I've been keeping an eye on other skype groups that've migrated from skype to discord. I know of one success story, the Shulk group, and two failure cases, Pikachu group and Hypest Skypest (the chat group for /r/smashbro's online tournament series). Shulk group made it because the majority of active, responsible members wanted to try it, while pikachu group did not make it because while some of the active members switched, most of the conversation stayed in the skype group, where everyone was.
The troubling case is the one of Hypest Skypest, where in the process of switching, they kinda...killed both ends of the group. No one talks in the discord OR the skype group anymore, which is really sad since Hypest Skypest used to be one of the best skype groups out of all of them. If we attempt to migrate the chat too soon, when people aren't ready to switch, we could end up being another one of the failure cases, which wouldn't be good, or we could end up killing the conversation on both ends, which would be, like, the worst case scenario lol.
Oh man, I LOVE seeing other Roys on FG hehehehehe. Fast-faller regrab strings like this aren't hard to avoid once you know how to react, but if someone has never played the ditto before... Anywho, I see a decent amount of Roys. Not quite as many as Marcinas, but a decent number.
The next step for us is to start growing our playerbase, which is why things like this sub-forum, and the character skype groups, exist. Roy has been out significantly less time than the other characters, so we have a lot of ground to make up, but we're a scrappy bunch lol, so we'll see how things go from here.
As for the skype group, I'm the creator admin of the Roy group because I was in the place where all the DLC character groups were created (which was ironically the now-dead hypest skypest, rip), and I knew if I didn't do it, someone else would have at that time, and it wouldn't have been done right. So, I can tell you with 100% certainty that you're welcome to join and lurk to your heart's content. Just know that if you don't post even a single comment in a month, and if we're having trouble with chat lag, sometimes we chat purge. But if that happens, you're still quite welcome to rejoin, and a rejoin link is posted to make sure you can get back in. You can also message me and I'll readd you. Chat purges are only to remove people that aren't even interested enough to click the rejoin link after being kicked, and even then only because chat lag is a thing sometimes. While not everyone in the group is a dedicated Roy main, it's the largest concentration that I know of so far. In any case, it's just another way to connect to the community.
If you're interested, just send me a contact request, and I'll add you. My skype name is engardevoir, please put something like "Roy Skype Group" in the contact request. That applies to everyone here, btw.