Your still missing my point, Im NOT saying they are clones. At all. I'm not saying that. This has nothing to do with the terrible label of "clone" being cast on a character you like or something. All I am saying is that AESTHETICALLY brawl had a lot of terrible choices for spots. It felt like many characters were on a clone waiting list and got in only to be made into non-clone characters. These characters don't create a DIVERSE roster and it bugs me and I fear it may happen again here and then in a few years I'll be arguing about Alph and Tom Nook and Dixie not being diverse and some one will be defending them because of how they "play different". Fine if everyones cool with that, but I'd rather have a diverse roster.
The past is the past and I dont feel like dwelling but regardless of Wolfs popularity in smash as a character these days, I remember Brawl roster predictions, he was not a common choice at all. Most people didn't think star fox was getting a new rep and if they were it was Krystal.
The roster we should have gotten would have looked more like this:
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With a few changes we have a much more diverse and satisfying roster. I cut R.O.B. for Mac as a better retro rep (this was a roster I made not for this post but for fun on my own as a "better brawl roster" just to see what it could have looked like...but it makes my point here either way) but even change that back and it's still way more diverse cutting a few of those "almost" clones for better choices. Take any roster thats been predicted this time around cut 3-4 of those interesting likely newcomers and instead add nook,alph,dixie or some other "almost clones" and thats the difference between this^ and the brawl roster we got and then tell me it's good that sakurai chooses characters that are similar to one another and "could be clones". But it's cool cause they "play" different so that makes them good choices. No it doesn't.