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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
It needs more big breasted anime women, or else it won't be an authentic Hotfeet 444 roster.
Hey, Hey, no knockin my favorite anime character a'ight? Besides, there's no icon for Aisha Clan-Clan.

I like it. Props on Robin, I like how people are warming up to him/her/it/dragons

Tetra can stay, but detach the tumor that is Toon Zelda
You'd garner more hate for Having Toon Zelda in there to be honest. :rolleyes:
You both act like I can't make Toon Zelda be completely unique to Zelda.

Nice roster! I really like that you had the guts to include King Boo, and as a King Boo supporter myself, I'm definitely not gonna argue with it. Every other character on that seems to make perfect sense to me, so I really don't have any complaints. Off topic: why is King Boo next to Wario instead of the other Mario characters?
And then use the propeller for grabbing ledges. :troll:

But King Boo is coooooool. I kinda wish Luigi's Mansion would get more games so it would be separated from Mario in Smash so we could have King Boo and Polterpup playable.:b:
King Boo is like me with Viridi and Bandana Dee. Props for having King Boo.
Jesus 420 Christ, every time I reply, someone else is already saying something new, slow down compadres! Anyways, this is not the kind of response I was expecting.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
For those that doubt King Boo's uniqueness:

Watch this and let me know what you think.
The highly detailed..... skin? in the thumbnail is too terrifying to click on.

EDIT: Ok, so I actually watched it, and now I'm putting King Boo on MY wish roster.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Kemak for Smash Bros.
Kemak vs. Little Mac.
Little Kemak.

let me retroactively correct my self
*appendages of any sorts touching the ground acting as "legs" or "feet"
Luma still, and Mewtwo floats above the ground.

The highly detailed..... skin? in the thumbnail is too terrifying to click on.

EDIT: Ok, so I actually watched it, and now I'm putting King Boo on MY wish roster.
Actually, now I am debating E. Gadd vs. King Boo as a Luigi's Mansion rep, so I'm not sure who I'm putting on my wish roster.
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wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Hey, Look! I cut two people from my roster to make 48!

Tried to place Newcomers at the bottom.
Changes: Cut Issac and Takamaru.
Two Randoms are better than one.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Hey, Look! I cut two people from my roster to make 48!

Tried to place Newcomers at the bottom.
Changes: Cut Issac and Takamaru.
Two Randoms are better than one.
You have it all wrong!

Three Radom spaces!
You need to have 3!

Or 2.5 is you are trying to save space.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
For those that doubt King Boo's uniqueness:

Watch this and let me know what you think.
Overall, this is a very intriguing video.
You did a very nice job with it HotFeet.
It makes me question the possibility of a Luigi's Mansion character.
I am going to put a Luigi's Mansion character onto my own wish roster, though I am not sure between King Boo, or Professor E. Gadd.

I'm honestly surprised and shocked that no one is complaining that I have Viridi.
There. Are you happy now?

Golden Icarus

Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2013
For those that doubt King Boo's uniqueness:

Watch this and let me know what you think.
I remember watching this, it's still one of my favorite movesets you've made. :)

In case anyone else is wondering about the potential of King Boo, here's a moveset I found on his support thread:

Moveset by user JOE!


King Boo is the leader of the Boos and the main antagonist of the Luigi's Mansion series, and is the arch-enemy of Luigi. He is also an ally of Bowser, who has aided him in his various schemes. He is more than capable of devising and enacting villainous plans by himself, including his capture and imprisonment of Mario. Although not the biggest Boo in the Mushroom World, King Boo has abilities that far surpass that of the average ghost and he wields a number of impressive magical abilities, including the ability to turn things invisible, materialize objects and trap enemies to the crown in paintings!


AIR: 7

King Boo is the same size as the Penguin King, but due to being a ghost and all is the same weight as his Green Nemisis. Floating just off the ground, King Boo has very poor traction and falls like the princess the Green Guy is always saving. Thanks to his ghostly form, his movement speed is well above average and coupled with a grounded jump similar to that Princess with 2 mid-air jumps comparable to the Koopa King's own, it should be difficult for any enemy to keep on you for too long.

Dodging turns King Boo invisible and intangible for the duration of the dodge. Furthermore, after the dodge ends he will still be invisible, move 50% faster all around and have a damage-threshold of 10% in order to hurt him! How this works is if you do not deal 10% or more in one hit, it will simply pass through him harmlessly, and don't even talk about non-damaging effects. If he is hit however he immediately becomes visible once more.

He cannot keep this up forever though, as over the next 5 seconds once his dodge ends he will become 5% slower / have 1% less threshold per half second until he fades into visibility once more. He cannot dodge again until he is fully visible, but luckily he will stay invisible for a whole 2 seconds before fading into visibility.​



King Boo opens his mouth and expels 5 Pokeball-sized orbs of ghostly energy that home in on the object in front of KB, rendering it invisible! Nearly anything aside from other character or entire stages can be rendered invisible, which can include Platforms, Minions, Items, Traps, Walls, Ledges (these two will show a flat surface where the stage gets "cut") and even certain stage hazards! A special note for if you do this at a ledge: a jagged area the size of himself will be rendered invisible, leading recovering foes guessing and removing any form of auto-snapping unless they hit the edge DIRECTLY with an Up B in order to grab the invisible ledge.

KB can only have 1 invisible object in play at a time, and pressing B again simply releases the invisible object from the Spirit Balls' power as would a player's attack against the invisible object. King Boo then can touch them to restore his ability to make things Invisible as the balls float about, changing position within an area the size of Bowser every 2 seconds or so until they go back into the object they were assigned to 8 seconds after they were sent out. Foes touching the orbs absorb them and take 4% damage for their trouble, and have to absorb each one in order to undo KB's invisibility spell within the 8 seconds or the Spirit Balls will restore back to 5. While powerful, the move isn't exactly super safe as a foe can stand in the way and take the 20% if they feel like being a man, and the animation itself takes about half a second to complete.


A staple tool in the King's arsenal, he uses these spiked spheres in both his boss fights to really stick it to the green plumber (who unfortunately always uses them against him somehow...). In Smash, Down B will have King Boo raise then drop a hand and create a shadow before himself as a spike ball the size seen in the picture above plummets as fast as Kirby's Down B from the sky after a moment. If there are platforms or whatever in the way above you, the ball will hit that first and then gravity, slope and/or wind will do the rest in terms of moving it about. Be careful to not be directly under the spike ball as it drops, especially if crafty (green) foes hit you under it as it drops, as a smack to the crown will leave King Boo dazed for half a second! Luckily it usually drops fast enough to avoid this, but you never know.

Beyond the 10% meteor hitbox the Spike Ball provides as it's falling, foes who touch it as it is on stage are dealt a mere 5% and light enough KB to be pushed away from the ball. This can change however if King Boo charges the input! By holding Down B for up to 2 seconds, the King has 2 other variations of the spiky treat to dish out: Big Spike Balls are made when charged past 1 second, indicated by his crown glowing with power and deal 2x the damage and knockback as normal spike balls (10% to touch with light KB, 20% meteor) and are 2x as big (the size of the King himself!). Both variants react to gravity, wind and knockback (hitting them rolls them even if you take recoil, except for King Boo himself who doesn't recoil from them) and deal slightly more directional KB if a foe is hit mid-movement, but no extra damage.

Slightly more interesting are the Spiny Traps created with a full-charge, as the move comes down instantly and a half-sphere sticks out of the ground with -huge- spikes coming from it to become the size of DK crouching overall. Touching these spines will deal 15% and medium radial KB to enemies as well as 30% spiking damage to foes who somehow get hit beneath it after 2 seconds of charge. Regardless of the type, all Spike Balls last for 15 seconds after they're spawned (unless they fall offstage, fun fact: falling turns them to meteors again) or simply poof into purple smoke if more than 3 are summoned, with obviously the oldest going first. While it's good fun to attack the balls to push them towards foes if not float above to nail them with falling ones on or off-stage, the real fun is when you make these rolling recoil machines invisible...


With a press of Side and B, a Boo cackles and fades into existence! This special is angle-able, with a Boo appearing within a boswer-sized area either in front of, diagonally above or below himself. The Down option can allow him to summon one -in- the stage! What, you didn't know boos can pass right through floors and walls? You can have 3 Boos out at any given time, with a 4th input merely replacing the oldest Boo.

Boos have 20% stamina but take only push/knockback but no hitstun when hit (they can be grabbed / eaten by special grabs such as Yoshi's tongue and the like too), and ignore blast zones (always flying back if they survive a hit that'd send them flying). Touching a Boo is always risky though, as just like in Mario games you'll be damaged if they come in contact with you (unless you're hitting them) to deal 8% and minor KB with a classic Boo Giggle. When on the move, they fly freely at Jigglypuff's air speed, and in general are the size of her minus the feet and ears of course. Every once in a while they will also go "hee hee ha ha!" before launching an attack nearly identical to Sonic's Brawl Homing Attack as they zoom towards an enemy for 10% and moderate KB.

Luckily for the opponent, Boos have an aggro range of a platform around themselves that you can keep track of while moving about, and of course have that classic shyness to them: facing them has them stop in their tracks and cover their face in embarrassment! They're still a hitbox while doing this, and standing still to face a single boo may not be the best idea with one or two more closing in behind you...

Luckily for you however, you happen to be the King of the Boos. As such, you happen to have a handful of ways to command your subjects' behavior using your Taunts:

Up Taunt: King Boo's crown glows as he turns invisible, then reappears a moment later with a familiar sound effect. This will toggle Boos to become invisible or visible! While invisible, you can only see their shadows on the ground and the occasional outline if one is about to charge. Their invisibility comes with a price however as they take 1% more per hit if they actually are hit.

Side Taunt: King Boo covers his face, then lets out a good old fashioned Boo Scare. This will cause all boos to begin traveling in the direction you taunted as well as change the way they are facing to not only reposition bu avoid players who are trying to immobilize them with their shyness.

Down Taunt: Holding onto his sides, King Boo laughs and closes his eyes at his feeble opponent. This will cause all Boos to cackle as well then stay in place as a sort of "air trap". They will not wander about or follow foes unless Side or Down taunt is pressed again. Combine all three commands when you get a moment to not only taunt your foes to frustration, but to sway your subjects in the direction of victory.


Raising his arms up and with a shine from his crown, King Boo creates a portal (seen above) above himself, while in the air he creates it below himself with a mirrored animation. The Portal has a DDD-esque suction effect but with half the horizontal range in exchange for a stronger pull when close. Foes sucked into the Paranormal Dimension are followed by a horde of Boos that become visible one by one and follow the poor soul, pummeling them and cackling as the portal shines with energy, becoming a hitbox for 10% and radial KB with electric and darkness GFX to anyone else who touches it (but you could always try to lure multiple foes in at once!). After taking a total of 20% over the next 2 seconds, they foe will be expelled from the portal with weak knockback as it shrinks into nothingness behind them, leaving the King to make another.

King Boo can only have 1 Portal at a time, and cannot make another if it is currently in use by an unwilling guest. Enemies aren't all that can be taken into the dimension however; his own Boos, Spike Balls and any various other items can be stored in it as well. Upon making another Portal with items stored within, they will be thrown out violently as if Smash Thrown (items), thrown straight forward (Spike Balls, with the same properties as when they fall) or shoot forward in a slight upward arc before disappearing with a laugh (Boos, having their normal hitbox but behaving more like a projectile this time around). His other specials have a few quirks with the Portal: Spike Balls when summoned next to a portal will fall in such a way that they will always be sucked in before hitting the ground, except on a full-charge, and Boos effectively de-summon when sucked up, allowing KB to summon another in it's place as the former becomes a projectile. The most sinister however is when used with Spirit Balls as yes, he can turn the portal invisible. Seeing as foes cannot attack the portal directly (projectiles pass through it at all times, and getting close enough to touch it sucks you in), the only way to make it visible again is to destroy the portal via jumping in, or waiting for KB to make it visible again so he can make something else hidden where it could make more strategic sense. This is also the only instance where rendering something visible destroys Spirit Balls rather than "releases" them.

Finally, you may be wondering how this allows him to recover: well it doesn't. You see, instead King Boo will simply "respawn" through a portal with a minor push effect, a signature cackle and 25% taken as the portal shrinks and disappears behind himself if he gets flung past a blast zone with one in play. A worthy trade for a stock, wouldn't you say?

Although, as a note the foe does have some control over what happens here. If they purposely leap in one filled with potential projectiles, they will seal the portal behind them and remove the items in exchange for the 20% and 2 seconds of set-up time for King Boo. They can also prevent him from recovering this way if he is KO'ed while they are trapped in the portal. Be wary of the foolishly brave foes, but also remember they always pay a price for their "courage".


Reaching his stubby hand outward, King Boo slaps back and forth with surprising speed as you mash A with surprising reach, a ghostly trail following the motion to make it like a horizontal version of Kirby's infinite jab. Foes who are struck suffer a loud SLAP sound effect and are knocked away like being hit by Jigglypuff's Pound for 5%. A useful "gtfo" move for those who dare to get to close to his majesty.

With a bit of a chuckle, KB lunges forward like Wolf's Fsmash with near identical speed and range with his mouth open wide. If he hits a foe he'll chomp down and send them flying with moderate KB. They take no initial damage but are instead set on fire with ghostly blue flames, dealing pretty impressive DoT (15% over 3 seconds) if they don't manage to shake the flames off via dashing about. Flames are stackable with both itself and the other sources of Flames (seen later).

It gets a bit more interesting if this move hits a shield however. As he bites, King Boo's blue fire swiftly envelops the shield as it seems to turn into one of his Spirit Balls and vanishes! For the next 3 seconds, or until it breaks, the foe's shield is completely invisible, rendering management of it's HP and size incredibly difficult. Either way, KB suffers some end lag for connecting the move as he gleefully licks his lips.

KB faces away/toward the camera with a big grin as his crown shines and sparks with power. Foes who touch it take 10% and decent radial knockback away from it, but not really enough to kill until around 200%+ or higher. Overall the move is about as fast as Falcon's Up Tilt, not bad for the move's hitbox the size of Ivysaur's Up Air.

If a Boo happens to be within aggro range of KB when he does this move, a thin bolt of energy will jump to them, the bolt and the boo both extending the 10% radial hitbox. After being hit for 10%, the Boo is turned Pink and now moves about 50% faster than normal boos. This comes with a price however, as beyond obviously halved stamina the Boo cannot interact with Utilt again, with the next closest Boo getting struck instead if both are in range. Another plus side though is that if it's sucked up by the Paranormal Portal, it is launched out 2x as fast as normal Boos!

King Boo's crouch is a bit weird, as it's more of a "Dip". Being a ghost and all, he can merely drop down so only half of his body (namely from the bottom of his eyes up) are showing above ground. On platforms this rightly looks kinda funny as he is now 1/2 way through it, but it does allow him to go through them a tad faster than most other characters when dropping through them.

If you tap A while crouching, KB will actually dive into the ground with a pink aura around himself that knocks foes upward and prone with a hard knockdown effect and a meager 6%. If done on a platform you merely descend to the floor below, but on a normal floor you will dive into the stage and stay under for 1 second, while emerging slowly at Jigglypuff's fall speed for the 2nd second. This affords you time to muck about while being undetectable for 1 whole second and attack with Upward attacks, send out specials, short hop aerials like nobody else can and more likely turn invisible with an air dodge to really mess with the foe. While some moves won't be practical/simply don't work while phased through the stage, and you can't exit through the sides (similar to how many moment attacks stop at ledges), this can create an enormous advantage to get the drop on a foe. You of course can't Dtilt again until you are fully out of the ground.

King Boo flies just off the ground during his dash, but with a press of A begins to tumble forward, and grow up to 3x his size! You will roll 4 times total, taking about the same time as Bowser's Fsmash as you travel about 1/2 of Battlefield to reach the size seen above compared to that stupid, green plumber. All is not as it appears however, as even at this size the attack will always deal 12% and moderate diagonal KB upward with your giant form mysteriously erupting into... Boos?

You see, this is yet another of King Boo's illusions at work! By gathering up Boos that were hiding around the stage, he appears to grow larger and larger before hitting something/ending the attack to cover the screen in cackling Boos for just a moment, obscuring anything within a radius slightly bigger than what he appeared to be for a moment. But what about King Boo himself you ask? Well, he is free to move about by the 2nd rotation as he invisibly dips out of the Boolossus, free to do as he pleases (except for another Dash Attack until the current one explodes) and will become visible the moment the decoy is broken. However, this doesn't stop you from dodging or heading under the floor, and while the foe is flustered by the cloud of Ghosts, its a perfect time to give them a good fright.


Taking in a deep breath as he charges, releasing this smash has King Boo expel a torrent of Ghostly Wind forward just like when you didn't capture enough boos in the original Luigi's Mansion. In many ways comparable to Lucario's Fsmash, the attack does actual Knockback up to about the 2nd ember in the picture above with the rest being pushback with a moment of hitstun. Uncharged it will deal a meager 14% and KO around 170%. When fully charged the KO box extends to the outer embers of the picture, and the wind effect doubles in size to push foes at the outer limits away! When at full charge, damaging embers will hit the foe for 20%, and can KO horizontally at about 150%. A bit of a late KO option, but it's range more than makes up for it.

The wind properties however provide a great tool for King Boo, as not only can you space a charged version to push recovering foes without dealing Up-B breaking hitstun, but you can push Spike Balls towards them as well! Even without Spike Balls, this can also be a great way to shove foes into a Portal if they are positioned just right, but need some "incentive" to get in. Wind effects can also move Boos and Spirit Balls too, but due to their floaty nature are a tad less predictable to send towards foes.

His crown charges up power as you well, charge the smash, and then releases a pink bolt of electrical/magic energy straight upwards! Nearly identical to Pikachu's Thunder in reverse, those struck directly by the tip of the bolt as it travels to the top of the screen/any surface above him will have it explode on them for 16-22% and a decent amount of vertical knockback, enough to KO from 160-140% when they stand on a BF platform above you, and obviously -much- lower if they're up in the air.

Unlike the yellow rat, this smash requires a lot more precision as you'll be wanting to strike them directly from afar instead of having the explosion centered on your own body, although the bolt will do 10-14% and moderate radial KB, kind of like a beefier Utilt without the speed. A great tool when you're under the floor, it is also a great punisher for foes taking to the air to avoid your ground-based traps.

King Boo turns to his right, which is to the background if he faces left, and the foreground if already facing Right, as he conjures some magic before himself in the back/foreground. Taking as long as Snake's Dsmash, King Boo will materialize one of three types of traps he uses throughout the mansions of his series.

At no charge, he will create a pot or small chest that is about the size of the one seen in the picture above compared to Luigi in the back/foreground. If a foe walks in front of it, a Boo will pop out and scare them, Paralyzing them for half a second and 6% before leaving them prone as they fall back from the shock. Soon after, the item poofs away.​

A mid-charge will summon a cabinet, which upon getting near will spark with pink magic for 6% and hit-stun, before lurching it's drawers outward for 16% and high vertical KB. Once out, the drawers stay out and act as a sort of wall until attacked for 10% or more in a single hit, which closes them and makes the cabinet poof away.

Finally, a full charge will summon a suit of armor seen in the first picture. These Ganon-sized sentries will stand guard in the back/foreground until an enemy of their king draws near, in which case they then perform Ike's Fsmash with a single hand into the main playing area. No, really: they swing down for 23-32% damage and extreme KB based on if they get hit mid-swing, or the moment their Sword/Axe/Mace hits the floor! Luckily for foes this is sort of telegraphed by the knight raising his weapon up for the swing, and they only swing twice before poofing away like the other objects.

As always, King Boo has a plethora of tricks up his stubby sleeves to use with his traps. Although not usable by the Paranormal Portal, placing these strategically around one can influence foe behavior to your own liking: putting all of them (you can have a max of 2 Dsmash traps at any given time) near the portal to create a death-zone to push opponents towards, guaranteeing one or the other will hit. Or placing them on opposite sides of one another for foes to pick their poison in a sense, and corral them within a certain area. The non-charge pots and chests have special use as they can stun foes briefly, allowing you a moment to set up, blow them into other obstacles with Fsmash, or in general just finish them off. Drawers provide a crucial way to alter the floor plan for you and your foe, providing a wall to pin them between it and spike balls, as well as a platform to jump off of or be launched up by for a Usmash strike. The knights are a bit more obvious in that they are King Boo's best kill options by far, but have the nasty drawback of being laggy. To remedy this, try putting an uncharged pot in the background, and a full charged knight in the foreground. The Pot will stun the foe while being obscured by the Knight, and well you know what happens next! Speaking of obscuring, King Boo can turn these traps invisible with Spirit Balls. Deadly for any of the three, foes will have to rely on audio cues if they aren't brave enough to try and attack the area the traps are in to release the orbs. They then can pick their poison of absorbing 20% or risking attack from either of the 3 objects.


A huge grin forms on King Boo's face as one Boo after another forms in a circle around himself! These boos are notably smaller than normal, and will make 2 full rotations around King Boo while he remains airborne, each rotation taking a full second. Each Boo hits for 2% and the stun of a Falco Laser, and will pass through anything till it's time is up which with 10 in all can provide quite the deterrent from a variety of attacks. The summoning of them takes barely any time at all, only about 1/3 of a second in all but like many of his other standards he cannot do the move again until it's complete, which allows for other aerials while the carousel circles you.

If you land during the summoning, the Boos will instead form a horizontal circle and follow you on the ground, remaining there even if you jump. Even better, if you dip under the stage or vanish, the circle of Boos will remain on stage for their duration! This is a handy mindgame as foes may think you are in the same spot at first, and can neatly corral or block off areas to work with or else the foe takes some hefty %. Like always, you must wait for them to disappear to summon more with Nair.

Licks his tongue up and forward swiftly, like Marth's fair in reverse without the end lag, hitting foes up and away for mediocre knockback if any. If struck, they take no initial damage but are instead set on fire with ghostly blue flames, dealing the same damage as any blue fire effect (sans Fsmash). A more basic move, but it is a bread and butter maneuver for the King for general offense when you feel like actually engaging.

King Boo dives downward with a cackle, passing straight through foes for 10% and paralyzing them in place before reaching about 2x his height downward, slowly floating up to half that distance when the move is over as a sort of "end lag", but allowing use of other aerials.

If he hits any floor while doing this, he will use his paranormal power to distort the ground as if it were a liquid, sending a shockwave along the ground about the size of the diamond + 1st stripes of Brawl's Final destination. If he does this from a maximum height of 2x his height that is, being reduced to a minimum of just around himself if done from a short-hop. Foes who touch the shockwave are knocked prone unless they tech, and any ground bound items / traps / what have you are either destroyed or sent moving such as Spike Balls (which pop into the air a bit, little ones go about his height in an arc with big ones half that) and Dsmash traps (which bounce comically then land back where they were, this can interrupt them going off in the case of the cabinet/knight to extend their life at times).

King Boo's crown channels energy to create an outward electrical hitbox in all directions, hitting up to 6 times like Pikachu's down smash and stunning the foe in place. Initially the move only deals 1% damage, with the next 5 dealing 1% more for a total of 21% if the foe doesn't DI. The size of the hitbox decreases progressively: starting at King Boo's own size around the crown to just outside the crown for the final hit, but with increasing hitstun per hit that starts from the lightest of hits to an uncharged Zamus Laser in power.

Perfect for chasing foes below platforms (or floors), the large initial hit gives you a hit-confirm to try and maneuver into the final stunning hit as to foe DI's to get a meaty frame advantage for your next trick. However, there is a good deal of end lag to the move making even the stunner a slight advantage at best if not an easy punish if a foe does escape the following hits early.

In typical Boo fashion, King Boo covers his face with his stubby hands as he is covered in an eerie blue aura. He then turns himself around to reveal his face with a loud cackle and a hitbox centered around and just away from his face and mouth for 16%.

While the start-up of this move is highly suspect, making it on par with Ganon's Dsmash if it were all front-loaded in terms of lag, the scare does a truckload of Knockback. Able to kill at around 130% easily, this is boosted to around 100% if you scare a foe from behind! Luckily, King Boo has that handy invisibility going for him, allowing to set up the perfect fright and cover the start-up with skill.


Pointing his arms forward, King Boo summons a Boo from behind him which rushes forward the distance seen above (around a platform) at normal Boo speed. If it doesn't grab anyone it merely vanishes and King Boo looks frustrated, giving the move a decent amount of ending lag for it's quick start-up.

This has a unique function when used near Boos summoned from Side Special, as King Boo can command them too! If a summoned Boo is within a King Boo radius of his crown (easy to picture above, but essentially close to touching it) they too will shoot forward to attempt to grab at foes. When on the ground, the "grab Boo" joins forces with the other Boo(s) to contain the foe and drag them to their King, adding about 10% more grab difficulty per Boo (your % is seen as 10% higher for the struggle) but in any case always take about a whole second to get to the King. In the Air this merely has him quickly do the gesture, but it only serves to fake out foes seeing as he floats just off the ground already, he can trick players into thinking he's shooting out a grab from short hop. His grab is incredibly potent this way as he can have a literal wall rush towards the opponent, but at the same time counter-able by simply smacking away at the summoned Boos. At least the normal grab Boo flies very low to the ground, allowing to grab most all characters regardless of height, prone or even grabbing the edge!

Tapping A as the Boos reel in your adversary have them yank, pull, prod and otherwise bully them for 2% a tap. Relatively quick, the speed at which you can pummel is increased per Boo on the foe, being able to go nearly as fast as Lucario's with all 4 on at once!

As you may notice when pummeling normally, King Boo's crown glows with each press of A. Holding down on the A button in turn has it begin to charge with power, until ultimately sending out a diagonally down shockwave of magical energy after 2 whole seconds of charge (just like a smash). If you manage to keep a foe held for that long, they are zapped into a Portrait of themselves! Visually a framed, black and white version of their actual character selection portrait, the frame's color by default is gold but will reflect their team color when applicable.

As for what this does? Well, it takes a stock off the foe, who then is sent to the respawn platform as usual. I fitting reward for a King who manages to keep a foe locked down for 2 seconds, no?

All is not lost for the foe however, as their portrait, and their stock, is still in play! Immediately after the deed is done, King Boo gloats and giggles at the portrait before a second Grab Boo (summoned Boos disperse after this or a throw is input) takes the other side and floats off with it. The pair will float the portrait around like a Smash Ball, giggling all the way as they weave in and out and all about the stage for a total of 8 seconds before vanishing off-screen. During this time, the character's portrait has the same Hp as a Smash Ball and if broken restores the victim's lost stock!

This provides a huge tactical advantage for King Boo as the foe will undoubtedly be scrambling to get their life back in check, allowing the King to predict their actions based on where the pair of portrait-pilfering Boos travel. It also gives multi-man some added chaos as enemies may side with you to keep the pictured foe at bay, or doubles matches can have heroic saves by the victim's team mate when they break the picture. All in all, if you manage to pull it off you deserve to gloat over your new item for your collection.

The Grab Boo tosses the foe in front for 3%, and then is caught by the next Boo in a line of three Boos, who does the same to the third Boo, who then tosses the foe forward again with average fthrow knockback and 9% overall.King Boo's free to move around for the duration of this move, in all this takes up a Falcon Punch of time (comparison quota met).

Foes are thrown into traps laying on stage or at very high percentages KO'd if King Boo was near the edge of the stage in the beginning of his grab. This move alone makes opponents fearful of the ledge, useful psychology when the majority of traps can be spread out on large parts of the middle-stage. The foe can DI slightly at low percentages, really only able to DI well at 50% or higher. The following Boo will change his position slightly but after a character width the foe can successfully DI, though at a very high percentage they need to or they are likely to be KO'd off the ledge.

The Grab boo disappears as King Boo grabs and spins around to throw the victim at a high angle behind himself, ending the throw very quickly.While the foe is still in hit-stun, three Boos will materialize and swoop in from a random direction each time, striking the foe for 3% and minor KB in the direction they were traveling. This makes the throw near impossible to DI properly for the victim unless the Boos happen to be in a favorable position when they appear, and also allows King Boo to take advantage of the multiple hits keeping the foe occupied in whichever way he chooses, such as setting up his stage control (again) or merely using it to combo some more. it also gives ample time for the Summoned Boos to close in with their pals occupying the foe's attention, like with Fthrow.

Mirroring his fellow King, KB's uthrow has the Grab Boo flip the opponent up to your sparking crown, hitting them multiple times while comically shocking them about for around 10% total (as well as shocking and stunning anyone else who touches you or them) before they are sent up diagonally for set KB of about the king's width in front of him. A simple throw sure, but the set knockback can really be a plus when combined with how his Fair and Uair link right into it.

King Boo licks the foe, mirroring another famous ghost, and sets the foe on fire for the standard 15% over 3 seconds shared with Ftilt and Fair. The foe panics from the odd assault, being sent into their Spicy Curry animation and flees in the last direction they input uncontrollably for just under a second! Stopping when hit, at a ledge, or when they hit a wall, the foe can jump but cannot turn around which can lead them running scared right into one of your traps. An excellent way to get a foe to pick between a rock and a hard place, it can however backfire depending on the foe, I mean how would you like taking all that time to catch Sonic and then have him just bolt away again from your own throw?

King Boo is a trickster through and through, and a royal pain in the butt to both master and lock down. His main plan of attack comes from his specials and Down Smash working together with his ability to become invisible, forcing the foe to search around his maze of terror in order to find and hit him.

To Breakdown his stage control game, you need to understand what each attack brings to the table. Starting with Spirit Balls, the obvious use is to obscure platforms (preferably moving ones for the most impact), ledges (forcing foes to be wary of spacing on that side), and any items / valuables that foes will want to go after (or avoid!). When playing against King Boo, having something vanish becomes a vital choice on your part: you can either try to play around it as he can only make 1 thing vanish at a time, or attack the invisible object to release damaging spirit balls you need to absorb to reveal it once more. A win-win for the King as he either gets in free damage from the foe's foolish bravery, or continuously gets into the foe's head by making them worry about the invisible object. Literally on top of this come Spike Balls, which double as one of his KO/Edge-guard moves and an onstage hazard. You can relate these to sort of a slower version of the Hot Head item once they're on the ground, which forces foes to jump over them if they don't want damage, the big and small versions behaving similarly except the smaller it is the faster they can be pushed around from wind and knockback. The full charge version while unsafe, can provide a valuable tool in that it does more damage and has quite a bit of longevity as you and the foe can't push it offstage to get rid of it if you manage to get one out. Combining Spirit Balls and Spike Balls is a bread and butter trick for the King, as who doesn't want to scare players into hopping all the time thinking an invisible sphere of pain is rolling their way?

If they aren't paranoid enough already, Boos will surely put them into that state as you summon up to 3 to float about the stage. Boos make for a unique aerial hazard as they float about, and of course have the fun quirk of making the foe think twice about which way they're facing in order to stop incoming damage. Your electric magic can of course change these guys to Pink Boos to move about faster at the expense of HP (all your "magic" attacks can do this, it's just up Tilt is both fastest and has the special chain effect), to put pressure on the foe as they hop about to avoid your other moves, especially with how you can manipulate their behavior slightly through taunting to follow the action at the expense of well, time spent taunting. Moving back to the floor, Down Smash's 3 variants provide the other half of your ground control as you can create 2 more areas of woe for your foe. Uncharged pots/chests allow the stun to give time for you or your Boos to close in, Cabinets provide a second obstacle to move over like Spike Balls, and Knights of course can provide crucial KO power. An especially dirty trick is to use your Spirit Balls on a Knight to make sure they never see it coming...

Finally, wrapping everything together is the Paranormal Portal. His most multifaceted tool, the Portal first and foremost provides a stage hazard on the go that makes foes weary of ever going near the space where you summoned it as getting sucked in gives the King 2 seconds to set up his mansion, and 20% to the victim! Popular strategies are putting a portal either dead center or at one of the edges of a stage (with the other edge being invisible) to dictate how the foe moves about when combined with your other hazards. Use 2 is as a sort of GW Bucket as you can store various goodies in the portal to shoot out when you re-summon it. It's terribly predictable, but if given enough time you could have such a flood of evil pour from it that it'd be hard for nearly anybody to avoid. Finally, it provides recovery insurance to make up for his lack of "normal" recovery at the expense of 25%, foes may find it rather hard to kill this ghost as long as he has this in play.

While that was a mouthful, lets move on to what the King can do by himself. Immediately standing out of course is his ability to Vanish, and while it seems downright scary at first it is easily overcome with prediction on your part as he can only phase through certain attacks, and each tick of the clock reduces the amount he can ignore more and more. Projectiles in particular (especially flashlights and vacuums) can mess with him if he tries to vanish as while he does move faster, he can't shield or attack/clank with them without revealing himself. Of course he also has the cooldown on the move preventing him from being invisible all the time, combined with how he fades back in as it goes away it can be even detrimental to continuously try to vanish mid fight! His other moves are rather standard fare, each with their own quirk here and there such as messing with shields further or stun locking foes to combo with Flames, but special attention should be made to how he goes about killing the foe.

King Boo's weaknesses are two fold: he is big and light, thus easy to knock about (with little to avoid direct combat aside Jab and Vanish/Dtilt) and how he needs to be very precise in order to KO with all the chaos he creates. All his Kill Options either are laggy as sin (Dsmash) hard to set-up (Usmash/Down B on a ledge) or require very precise spacing (Bair/Fsmash). His only real consistent KO moves are his Fthrow off a ledge at very high %, or Portrification on a high % foe with multiple Boos attached (but even then it can be undone). So for all the damage he can rack up with time, the real mastery of King Boo comes in the skill required to sneak a killing move in just right as the foe panics about endlessly from your traps, leading some King Boo players to minimize their trap usage and opt instead for more direct approaches!

In any case, King Boo provides a unique playstyle that takes commitment to truly master, and can provide quite a good scare to anyone opposing him.


A blood-curling cackle is let out by the king; around him all over the stage appear an enormous number of Boo. Not wanting to miss out on the party, he immediately regains control and takes advantage. King Boo gets a pink aura; super-armor that resists 66.6% of dealt damage and knockback, on top of all attacks buffed up to deal 1.3x damage.

The Boos that appear are largely the same as in the main set, but some differ slightly in size and shape: it's a Boo-reunion! This has a slight difference positively or negatively on their HP, damage, pretty much all attributes. Some behave alternately to normal Boos. They may prefer to go into your portal, or shy away from it. They can have a love for items and steal them up from the ground, floating them away in mid-air. Offensive, defensive, these are all random factors that make the final smash so effectively unpredictable. Boos' properties can potentially hugely change the way moves work and you can equally leave them to their own devices to wreak havoc. The final smash lasts 15 seconds.


Headcrab Jackalope

Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2013
Switch FC
Jack's Roster.png

So I made this roster thing. I want to include King Boo and Mallo, but then the roster wouldn't be a perfect rectangle! ;-;

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
hello guys, middle of night here, how are you doing ^_^

I now official hate you...
Why do you hate me?
I was simply making a joke about how HotFeet's avatar seems to always be a big breasted anime woman, which is completely true.


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
anyone know how to add your custom roster maker icons into the roster maker? I can't seem to get it to work...

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
anyone know how to add your custom roster maker icons into the roster maker? I can't seem to get it to work...
You drag the picture into the "images" file in the roster maker folder.

And it's name must be for example, "IconMario.png"
But if it is a icon of a character already in the roster maker, it must be, "IconMario (2)" or whatever the next number of that character's icon would be.

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
@ Hotfeet's roster
King Boo as a sub-series character?

Luigi's Mansion only has two games, and there was at least a 10 year gap between games.
I think it's too soon to treat it as a separate series in Smash.

Toon Link? One of the most lovable video game characters? The **** am I reading?
But he's a toon, and everyone loves toons. Well, except Eddie Valiant.



Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Why do you hate me?
I was simply making a joke about how HotFeet's avatar seems to always be a big breasted anime woman, which is completely true.
So what? I'm no misogynist, I actually like the characters in said shows for who they are, not the way they look, especially the one in my avatar currently.

anyone know how to add your custom roster maker icons into the roster maker? I can't seem to get it to work...
There's a button on the sidebar menu at the top left menu of the page, open it and scroll down to an icon that says "import new character icons". This is after you drag the new character icons to the images folder located in the Smashbros roster maker main file.

Overall, this is a very intriguing video.
You did a very nice job with it HotFeet.
It makes me question the possibility of a Luigi's Mansion character.
I am going to put a Luigi's Mansion character onto my own wish roster, though I am not sure between King Boo, or Professor E. Gadd.
E.Gadd is a fun character, I wish the Luigi's Mansion series was big enough to have both because E.Gadd is one of my favorite Mario characters.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
So what? I'm no misogynist, I actually like the characters in said shows for who they are, not the way they look, especially the one in my avatar currently.

There's a button on the sidebar menu at the top left menu of the page, open it and scroll down to an icon that says "import new character icons". This is after you drag the new character icons to the images folder located in the Smashbros roster maker main file.

E.Gadd is a fun character, I wish the Luigi's Mansion series was big enough to have both because E.Gadd is one of my favorite Mario characters.
I wasn't trying to make fun of you, LumaOkami just said that he hates me, and I explained the joke I made.

I'm leaning towards E. Gadd, but both would be awesome on the roster


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest

EDIT: Raisins for all my not-obvious picks.
Kamek: I really think Yoshi will get a new rep and he's the way to go.
Stork: Kinda just there. I don't expect him, replace him with K. Rool if you insist.
Tetra: I think Telda is not going to get in, thanks to that phantom, but tetra's unique and just as important if not more (if you ignore spirit tracks. kthx) so I think she should still get in. over impa. just to spite diddy. (no but really not to spite diddy)
Robin: better than chrom. pleasedontkillme honestly I havn't played awakening but the idea of having a more "potential filled" FE character would just be blatantly better.

....and I just realized I forgot Issac. :facepalm:
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