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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2013
Brooklyn, New York
I see we're going easy on the color Bluesorrow? lol
With the exception of mega man, who in did have some doubt about, all 3 of these newcomers came as a surprise to me.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
All four newcomers are fairly exciting additions. I would say Wii Fit Trainer is the lowest on the unique totem pole, but she does add to the diversity of the characters.

Villager is a trap character, Rosalina has her puppet, and Megaman has projectiles for all his specials and half his regular moves.

Wii Fit Trainer is basically a moving hitbox. It seems that many of her attacks hit in multiple directions. Big characters like Donkey Kong and Bowser might have a hard time if they get caught in her web of limbs.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Late to the party. I don't have the patience to answer in full, but here's my short answers:

Villager: I don't like AC personally, but I know lots of people do, so his reveal was entertaining. When I saw Villager, my first thought was "Sakurai changed his mind". He looks he's going to have a ridiculously versatile moveset and looks really fun to play. I hope he gets a Female Alt. set to even the score with WFT.

Mega Man: YES. YES. YES. That was my initial reaction. He's got an extremely nostalgic feel to him that will make everybody happy.

Wii Fit Trainer: Well, I was flabbergasted at first. But then I realized how much sense it made to have her, so I accepted it. It looks like she's the yoga version of Captain Falcon, an entirely Melee puncher-kicker that moves really fastlike. It bothers me that we get another female character who then supposedly gets the option to become a female.

Let me tell you story. Super Mario Galaxy1/2 are the best Mario games. So when Rosalina was revealed for the game, I just freaked out. Not only is she my favorite princess, but she also has what looks like the best moves in the game.

Now, how about we discuss something other than the four characters we already know about?


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2013

Are you glad that Villager is in Smash Bros? Why?
Yes. I've always believed that a.crossing was a big series that should have had some sort of rep in brawl
Do you think he deserves it? Why?
Yes, he's the icon of his series.
Did you think he had a chance before his reveal? Why?
Slighty , was allways more of a tom nook guy and even then i felt ol nook wasn't likely at all
Before his reveal, what would you rated his likeliness as? (1-10)
Do you think he has an interesting moveset?
Yes very
Do you think his reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters?
Yes. Characters that don't typically fight have better chances than before such as nintendog and a 2nd ac rep * Tom nook or isabile * .
Do you think he will recieve a female Villager alt?

Mega man

Are you glad that Mega Man is in Smash Bros? Why?
Yes ! i was so happy and i plan to use him alot
Do you think he deserves it? Why?
Yes, he's extremely popular and iconic and is well known .
Do you think he had a chance before his reveal? Why?
Yes. due to him being an icon
Before his reveal, what would you rated his likeliness as? (1-10)
Do you think he has an interesting moveset?
Do you think his reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters?
No , if anything it hurts folks like shante and quote who may not be very " Iconic "
Do you think third party characters have a place in Smash?
Yes i do
Can you think of any possible alts?
Mega man x , protoman , roll , bass , rush armor , maybe zero ?

Wii Fit Trainer

Are you glad that Wii Fit Trainer is in Smash Bros? Why?
Yes. She's hilarious and is a great WTF character.
Do you think she deserves it? Why?
Yes. She's from an extremely profitable franchise and will help sell.
Did you think she had a chance before her reveal? Why?
Not at all.
Before his reveal, what would you rated her likeliness as? (1-10)
Do you think she has an interesting moveset?
Yes. The yoga poses set her apart from other hand-to-hand characters and she look to be very fun.
Do you think her reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters?
Maybe more recent WTF characters could be added such as the doctor from brain training or the artist from art acadamy.
Do you think He Fit Trainer is an alt of some kind?
Yes i do

Rosalina & Luma

Are you glad that Rosalina & Luma are in Smash Bros? Why?
Yes. Rosalina is a great character, and she now has a great moveset too.
Do you think they deserves it? Why?
Yes, she's important in 2 of the best Mario games ever and is getting more and more games.
Did you think they had a chance before their reveal? Why?
slighty. She seemed lower in likeliness and popularity than Bowser Jr., Waluigi,Toad ,and Paper Mario
Before his reveal, what would you rated their likeliness as? (1-10)
Do you think they have an interesting moveset?
Yes very
Do you think their reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters?
Side characters such as tingle , tharja , and other pokemen who arn't mewtwo may have more of a chance now.
Do you think they gave the 3DS problems?
Yes, due to being a dual character but it can be worked out.
Can you think of any possible alts?
Biker suit , one of the 3d world alts ,early look .


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005

Are you glad that Villager is in Smash Bros? Why?
Yes. Nintendo has a very diverse roster of characters. And Smash is a party fighting game at heart. I think a fun, unconventional fighter that uses tools adds to the game both in terms of gameplay and entertainment.

Do you think he deserves it? Why?
Absolutely. He is the star of popular games and adds a new element to Smash. A trap character with the smaller theme of collecting as with his special and his net substituting a traditional grab.

Did you think he had a chance before his reveal? Why?
No, I wrote him off due to the post-Brawl interview when Sakurai claimed he would have been out of place.

Before his reveal, what would you rated his likeliness as? (1-10)
Very low.

Do you think he has an interesting moveset?
Yes. He can ride a fire hydrant, float with balloons, dig opponent's into the ground, catch projectiles and pocket them, plant a tree and chop it down, as well as drop a bowling ball. He is anything, but boring.

Do you think his reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters?
Yes. Sakurai has rethought what kind of character could appear in Smash. Smash 4 looks more colorful, more fun, more random, and more diverse than Brawl. The new Nintendo characters such as Wii Fit Trainer and Villager are more geared to different demographics than usual, but both have an immense amount of fans and move game sales. They should not be ignored if they have such a fan base AND can add something fresh to Smash.

Do you think he will recieve a female Villager alt?
Yes and we should.

Mega man

Are you glad that Mega Man is in Smash Bros? Why?
Yes. I grew up with Megaman and along with King K. Rool, he was my most wanted character. Growing up playing Megaman on Nintendo and Super Nintendo, he is very much a Nintendo character to me if not officially.

Do you think he deserves it? Why?
Yes. Mario and Megaman went head to head in popularity before Sonic and Mario. He adds to the game and older gamers appreciate the nostalgia.

Do you think he had a chance before his reveal? Why?
Yes. I thought he was pretty much a lock for the third party candidate. He was popular before Brawl, but had to wait his turn.

Before his reveal, what would you rated his likeliness as? (1-10)
A ten. He was the only easily predictable new character revealed.

Do you think he has an interesting moveset?
Yes. Projectile for every special (that is if Rush could fall in the air and hit an opponent) as well as a projectile for half his regular moveset. Sakurai is exploring the design space still left in his simple character battle-control scheme.

Do you think his reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters?
Redefining what an A move can do. There is no reason A moves cannot be as flashy and impressive as a B move.

Do you think third party characters have a place in Smash?
Yes. People haven't just dreamed about fighting with Nintendo characters against other Nintendo characters, but also characters across systems.

Can you think of any possible alts?
No need for Megaman.

Wii Fit Trainer

Are you glad that Wii Fit Trainer is in Smash Bros? Why?
I would not have picked her. I would have scoffed at the idea. But seeing her in action, I am glad she was included. Wii had many high-selling games. The Wii was able to target demographics virtually unexplored with other systems. These games and ideas should be represented. And I laughed when I saw her fly off screen with hula-hoops.

Do you think she deserves it? Why?
Yes. She represents a character from the Wii, her game has many fans, and she does work well in Smash.

Did you think she had a chance before her reveal? Why?
Almost no one did, which I think is part of the reason Sakurai included her.

Before his reveal, what would you rated her likeliness as? (1-10)
I did not see her coming.

Do you think she has an interesting moveset?
Less interesting than the other three but she does have two themes. One is the obvious yoga pose for every A move. The harder theme to spot is her vast hitboxes. The poses allow her to hit from different angles at once transforming her into a moving hitbox. Big characters are going to have a rough time dealing with her. I cannot wait to see her other two specials.

Do you think her reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters?
Yes. Mii now has a chance. The Wii introduced new characters that may not seem like fighters. But the Wii has characters and they should be included in a cast of diverse Nintendo creations. Plus, Smash is a party game. Explosions, bright colors, interactions between stage and characters and items. A diverse cast adds to the mayhem while five Fire Emblem characters with slight stat adjustments does not.

Do you think He Fit Trainer is an alt of some kind?
I like the idea of male and female versions of avatar type characters like the Villager and Mii. A nice addition for the fans of the games.

Rosalina & Luma

Are you glad that Rosalina & Luma are in Smash Bros? Why?
Yes. I thought Rosalina could introduce Galaxy elements to the game. While Sakurai made this a subtheme and focused on the puppet tagteam element, she is a very worthy addition. Even more exciting with Sakurai's vision than I could imagine.

Do you think they deserves it? Why?
Yes. They add a new mechanic to the game, have fans, are now cemented in the Mario world, and look great in HD. The star is so shiny.

Did you think they had a chance before their reveal? Why?
Yes. But it took me awhile. After seeing the first three introduced, I came to realize that Toad could be a viable option that I would be excited for when in the past I was not. The more I thought about other possible characters, I realized that Rosalina could also add to the game (along with Paper Mario who I thought could have amazing mechanic even before I saw Sakurai's extra creative direction). I still pegged her chances as low, but possible.

Before his reveal, what would you rated their likeliness as? (1-10)
Between a three and four.

Do you think they have an interesting moveset?
Yes. Rosalina bending Mario's water jet is cool enough as it is, but add her galaxy spirals, remote controlled star, Warp star flip, and sparkle wand and she really starts pumping the creative juices.

Do you think their reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters?
Mechanics matter. The character should stand out. Just being popular is not enough.

Do you think they gave the 3DS problems?
Doesn't seem like they do anymore.

Can you think of any possible alts?
No need. I really only think that avatar's including both sexes are needed.
Last edited:


Smash Ace
May 22, 2013
Under your bed

Are you glad that Villager is in Smash Bros? Why?
Do you think he deserves it? Why?
Did you think he had a chance before his reveal? Why?
Before his reveal, what would you rated his likeliness as? (1-10)
Do you think he has an interesting moveset?
Do you think his reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters?
Do you think he will recieve a female Villager alt?
1) Yes. I like Animal Crossing and he looks like a fun "do anything" character to play as.
2) Yes, Animal Crossing at the time was probably the biggest Nintendo franchise not yet represented with a playable character.
3) Somewhat. The only thing really bringing him down was Sakurai talking about how AC seemed to pacifistic to be in Smash.
4) Maybe 6/10. Kind of a toss up.
5) Most certainly.
6) Yes, it means Sakurai's willing to look back on characters he previously deemed inappropriate.
7) It would be very bizarre if he didn't, especially considering he doesn't seem to have a voice and therefor doesn't have voice clips to worry about.

Mega man

Are you glad that Mega Man is in Smash Bros? Why?
Do you think he deserves it? Why?
Do you think he had a chance before his reveal? Why?
Before his reveal, what would you rated his likeliness as? (1-10)
Do you think he has an interesting moveset?
Do you think his reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters?
Do you think third party characters have a place in Smash?
Can you think of any possible alts?
1) Mega Man was my second most wanted character, behind Lip only by a nose hair.
2) Yes. He is a huge video game star and the majority of his titles have been on Nintendo consoles. I can't speak for everyone, but when I think of old NES games, I think of Mega Man.
3) Yes. If I remember correctly, both Sakurai and Capcom wanted Mega Man in Smashbros, but a lack of communication prevented it from happening.
4) 10/10, really. I can't really see any reason for him not to be included. (that said, I still had a huge fit of happiness and excitement when he was revealed)
5) His standard A attack is a projectile.
6) Nothing really notable.
7) Yes. They can be a big part of Nintendo's history even if they aren't made by Nintendo themselves. As I said earlier, when I think of the NES, I think of Mega Man.
8) Megaman.exe would probably be the most natural looking alt for Mega Man. I don't think he really needs an alt though.

Wii Fit Trainer

Are you glad that Wii Fit Trainer is in Smash Bros? Why?
Do you think she deserves it? Why?
Did you think she had a chance before her reveal? Why?
Before his reveal, what would you rated her likeliness as? (1-10)
Do you think she has an interesting moveset?
Do you think her reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters?
Do you think He Fit Trainer is an alt of some kind?
1) I didn't ask for her, but I'm not against her inclusion. She seems fun.
2) Difficult to say. On one hand you could say that her game (and the Wii series in general) sold a ton so she deserves some recognition, but on the other hand you could say that she's not much of a character and isn't much of a recognizable face. She does however, bring something fresh, interesting, and fun to the roster, which I think is probably the most important factor.
3) Nobody did.
4) 1/10.
5) I dunno. What's up with that solar energy attack?
6) I suppose it goes to show that Sakurai can make a playable character out of whatever he wants, so it helps a lot of people.
7) What else would it be?

Rosalina & Luma

Are you glad that Rosalina & Luma are in Smash Bros? Why?
Do you think they deserves it? Why?
Did you think they had a chance before their reveal? Why?
Before his reveal, what would you rated their likeliness as? (1-10)
Do you think they have an interesting moveset?
Do you think their reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters?
Do you think they gave the 3DS problems?
Can you think of any possible alts?
1) Yes. She arguably has the most interesting playstyle we have seen in the series yet.
2) Out of the Mario franchise characters left, yes, I would say so. Like it or not, she's definitely a major character in the series now and is pretty darn popular. She's also bringing something really interesting to the roster with her playstyle.
3) Yes. See above.
4) Probably 6/10 before the 3D World reveal. After that it would be 7/10.
5) Sakurai seems to be going for more female characters this time around, so that's a plus for other girl candidates I guess.
6) The 3DS issues with Ice Climbers were kind of vague, so I honestly haven't a clue.
7) No, and I don't think she needs any, but it would be nice to have some palette swaps based on other Mario characters. (Peach, Pauline, etc.)


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
More questions!


Are you glad that Villager is in Smash Bros? Why? I called it, but he's nice, I guess.
Do you think he deserves it? Why? Yes, because Animal Crossing.
Did you think he had a chance before his reveal? Why? Yes, ignoring Sakurai's statements...
Before his reveal, what would you rated his likeliness as? (1-10) 9/10
Do you think he has an interesting moveset? Very.
Do you think his reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters? No, AC got what they deserved.
Do you think he will recieve a female Villager alt? Yes, it's likely.

Mega man

Are you glad that Mega Man is in Smash Bros? Why? As a longtime Megaman fan, YUS.
Do you think he deserves it? Why? Of course he does! HE'S MEGAMAN!
Do you think he had a chance before his reveal? Why? I did, but I thought it would be later.
Before his reveal, what would you rated his likeliness as? (1-10) 20/10
Do you think he has an interesting moveset? Why is this a question?! YES.
Do you think his reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters? Other than killing X's Chances, not really.
Do you think third party characters have a place in Smash? Depends. Snake fits because Snake is epic. Sonic fits because Sega is bound by chains to Nintendo. Capcom started Megaman on the NES.
Can you think of any possible alts? Megaman X, Protoman, Trigger, the list goes on.

Wii Fit Trainer

Are you glad that Wii Fit Trainer is in Smash Bros? Why? Yes, because it's nice to see different styles in Smash 4.
Do you think she deserves it? Why? YEP: Represent the success of the Wii.
Did you think she had a chance before her reveal? Why? You know, I called it. (Seriously. Not Joking.)
Before his reveal, what would you rated her likeliness as? (1-10) 9/10
Do you think she has an interesting moveset? Very.
Do you think her reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters? NOPE.
Do you think He Fit Trainer is an alt of some kind? Yes. It's not a new character.

Rosalina & Luma

Are you glad that Rosalina & Luma are in Smash Bros? Why? Yeah, it's something different.
Do you think they deserves it? Why? Yeah, I think she does because she's an interesting choice.
Did you think they had a chance before their reveal? Why? Yes, because I didn't like Bowser Junior or Waluigi in Smash.
Before his reveal, what would you rated their likeliness as? (1-10) 9.5/10
Do you think they have an interesting moveset? Very, very.
Do you think their reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters? It means we can't always predict anything. Remember Pre-Brawl? "SAKURAI Y U DO DIS? U HAV FALED US!"
Do you think they gave the 3DS problems? No, I think Ice Climbers did.
Can you think of any possible alts? Daisy + Toadsworth :troll:

Responses in Whatever I feel like.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
More questions!


Are you glad that Villager is in Smash Bros? Why? Yes, AC is a major Nintendo franchise that deserved a character. Villager looks very unique and awesome.
Do you think he deserves it? Why? Yes. Like I said, AC deserves it, and Villager represents a good chunk of the series through his moveset.
Did you think he had a chance before his reveal? Why? Yeah, AC is a pretty big franchise now, although I may have said Tom Nook before that.
Before his reveal, what would you rated his likeliness as? (1-10) Maybe a solid 6.5.
Do you think he has an interesting moveset? Of course! He's one of the most unique characters I've seen thus far!
Do you think his reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters? Well, it may hurt other AC characters (namely Tom Nook), but it may help other avatar characters like Robin or Mii.
Do you think he will recieve a female Villager alt? Yep. If WFT gets a male counterpart, I'd be surprised not to see this happen.

Mega man

Are you glad that Mega Man is in Smash Bros? Why? Am I? I was freaking out when I heard! I don't even know what to say, I'm just so happy about it.
Do you think he deserves it? Why? Definitely. He has more ties to Nintendo than any other 3rd Party that isn't Sonic, and one may argue that he has more than Sonic.
Do you think he had a chance before his reveal? Why? Oh yeah. He was an obvious 3rd party choice.
Before his reveal, what would you rated his likeliness as? (1-10) Probably around a 9.
Do you think he has an interesting moveset? One of the best I've seen so far. Projectiles galore, I love it.
Do you think his reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters? It may hurt other 3rd parties, but the only one with a chance is Pac-Man. And Mega Man may even help Pac because Project X Zone and all.
Do you think third party characters have a place in Smash? Depending on who it is, yes. If they have a long history with Nintendo like Sonic and Mega Man, they are definitely deserving in my eyes. Ones who get in as favors are not. COUGHSnakeCOUGH
Can you think of any possible alts? Maybe X, or Proto Man. If either, X.

Wii Fit Trainer

Are you glad that Wii Fit Trainer is in Smash Bros? Why? Yes. She's a really great surprise character with an interesting and refreshing moveset.
Do you think she deserves it? Why? Actually, yes. Wii Fit is a pretty popular franchise, so I don't see why it doesn't deserve a rep.
Did you think she had a chance before her reveal? Why? Nah. I would have laughed it off, easily. But it never came to me considering nobody else saw it coming either.
Before his reveal, what would you rated her likeliness as? (1-10) 2 maybe. Only because Wii Fit is an important IP.
Do you think she has an interesting moveset? Yes, definitely. I love how Sakurai makes these characters work, it's genius.
Do you think her reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters? I'm thinking that she's the token WTF character, but you never really know. So she may hurt other surprise additions like Diskun or Napoleon, but not by much. It shows that Sakurai isn't afraid to take chances though.
Do you think He Fit Trainer is an alt of some kind? Certainly.

Rosalina & Luma

Are you glad that Rosalina & Luma are in Smash Bros? Why? Oh yeah. I love Rosalina, and Rosaluma has a great moveset I could have never came up with.
Do you think they deserves it? Why? This is a tough one. Rosalina deserves it because of Galaxy's success and critical acclaim, although other Mario characters like Toad and Paper Mario may deserve it a little more in my eyes.
Did you think they had a chance before their reveal? Why? A very small one. I thought it was too late for them, since Rosalina was confirmed playable for 3D World a month before their reveal, and that's why people started to get hopeful. And I figured that other Mario characters come first.
Before his reveal, what would you rated their likeliness as? (1-10) Maybe a 4.
Do you think they have an interesting moveset? Again, one of the most interesting I've seen. I cant believe I'm saying it, but the newcomers make the other characters look bland in comparison.
Do you think their reveal means anything in regards to other possible characters? Probably the most out of any reveal. It shows that Sakurai is looking for uniqueness over popularity and importance, it shows a possible increase in female additions, and it probably means no more Mario characters.
Do you think they gave the 3DS problems? Possibly, but since they pulled it off I fully expect Ice Climbers to return. Not that I didn't already.
Can you think of any possible alts? Cosmic Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy 2 would be nice. Or maybe concept art Rosalina from Galaxy's early stages.
Keep 'em coming Swamp, I love it.

Swamp Castle

Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2014
The Sacred Realm
The "bomb" Newcomers such as the possible Mewtwo, little mac, etc... Will be announced at the E3 2014, right? This E3 is going to be amazing..
I would hope so ... then again, we may get another "Wii Fit Trainer"
If you guys remember, Luigi was shown off in a Direct.
So I don't see why Dedede can't be.
*cough*Year of Luigi*cough*
Still, that doesn't mean Dedede can't show up in a direct.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Personally, I'm hoping for a NEWCOMER each month, and one veteran in addition.
Speeding things up a little wouldn't hurt, also considering that Sakurai doesn't seem to care much about spoilers this time around.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2013
Crocodile Isle
They could just as well reveal Dedede in a Direct due to *cough*Kirby Triple Deluxe*cough*.

But really, there's not gonna be another proper Direct this soon. They only happen like every other month and we just had one in December.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Personally, I'm hoping for a NEWCOMER each month, and one veteran in addition.
Speeding things up a little wouldn't hurt, also considering that Sakurai doesn't seem to care much about spoilers this time around.
It makes me worried there won't be secret/unlockable characters this time. Isn't that, like, half the fun of Smash Bros?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2013
In a galaxy not that far away actually
They revealed 20 of the 45 (Sakurai mentioned that there are going to be around 45 characters, right?) so, we're almost half way through. 25 characters to go. If there are no secret characters and they are going to reveal all of them til we get to E3, they should reveal like 3 or 4 characters every month to get there...


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2013
Crocodile Isle
It makes me worried there won't be secret/unlockable characters this time. Isn't that, like, half the fun of Smash Bros?
Most of the Brawl unlockables haven't been revealed, only 4/14. And two out of those four were special cases, Sonic being 3rd Party and Luigi because Year of Luigi.

So they're probably gonna be unlockable again. I don't see any reason to assume that there won't be any secret characters this time.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
They revealed 20 of the 45 (Sakurai mentioned that ther are going to be around 45 characters, right?) so, we're almost half way through. 25 characters to go. If there are no secret characters and they are going to reveal all of them til we get to E3, they should reveal like 3 or 4 characters every month to get there...
And that's kind of what I'm expecting. Something like this.
January: Dedede and Newcomer
February: Diddy and Newcomer
March: Vet and Newcomer
And so on. I expect a lot more newcomer reveals, and I expect a lot of veteran reveals at E3 also. Not like a big deal, but just revealed through the trailers and on the website.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2013
Crocodile Isle
And that's kind of what I'm expecting. Something like this.
January: Dedede and Newcomer
February: Diddy and Newcomer
March: Vet and Newcomer
And so on. I expect a lot more newcomer reveals, and I expect a lot of veteran reveals at E3 also. Not like a big deal, but just revealed through the trailers and on the website.
I highly doubt we're going to get a Newcomer reveal every month. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if we only got like 0-2 before E3. That's where I expect we'll get another 3 like last year.
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