I'm not viewing it as a competitive series. I'm viewing it from a character-to-character basis based on me objectively analyzing each character.
Also, why the does me being a competitive player matter=??? I haven't mentioned the word "competitive" or "tiers" or anything other than balance (which I view balance as a thing that varies from skill level to skill level, although I generally don't like to think of "lol I cun't figur out wich is atturk" as a skill level).
The fact that I'm not even thinking about competitive play, but rather, the functionality of each move shows me either you guys don't understand what I am saying (hint: ask for more details, I'll try to answer them) or that you guys just assume everything I'm saying is "casual bad, competitive good" (which I've never said or will say other than as a joke).
Seriously, y'all sounding like the SmashChu fan club.
And if you guys wanna throw me in the mud because I play competitive smash, you shouldn't do it at the home of competitive smash!
You should like go to GameFAQs, Nsider, Game Spot, or IGN where they can't stand competitive smash, or wherever the heck the clowns come from today.
To be honest, I'm thinking mostly from a "which character is the most fun to play as" mentality, which is not even competitive at all!