I doubt anyone would sit there, watch that video, and then send in action to attack "Wizard of the North""?
3. When did you tell gheb you had another power?
Questions: @
~ Gheb ~
1. When did Maven tell you he had another power? Why didn't you take it into account when you questioned JeXs?
2. When did you receive word you were in the masonry with Maven? Was it a note at the end or another PM in the conversation?
3. What's your role called in your PM?
Thoughts? As I said I'm leaning towards maven but we need more input, we currently have 1 day, 17 hours, 35 minutes til deadline.
Me and Gheb are neighbors, started the game that way, no other information. The conversation has been Gheb saying "we're neighbors :3", I told him to get his posts off my lawn, he was confused, I said "we're neighbors so I'm telling you to get stuff off my lawn", he made an annoyed face and asked me for my reads during the outage. I didn't respond. That's all there was.
Minty with chocolate flakes
Oh, flavor. I thought you meant flavour.
And are you going to come up with a single reason why it would benefit the town for me to post my role in the thread?
Something tells me the answer to that is going to be a dead no
So, no.
But justify your question anyways, please
Just because we're claimed neighbors doesn't change that you're asking two players to publicly reveal if they have active abilities or not, something that is downright ******** on day 2, and no i'm not answering your question and you should have realized that before you asked.
Vote: Jex
I don't like what I've seen of Gheb since I've been back. He's been cagey and I feel he dipped out when actual pressure was put on him
I don't like how adumbrodeus dipped out, I want more from him, and I want him to respond to what I said about then and zalak
Potassium never came back with his reads.
Yeah, Kary did not just ask for my flavor, he asked specifically if I had any other abilities. You dont take those requests into consideration separately. That's blatant role fishing and there's zero reason to humor it. Either way I hinted at it if I need to come back to it.
I'm on my kindle I'm going to make a larger post sometime tomorrow, hopefully adumbrodius will respond before
Vote: Gheb
This is a vote I'm comfortable with.
I'm inclined to believe that FML was telling the truth, and I have no idea about Joey. Honestly I find that whole claim a bunch of nonsense because, looking at the flavor of the game, I'm don't see how we can be sure there's not 2 one-shot vigs. I have no idea what the makeup of this game is, but from the way it looks it definitely seems like it's meant to be ****ing weird. Gheb surviving means nothing, as far as I'm concerned.
Gheb should still die. I was willing to give him a chance, but his recent posts have been...not even trying. I don't know why he would try to save me, if he's scum he might want to remove the mason partner he was with, but I have gotten the impression Gheb thinks I'm a dummy so maybe he just thought he could manipulate me? I honestly don't know. But Gheb has shown more then just bad play but a lack of confidence and a habit of slinking in the shadows, neither of which I think we can let stand, and I don't want to drag Gheb along with us further into the game. I want that slot dead and flipped so we can move on. I'd say about 80% chance that he's not town, which is better then anyone else I see currently.
Alright, I don't trust anyone, but since people keep wondering: I'm a wizard.
Was my hint, the magic gif is really famous.
I honestly am not positive there isn't a role that works off knowing someone elses flavor, or role. But I'm a Wizard of One of the Cardinal Directions, and I know that no one else is a Wizard of one of those directions (or any direction). I communicate with Gheb through magic. From what I understand from my role, I'm pretty sure Gheb is not a wizard, or has a clear reason why he's in a neighborhood with me.
Last line I don't exactly understand.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I see no reason to not claim as Wizard of the West. If you google Filmcow Wizard it's the very first thing to pop up and I doubt anyone would sit there, watch that video, and then send in action to attack "Wizard of the North". So yeah, I'm Wizard of the West, town-apathetic wizard.
His 1455 breaks formatting so I'll just link and explain it. Gheb's next post after his readup doesn't mention it.
Talks about Gheb knowing that he has other abilities making him using it against JeXs hella suspect. Claims he has the power to pick somebody to be masons with each night in addition to his permanent gheb masonry and that if he doesn't pick them by night 3, he gets a forced masonry with 2 random people.
With Jex, the main reason I put attention on him in the first place was his claim. With that gone, Jex is just sort of left in limbo, because I don't remember him doing anything scummy beforehand, but I also don't remember him doing anything very townie. Feel free to bring up quotes if you think I'm missing something on him, town or scummy.
I was hoping to find a way to make it useful. I briefly considered telling Gheb I was the vig and trusted him, ask him who I should shoot, then send a masonry to someone I town read telling them what I did to wait and see if I got shot, but then 3 people claimed one-shot vig that day so the whole idea was ruined. Then I figured it might relate to an ability Gheb had, but he insisted he had no ability in our masonry.
I revelead my role when there felt to be a purpose to do so, after i decided i couldn't get good use of it.
A hint? Well, not one people were supposed to figure out, it was really breadcrumbing, something I could point back to and show I didn't just make something up on the spot.
Acknowledges Zalak calling his breadcrumbing unnecessary and suspicious.
Pretty sure that was her hinting that she had a PR
Also she was town
No, because I never gave that as a reason. I clearly stated that I felt I was being asked for my role, and I saw zero reason to give it out.
Pretty good
Reading through the previous days, the amount Kantrip was trying to push the lynch to Gheb and saying how Adumb would look bad on his town flip basically confirms to me that Gheb is town. it'd take something major to make me think he was scum
Says he didn't give a reason for not laying out his flavor cause Zalak accused him of being afraid somebody else had it.
Said he's been making good use of the neighborhood.
Zalak my "either or" referred to FML or Jex
I'm not gonna send in a specific person so two of you are gonna get summoned at random tonight
oh damn i didn't mean to post that yet, i was still writing it i just misclicked on the post reply button
The ability I mentioned here went off, it brought FML, Kary and me into a one night neighborhood. In it, Rake and Orbo used different names, and basically just contradicted themselves over and over again. Rake kept saying that me voting Jex was scummy, that I was scummy to have scum read him, and that if they were scum all they needed to do was keep voting Jex and end the day voting him. When it was pointed out that they voted jex, that they said jex was scummy, and that they did end the day voting jex, Rake said it was Orbo. When I asked why it was scummy if they had a town example of someone doing just that, Rake answered "degrees of separation".
It's mylo so I'm not going to be voting yet, there's no reason not to draw the day out, but as it stands now I'm going to be voting FML. It's by far the scummiest slot in the game. The horrible role claim, the horrible defense of him by a scumflip, his sudden drop of his Gheb push when he went out of his way to rolelcaim just to get him lynched, him trying to say i'm scummy for voting Jex when his own slot voted Jex, the fact that their slot is so disconnected yet can somehow come together to agree on pushes even when they can't agree if certain actions are scummy or not.
POE would put his partner at either Adumb or Sherlock, way more heavily on adumb
With you scum, that would make Gheb very likely to be town, he's the one who convinced me how ridiculous your claim was when I was originally giving it a pass. Katy would probably be town for roughly the same reason and for voting you over jex yesterday. That leaves sherlock and adumb, sherlock who counterclaims you or adumb who has defended you and who you insisted had to be town on any flip in our masonry
This brought something up that I had forgotten about
Rake, why did you say you thought I was scum with Zalak in the quicktopic?
It was in our neighborhood
First of June
I asked for more information on your role really early start of last game day, it was something you talked about. He just convinced me it didn't make any sense with you dropping his push, and I had forgotten there was also a paranoid Cop claim in there
My flavor is that I communicate with Gheb through wizard powers, and that if I don't send in my ability by night 3 the other two wizards (randomly selected) summon me to a neighborhood to force me to use my power.
Honestly, if I could, I'd have Gheb/Adumb/Ryu forced to duke it out for the next 48 hours but I get the feeling that'd be 3 posts
Just opened my role pm to further clarify
My ability to select one person to a one-night masonry was called "Duel you, with magic!", the 2-man random masonry was called "Unforgivably Lazy" and resulted from me not using my dueling magic powers by night 3, and the convo ability with Gheb is called 'Always Bothered"
All of these are relevant to show show, "duel you, with magic" is a quote when the Wizard of the West finally agrees to fight the Wizard of the East and they go off to the forest to duel. "Unforgivably lazy" is a quote when the 2 other wizards of the cardinal directions show up after traveling through time and space, they say that because the wizard of the west has been doing basically nothing and then proceed to destroy him, and he is constantly bothered by the wizard of the east.
The oddness comes from the fact that out of the "constantly bothered" is the only thing that seems to match up with being in a neighborhood.
First I'm hearing of the flavor. I can see a connection between both of our characters just want to be left alone but are forced to go along with stuff anyways. Wizards and unicorns are both magical things. Makes sense to me
I don't even know what that means
For reference the last masonry were two characters who were "friends" and traveled together in the same show. Both popgun viges kill things (note: that the murdering JeXs' character does is in the first vid the mod posted when Gorf got modkilled). Zalak's compulsively roleblocker is singing a song about forcing somebody in a box forever which perfectly fits the flavor. This is REALLY an odd man out.
Yeah not really, considering my role is that I'm a wizard who can make neighborhoods with people I don't think it's weird at all. I stand by what I said, my role PM is listed by win condition then by abilities. I have 3, "Duel you with Magic", where I can send in the name of a player to challenge to a wizard duel, where I'll have a one-night neighborhood with the person, "Unforgivabley Lazy" , where if I don't use my ability the Wizards of the North and South (chosen randomly from the other players) force me to be in an unsolicited 3-way neighborhood with them, and "Always Bothered", which just says I have free communication at any time with Gheb in our quick topic. Considering my abilities above, I'm doing it with wizard powers
No, that would have been the first ability, it would have only been for one night, and it would have stopped last night's neighborhood from going off
..did it not come with your role PM?
That you're in a neighborhood with me. You asked when, how or why. I found that a weird question, If it's in your role PM, then clearly the "when" was "before the game", and the why is "because the mod wanted it to be so", and the how is "because it's the set up"
He insisted he didn't have any abilities, my character was only connected with two characters that my role PM mentioned weren't in the game, so I don't know what his flavor would have helped.
Says to kary he didn't ask gheb about his flavor because he knew there weren't other wizards in the game and that's why he thought the flavor wouldn't have helped.
Unidirectional masonry where it's one player's power that another's in his neighborhood is not too hard to fathom. It could be set in the setup, random, or picked by the play. In the former cases the mod could send his role PMs out like normal. In the latter case the mod could either send all the role PMs and have the person with the power make the choice and then indicate to the chosen person with a PM or he could send the person making the choice the his role PM first, have him select a neighbor, then send the others.
Another odd thing is there are 3 characters he's connected with, not 2. Weird given that he previously mentions that both of the characters are characters that get bothered as part of his reason for not questioning Gheb's claim.
No not really, was that the guy I was supposed to duel with?
Also kary, why the sudden interest in flavor during mylo?
Maven and I are neighbors ... you guys happy now?
Nope, no content from him whatsoever.
Says Maven has given no content. Fits with Maven's claim that he had only said jokes up to that point.
Implies that Kary's assertion that he should've claimed masons with him is ridiculous. Presumably because he's not claiming they're confirmed town to each other which kary assumed was the reason he'd protect maven.
... otherwuse we wouldn't be neighbors.
Did I actually "block" it though? I only said that I'd rather keep Maven alive for now [with hopes of him getting replaced soon @Jdietz43 *hint* *hint*] because I'm in a neighborhood with him. I did neither say that it clears him nor that we should avoid lynching him at all costs - just that I'd rather lynch Bardull in case we're going the inactive road. In fact, I didn't even vote Bardull myself as I kept my vote on Kantrip whom I had believed to be the best lynch still.
IIRC it was mostly adum who insisted on Bardull over everybody else.
Says his intention in claiming was so he hoped maven would be replaced.
I don't see why this is of interest to you. Maybe I have additional powers, maybe I don't. That shouldn't affect your reads imo.
"no u" is not a valid counter argument.
Especially when it doesn't apply in the fist place.
There's a difference between "being unhelpful" and "not claiming when a slot not worth of trust asks you to".
Tells JeXs that he has no reason to further claim just because he asks and that is not being unhelpful.
I'm not voting anybody right now ... just saying because I feel like you have a pretty wrong perception of my slot this game:
Seriously, what are you talking about? It's not like I've chosen to be in a neighborhood with you -.-
And if I had been trying to manipulate you why I have I hardly talked to you at all in our conversation topic? You're not making sense. If you just want to get rid of me because you don't like me then just say it but don't pull bull**** like this and make up arguments out of thin air.
Rails on Maven for arguing that he was trying to manipulate him and that's why he protected the slot.
Seriously, at this point I don't know what say anymore. Whatever I say is turned against me with no consideration. None of the people that are voting me right now have come up with a good reason for it - it's almost entirely the same old, shallow "I don't like his play" stuff or some REALLY farfetched and terrible arguments ... me trying to prevent the lynch of my neighbor makes me scum? FML failing to Vig me makes me scum? Yeah, that's totally not how the game works and at this point it should be ample clear that mafia really wants this lynch to happen so open your eyes and quit being ********.
I also don't like how claims started to dominate the discussion. Ever since FML claimed this whole game kinda went down the drain, I still don't see any town intent behind his moves but since nobody seems to be interested in hearing what I have to say I'm gonna drop it and focus my efforts on Kantrip and Jexs who are the most suspicious slot in the game.
So none of the people that are currently voting me have a reason that goes beyond "Gheb is just scummy", "I failed at vigging him" or "he saved Maven with his claim". Instead, Jexs chooses to sheep the wagon because ____ ? People really need to quit being ********, there are so many more scummy slots in this game than me it's honestly baffling that I'm the closest to a lynch right now over the likes of ... just about everybody. Seriously, if the whole crappy "Gheb is just scummy" or "unhelpful" rgument ever applied in this game it certainly doesn't now. Either give a good reason or admit that the whole push has grown completely worthless by now and is most likely being kept alive by scum.
Zalak, I'm not sure in what way flavor claims will help. In themed games dGames hosts always give the anti-town factions fake claims that are safe to claim to make sure flavor can't break the game. I don't think we need any more claims for the time being, it only made things more complicated ... prime example for that would be your suggestion of leaving all the claimed Vigs alive. That's exactly the kind of thought process we should not fall for - leaving people alive solely because of their claims while ignoring their play. So yeah ... less claiming, more scumhunting plz.
Jexs are you a vig or in a neighborhood?
Oh yeah, I missed the "also" in your post.
You are trolling though, right? Please tell me you actually are ;_;
Just because I feel like that's what you've been doing all game.
I mean you "counterclaimed" two entirely different roles within a single Day. In one instance you've counterclaimed a counterclaim and in the other you've not only "ounterclaimed" me but you also did it in a fashion that's so similar to what I did with Maven that it's almost comical.
Thanks for proving my point though.
You really don't actually want the Kantrip lynch to happen, eh?
Of course it was odd. Because he's scum. You have to look at his posts from a scum angle and think about in what way he'd benefit from it.
... as if ever you did anything else. You guys kept me pinned against the wall the whole game so far. Two different slots have attempted to vig me. Pretty much everybody has voted me at one point. I don't know how much more "especially close" you wanna keep your eyes on me. Perhaps it's time to just accept that I'm not actually scum? Is it that hard to swallow?
~ Gheb ~
Jexs is the scummiest player in my book atm. It's irritating how he tried to discredit the Maven/Gheb neighborhood and play us against each other when he was apparently in a neighborhood himself. I also don't understand why he is supposed to have abilities other than being able to talk with his neighbor - Gorf didn't and I don't either. I also don't like how he's trying to establish a dichotomy between Kary and Zalak while leaving adum out of the picture entirely [who in my opinion seems to be much more adversary to Kary than Zalak is].
I may have let FML off the hook too soon. He's not very high up on my scumlist but at the same time it's not a slot I can read as town with confidence.
There might be a scumbag between Kary vs adum. I wanna see if their tête-à-tête leads to anything useful but atm I'm not confident in their exchange being solidly TvT.
Claims he does not have other abilities.
That's all fine and good.
But how is it related to my reasoning on why Jexs is scum? I think you should let him respond to stuff - or wait and see if he actully does respond - before you step up in his place and argue things that aren't of your business atm.
About what?
His claim adds up and by flavor it kinda makes sense for me to be in a neighborhood with a wizard. He has shown genuine interest in helping town win this game - him reading back to dig out the connections between Kantrip and FML is a proof of that. The only reason he'd do that as scum is if he wanted to buddy me by supporting my idea that Kantrip are FML scummates. If he actually wanted to buddy me he could've started earlier instead of openly mistrusting me in the beginning though so I don't really see any scum intent in hat he's doing. He's town in my book.
So I thought that'd it be useful for you guys to have me name claim ... I feel like there's no point in keeping it a secret at this point anymore and it may help clarifying stuff. I'm Charlie the Unicorn and the fact that a wizard and a unicorn being in a neighborhood makes too much sense to be mere coincidence is part of the reason why I've been so disinclined to read Maven as scum. A scum / town neighborhood is unlikely enough but with flavor indicating that this is not just some random BS I really doubt that Maven is scum [which I feel in turn looks bad on FML].
Seems extremely unlikely he'd say this out of the blue unless he was completely confident that it matched.
I'm not actively in possession of an ability. My role PM simply told me that I'm in a neighborhood with Maven and that I can communicate with him privately in our QT.
... when did Maven say that?
Oh yeah, I see it now.
I'm waiting for his explanation then. If the conversation actually has a name according to his role PM when mine doesn't it would imply that he has to be the one who started it as it must've been an active ability used by him. He'd have no reason to keep that a secret.
This also implies that the neighborhood is a result of Maven's skills.
Which could explain why Kary and adum feel rubbed the wrong way with our claims. And why we're in a neighborhood regardless.
So you actually chose to become neighbors with me?
Nvm, I missed the part where you said that it was mentioned in your role PM already.
Still weird imo and really doesn't explain when, how or why I was picked to become your neighbor.
Did what come in my role PM?
Fwiw, I've never asked for his either. It's mainly because I'm like 100% ignorant to the flavor of this game and it wouldn't have helped me anything to know about his flavor. I mean, up until now I've been totally convinced that our neighborhood makes sense because he's supposedly a wizard and I'm a unicorn.
I'm more confused about how we apparently both started out in a neighborhood when it obviously must've been his ability that triggered the whole thing. That one doesn't add up in my mind.
Says he's still confused and the entire thing doesn't add up.
[collapse=other relevant posts]
You all awake to see a sad... very melty sight.
Zalak: Robot Ice-Cream Sandwich, Town Compulsive Roleblocker has been killed!
Yet another psychotic robo-lactose-confection life cut needlessly short... this is getting hard to take...
With 6 alive it takes 4 to lynch
1. Maven
2. Full Metal Lynch
3. Adumbrodeus
4. Kary
5. Detective Sherlock Hound
6. Gheb
Deadline is Midnight CST Thursday the 18th
Day 4 Begins!
With 8 alive it takes 5 to lynch
1. Maven
2. Full Metal Lynch
3. Zalak [1] - Jexs
4. Adumbrodeus
5. Kary
6. Detective Sherlock Hound
7. Jexs [5] - Zalak, Gheb, FML, Maven, Adumbrodeus
8. Gheb
Not voting: Sherlock, Kary
A lynch has been reached!
Jexs: Carl the Llama, Town Popcap Vig has been lynched!
Sherlock has contacted me and intends to play from now on.
It is now Night 3!
Deadline for Night actions is Midnight CST the of Thursday the 11th.
For the record, I received and processed all night actions and effects.
It's been almost a (real life) week since anyone has seen Gorf: Paul the Llama, Town Neighbor alive! You can only assume he's dead or worse (modkilled).
This will not end dayphase as really this should've happened during the night on my part. Votes will not be reset as the number needed to lynch remains the same at 5 out of 8 players.
With 8 alive it takes 5 to lynch
1. Maven
2. Full Metal Lynch
3. Zalak
4. Adumbrodeus
5. Kary [1] - Adumbrodeus
6. Detective Sherlock Hound
7. Jexs
8. Gheb
Not voting: Everyone not Adumbrodeus
Deadline is Midnight CST Tuesday the 9th
Oh yea, I'm also in a neighborhood with Gorf and he has been completely inactive apart from 2 posts in there. If he ever comes back or something he can confirm this I guess lol
JeXs claims being neighbors with Gorf
Claims his prior claim of vig and current claim of neighbor were both true.
Why would I be trolling![]()
I don't understand the 2nd part lol. Also, don't blame me for having my role, blame my role pm![]()
I just answered your question though.
Right here
I shot gorf and nothing happened. But Dietz said I received another kill lol. Idk if it'll work though
JeXs gives no real insight into the inner workings of the neighborhood he's in and Gorf never says anything about it so the only information we get from them is flips.
One or both of them is scum. The flavor for neighborizing doesn't fit at all every other role seems to fit perfectly, nor does the the fact that the two of them are neighbors and have no flavor connection when the other two were friends from the short.
Reasons that suggest maven:
1. Flavor abilities don't seem to match with creating a neighborhood. Not as egregious as Kantrip because some factors line up, namely unforgivably lazy with something happening with 2 people because he doesn't use his abilities but that doesn't involve significant conversation. They just tell him they came to prevent a magical catestrophe then obliterate him. This is very odd given how the other flips were VERY strongly tied with flavor and the only one that wasn't was a scumbag fakeclaim.
2. He makes references to actions that occur within the short but later doesn't know a major character, perhaps lack of quality in claim came from paying insufficient attention.
Cons for Maven
1. Out of the blue iso defending gheb as to why his play was townie suggests it.
Reasons that suggest gheb:
1. None at the moment that I can think of, it's possibly answering one of the questions I posed will reveal something though.
Cons for gheb:
1. Kantrip's treatment of gheb makes him an unlikely partner, his play seemed to assume he would flip.
2. His random nameclaim makes no sense as scum, he made it clear he didn't know the flavor and claiming added an X factor. It makes sense however if he's town with a strong town read on maven.
Reasons that Suggest they're scum together:
1. Flazeda attitude about the claim even after clear conflict is being shown. Suggets a lack of incentive to lynch each other.
2. Gheb tries to defend maven by saying that if it's a result of maven's skills exclusively it makes sense for it to not be in the flavor.
Cons the idea they're scum together:
1. Gheb staying on the kantrip wagon the entire time suggests that he's unlikely to put himself at risk for a liability and at that point maven was a significant liability.
2. The claims don't add up at all, if they're scum together why couldn't they coordinate them at all? Especially the differences in how it's presented and the fact that if Maven knew the other wizards of the cardinal directions weren't in the game he could've easily convinced gheb to pick one of them and go from there. This only makes sense if the intent was for one to throw the other under the bus here.
3. If they were trying to throw the other under the bus, why do it this way in a claimed neighborhood? They automatically looks hella suspicious. Perhaps it could've been a last minute decision but if so, why close off the potential other wizard claim from gheb.
4. Maven knows the flavor, it seems unlikely he'd just remove Gheb's out by accident.
Based on the information I have scum maven neighbored with a town gheb seems most likely. Reluctance on Gheb's part seems most likely based on a strong town read and being disinclined to change it.
Also it seems extremely unlikely Kary would bring this up on her partner as scum, in mylo, especially since neither were really in consideration and it pushes both of them into the limelight as lynch possibilities.
Followup questions
Questions: @

1. In your 966 was "From what I understand from my role, I'm pretty sure Gheb is not a wizard, or has a clear reason why he's in a neighborhood with me." supposed to mean that he has a clear reason he's in a neighborhood or he doesn't have one?
2. In your 967 what did you mean by " I doubt anyone would sit there, watch that video, and then send in action to attack "Wizard of the North""?
3. When did you tell gheb you had another power?
Questions: @

1. When did Maven tell you he had another power? Why didn't you take it into account when you questioned JeXs?
2. When did you receive word you were in the masonry with Maven? Was it a note at the end or another PM in the conversation?
3. What's your role called in your PM?
Thoughts? As I said I'm leaning towards maven but we need more input, we currently have 1 day, 17 hours, 35 minutes til deadline.