Did you even read what I said?
I didn't say it was easy nor did I say it didn't take dedication. My complaint is what he is saying is blatant favoritism to a certain demographic and he is basically lying through his teeth.
You need to learn how to strawman better.
For starters at least make an attempt to discredit my argument instead of spewing fanboy garbage about how hard it is to make a game which I didn't even touch upon.
That is most likely the best you can do, since reading comprehension seems beyond your capabilities and as such actually coming up with counter arguments would be an impossible task.
Ok then let me break it down for you:
"He is a stubborn fool stuck in his ways."
We could say the same about us competitive players, who apparently cannot comprehend that balancing isn't just limited to 1vs1 stock item-less matches, and that they have to count every single variable possiblewhen doing so, taking into account every single matchup from 2-8 players, in the different game modes, and isn't as easy as nerfing a character's certain move or hitbox.
"A living testament to Nintendo's game design philosophy and how they are out of touch with a chunk of their consumer base."
Of course, because every single company can be in touch with their millions of consumers, all with different opinions about how to improve their games, right? And as you said, we are only a chunk, probably just a small portion of Nintendo's audience, so why would they adress all the complaints of a small portion of a fanbase that not only cannot decide what they want, but also don't even have any idea of what they're talking about most of the time.
So fanboy garbage it's worse than insulting someone you don't even know, and believe yourself so mighty and intelligent to think that you can do better than them?
Your comments are basically saying that Sakurai is some kind of corporation stereotype that only cares about money, and doesn't give a **** about the fans.
So this man, that has a family and a life that he puts aside for his passion of making games, for his fans, even at the expense of his health not only does not care about his fans, but also apparently enjoys mocking them?
What kind of bull**** logic is that? I'm not saying that he doesn't do mistakes or that i agree with his design philosophy all the time, but the man clearly has a lot of passion for his work, and it's just sad that some angry "fans" in the internet are not only throwing **** at his work, but also at his own person? How can you defend an argument of Sakurai "Not caring for his fans", when you don't even know the guy? What are your arguments for attacking his person and calling him an imbecile when you have never even experienced what is to work countless hours for your passion and fans?