I don't recall calling you any names in that last post, but alrighty then. I'm not a troll for being against something for beliefs I don't share with you, however. I don't get how you decide you're a winner of anything either. I judge my victories based on whether I can rally people to my side or not, which my "Shoving it down other people's throats" post seemed to do rather quickly based on likes. I haven't seen many people liking your posts during all of this, which is an easy indication that you made them happy through either a good laugh or an excellent point. And I can tell that you don't believe people would like a post because of how much of a laugh of a bad point it is, because you would have liked a lot of my stuff long ago, wouldn't you? I'm not saying having likes is a measurement of who is right, but I am saying it's a clear measurement of who has the favor of those viewing a given debate.
If you like to consider yourself a winner simply because you have more energy to put into arguing than your opponent, each man to his own, I suppose.