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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Cadet
Aug 2, 2013
"So, we're talking about Xenoblade now huh? Well then, might I just point out another Xeno character, who's been around much longer and is now owned by Nintendo?"

"People want females, nobody thinks of the robots...what about a female robot? :p"

All of my yes! >_< *throws money at screen*


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Yeah, Namco still owns KOS-MOS.

Anywho, I think I'll repost my roster, for ****s and giggles, seeing as we have some new people.
The three white squares are because LOLPaint.



Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Why doubt Shulk btw Noah? First Little Mac, now Shulk. What's next, King K. Rool?
I wouldn't compare Shulk to Little Mac or King K. Rool.

Yeah, Namco still owns KOS-MOS.

Anywho, I think I'll repost my roster, for ****s and giggles, seeing as we have some new people.
The three white squares are because LOLPaint.

Good job adding Starfy. We need more rosters with him.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I don't think it's a good idea to have 5 Pokemon characters but only 4 Zelda and Mario.

The way I see it, the Zelda and Mario series are essentially complete with the characters that are already in it. We already have the core four Mario characters: Mario, the hero; Luigi, the sidekick; Peach; the damsel-in-distress/driving point of the game; and Bowser, the villain. With Zelda, we already have the three members of the Triforce, which are the most important characters in the series by far, as well as Toon Link (an alternate Link) and Sheik, Zelda's alter ego. Pokemon, however, can get away with having more, just due to the massive size of the series.

That, and in reality, the three series have never had the same amount of characters.

Mario Series: Two in 64. Five in Melee. Four in Brawl.
Zelda Series: One in 64. Five in Melee. Five in Brawl.
Pokemon series: Two in 64. Four in Melee. Six in Brawl.

Even if we account for the Forbidden Seven, Brawl would have had Five Mario, Seven Zelda, and Seven Pokemon (possibly eight if pra_mai is Plusle and Minun).

That being said, I really don't see why the three have to be equal if they never were to begin with.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I would be happy if Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon each got five character slots and these characters...

Mario series: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Bowser
Zelda series: Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Impa, Tingle
Pokémon series: Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo Éclair Forme, Pokémon Trainer (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard), Team Rocket (Meowth & Arbok, Meowth & Weezing)


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Since Paper Mario was just mentioned, how about this for a stage?

Drybake Stadium from Paper Mario: Sticker Star. This three floor stage features you fighting on the outside of the giant stadium-esque towers, be careful to not run into the mural goombas or Mural koopas, and make sure to steer clear of the giant stage hazard on the top...

The Tower-Power Pokey! His idea of attacking is to fall face first on top of you, smashing you into the ground so that you're stuck while taking high damage in the process. Every now and again, Paper Kamek will appear as a stage hazard as well, shooting his magic at you, which will cause you to not be able to attack for a brief moment after being hit by it. There's a clear knock-off area on all sides of the map, including the bottom.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I would be happy if Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon each got five character slots and these characters...

Mario series: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Bowser
Zelda series: Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Impa, Tingle
Pokémon series: Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo Éclair Forme, Pokémon Trainer (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard), Team Rocket (Meowth & Arbok, Meowth & Weezing)
Highly doubt Toon Link will be cut and that Impa will playable.


Smash Cadet
Aug 2, 2013
"Yeah, Namco still owns KOS-MOS. "

Aw :( Crush my dreams why don'tcha :(

Anywho, I think I'll repost my roster, for ****s and giggles, seeing as we have some new people.
The three white squares are because LOLPaint.

Jiggly needs to die. /troll.......Nice roster otherwise. There are a few inclusions I disagree with (such as Jiggly, Takamaru, Toon Link, Falco and Rob who I'd personally replace with Krystal, Female PT, another Golden Sun rep, and two other newcomers (as well as swapping out one FE rep for a female rep) but overall nice job! Nice balance of newcomers and vets! *stamps approval* :D

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Actually he use to have a prediction roster with Duck Hunt Dog & Gooey, so he's not that intelligent.
Got proof?

His essays are pretty darn intelligent and have a lot of thought put into them.


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
Isn't GoldenYu both a YouTube troll and a supporter of Duck Hunt Dog & Gooey??? Because out of experience I can tell you that he is.
Actually he use to have a prediction roster with Duck Hunt Dog & Gooey, so he's not that intelligent.
Coming from the person who wants Baby Yoshi...
While Duck Hunt Dog and Gooey make sense.
Got a :link2: to his channel?
I don't know if he even HAS one, I mean what made you think that in the first place?

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
I could almost see sakurai cutting shiek for impa and giving her shirks Moveset just so the Zelda series can have a new character.
...That would be so stupid.
Then again, Young Link had his moveset carried over to Toon Link.

If Impa gets in, she should be a standalone character with a different moveset from Shiek.


God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
You people, seriously? Why the hell would they do that?

From a developer standpoint, that makes no sense. All the extra time that would go into creating the model, trophies, animations, sounds, artwork... For someone we already had the past two games? Do you have any idea of how absurd it is to do all that with from scratch when there are two other Smash Bros. games to at least take reference of? It would save a lot of work going through the effort of that and simply retaining Sheik as a part of Zelda. To be spending the time and resources to do all of that for a clone is inefficient when it could instead go into a different character entirely. Adding characters isn't an addition to Sakurai's development team, it's a multiplication.

Additionally, Sheik was in the somewhat recent OoT3D, and has already been a core veteran of two Smash Bros. games. Why exactly replace her when she's miles more recognizable than Impa? Because Impa's more recent? Recurrent? That doesn't justify replacing Sheik, not by a long-shot. At the very least, Young Link and Toon Link were both child Links. The transition between the two is completely understandable compared to separating Sheik and turning her into Impa.

Vaati or Tingle for a new Zelda character. I'll even go with Ghirahim, as much as I'm against that, to avoid wasting a character slot for a character we already had. Hell, we might as well turn Pokemon Trainer into 3 separate characters and just boot out Mewtwo and Lucario while we're at it.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
You people, seriously? Why the hell would they do that?

From a developer standpoint, that makes no sense. All the extra time that would go into creating the model, trophies, animations, sounds, artwork... For someone we already had the past two games? Do you have any idea of how absurd it is to do all that with from scratch when there are two other Smash Bros. games to at least take reference of? It would save a lot of work going through the effort of that and simply retaining Sheik as a part of Zelda. To be spending the time and resources to do all of that for a clone is inefficient when it could instead go into a different character entirely. Adding characters isn't an addition to Sakurai's development team, it's a multiplication.

Additionally, Sheik was in the somewhat recent OoT3D, and has already been a core veteran of two Smash Bros. games. Why exactly replace her when she's miles more recognizable than Impa? Because Impa's more recent? Recurrent? That doesn't justify replacing Sheik, not by a long-shot. At the very least, Young Link and Toon Link were both child Links. The transition between the two is completely understandable compared to separating Sheik and turning her into Impa.

Vaati or Tingle for a new Zelda character. I'll even go with Ghirahim, as much as I'm against that, to avoid wasting a character slot for a character we already had. Hell, we might as well turn Pokemon Trainer into 3 separate characters and just boot out Mewtwo and Lucario while we're at it.
It still wouldnt surprise me, It would be the easiest new zelda rep to include.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
It still wouldnt surprise me, It would be the easiest new zelda rep to include.
I get a lot of use out of this quote, it seems.
Masahiro Sakurai said:
Whether it's a minor character or a character that is one of the most highly skilled and most played, if that character is removed from the game, the people who live for that character in Smash Bros. are going to have their feelings hurt. I think we have to really consider that, so I take a very serious, hard look at that and have empathy for the players who look for these type of characters when we're making these decisions.
Sakurai knows that it would result in a lot of backlash if he got rid of an already existing two-time veteran and "made" a new character just like them instead. Including Sheik again is simply the easiest way to include Sheik's moveset, period. Zelda is already well repped as it is, so it may not even need another character. That in mind, the both easiest and safest route is to simply keep Sheik and have no new additions this time around.

No newcomer should get in on part of being "the easiest to program". That's horrible reasoning to be included above someone else more popular or deserving.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
Well, it wouldn't be easy for the developers, as GRC stated.

To repeat myself: If Impa gets in, she needs to be in there along with Zelda/Shiek and have a moveset that doesn't make her look like a clone of Shiek.

The way sakurai works I wouldn't be surprised at zelda/sheik and Impa as the new zelda rep... sakurai tends to add similar characters with altered but again similar movesets/look/feel etc... (fox,falco,wolf / ness,lucas / ganon,C.Falcon / Link,Toon Link / mario,luigi) not saying those are clones or the sheik/impa would be BUT Sakurai often chooses similar characters so that a certain aesthetic or playstyle has multiple character choices with small tweaks. personally id rather have characters that are VASTLY different whenever possible so i'd rather get tingle/ghirahim/vaati etc... but thats not how sakurai tends to do stuff, dont be surprised if we get impa and she has a lot of similarities to sheik. This is all pending on if toon link is dropped and the spirit tracks stage is making me think he might be, though i'd rather keep the zelda reps the same as brawl and leave the newcomers for other series, huge zelda fan but i feel brawl reped everyone that needs to be reped from zelda while the roster is still lacking some key characters and series who i'd rather see then zeldas B-list characters.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
This is something that I've recently been thinking about...why does everyone here have the mindset that the Mario series shouldn't get another rep/should only get one rep?

I've heard countless times that adding more than one character to the Mario series in smash is preposterous and that the main detractor from new Mario characters' inclusion is that the roster is too saturated with them to include any/many more. Why the heck does that matter? If a character is iconic to a franchise, important to Nintendo, and/or recognized by the general public, then why not put them in? Why is it preposterous that Toad, Waluigi, Bowser Jr., etc. might ALL get in? I see no logic in not including an iconic and recognizable character of Nintendo's biggest franchise into smash simply because there would be 'too many'!

I don't know why, but this started really bothering me recently! Am I wrong about this? Is there something ridiculously plain and obvious that I'm missing that makes this a perfectly logical argument? Anyone?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
I get a lot of use out of this quote, it seems.

Sakurai knows that it would result in a lot of backlash if he got rid of an already existing two-time veteran and "made" a new character just like them instead. Including Sheik again is simply the easiest way to include Sheik's moveset, period. Zelda is already well repped as it is, so it may not even need another character. That in mind, the both easiest and safest route is to simply keep Sheik and have no new additions this time around.

No newcomer should get in on part of being "the easiest to program". That's horrible reasoning to be included above someone else more popular or deserving.
You think people would really be that mad? I mean shiek is zelda so she is still there its just a new character takes her place but is basically the same its just zelda and shiek now get a new down special, I could care less if it happens either way but Im almost sure we will get a new zelda character of some sorts and I think impa is the easiest to do.

This is something that I've recently been thinking about...why does everyone here have the mindset that the Mario series shouldn't get another rep/should only get one rep?

I've heard countless times that adding more than one character to the Mario series in smash is preposterous and that the main detractor from new Mario characters' inclusion is that the roster is too saturated with them to include any/many more. Why the heck does that matter? If a character is iconic to a franchise, important to Nintendo, and/or recognized by the general public, then why not put them in? Why is it preposterous that Toad, Waluigi, Bowser Jr., etc. might ALL get in? I see no logic in not including an iconic and recognizable character of Nintendo's biggest franchise into smash simply because there would be 'too many'!

I don't know why, but this started really bothering me recently! Am I wrong about this? Is there something ridiculously plain and obvious that I'm missing that makes this a perfectly logical argument? Anyone?
Im all for getting Jr, and Paper Mario (even King Boo and Waluigi) but It just seems unlikely we will most likely only get 1 but you never know.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
I don't know why, but this started really bothering me recently! Am I wrong about this? Is there something ridiculously plain and obvious that I'm missing that makes this a perfectly logical argument? Anyone?
For the reason that this is Smash Bros., not Mario Bros. Four characters is already plenty. Mario series already accounted for 10.25% of the characters in Brawl (11.43% if going by character slot), and 12.2% (14.6% if including past stages) of the stages in Brawl. Let's not even get started on how many Assist Trophies, SSE Enemies, and Music Tracks the Mario Bros. had over every other series... The fact that Mario Bros. already makes up so much of Smash Bros. is the reason most people don't want more than one more Mario character. This isn't even counting any of the Mario side-series, either. Even for Mario, Smash Bros. is already bloated with too much representation from one series. It's disheartening for most other series. People are sick of having so much come from Mario, in other words. This is a Nintendo crossover, meaning multiple series should be getting representation. Mario already has its fair share. That's why the idea of 2 or 3 Mario newcomers personally sickens me when those precious slots could be going to some other series that could really use the support.

There's also the fact that if one series gets 7 character slots, people are going to whine and complain that Zelda and Pokemon don't have as much, or that whatever series doesn't have more than it currently does because of how much Mario has in comparison. It'd be a mess in terms of online PR for Sakurai if that happened. Lessen one series' potential growth for the good of many others. Simple as that.
You think people would really be that mad? I mean shiek is zelda so she is still there its just a new character takes her place but is basically the same its just zelda and shiek now get a new down special, I could care less if it happens either way but Im almost sure we will get a new zelda character of some sorts and I think impa is the easiest to do.
We can agree to disagree, then. I don't think Zelda needs any more newcomers, I don't think a much more recognizable veteran would be replaced by someone under the mere merit that "it was an easy way to add a newcomer", and I don't think Impa is a good idea at all if it means going through the extra effort for an unnecessary adjustment to the roster.

If Sakurai wanted to do things the easy way first and foremost, he wouldn't have as much care put into his roster nor would he be making a good game. Easy is a generous way to say lazy. I can assure you, my friend, Sakurai isn't lazy. He would have announced Day 1 DLC early-on like EA always does if Sakurai was lazy. Hell, Smash Bros. wouldn't be any good if the sole director of it was lazy.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
For the reason that this is Smash Bros., not Mario Bros. Four characters is already plenty. Mario series already accounted for 10.25% of the characters in Brawl (11.43% if going by character slot), and 12.2% (14.6% if including past stages) of the stages in Brawl. Let's not even get started on how many Assist Trophies, SSE Enemies, and Music Tracks the Mario Bros. had over every other series... The fact that Mario Bros. already makes up so much of Smash Bros. is the reason most people don't want more than one more Mario character. This isn't even counting any of the Mario side-series, either. Even for Mario, Smash Bros. is already bloated with too much representation from one series. It's disheartening for most other series. People are sick of having so much come from Mario, in other words. This is a Nintendo crossover, meaning multiple series should be getting representation. Mario already has its fair share. That's why the idea of 2 or 3 Mario newcomers personally sickens me when those precious slots could be going to some other series that could really use the support.

There's also the fact that if one series gets 7 character slots, people are going to whine and complain that Zelda and Pokemon don't have as much, or that whatever series doesn't have more than it currently does because of how much Mario has in comparison. It'd be a mess in terms of online PR for Sakurai if that happened. Lessen one series' potential growth for the good of many others. Simple as that.
In the end, Mario characters are more iconic than a lot of others at Nintendo's disposal, though. It honestly makes sense for so much of Smash to be representing Mario because so much of Nintendo IS Mario.

Also, why do we really think in terms of 'slots'? It's not like Sakurai is going to say "Well, Toad's in over Ridley." because of a limited amount of slots.Not only that, but seven character slots for Nintendo's biggest franchise and six for their second (Pokemon has Pokemon Trainer as a condensed form of three characters, but it just LOOKS like four) isn't all that illogical. From a sales standpoint, Mario (including all spin-offs) has 446.53 million units sold in comparison to Pokemon (the second most successful series) only having 219.28 million. If you're looking at Mario without spin-offs, then they still have sold 275.73 million units, which is 36.45 million more units sold than Pokemon. That's more than enough to justify having seven representatives, since 36.45 million units is still more than the entirety of Kirby game sales at only 33 million and is a little less than three times the sales of all Metroid titles and more than three times the sales of the Starfox series.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
In the end, Mario characters are more iconic than a lot of others at Nintendo's disposal, though. It honestly makes sense for so much of Smash to be representing Mario because so much of Nintendo IS Mario.

Also, why do we really think in terms of 'slots'? It's not like Sakurai is going to say "Well, Toad's in over Ridley." because of a limited amount of slots.Not only that, but seven character slots for Nintendo's biggest franchise and six for their second (Pokemon has Pokemon Trainer as a condensed form of three characters, but it just LOOKS like four) isn't all that illogical. From a sales standpoint, Mario (including all spin-offs) has 446.53 million units sold in comparison to Pokemon (the second most successful series) only having 219.28 million. If you're looking at Mario without spin-offs, then they still have sold 275.73 million units, which is 36.45 million more units sold than Pokemon. That's more than enough to justify having seven representatives, since 36.45 million units is still more than the entirety of Kirby game sales at only 33 million and is a little less than three times the sales of all Metroid titles and more than three times the sales of the Starfox series.
Because it is like that. Sakurai has released statements about how he's avoiding cutting veterans if he can, as well as that there won't be as many newcomers this time. The roster is finalized and he wants to have a finite amount of characters, considering that he already found Brawl's roster size to be perfect the way it was.

And what, sales is what determines the roster now? Are you kidding me? If sales really is the defining factor here, why does Earthbound have more than one character, or Starfox have three for that matter? Sakurai looks at series and chooses fitting characters for the overall cast balance. He's adding characters, not entire franchises summed into one moveset. He's representing series, not sales figures. Mario is a big part of Nintendo, but it's a false statement to say Mario IS Nintendo. Such logic dictates that Mario offers the same kind of experiences you could find in a Zelda game, or a Metroid game, or a Starfox, Mother, Pikmin, Pokemon--a huge number of series, and you'd be ignorant to say it's not as such. Nintendo would lose a chunk of what it has without Mario, but it'd still be Nintendo, spirit and all.

One man is selecting the roster, and it's not Miyamoto himself or big corporate businessmen. It's Sakurai, the same guy who decides adding obscurities like Mr. Game & Watch and R.O.B. to the roster will give a more rewarding end-product than a more well-known yet generic addition. For the most part, he's right. He knows that adding lesser-known series is a huge boost to their popularity as well. Why else would Fire Emblem have the popularity it has in the West now? Why else would Earthbound have a cult fanbase that turned into a full-fledged giant community? Mario doesn't need the boost to gain popularity, these other games do... That's why insisting we need even more Mario characters simply because we already know them is a selfish request, both to other franchises and their fanbases.

Edit: I ended up putting so much soul into this post that I sold it to the devil. Post #666. **** is real, now.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
It's not necessarily that we don't want a Mario newcomer.

Most of us do. I'm a Jr. or Toad guy myself.

It's just that if we got several Mario newcomers, it really would feel like a mario game with other series guest starring.

Sakurai feels this as well. In one interview he said that he is always careful not to put in too many Mario characters.

One more is fine and is actually wanted by most, its just we don't want this to become "Super Mario Bros and Smash Bros Fighting Game" akin to Sonic and All Stars Racing.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
Because it is like that. Sakurai has released statements about how he's avoiding cutting veterans if he can, as well as that there won't be as many newcomers this time. The roster is finalized and he wants to have a finite amount of characters, considering that he already found Brawl's roster size to be perfect the way it was.

And what, sales is what determines the roster now? Are you kidding me? If sales really is the defining factor here, why does Earthbound have more than one character, or Starfox have three for that matter? Sakurai looks at series and chooses fitting characters for the overall cast balance. He's adding characters, not entire franchises summed into one moveset. He's representing series, not sales figures. Mario is a big part of Nintendo, but it's a false statement to say Mario IS Nintendo. Such logic dictates that Mario offers the same kind of experiences you could find in a Zelda game, or a Metroid game, or a Starfox, Mother, Pikmin, Pokemon--a huge number of series, and you'd be ignorant to say it's not as such. Nintendo would lose a chunk of what it has without Mario, but it'd still be Nintendo, spirit and all.

One man is selecting the roster, and it's not Miyamoto himself or big corporate businessmen. It's Sakurai, the same guy who decides adding obscurities like Mr. Game & Watch and R.O.B. to the roster will give a more rewarding end-product than a more well-known yet generic addition. For the most part, he's right. He knows that adding lesser-known series is a huge boost to their popularity as well. Why else would Fire Emblem have the popularity it has in the West now? Why else would Earthbound have a cult fanbase that turned into a full-fledged giant community? Mario doesn't need the boost to gain popularity, these other games do... That's why insisting we need even more Mario characters simply because we already know them is a selfish request, both to other franchises and their fanbases.

Edit: I ended up putting so much soul into this post that I sold it to the devil. Post #666. **** is real, now.
I get what you're saying then. Although, I feel obligated to point out I never said that Mario IS Nintendo, only that mario is a very, very significant part of it. I get the point of view much more now because of the highlighted section.

(For the record, I really was more confused at why it was considered so important more than anything else, and I apologize if I came across as argumentative, since you responded fairly defensively.)

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
I get what you're saying then. Although, I feel obligated to point out I never said that Mario IS Nintendo, only that mario is a very, very significant part of it. I get the point of view much more now because of the highlighted section.

(For the record, I really was more confused at why it was considered so important more than anything else, and I apologize if I came across as argumentative, since you responded fairly defensively.)
Ah, my apologies. I may have gotten carried away myself. Seeing someone bring up sales figures in contrast to what I said immediately activates some sort of defensive mechanism in my mind. Still, I've said what I meant and that's all there's to it I guess.

I would love another Mario character myself, but I just don't see warrant in getting more than one. We already see characters like Waluigi, Toad, and Bowser Jr. as playable characters all the time. I just think that having two of them as characters seems excessive when we already have dozens of Mario Parties and Sports-games that more than make up for it. Give someone else a turn to be playable, you know?
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