Hello Soup, and welcome to Ryker mafia.
"Herp derp, derp herp, break the set-up." ~Paraphrasing Chibo's play in Resident Evil 4 Mafia.
You are
ChiboSempai, you poor, poor man. You are mad that you aren't Ryker. It's eating at your very core. As such, you've developed a machine to dive down deep into Ryker's subconcious in an effort to ruin his confidence and leave him a rotten shell of a man.
Abilities: Not Ryker - You are not Ryker. Any cop would be baffled by this and conclude that you aren't scum as there is no way that you could outsmart Ryker, therefore you wouldn't try.
Color Afficianado - You know the number or each role PM color. They are as follows:
Black: 1
Blue: 1
Brown: 1
Dark Red: 1
Green: 1
Gray: 1
Magenta: 1
Navy: 1
Orange: 1
Purple: 1
Sandy Brown: 1
Red: 1
Yellow: 1
Private communication - You are aligned with Swiss (Spidermang) and may communicate with him at any time so long as you are both alive. I don't care how you communicate so long as I get logs, but for convienence, here's a Quicktopic:
Night Kill - Once per night, either you or your partner may send in a target to night kill as well as designating who will preform the kill.
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You are Not Ryker aligned and win when his confidence has been shattered and there are no longer enough Rykers left to challenge your rule.