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Social Roy Social - R O Y B O Y Z


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
Hey guys, long-time lurker here who finally got around to making an account.

I've been going back and forth on whether to ask this here, but here goes. There's a tournament in my area tomorrow and I wanted to go (maining Roy obviously), but I just don't think I'm even close to the level I would need to be to not completely embarrass myself. I can win a handful of FG/high-level amiibo matches but nothing consistent, and I've yet to be able to wrap my brain around how to space effectively, utilize combos, or consciously apply technique. Is it worth going for the experience anyway? I know people who are inexperienced are annoying to play against, so I don't want to be in the way of the experienced players (which is probably a best case scenario... I would prefer to not be mocked either).
Well, go anyways? Worst case, you gain experience with roy. Best case is, that you win it. There is no shame in loosing a tourney, as long as you can improve on it.

It gets boring fairly quick if you ask me.
Then help change it~
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2014
New Jersey
Definitely save replays & review them and ask for critiques like others were saying.

Another thing is that people learn differently and at different rates. For example, although I like reading upon pages and pages of info, I'm more of a tactile/hands-on learner.

I find I learn things easier and improve better if I'm playing with someone right there (like irl or over Skype) to help answer questions, provide demonstrations, and show how to do things. Kinda like having a mentor I guess (it's also how I learned to get better at drawing all my life). Plus I find receiving instant feedback a lot more helpful. Some people are a lot stronger at learning things individually and just reading a **** ton of theory and stuff, but like I said, everyone has a different learning style and preferences. Do you know know what learning style you have? Have you tried playing against Roy players who can provide feedback & critiques, or just someone in general that can offer instant advice while you play?

Hmm, I wonder if it will do good if we coordinate like a few study sessions together. What I mean is, if you two decide to have some matches, I could also join the room and watch (I'll just SD). That way I could give some advice and we could do rotations. I ain't the best at Smash, but it helps to have multiple people providing feedback. The more people on this, the better and I think Skype would make things easy, but posting feedback here or sticking it to PMs works just fine if you're not keen on Skype. Or you can just post replays here to critique after. Whatever works. my schedule's pretty busy though, but I always try to make time for vidya games

Smash communities should be a welcoming place to anybody, especially to new players. If a certain place isn't welcoming and people are leaving because of that, how are they going to keep the tourneys running? I've heard stories from friends about very friendly communities, and some that aren't so friendly (but to be fair, it was only a few individuals. Don't let a few rotten apples spoil your fun). And for the latter, the place eventually shutdown because of the decreased player attendance. Hm, I wonder why...

But anyway, the tourney you're interested in, do they have like a community thread here or a Facebook group? You can check how the community is and ask questions if they have some sort of group. For example, my local has a FB group, and one time this player caused some drama and threw a violent fit. He got kicked out and banned from going to the weeklies after he broke his second chance to pick himself up. This was like the only extreme incident I've heard of, at least from when I joined, but from what I gather people are usually very friendly there.

Sometimes you don't really know how things are until to go for yourself. I get nervous really easily which is why I wanted to take my sister with me to a weekly. But even then, I was still hesitant to go until my sister's friend (who I've met before) recently said he'd like to tag along if we decide to attend the tourney. So hopefully we can go next week, if I'm not bombarded with school work lol. I think bringing along someone you trust can make a big difference and might make things more comfortable for your first tourney. If not, then it's still great to attend a tourney no matter what skill level you are. You can learn so much and I'm sure people would be more than happy to play friendlies and give advice. Also, keep in mind some people complain a lot about scrubs online because the anonymity can make it easier to get away with things (plus you get all age groups meaning more immature people).
Yeah, I don't really know how exactly I learn D; Sometimes it's just listening once and I've got it (which is why everyone thinks I'm some super-genius smart kid) and sometimes I need someone to repeat things. I never learn from doing though, always found that odd.

I also hate asking people for critique, I tend to be very shy. I guess I have to work on that, haha
Well I'd be cool with that, just have to see what Guineapig126 Guineapig126 has to say about it. I'll pm you my skype, but be aware upfront, it's quite... memey...
I'd be cool with practicing too, I'm free right now actually. And those memes are greatly appreciated fellow memer


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2015
At Doom's Gate
I'd be cool with practicing too, I'm free right now actually. And those memes are greatly appreciated fellow memer
If I remember right then I was referring to the skype proposition, idk, I was tired, either way, you cool with making a skype group for this?
Also, I can play after I finish this mission, I'm playing through awakening because the last time I played it it was the only fe I'd played. Everyone says things such as "it ruined the fe franchise." but I remember liking it, although after playing through fe 8 a few times and half of fe 7 I expect I'll be playing it from a vastly different perspective. I definitely understand where people are coming from though, I'm only on ch 3 rn so I'll see if I still like it hopefully pretty soon.

Anyway, once I can play, I'll pm you, I'll also give you my skype when I do just if you wanna do the group thing.


Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
Something dies inside me when I hear the word "memer".
Nothing against you, tho.

And Guineapig126 Guineapig126 , I was -very- shy too. It will go away sometime. It has to, otherwise, how will you participate at tourneys?
And I was not too long before in a similar situation, and just played through the whole roster to find the chars that suited me best. And now, I am just looking at my saved games, and try to un-learn my habits.


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2014
I feel like memes have a time and a place. If the meme fits into the flow of conversation, it can be really really funny. But sometimes people spam memes for no reason, with no context, just because. At that point, it tips over into annoying lol. Finding balance is key. ^_^

Also, was tooling around /r/smashbros, when I saw this, which I thought was pretty neat lol.

Oct 3, 2011
http://smashboards.com/threads/2015-community-tier-list-voting.404738/ here you go. literally typed melee tier list 2015. first link i saw
The list in the second comment isn't the community list the first post was trying to achieve. Ewwwww, Reddit community votes. I would be alright if the list were from the thread itself. Reddit hates Roy a lot, so I wouldn't trust how they rank a less-known low-tier they're already biased against, and Reddit has historically made terrible tier lists and rankings for literally any game they touch. The Smashboards community lists are much, much better.

Maybe not annoyed per se, but it seems like everyone complains about scrubs online or at tournaments. I get discouraged and self-conscious really easily, which I'm thinking is a sign that I should probably stay out of the kitchen. I can understand if there's sort of a culture of being rough on/hazing new players because everybody went through it themselves, but I wouldn't be that upset to let go of the notion of getting good at competitive Smash if that's what it involves. But I dunno, maybe offline tournaments aren't like that.
Offline tournaments are better. I don't like playing scrubs online unless a friend or somebody I know is less skilled and wants to improve, but I avoid complaining about how an individual plays to their face, and I still want more new players in the scene, especially entering stuff. I may complain and say something like "this wifi bracket had too many scrubs" but I still want inexperienced or less skilled players to join as much as possible. if I personally know somebody online, or if I'm around people in-person, I'm going to be much, much nicer. I have less of an ego and I'm a lot less sassy in-person, too. People in general are much better offline, they're prepared to be at whatever event away from home and they don't have a screen to hide behind or lack of relevancy that lets them be more loose with their image.

Don't take scrub too much to heart, either. Whether you get called one or not, it's not bad being one despite the stigma attached to it. Everyone was a scrub at some point, we grow out of it and we just have to look at it as a starting point or need for drastic change.

There is no culture like that. If there is, let me know and I can deck whoever it is in the face(s) next time I'm out of state.

Please. Hazing new players is ****ing stupid and you honestly shouldnt be a part of the smash comm if you are an ******* to new players. And as for complaining about scrubs well. If anything try and ask questions when you can to get better and if it were me you asked id sit and play friendlies to help you out and teach you some cool ****. Thats how we should treat new players. Teach them and not discourage them. Just dont be cocky and think your god if you win your first tourney because honestly that is annoying. I won my first tournament and have never one a single one after. Close every time but still and i consider myself advanced. Just dont let people push you around and if some **** says this will be free since youre new then just ignore them. If you want to just play and have fun listen to music during the match since people like to talk ****. I even talk **** when i play just because mainly im playing with friends but if i get a clean sweep i do start trash talking and its a bad habit.

Definitely save replays & review them and ask for critiques like others were saying.

Another thing is that people learn differently and at different rates. For example, although I like reading upon pages and pages of info, I'm more of a tactile/hands-on learner.

I find I learn things easier and improve better if I'm playing with someone right there (like irl or over Skype) to help answer questions, provide demonstrations, and show how to do things. Kinda like having a mentor I guess (it's also how I learned to get better at drawing all my life). Plus I find receiving instant feedback a lot more helpful. Some people are a lot stronger at learning things individually and just reading a **** ton of theory and stuff, but like I said, everyone has a different learning style and preferences. Do you know know what learning style you have? Have you tried playing against Roy players who can provide feedback & critiques, or just someone in general that can offer instant advice while you play?

Hmm, I wonder if it will do good if we coordinate like a few study sessions together. What I mean is, if you two decide to have some matches, I could also join the room and watch (I'll just SD). That way I could give some advice and we could do rotations. I ain't the best at Smash, but it helps to have multiple people providing feedback. The more people on this, the better and I think Skype would make things easy, but posting feedback here or sticking it to PMs works just fine if you're not keen on Skype. Or you can just post replays here to critique after. Whatever works. my schedule's pretty busy though, but I always try to make time for vidya games

Smash communities should be a welcoming place to anybody, especially to new players. If a certain place isn't welcoming and people are leaving because of that, how are they going to keep the tourneys running? I've heard stories from friends about very friendly communities, and some that aren't so friendly (but to be fair, it was only a few individuals. Don't let a few rotten apples spoil your fun). And for the latter, the place eventually shutdown because of the decreased player attendance. Hm, I wonder why...

But anyway, the tourney you're interested in, do they have like a community thread here or a Facebook group? You can check how the community is and ask questions if they have some sort of group. For example, my local has a FB group, and one time this player caused some drama and threw a violent fit. He got kicked out and banned from going to the weeklies after he broke his second chance to pick himself up. This was like the only extreme incident I've heard of, at least from when I joined, but from what I gather people are usually very friendly there.

Sometimes you don't really know how things are until to go for yourself. I get nervous really easily which is why I wanted to take my sister with me to a weekly. But even then, I was still hesitant to go until my sister's friend (who I've met before) recently said he'd like to tag along if we decide to attend the tourney. So hopefully we can go next week, if I'm not bombarded with school work lol. I think bringing along someone you trust can make a big difference and might make things more comfortable for your first tourney. If not, then it's still great to attend a tourney no matter what skill level you are. You can learn so much and I'm sure people would be more than happy to play friendlies and give advice. Also, keep in mind some people complain a lot about scrubs online because the anonymity can make it easier to get away with things (plus you get all age groups meaning more immature people).
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The Young Lion
Oct 1, 2007
Newport News, Virginia.
You didn't come off that way, I understand. It was about 4's Roy specifically and not much of anything on Smash 4 as a game. I know what gif you're talking about, I saw it yesterday on Facebook.

My opinions on top tier MU's for Roy:

Fox: 50/50. Could be 60/40 on Dreamland and FoD.
Falco: 35/65. 40/60 or 45/55 with proper tools.
Sheik: 30/70 from an optimistic standpoint. Unwinnable.
Marth: 30/70, I have faith Roy has something hidden for this one, it's the MU only I have that instinct for. Unwinnable until further testing.
Falcon: 50/50, Falcon has more good stages versus Roy but you can pin him down with counterpicking. Stay away from knee gimps and cheese.
Icies: Idk but stay away from this in bracket for now. Experiment though, it probably isn't as bad as I think.
Peach: 40/60. Don't get dsmashed. Probably 50/50 on FD. It's the easiest MU to misplay as Roy.
Puff: 50/50. FD, Stadium, and Yoshi's are great for you here. Don't fall for crouch rest or other puff gimmicks. You're better at controlling space than Puff, it comes down to not messing up at that. Your sourspot is more forgiving on her than others. You have better Rest punishes than anyone through both Blazer and Flare Blade. Roy can surprisingly combo the hell out of Puff, do that. Dtilt/ftilt/fair/grab/Flare control space really well vs. Puff. Mix up recoveries harder than you would against anyone else. I like this MU because it's playing flyswatter, counting jumps, and giving beefy punishes to each other.
What in Melee? ----->Enemy Ratio XX/xx <------ Roys Ratio.

Fox: 60/40
Falco: 65/35
Sheik: 90/10
Marth: 55/45
Puff: 70/30
Peach: 65/35
Falcon: 55/45
IC's: 90/10

Doc: 50/50
Pikachu: 60/40 - 55/45
Samus: 80/20
Ganon: 65/35
Luigi: 50/50
Mario: 50/50

Young Link: 50/50
Link: 50/50
Dk: 40/60
Yoshi: 60/40
Zelda: 45/55
Roy: 50/50
Mewtwo: 40/60
G&W: 40/60

the rest dont matter.
Oct 3, 2011
What in Melee? ----->Enemy Ratio XX/xx <------ Roys Ratio.

Fox: 60/40
Falco: 65/35
Sheik: 90/10
Marth: 55/45
Puff: 70/30
Peach: 65/35
Falcon: 55/45
IC's: 90/10

Doc: 50/50
Pikachu: 60/40 - 55/45
Samus: 80/20
Ganon: 65/35
Luigi: 50/50
Mario: 50/50

Young Link: 50/50
Link: 50/50
Dk: 40/60
Yoshi: 60/40
Zelda: 45/55
Roy: 50/50
Mewtwo: 40/60
G&W: 40/60

the rest dont matter.
Only one I'd truly disagree with is Ganon. Roy ****s up Ganon hard, it's either even or in Roy's favor, no way it's near as bad as Falco or Peach. The rest are pretty solid and respectable despite differing from mine a good amount. Overall I like this list at least a bit more than mine, better structured and more solid overall, and I like the top chunk of the spreads more compared to my top chunk.
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Oct 3, 2011
It gets boring fairly quick if you ask me.
Nobody asked you specifically because nobody wants to deal with your condescending tone and perfect expectations on how everyone should act... on a social of a character that isn't even in your five "mains." 37th main or whatever. Instead of berating us for doing nothing wrong, you could make an effort to improve the thread to fit your perfect expectations. I challenge you to do that instead of sit back and complain at us every time you come here.

Don't take this too personally, just take it as notes on improvement since nobody's really stepping up to say what's needed despite you breathing down their necks for making simple suggestions that aren't even rude and being patient. What you've been posting over time is self-destructive and I'd hate to see the later results. You clearly have many threads to fall back on if you're trying this whole routine here, fleeing and doing this on another thread isn't going to take you off that path or make things better so I wouldn't advise it. I see the excuse card of "___ is bad so it justifies my mood and me acting like this" coming just like a while ago, too. Again, don't just flee from yourself with it. Look into stress relief and balance out time spent online with other things. You could have no money in the middle of nowhere and still accomplish this, especially with internet access to look into so much that's out there. There's no excuses to back out of this one.

I know this is a double post, but I said to myself "not this **** again" when I saw that I missed some posts and wanted it separate from my other one. It needs to stand as a post of its own. You hate & complain about things when it's entirely unecessary and mistreat people constantly without the conviction to improve anything. You're only going to be miserable forever this way, and you're gonna bring people down. This can change, of course, but it never will if you give up on improvement as easily as this morning. Focus more on this challenge than the previous one.

I'll give you something good if you can accomplish both challenges.
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Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
Sooo, my OCD is acting up again... I like when boards are neat and tidy. I noticed that there's some threads that are probably unnecessary and are better off being asked in one of the sticked threads (and there's some threads asking similar questions to ones previously made). For example, specific questions should be asked in the Q&A thread, or character MU help in the Matchup Discussion thread. Or even the social here. It's why these thread exists -- they help avoid duplicate threads being made and unnecessary clutter. I just get the impression that the Roy Directory doesn't get read sometimes, despite having a "READ BEFORE POSTING!" disclaimer. Anyone else with similar thoughts? Or am I just crazy lol?

Well I'd be cool with that, just have to see what Guineapig126 Guineapig126 has to say about it. I'll pm you my skype, but be aware upfront, it's quite... memey...
Cool, if you guys ever want to Smash just PM or tag me here. I'm usually on Smashboards lurking if I'm not logged in (I would say massage me on Skype if you want to play, but every time I start up my laptop it crashes and I'm always lazy to restart it lol. But once we get everything ready I could open up Skype). Because of my crazy school schedule, it's better if you guys hit me up when you're free and would like to play. Then I could see what time's good and stuff.

I'll give you something good if you can accomplish both challenges.
Are... you bribing someone!?

You better not give cookies, because those are like my favourite treats. Speaking of which, I could really use a 3AM snack right now... why didn't I buy cookies when I was at the grocery store today is beyond me. But I did get all the ingredients to make the "ultimate hot chocolate", made in the crock pot. Yeah, who knew you can make hot chocolate in a slow cooker. But seriously, that stuff is the ****. I basically live off of hot chocolate (and toast).


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2015
At Doom's Gate
(I would say massage me on Skype if you want to play, but every time I start up my laptop it crashes and I'm always lazy to restart it lol.
I don't even know how I would massage one over skype anyway, has technology really evolved that much over the years?


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
I don't even know how I would massage one over skype anyway, has technology really evolved that much over the years?
A lot to the point that it would get really complicated for me sometimes. I got a Windows 10 computer and I ended up not knowing how that **** works compared to Windows 7 and older ones.

Expect some more changes with technology over the next couple of years.
May 30, 2015
Any one up for training?

I'm planning to attend a major soon and I need training like I really suck for major level.

I'd put my skill around the kind of person that sits and wins KOTH streams even tho I have been bad on those lately due to lag from people trying to join the room.

I end up just rolling around and jabbing.

Like really I can't play in lag even if it's just a chop I might end up losing.

Hopefully you guys don't lag.

If anybody has a Mario I would love to practice that matchup.

I'm a fairly new Roy main and I think I'm decent.

For glory being not an option any more with my current abilitys I think this would really help.

I think by the end of this week I could probably win a local, as my skill is skyrocketing due to the several hours I spend practicing.

I'm busy today but would be happy to battle tomorrow.
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Master of Mediocre
Oct 7, 2014
In grab range
Any one up for training?

I'm planning to attend a major soon and I need training like I really suck for major level.

I'd put my skill around the kind of person that sits and wins KOTH streams even tho I have been bad on those lately due to lag from people trying to join the room.

I end up just rolling around and jabbing.

Like really I can't play in lag even if it's just a chop I might end up losing.

Hopefully you guys don't lag.

If anybody has a Mario I would love to practice that matchup.

I'm a fairly new Roy main and I think I'm decent.

For glory being not an option any more with my current abilitys I think this would really help.

I think by the end of this week I could probably win a local, as my skill is skyrocketing due to the several hours I spend practicing.

I'm busy today but would be happy to battle tomorrow.
I have a failry good connection, and my games were till now lagless. I'll PM you when I got time. Sadly no Mario player tho, atleast not too compeditive.
And whit no offense, skill skyrocketing can be easy, when your skill was very low at first. Working on yourself when you are big, to go even higher is the major problem a lot of people seem to have, including myself. Could use a few matches to try out Samus aswell, but don't hold back and try to find in the meanwhile others in this Thread aswell, am sadly known for having quite the bad timing.
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The Young Lion
Oct 1, 2007
Newport News, Virginia.
Only one I'd truly disagree with is Ganon. Roy ****s up Ganon hard, it's either even or in Roy's favor, no way it's near as bad as Falco or Peach. The rest are pretty solid and respectable despite differing from mine a good amount. Overall I like this list at least a bit more than mine, better structured and more solid overall, and I like the top chunk of the spreads more compared to my top chunk.
Ganon grabs roy it's gg 0 to death. Trust me on this. loool

Understand we get a free edge guard on him but, his uair also gives us trouble off stage. Ganon is very good vs roy.
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Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2015
At Doom's Gate
Does anyone ever actually read threads like that, though?
I personally like to have a quick skim through things like that on smashboards, sometimes different boards have different rules, I think I get where you're coming from though, kinda like if you get some new game on a playstation console, (not sure if xbox does it too)ain't nobody reading those terms and conditions... (wow,sick grammar there)

also, dy831532sssfjhhggb2224523 dy831532sssfjhhggb2224523 , thank you for recommending undertale... Thank you so much...


Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2007
Pulled this off in a friendly the other day lol
There was a problem fetching the tweet


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2014
Sooo, my OCD is acting up again... I like when boards are neat and tidy. I noticed that there's some threads that are probably unnecessary and are better off being asked in one of the sticked threads (and there's some threads asking similar questions to ones previously made). For example, specific questions should be asked in the Q&A thread, or character MU help in the Matchup Discussion thread. Or even the social here. It's why these thread exists -- they help avoid duplicate threads being made and unnecessary clutter. I just get the impression that the Roy Directory doesn't get read sometimes, despite having a "READ BEFORE POSTING!" disclaimer. Anyone else with similar thoughts? Or am I just crazy lol?
I kinda agree that this sub-forum is kinda cluttered and unoragnized. I mean...
  • the stickied MU thread is unmaintained, and considering the recent patch, it might be smart to restart with a new one
  • whenever I stop by the stickied Q&A thread, I see a lot of unanswered questions (I've tried to answer some when I can, but there are a lot of questions I don't know the best way to answer lol, or I didn't have time in the moment to answer them and never got around to answering them later)
  • the OP of the stickied player finder thread was never updated with players' contact info, it's scattered in among the regular posts of the thread; is that normal?
  • I see a lot of frivilous threads being made (sorry @King0fTheFlare but you're a case in point there), and sometimes people double and triple post on them (case in point).
I'm more than willing to go with the flow on this, not trying to rock any boats, just a bit sad to see that our sub-forum is kinda weedy and in disrepair, ya know? Maybe we can brainstorm solutions and start cleaning it up or something? I'd be more than willing to help with this.


Also, someone shared this recently, which I think is kinda neat, so I thought I'd share it here too. ^_^

Oct 3, 2011
Sooo, my OCD is acting up again... I like when boards are neat and tidy. I noticed that there's some threads that are probably unnecessary and are better off being asked in one of the sticked threads (and there's some threads asking similar questions to ones previously made). For example, specific questions should be asked in the Q&A thread, or character MU help in the Matchup Discussion thread. Or even the social here. It's why these thread exists -- they help avoid duplicate threads being made and unnecessary clutter. I just get the impression that the Roy Directory doesn't get read sometimes, despite having a "READ BEFORE POSTING!" disclaimer. Anyone else with similar thoughts? Or am I just crazy lol?

Cool, if you guys ever want to Smash just PM or tag me here. I'm usually on Smashboards lurking if I'm not logged in (I would say massage me on Skype if you want to play, but every time I start up my laptop it crashes and I'm always lazy to restart it lol. But once we get everything ready I could open up Skype). Because of my crazy school schedule, it's better if you guys hit me up when you're free and would like to play. Then I could see what time's good and stuff.

Are... you bribing someone!?

You better not give cookies, because those are like my favourite treats. Speaking of which, I could really use a 3AM snack right now... why didn't I buy cookies when I was at the grocery store today is beyond me. But I did get all the ingredients to make the "ultimate hot chocolate", made in the crock pot. Yeah, who knew you can make hot chocolate in a slow cooker. But seriously, that stuff is the ****. I basically live off of hot chocolate (and toast).
I have spaghetti cravings that haven't gone away despite having it three times in the last week.

I made the fattest pot of spaghetti the other night... oh my god... I make amazing spaghetti. It might be my bribe. My bride, too, I'm pretty much married to the stuff.

Pizza cravings, too. I tried hershey cookies at work when guests left them behind for us and they're way too good.

I need to live it up tonight and just eat.

Ganon grabs roy it's gg 0 to death. Trust me on this. loool

Understand we get a free edge guard on him but, his uair also gives us trouble off stage. Ganon is very good vs roy.
Ganon's grab sucks, I'm good enough vs. Ganon to go sets w/o being grabbed once. Think of him as a physically-impaired IC's where one grew old and the other died. Roy can tech chase him from 0 to death, and his grab's much better. Chaingrabs are overrated, reaction-based tech chasing is Melee's future. Gotta experiment with the MU more, it might be inexperience or approaching it wrong that's making it hard. Falcon is easy to tech chase, Ganon's even easier, and 20XX pack is a godsend for practicing tech chases since the CPU are made to be immaculate at mixing up tech options there. You can trap Ganon into a grab and grab him much easier than he can try to grab you, and you get just as much mileage if you refine tech chasing. Ganon is a free win for Roy once you learn the MU, don't even need good tech chasing to beat him pretty much everywhere but it's a bonus.

Pulled this off in a friendly the other day lol
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Roy's fair is so good. Comboing like 2-3 together while they're in hitstun from the first and it beating so many options when they try to get out of it... mmmm... you can cover whatever they do if they try to airdodge. I've been gaining more appreciation for uair lately. That Yoshi was done the moment they got baired.

I kinda agree that this sub-forum is kinda cluttered and unoragnized. I mean...
  • the stickied MU thread is unmaintained, and considering the recent patch, it might be smart to restart with a new one
  • whenever I stop by the stickied Q&A thread, I see a lot of unanswered questions (I've tried to answer some when I can, but there are a lot of questions I don't know the best way to answer lol, or I didn't have time in the moment to answer them and never got around to answering them later)
  • the OP of the stickied player finder thread was never updated with players' contact info, it's scattered in among the regular posts of the thread; is that normal?
  • I see a lot of frivilous threads being made (sorry @King0fTheFlare but you're a case in point there), and sometimes people double and triple post on them (case in point).
I'm more than willing to go with the flow on this, not trying to rock any boats, just a bit sad to see that our sub-forum is kinda weedy and in disrepair, ya know? Maybe we can brainstorm solutions and start cleaning it up or something? I'd be more than willing to help with this.


Also, someone shared this recently, which I think is kinda neat, so I thought I'd share it here too. ^_^

This comic is so good. It's how I've been trying to explain positioning, conditioning, baiting, and reading so much better than I could. I've always called options situational or something you have to condition for rather than bad, and I've always thought that the best punishes can be rendered useless if you just play around them correctly and safely. It's why I don't lose to ZSS, why I live to ridiculous percents, why I'm fine with getting grabbed all day unless I can't afford it, then not getting grabbed at all when I can't afford to.

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Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2014
I greatly apologize for this.

I agree with your point and I am also new to the boards.

I will ensure this will not happen again.
Hey, no worries. ^_^ I forgot to properly welcome you earlier. So, Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here. :)



Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2007
Roy's fair is so good. Comboing like 2-3 together while they're in hitstun from the first and it beating so many options when they try to get out of it... mmmm... you can cover whatever they do if they try to airdodge. I've been gaining more appreciation for uair lately. That Yoshi was done the moment they got baired.
Yeah, actually after the Uair the Bair was guaranteed, followed by the first Fair. After that he realized he lost his jump and decided to challenge me with Nair rather than airdodging.

Landing Uair is one of my favorite combo starters. Leads to tilts and Nair at early percents and later into rising Full hop Bair to Fair/Uair and still be in an advantageous position.
Oct 3, 2011
Hey, no worries. ^_^ I forgot to properly welcome you earlier. So, Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here. :)

Hey, that's bluecrow's job!... is what I'd say if he checked back here more often.

That video is flawed, it lacks Eliwood but has Lyndis, Hector, and some random blokes. Smooth better edit him in, I swear to...

Yeah, actually after the Uair the Bair was guaranteed, followed by the first Fair. After that he realized he lost his jump and decided to challenge me with Nair rather than airdodging.

Landing Uair is one of my favorite combo starters. Leads to tilts and Nair at early percents and later into rising Full hop Bair to Fair/Uair and still be in an advantageous position.
Godlike. Try fastfalling uair with the hitbox behind you to pop them up. Covers your landings, you can do stuff quickly after, it combos into a lot, and I use it a lot. I love that it's consistently a guaranteed 20-30 damage at such a huge percent range.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2014
Salem Oregon
Godlike. Try fastfalling uair with the hitbox behind you to pop them up. Covers your landings, you can do stuff quickly after, it combos into a lot, and I use it a lot. I love that it's consistently a guaranteed 20-30 damage at such a huge percent range.
Melee or smash 4?
Edit- Dont know smash4 combos well yet
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