Rofl so you're telling me due to dumb luck of the computer, it'll theoretically take Sunny for example until the end of this quarter to get to the top even if he wins every match? And on top of that who the **** is gonna challenge people that are clearly better them them? And what happens if you were challenged but then you play your own challenge match to move up and win before playing the one from under you?
Say if Sunny challenged me. I'll be like **** that Tom lets play. Hopefully beat Tom and move the hell up before I play Sunny. Ok so lets make EVERYONE play from the ground up. That will create a train of waiting ALL the way to the bottom before higher matches can be played. And if one person breaks a rule, chaos happens.
Less skilled/experienced players are just gonna get *****d and end up being nothing but stepping stones. Like why the hell would I challenge anyone other than Tom (no offense Tom) to move up? And what happens if Tom doesn't wanna play or doesn't show up? I have to wait another week because everyone else already played their "1 per smashfest"?
And to top it all off you named each list to something stupid instead of giving it legitimate letter grades or something
Read this
It gives a **** ton more incentive for higher players to play other higher players, while at the same time rewarding lower ranked players more if they happen to beat higher ranked players. Why are we making up BS systems where Andrew makes up a rule as he goes instead of sticking with a system that's been internationally used in everything ranging from Chess to Dota?