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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Ok. I just caught up.

Off topic, but why isn't there a Ridley smile, yet, in a place like Smashboards, I feel it should be the next one added :awesome:
Man, we need like a good five or six for Mega Man as well.

So Luigi is essential to Mario so it's okay to have that clone. But, not Toon Link? Smash fans make a lot of sense. :rolleyes:
I'm guessing the logic is that Luigi is a separate character. And that Mario and Luigi are pretty different from one another now.

On miiverse i saw someone say meta knight should be cut.:facepalm: This is what I thought:

He's so broken he breaks the computer.

Am I the only one who doesn't see anything resembling Ridley in the pic of the day?

I saw that before. I must say, I honestly feel like that looks better than most of the official Mega Pokemon.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
My first Pokemon was Chikorita in the original Gold...

My Sapphire starter was Torchic... my Emerald starter was Mudkip... my LeafGreen starter was Bulbasaur...

Now in X and Y... my X starters are Chespin and Charmander... my Y starters are Fennekin and Squirtle... I have Torchic in both X and Y. :awesome:


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Okay Palutena supporters, her moveset is finally completed! :p


Basic Stats:

Size: 9/10 (Palutena contends with Rosalina with being the tallest female character in the game, and like Rosalina, she’s below the amount of weight to be expected of a character her size.

Strength: 6.5/10 (Palutena’s strength is above average, but like her play-style, her greatest strength comes from area control, which means that Palutena has a lot of moves that have very good range for trapping and containing opponents.)

Speed: 7.5/10 (Palutena’s speed varies in different areas, as her attacks are slower than that of Pit, but she can run/move faster than that of Pit overall. As for her combo potential, Palutena is above average in combo potential, being able to string combos together from almost all angles with her unique trapping play-style.)

Recovery: 8/10 (Palutena has the highest normal jumping ability of any character in the game, but unlike Pit, she cannot fly. Her special recovery covers a decent range, but only goes straight up, which can be tricky on the recovery. Overall, Palutena’s recovery abilities are nothing to scoff at)

Uniqueness: 8/10 (Palutena’s play-style uses light magic to control the space around her and keep opponents back, which makes Palutena sound like a keep-away character. However, the main ability of her magic is trapping and tricking opponents at the most inopportune times to catch them off guard and deal combos.)

Gameplay Ability: Light Magic (Palutena, being the Goddess of Light, is able to summon light magic and place it on the field with the use of certain moves. These set-up balls of light cannot hurt opponents on contact and opponents will go through them. By using the standard special, Palutena will be able to launch said light balls either one at a time or all at once to trip-up opponents to leave them open for more attacks. However, to make it fair, the overall priority of these balls of light are rather low, so other projectiles will either negate them or go through them. All attacks that can summon light magic are marked with “$”)

Standard A Combo: Heavenly Heels (x3, 12% total, performs a three kick combo, the final hit being a downward kick)
Forward + A: Staff Strike (Palutena extends her staff forward to jab the opponent, can summon light magic. 11%) $

Up + A: Magic Flash (Raises hand above her head and creates a flash of light to damage opponent, can summon light magic. 12%) $
Down + A: Double Kick (Spins around on the ground with both legs to deal damage. 11%)

Dash Attack: Shield Smash (Dashes through her opponent with her shield in front of her, dealing damage. 9%)

Aerial Attacks:

Neutral A: Fire Spin (Putting on the Fire Wolf claws, spins around to burn opponents around her, 14%)

Forward + A: Staff Smash (Swings her staff horizontally, leaving a trail of light behind it. Can summon light magic, 11%) $

Up + A: Light Pillar (Holds her staff above her head, causing it to flash with light magic. Can summon light magic, 11%) $
Backward + A: Double Kick (Turns around and does a double kick in the air, 12% total)

Down + A: Angelic Heels (Does a downward Double stomp, can meteor smash, 11%)

Smash Attacks:

Forward Smash: Wolf Dash (Putting on the Wolf Claws, will do a small dash forward in a flaming spiral, 24%)

Up Smash: Light Storm (Raises her staff above her head with both hands, a giant amount of light magic swirling above her head, 23%)

Down Smash: Light Circlet (Will slam the end of her staff into the ground, causing light magic to swirl around her, hitting opponent on both sides, 22%)


Grab: Grabs the opponent with shield-wearing hand.

Pummel: Knees the opponent (3%)

Front Throw: Hits the opponent back with a pulse of light (12%)

Up Throw: Summons a pillar of light at her opponent’s feet, knocking them up into the air. (11%)

Backward Throw: Throws her opponent over her head with her staff (10%)

Down Throw: Throws the opponent on the ground brings her staff down on them (9%)

Standard B: Light Magic Launch (Mixing in with her gameplay ability, Palutena will be able to launch the summoned light magic balls that are summoned onto the field. You have the ability to either launch them one at a time by tapping the B button, or all at once by holding down the B button. The light magic will go in a straight direction, usually aimed towards the opponent closest to Palutena. However, they cannot arc, so they do not lock on. 7% per light ball)

Side + B: Divine Blessing: (With the mark of the Gods behind her, Palutena will summon a small portal in front of her that will release a blast of light energy with limited range, releasing a total of three blasts at once. The blast at the bottom of the portal goes the shortest range while the third blast goes the farthest, 9% per blast)

Up + B: Heavenly Ascension (Palutena will surround herself in heavenly light and soar high up into the air in a straight-up arc. All opponents caught in this attack will be launched upward with Palutena, taking several hits of damage before being sent flying. Sadly, this recovery only lets Palutena shoot straight up, so recovering from the sides of the screen can be rather difficult for her. 19% total)

Down + B: Angelic Spire (A two part special attack, Palutena will summon a mark of the Goddess on the ground. Once down B is activated again, a spire of light magic will shoot out of the seal and up into the air, launching the opponent upwards. This can hit opponents off of the ground. 15%)

Final Smash: Centurion Army (With Pit now acquiring a new Final Smash, Palutena adopts Pit’s final smash from Brawl. However, there has been updates to this final smash since its previous appearance, one notable difference being the different kind of centurions. There are now three different kinds of centurions, the smaller ones that will move faster but do less damage, the standard ones from the original final smash, and the bigger heavier ones that will run along the ground instead of fly, who do the most damage. This final smash only lasts for a few seconds before the centurions disappear. 9% for smaller centurion, 15% for normal centurion, 22% for heavy centurion)

Extra Details:


#1: White dress, Green Hair (Standard Palutena)
#2: Purple Dress, Black Hair (Medusa)
#3: Maroon Dress, Blonde hair (Viridi)

#4: Black Dress, Blue Hair (Pandora)
#5: White Dress, Green Hair, Purple Skin (Pseudo Palutena)


#1: Tosses her hair back

#2: Raises her staff up and says “Let me show you my divine Light”

#3: The mark of the Goddess appears behind her as she says “Is this even a fair fight?”

Winners Circle:

#1: Palutena will descend from the top of the screen with the mark of the goddess behind her, releasing a ball of magic from her hands as she says “I can defend myself you know!”

#2: Palutena will pose with her hands on her hips, smiling as she says “This Super Bash Sisters thing is easy!”


Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
SoulSilver-Cyndaquil (but used all 3, trading my pokes from Pearl.)
White 2-Tepig (one of the few, I didn't have that much fun using sadly.
Y-Fennekin, Bulbasaur.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Alright, here's a new roster.
Not too many changes, but a list of characters I'm considering is on the bottom.
Between Kirby and DK, the latter should and probably will get a fourth character first.

Other than that I have no qualms. Good roster!

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Who the hell is Debbie?

Between Kirby and DK, the latter should and probably will get a fourth character first.

Other than that I have no qualms. Good roster!
I agree, I'd like to think that four DK characters are a little more likely than Kirby characters. That said, I'm not against either of these two series getting more characters. But I'd personally but Metroid on a higher priority. I feel that Metroid needs more characters than any other veteran series.
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