Ultimaiq: Finaly I Ultima IQ have made a new clone army, but this time I made 9999 clones and now we will storm the castle.
Random person: Exuse me, but who are you talking too?
Ultimaiq: Ultimaiq56 destroy that man!
Ultimaiq56: My pleasure *neck snaps*
Ultimaiq: Now we march over to the castle.
Soldier: Sir Dale, Ultimaiq's army is coming for the castle.
Dale: Did you just call me sir?
Soldier: Sir, yes I did sir.
Dale: Sir Dale, I like that.
Soldier: But the enemy.
Dale: Hes little army won't stand a chance against my forces, how many do he got?
Soldier: About 9999 sir. *the soldier is killed by Dale*
Dale: Wops, my bad.
Ultimaiq: Nr 567 and 568 will break open the castle gate, Nr 44 and 45 will take the back door, and the rest of you just kill anyone not named Ultimaiq#, and save Dale for me.
*A lot of killing and destroying later*
Dale: I've been expecting you Ultimaiq, so I prepared something for you. *holds up the beanbag and a BIG knife*
Ultimaiq: Do you think even for ONE second that I even care about that cheaply priced beanbag.
Dale: *puts the knife closer to the beanbag*
Ultimaiq: You woulden't dare.
Dale: Hah but thats when you are wrong, I do dare to take out your precious beanbag. *Ultimaiq3 and 4 are sneaking up behind Dale*
Ultimaiq: Don't you see that if you take out that beanbag your life will end faster than you can say good-bye.
Dale: Tell your men too withdraw!!!!!
Ultimaiq: *snaps fingers* Mission canceled.
Dale: Mwahahaha I never lose! Ugh!! *got stabbed from the back by Nr 3* I won't die alone. *cuts beanbag*
Ultimaiq: Nooooooooo!!!
Ultimaiq3: Shall we kill him?
Ultimaiq: No take him to the 'place'
Ultimaiq3: Your an evil, evil man.
Ultimaiq: Yes I know.
Dale: Huh? where am I?
Unknown voice: Oh Dale so good of you to join my tea party.
Dale: Oh no! I remember that voice it's...
MJ: Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.
Dale: Someone please kill me, quick!!
I am the ruler of the land! and Dale is going nowhere because we aputated his arms and legs, yes I know im evil. (Oh yeah, thats not the real MJ but an evil clone).