Nice contribution Scabe! If you look a little further down (the last one on the list) I've already added it!
But what list I hear you say? The list of known Jab lock set ups! I've gone through that vid and written up every set up that he did. Now it's up to us to make more!
A cool name for the First hit of Bair you say? I've never been good with cool names, I normally give them practical names, I'll have to think about that.
As promised, I've gone through
the vid of jab locks and I've listed every way that he set them up. So read through, feel inspired and let's hear some discussion on finding some more jab lock set ups. I'll quote this post and a few others that lead to this post and create a new discussion in the OP. I will add any new ideas that you have to this list which will also of course remain in the OP.
Keep in mind that a lot of these are not guaranteed set ups, but who cares.
1. Throw Boomerang at them close up, walk forwards, Jab.
2. U-tilt a shielding enemy who is standing above you on a low platform, they fall off the platform in their tumble animation, when they land, simply Jab them.
3. Both you and your opponent stand on a low platform with the opponent standing near the edge of the platform. Jab him, he will fall off the platform in his tumble animation, you fall through the platform and when you land, Jab him.
4. Bomb pull, Full hop, throw the Bomb down just in front of your opponent, footstool them, Nair, Fast fall the Nair, Jab them.
5. Pull out a Bomb, Footstool a grounded opponent, throw the Bomb down, Footstool them again, Nair, Fast fall the Nair, Jab them.
6. Throw the Boomerang so that it misses the opponent, use the three hit Jab combo on the opponent so they get hit into the path of the returning Boomerang, they will be pulled back towards you, when they land Jab them.
7. Pull out a Bomb, Jump, double jump, throw the bomb down at the opponent, fast fall, Quickdraw in their direction, then Jab them.
8. Throw a Boomerang at the opponent up close, shoot an arrow, run up and Jab them? (in the vid he did not use this as a Jab lock set up but the arrow does lock them.)
9. SH, Bair so that the first hit misses them and so that the second hit hits them just as you land, run towards them, SH Nair so that you miss them on the way up, Fast fall the Nair, Jab them.
10. SH, wait a bit, Zair up close so that you hit them just as you land, run towards them, SH, Instantly footstool them, Nair, Fast fall the Nair, Jab them.
11. Against some characters, you can hit them with the first hit of Bair just as you land, SH towards them and Instantly footstool them, in the vid he followed this up with a Quickdraw to Jab, but the footstool is not guaranteed as they can always escape if they expect it (I already tested this).
12. Hit an opponent up against a wall (with the three hit Jab combo) and if they don't tech it, Jab them when they land.
13. As soon as you come back from losing a stock, Bomb pull, get close to them, throw the Bomb down at your feet then quickly jump towards them and footstool them and then land an Jab them..... (I have some serious doubts about this one.)
14. Footstool an opponent who is jumping up from the edge, Nair, Fast fall the Nair, Jab them.
15. Against some characters (I presume) SH, Zair them close up, D-tilt them (it should spike them into the ground) then Jab them.
16. ....this one's silly. Grab them, Up-throw them, SH, Footstool them, Nair, Fast fall the Nair, Jab them. (maybe this is hoping they will airdodge through you expecting you to attack them, and then you footstool them just as their invincibility frames run out?)
17. Throw the Boomerang up really close, SH, Instantly Footstool them, Nair, Fast fall the Nair, Jab them.
18. On slower falling characters, Jab them twice, Jab cancel, SH, Instantly Footstool them, Nair, Fast fall the Nair, Jab them.
19. Throw the Boomerang so it misses them, Pull out a bomb, Throw the bomb at them, they will get pulled back by the returning Boomerang, SH, Footstool them, Nair, Fast fall the Nair, Jab them.
20. Lol.... Pull out a Bomb, Full hop, Double Jump, Z-drop the Bomb, Fast fall to the other side of the opponent and D-tilt. The Bomb will hit them and then they'll get spiked into the ground by the D-tilt and then you Jab them.
21. Throw the Boomerang at your opponent from close up, Run towards them, SH wait a bit, Fair so that you hit them with the First hit of Fair then Instantly land, Jab them.
22. SH, Zair up close to them just before you land, Run forwards a tiny bit, SH Instantly Footstool them, Fast fall, Quickdraw towards them, Jab them.
23. Throw a Boomerang so that it misses your opponent, wait a bit, D-tilt them into the returning Boomerang, they will get caught by it, if they don't airdodge or tech then walk up to them and Jab them when they land.
24. (This is the space left for you guys!)