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Samus vs Sonic


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
A fellow smasher named Vaul argues that the match up of Samus vs Sonic is arguably in Samus' favor or neutral.

Now I had gone to the Samus character boards along with Vaul and upon hearing my argument they basically quoted smash wiki.

1.Low priorit
2.No way to approach through projectiles
3 Stopped br repeated projectiles.

They also said that due to Sonic's low killing potential Samus would basically be very difficult for Sonic to defeat on a walk off stage where he cannot gimp.

It was also argued that a defensive style of play would also defeat Sonic and that her charge shot (when charged at 5%) would break through his spindash.

Now I've already done my fairshare of arguing and I would like to know the opinion of my fellow Sonic mainers concerning Sonic vs Samus.

Who has the advantage?
Is it neutral?
Who has the disadvantage?


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2007
Long Island NY.
The only people that I know how to play Samus are me, and some guy who sucks really, really bad as her.

I would say that It's about even.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
well im sure noob sonics can't beat samus....

but uh... noob sonics dont evenr eally go in the air... they just spin dash all day..

but would ASC not **** samus? and spring? can samus even counter sonic's dair?

i dont know but i would LOVE to see a samus beat my sonic... because i think samus is a fraction of her former (melee) self... and its really a link-esque situation..

while sonic on the other hand... is not bad if played properly.
(have samus or link users won any brawl tournaments?)


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
A fellow smasher named Vaul argues that the match up of Samus vs Sonic is arguably in Samus' favor or neutral.

Now I had gone to the Samus character boards along with Vaul and upon hearing my argument they basically quoted smash wiki.

1.Low priorit
2.No way to approach through projectiles
3 Stopped br repeated projectiles.

They also said that due to Sonic's low killing potential Samus would basically be very difficult for Sonic to defeat on a walk off stage where he cannot gimp.

It was also argued that a defensive style of play would also defeat Sonic and that her charge shot (when charged at 5%) would break through his spindash.

Now I've already done my fairshare of arguing and I would like to know the opinion of my fellow Sonic mainers concerning Sonic vs Samus.

Who has the advantage?
Is it neutral?
Who has the disadvantage?
meh, I messed around with it, and it looks like charge shot vs spindash (ASC, SD (hop), SDR) is really unstable. They'll both outprioritize each other at different times, different positions. However, one thing that remains constant is the invincibility frames either cutting through or destroying charge shots.

Same thing with the missiles (both homing and power missiles), though he'll clang cancel if he's on the ground.

Anyway, Samus' Z-air has problems hitting a grounded Sonic, much less one in a spindash, though homing missiles can lower themselves so that they block his way. They also climb very slowly so doing spring/SDJ/spinshot gets you through that easily.

Samus' F-air and Z-air beats Sonic's aerial attacks, among other things, those being the more common among the Samus players I've fought.

Mines can be a nuisance, depending on how she uses them (disruptor, combo starter for charge shot)

I'm kinda out of it today @.@

If you take mindgames and mobility out of the equation though, Samus would have an advantage, I think. She's got a few disjointed hitbox moves and some things that can disrupt Sonic's aerial and ground game. However, no projectiles can stop his approach completely, thanks to his horizontal and aerial moility. I'd say it was even, all things considered.

But, I've only fought a few Samus users :[


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
We can always just do Sonic boards vs Samus boards crew battles.

**** would actually be kinda fun. I'd probably sandbag alot though.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
samus eats SH forward airs all day, shes too big of a target, id say the match is in sonics favor, i beat samus the majority of the time

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
also, wanna go for epic stupidity lulz?
use a HA and tell the samus to stand still and duck... super gay and priceless at the same time


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
So is Bowser but guess what he still does pretty well.

What is important is whether or not Sonic can approach and what can he do when he gets there.
If he approaches Bowser he can do a few things but also risks eating a powerful move.
The risks involved have to be factored in as well.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
bowser is also one of sonic's easiest opponents.

does any1 else want to take into consideraiton that samus is just bad?

i mean a lot of people consider sonic to be bad too.. but he isnt lol


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Well, to avoid straw man examples, I'd like it if any tips/comments on the matchup were given if you've actually fought a good Samus main.

@.@; some approaches will depend on how the other player reacts, and alot of it will depend on if they're actually a good player, and also if they've fought a Sonic before.

Keep in mind that many people haven't fought good Sonics and many people haven't fought good Samus users either.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
Costa Rica
I play against a Samus main all the time...
Gimp Samus its a bit difficult, her Uair stops the spring and the Dair too.

The other stuff isnt very difficult: approach running+grab or SH Bair or Fair, Dtilt work too.
Spin Charge in the air to build up damage (it works when you are pressuring her or when she is launching missiles/charge shot).

Shes a bit laggy after attacks (grounded ones) so side step and grab/hit her.
My strategy its pressure her to build up damage and then play on ground and wait an opening to kill her.

Sonic have adventage here (a little bit but he have it)...


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2007
Everywhere you wanna be
Im from the Samus boards and believe me Im not here to dis sonic in any way. Heres something that both Sonic and Samus users alike dont realize: Her initial jab has amazing priority and will either clank or knock Sonic out of spin dash, and it is mostly the later that happens. Add that into the equation, given that Sonic does get past the projectiles and bombs. This is a serious question. What is your next set of moves in the event that a Samus spams projectiles, and punishes spin dash with jab? Once again, Im not putting Samus on a pedistal, Im just trying to add some food for thought.

Terios the Hedgehog

Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2006
Shenandoah, PA
Running perfect shields to shield grab? Samus does have that tether grab but my friend used to main Samus and he didn't use it much . Running shield on projectiles and running spotdodge when Sonic's in Samus grab range. Then grab and punish.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
Costa Rica
Im from the Samus boards and believe me Im not here to dis sonic in any way. Heres something that both Sonic and Samus users alike dont realize: Her initial jab has amazing priority and will either clank or knock Sonic out of spin dash, and it is mostly the later that happens. Add that into the equation, given that Sonic does get past the projectiles and bombs. This is a serious question. What is your next set of moves in the event that a Samus spams projectiles, and punishes spin dash with jab? Once again, Im not putting Samus on a pedistal, Im just trying to add some food for thought.
The jabs have priority indeed, but nothing to do against a shield grab (Sonic people approaches like crazy this way)... just run, shield/powershield/spotdodge stuff until you reach Samus (great against spammers). The jab don't stops an aerial Spin Charge...

I played too many times against Samus (A LOT!!! :dizzy: )


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2007
Everywhere you wanna be
fair enough. Ultimately I think that Samus has the ability to alter the flow of the fight, but It really comes down to the players at hand.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Im from the Samus boards and believe me Im not here to dis sonic in any way. Heres something that both Sonic and Samus users alike dont realize: Her initial jab has amazing priority and will either clank or knock Sonic out of spin dash, and it is mostly the later that happens. Add that into the equation, given that Sonic does get past the projectiles and bombs. This is a serious question. What is your next set of moves in the event that a Samus spams projectiles, and punishes spin dash with jab? Once again, Im not putting Samus on a pedistal, Im just trying to add some food for thought.
I use spindashes alot, so I'm familiar with the clank situation. If it clanks (happens more often than not), Sonic can immediately go into an F-tilt, which is fast and has range comparable to Marth's Fsmash.

fair enough. Ultimately I think that Samus has the ability to alter the flow of the fight, but It really comes down to the players at hand.



Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
I'm not sure if you can say anything about who has the upper hand, as samus players are so different from one person to another.


Smash Cadet
Feb 22, 2008
My brother plays Samus quite a bit and I've found that if you can get Samus into the air you can probably out manuver her. Her aerials are laggy and slow compared to Sonic's. If she uses projectiles you should spin dash or try the classic approach with spot dodges.

Just my two cents.


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
My brother plays Samus quite a bit and I've found that if you can get Samus into the air you can probably out manuver her. Her aerials are laggy and slow compared to Sonic's. If she uses projectiles you should spin dash or try the classic approach with spot dodges.

Just my two cents.
Getting her into the air is only an advantage when you're directly under her. Uair is ****. Fair is cool. Bair is kinda hard to hit with but it's pretty scary all the same. Nair is beast as well. Dair is just nothing to really fear since Sonic has no issue chasing Samus down before she can pull it off.

Everyone forgot about SHADing vs projectiles. They also forgot that Samus likes to follow them up with dash attacks. Sonic vs Projectiles is heavily situational.


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2006
Tempe, AZ (Arizona State University)
I honestly don't see it being advantageous to Samus. Both forms of her missles have start up lag. I usually find myself running up to her and being able to spot dodge, sheild, or roll behind her before the attack can hit.

Eitherway, powershielding until you're close enough for a f-tilt seems to work. Spin Dash isn't Sonics only approach so her jabs aren't really scary at all.

I haven't faced too many people who play Samus, but she doesn't have much of an advantage at all. It's much more even, if not better for Sonic.


Smash Cadet
Aug 23, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
my 2 cents

I recently got some experience using Sonic against a decent Samus. My experience is very similar to what has been said.

Samus can pressure Sonic with her projectile game, but falls short of overwhelming him because of all his movement options (run, spindash, aerials, spring...).

In hand to hand combat neither particularly overwhelms the other, Samus is better at defense and Sonic is better at Offense so it plays out pretty interestingly.

I believe this was mentioned before, but I had a hard time gimping Samus. The Spin Jump ignores the spring, plus Samus can stall in the air with her missles messing up my approach and making it hard to edgeguard.

Any Sonic players have any tips for gimping Samus?


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Any Sonic players have any tips for gimping Samus?
If you can, try to keep knocking her back off the level and pressure her to use her Tether recovery, or pressure her into doing an airdodge/attack by 'floating' around off stage.

If she goes tether, and you can predict it, just jump back toward the edge and B-air, and you can stage spike.

Otherwise, just edgeguard @.@;
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