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Santa Barbara / San Luis Obispo Smash: Smash Club this Tuesday at HFH @ 8 pm


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
alright. guess it's up to you then.

just for the record. none of that trash was mine. I didn't bring anything nor did I eat anything in your dorm. I also wasn't aware that the furniture had to have a specific placement, so you probably should withhold blame for that incident, because responsibility for the state of your dorm falls squarely on the shoulders of you and your roommates.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
Where do I take the 23? North Hall bus stop? What time would I have to get home? I'm not going to a smashfest if it is too short and I have to leave home early. :confused: How many stops are there before the Mendocino stop? Also regarding the warning, I gave specific instructions on how to arrange the furniture. Even though I was the last person to check out of the dorm, I was not the last person to leave the dorm. The last 3 people to leave the dorm were you, Josh, and Andrej. I depended on you 3 to position the furniture in a certain way which I gave specific instructions for. If I were to host a smashfest without myself physically being there, I run the risk of getting another warning. The only way for me to bypass this risk would be to head over there and examine the room myself when everyone is gone. So it is either:

1. I go to the smashfest.


2. Smashfest does not happen since I don't want to skip the smashfest just to go back later and do the clean up, repositioning, etc.



Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
all you told us was that the couches had to be up against the walls, which they were when I left. Any trash that was found was not ours. take the 23 from anywhere, it goes toward Sycamore Canyon idk how many stops there are, just get off on the mendocino one. well so far we only have 4 people confirmed (anthony, cho, me and you) so one setup should be enough for now.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
SB prioritizes doubles practice over singles practice way too much. It should be an even split. Can Caleb bring a set up? If Anthony is getting there via bus, then I can join him so I do not get lost. :) DGDTJ is coming up and I want to beat at least one person in brackets in singles. Last time, I lost to Sheridan, Connor, and Shroomed in pools and HMW and Scar in brackets. When is the last bus back to campus? I want an estimate of how much time I have.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
Actually the plan is like this:

1. I assume everyone is going unless they deconfirm themselves.

2. Once enough people deconfirm themselves, I'll host.

3. If not enough people deconfirm themselves, I'll just cancel the the room and go home.



Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
Goleta/Santa Barbara, CA
huy are those ppl you lost to are hella good lol

dante if you host it that would be pretty awesome for me because the 23 bus runs the latest and there is a stop hella close to my place.

and huy we dont out prioritize doubles over singles. its for the same reason you said! people and espicially you dont like waiting for rotations! lol


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
Goleta/Santa Barbara, CA
wait so before you sid not enough ppl are confirmed so you are going to cancel

now too many ppl are confirmed so youre gonna cancel??

wth! that makes no sense dude lol

edit : double post my bad


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
Actually the plan is like this:

1. I assume everyone is going unless they deconfirm themselves.

2. Once enough people deconfirm themselves, I'll host.

3. If not enough people deconfirm themselves, I'll just cancel the the room and go home.

wow that's the complete opposite of how you should rationally plan things. You should:

1. assume that only the people that confirm themselves are coming, especially if you haven't even told those people about it.

2. Once enough people confirm, then host.

3. If not enough people confirm, or if too many do, then don't host.

I also find it odd that you seem quite eager to come to my house even though probably just as many people would likely show up..... not that I care, I just wish you weren't so averse to large crowds of people.

anyway huy's smashfest seems like a lost cause. I'll bring up the idea of having a smashfest with my mom after I finish finals (or else she'll tell me to not bring it up until finals are over, I know her lol).


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
It does make sense if you have actually seen the room I booked, the conditions, etc. :) If you think about it more carefully, if we have too many people, then we have to wait in rotations, but if we have too few people, it is not fun since it gets boring playing the same people over and over again. So the only way to do this is to have two people per set up with multiple set ups, which is the reason why I asked you if you would bring a set up, but you have not told me whether or not you are bringing a set up. So it does make sense.



Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
Goleta/Santa Barbara, CA
anyway huy's smashfest seems like a lost cause.
as always lol

dont take this personal huy but you are really bad at organizing smashfests dude
I remember that fiasco you had of wanting all of us to vote on a place. then when i simply asked you on google talk for davidchaos number there like 20 minutes of you messaging nonsense until you could simply give me his number. When you finally did I simply asked him if he could have it at his place. he said yes and boom we had it simple as that lol
and you came too haha =P

edit : and huy if you wanted a specific number of ppl then why did you post it here on a public place. you have all our numbers so asking ppl individually will more likely get you the number you want than an open invitation to everyone here lol

"hey smashfest this sat. ppl interested?"
*10 people confirm*
"oh no thats too many people. I hope people deconfirm or else i have to cancel it"

lol that makes no sense =P

and no I cant bring a setup


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
Except people are more likely to deconfirm if they are not showing than confirm if they are showing up. Also it does make sense since the room is small. It is because I ran out of texts for this month.

Also I'm not adverse to large crowds. If so, I wouldn't be attending Genesis 2 and DGDTJ in the first place. Also there will be less people at your house than at my place, but that isn't the case why I wanted to go to your house. I never even said I wanted to come to your house.



Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
it's ok huy I don't care. The big elephant in the room is the fact that people would always rather go to someone else's house than host something at their place. That applies to me, for sure. I just found it odd, that's all.

People are equally likely to do both (confirm or deconfirm) but it makes more sense to take silence as meaning they won't come. If someone says nothing, they're almost guaranteed not to come.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
This is a strawman argument because I said that they never confirm by posting anything, but you decide to distort my claim by saying that their confirmation with another person is a valid confirmation. Only confirmation directly to me or on SWF count.



Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
You're missing the thrust of my argument so I'll try to rephrase it.

Let's evaluate both methods using everyday experience with people in general as our guide.

3 people check this thread and see the thread, all of which can attend. The other 10 people never hear about the smashfest and so they can't confirm whether or not they can come.

Huy's method: 3 people confirmed, but 10 people didn't deconfirm, so we assume way too many people are coming. The smashfest is cancelled when we had just enough people that were planning to attend.

The rational way: 3 people confirmed, the other 10 people didn't confirm, so we assume 3 people will come. That's just enough, so the smashfest happens and we have a good time.

That's why your smashfest will never happen. Your system is bad to begin with.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
Wrong. We have to assume that more people will come if they do not deconfirm since that is how it has been in the past. I'd rather not have it than have it but risk more people coming. Obviously you don't care if too many people show up since you don't have to deal with clean up, repositioning, etc. Remind me again, who takes the blame as well as the charges / warnings on his housing record when people don't reposition the furniture and pick their trash?



Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
no. we always know about how many people come. people rarely show up unannounced. They always let someone know if they are coming. But whatever. Your method sucks, and your restrictions are very stringent. I'd recommend rethinking your approach before you ever attempt to host another smashfest in the future.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
The person whom "they always let someone know" isn't always the host. Only direct notification to the host counts. Imagine this:

A person invites people to their wedding, party, etc. The invited person tells their friend that there is a party and the friend tells the invited person that they are coming. The host says "Why are you at the party when you didn't confirm?" The friend says, "Well I told my friend (the original invited person) that I was coming." The host says, "No. That does not count. You have to notify me directly."



Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
Goleta/Santa Barbara, CA
To simply end this, huy don't ever attempt to host a smashfest. You have never hosted a successful one and what always ends up happening is 200 unneccesary posts and no smashfest on your end.

David is a great host, Dante throws one once in while, so does John, and smashclub is coming up.

Your intentions are good (I guess) but arguments and no smashfest is what always happens when you bring it up the idea of hosting one. So don't bring up the idea anymore lol


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
To simply end this, huy don't ever attempt to host a smashfest. You have never hosted a successful one and what always ends up happening is 200 unneccesary posts and no smashfest on your end.

David is a great host, Dante throws one once in while, so does John, and smashclub is coming up.

Your intentions are good (I guess) but arguments and no smashfest is what always happens when you bring it up the idea of hosting one. So don't bring up the idea anymore lol
I wouldn't go quite that far. I'd simply suggest that he reexamine his methods for hosting and try to see things from the guests' end.


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Cal Poly / Davis, CA
Why do you guys have all this confusion and **** over smashboards instead of like AIM or a phone call or something? All I got from looking at it was:
*insert meaningless drama that could be worked out in a 5 minutes of phone calls*

Where's Gosu Sheep when things get good?

I guess I wouldn't know what it's like living in a place that has more than 4 people who wanna smash...


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
People are sometimes negative. They seem to assume that when they don't have their smashfest, they seem sad, but they forgot about the positives like that one time where I was able to get Joel to let us play where Joey came and that one time where the TV blew up.



Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
Goleta/Santa Barbara, CA
Well the venue was really small, only one setup that had lag noticeable from numerous ppl (although I didn't) and we were only allow to play for a few hours.

So that smashfest was an example of everything you dont want. One setup, too many people having to wait on rotations, playing doubles. So would you considerate it successful?

That was fine for me i guess because it was (as all of us have said several times) better than nothing but it wasn't very succesful, especially by your own standards huy lol

now I bet you're gonna John about "well your argument is invalid bc you don't know my idea of success" or something =P


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
People are sometimes negative. They seem to assume that when they don't have their smashfest, they seem sad, but they forgot about the positives like that one time where I was able to get Joel to let us play where Joey came and that one time where the TV blew up.

yeah man I feel ya (you're not exempt from that either. you put me on blast right after the last tournament haha) but I feel like you're looking at things in a negative light. Instead of saying

"aww man this sucks only 3 people at my smashfest it's boring playing the same people over and over."

you could be thinking.

"this is great I don't have to wait very much on rotations and I get to try new things against these people."

or instead of

"aww man this sucks there are loads of people here now I gotta wait long in rotations."

you could be thinking

"cool now I can simulate playing under pressure. I better play my best or I'll have to wait a long time for my next turn!"


"aww man I got kicked off but no biggy, I get to enjoy the company of these cool people and just chill."

I mean, there are negatives to each scenario, but you can find the positives in them too, and your mindset can oftentimes make or break an experience.

cliche I know but very true in this case. ;)


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
Is anyone to free to play on Friday? The venue I found doesn't have to be checked out (meaning I actually don't have to be there). It is just a "get there first before people use it to study" type venue. Also we can play at Anthony's because he is finished on Friday, but he does not have a set up.

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