The best use for wind pushing opponents is to edge guard from across the stage, instead of something like SHing an arrow.
Although this was posted a loooong time ago, I am going to disagree with this statement.
I mean it has it's properties to knock the opponent down or blow people away. it does have it's uses, but honestly the Wind Pushing is hardly even reliable 90% of the time for any type of spacing. As an offensive tool, the Gale Boomerang sucks. That's okay though
I'm going to explain more thoroughly on how the Gale Boomerang works and how it should be used.
So we know that the Gale Boomerang pulls just about anything with it on it's returning course back to Link. I see a lot of Link players randomly throwing it out as some sort of "wall" either hoping to get lucky and score a hit (Which is fine at close range) or to try to push them a couple inches away for some reason which doesn't help in the slightest because the opponent can just shield it lol. Ultimately, making Link's camp game almost
laughable. Randomly throwing your Boomerang at your opponent when they are on the the opposite side of the stage
doesn't do anything.. but there is a reason for this though:
It was never designed for that purpose to to begin with. However, the Gale Boomerang is the very thing that is missing from his pressure game. The "missing Link" to Link's entire combo system.
The thing everyone needs to know is not to throw the Boomerang AT the opponent, but
behind them and there's definitely a few ways to do it which I will post in a moment. You guys were saying that Link isn't very mobile and can't really approach which is true with the exception of Bombsliding/Zair, but if you have your boomerang behind the opponent, you
literally don't even have to because the opponent is in a mental struggle on whether he should deal with the Boomerang or whether he should deal with
you. The key here is;
With this in mind, Link is essentially being in 2 places at the same time. That doesn't even include what you already utilize with bombs and arrows yet.
I want to point out that Rizen made a great Link guide (I saw the whole thing) and it was very, verrrry informative and I give major props to it all cause' it definitely helped me. I will say that there is truth in "flooding the screen with projectiles", but the most important thing in that is
how you do it.
As long as your Boomerang is behind your opponent and you respond accordingly, all of the moves you thought you couldn't follow-up with
becomes your follow up options. You guessed it;
The Boomerang acts more as some sort of fish net reeling in runaway fish. Both stopping and dragging anything with momentum or hitstun back to your position.
While on the ground in mid-long distances, you'll want to throw the Boomerang in the upwards angle at all times. Of course it won't be hitting anything,
but your "fish net" is all set up. All you need now are your bait. Predominantly,
your bombs are the bait that you are using to fish with as well, but all of Link's otherwise "laggy" moves will now all string together as long as your Wind Net (lets just call it that for now lol) is set up. This opens up maaaaany possibilities for Link. Here are a few:
Both sides of Dsmash will hit if you time it correctly
Dtilt becomes your best friend.
Automatically sets up into jab lock unless they tech.
From the jab lock, can hit them with another close range Boomerang on wake up....and reset the jab lock lmao.
With good timing, you can throw a bomb in the air before your Wind Net catches them from your attack and can follow up as the bomb explodes on them.
Double Dtilt 100% viable
Honestly, you can probably follow up with whatever you want with all this in mind.
I mean yeah, Link has booty options if you look at character statistics,
but every single character has a particular strength. Link's in this case is Assertive-Protective stage control.
You cannot plank this kind of play. Toon Link may have the mobility, but since Link has this Wind Net on his Gale Boomerang, he's literally the only character in the game capable of this sort of "momentum-stringing".
Also, Rizner mentioned the "wind push" eons earlier in this thread and I did say that it has it's uses, but I'll show you guys another (potentially
new..) way to make it work.
Phantom Boomerang and Gale Guarding are both fairly defensive AT's,
but I wonder what would happen if you were able to do this on stage?? Hmm..
Introducing my offensive version of this: Gale Storming
Unlike the Gale Guarding and Phantom Boomerang, this all happens on stage and will basically protect you buy
throwing off your opponent's spacing. It may even drag them across the entire stage depending on the weight and position of the character.
How you do it is basically: Instead of throwing the Gale Boomerang at the opponent, you're actually going to throw it in the
opposite direction and then
jump over the Gale Boomerang just before it returns to Link. I'm pretty sure every single one of you have done this by accident at some point in your experience.
What you're doing here is messing with the "repulsion and attraction" physics of the Gale Boomerang. By throwing it in the opposite direction it will return to Link, but whenever it returns, the winds actually get about 3x times stronger which is why it is able to drag things along with it. But.... When you jump over the returning Boomerang you threw in the opposite direction,
the "pull" factor from the wind essentially becomes the "push" factor because now it's rushing itself towards the opponent instead.
It can still be disrupted by the usual things, but it
will throw off their spacing if it connects successfully.
May not be in the greeeetest quality, but you can see a few example here:
Another example of his strength in stage control. Of course, these weren't against against any actual players (but has been pretty effective.) just some ideas that I hadddd
"2-Way Deadlock":
Hylian Deadlock":
Maybe some of you already knew about things mentioned in this post or not, idk since I'm pretty new to the Link boards. Link probably has more AT's than Yoshi does and
that's saying something.