My bad. I have used them interchangeably as the same "region" for a long time. Europe would be the overall set of areas, where UK is a more confined area, right? Like the US in general consists of South America, North America, and Canada, where USA is another way to say North America at this point. Or I might be still misunderstanding, so please correct my errors on that.
I'll watch and put my thoughts down later. I can say for sure that ProJared actually said some incorrect things in his review, and even I've made mistakes about the game. Also, since you're in the UK, the n64 game version you're looking for is called Holy Magic Century. It's either French, German, or English basically. There is no tangible differences besides languages, so whichever one you're most fluent in is probably the best to get or find via emulation. I myself have played every single Quest game(all 10), and own all but 2 of those.
(Note that I'll edit in my thoughts, but seeing as how he thinks Turn-Based is a hard-coded requirement for a JRPG, which isn't actually true, it looks like his criteria is a lot more subjective than simply showing some flaws alone).
Well, quick edit time; I am not seeing any real mistakes up to the sixth part thusfar. However, Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage, easily is a worse game in practice. It has some cool ideas, but the gameplay is horrendously awful(never mind it somehow sounds and looks worse than Quest 64, which admittedly doesn't have high quality music or graphics overall due to being rushed and midis) overall. That said, he didn't make any mistakes. Those are legitimate flaws with Quest that are undeniable. He didn't really delve in far enough to explain other issues that actually can make the game problematic. Despite having a ton of charm in its own right, and a very good battle system for what it's supposed to do, it doesn't mention that battles are very very often and repetitive(it slightly implies that), nor does it explain the bad item system(which is a lack of money and it actually doesn't let you divide items up). The final thing is no maps, which makes dungeons very long and some even look very same-y. Obviously this makes it sound kind of bad too, but I felt like the overview the user did is very lacking overall and could've at least noted more factors. That said, it's very evident the user is looking for extremely specific things to begin with anyway. Story and Characterization are two main things that often are noted, same with gameplay balance sometimes. Music sometimes comes to mind, as shown with Sonic Chronicles.
Other than that, I'd say Sticker Star is being oversaid on how bad it is. It's not actually a bad game. It's just not the game people were looking for. It's decent. It does its job overall in a unique way, but is very shallow(but not to the point the game is virtually unplayable or completely poor). It's obviously flawed. I also don't plan to talk about the Neptunia issues as is, cause that feels like a bad debate waiting to happen.
Overall, I'd say I've seen better overviews of games. I also agree with one of the comments that the name would feel more accurate to say these games are generally underwhelming instead of outright terrible.