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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
What the hell are you talking about? The fact that Sakurai hardly follows a straight pattern is common sense.

You say "Lol no" to Sakurai not always following strait patterns?
You say "Lol no" to the fact that Sakurai revealed veterans on dates related to them and then didn't for some? You say "Lol no" to Sakurai stating what is an Assist Trophy all the time, and then suddenly deciding not to? You say "Lol no" to Sakurai saying Villager is not feasible and then adding him in Smash 4?

Do you just "Lol no" to hardcore FACT?

Who is? Who said you were? Do you even understand what I'm saying at all when I talk to you?

Listen to me very closely
I do not think or ever thought or even said that this quote from Sakurai definitively PROOVES anything!

Yeah, if you don't think the comment Sakurai made even makes it remotely LIKELY that Ridley MAY be a stage hazard then there is no use talking to you. Not that there was considering you blatantly tell me I said things I never said, and clearly don't even listen to what I say.
I said "lol no" to you. Because I can't take you seriously when you start being a douchebag over the internet.

I admitted Ridley could be anything. But again...we don't know what Sakurai meant. Sure he referred to Ridley on a Metroid stage. But that doesn't mean anything until we get a solid quote or picture. That quote could mean: Ridley is a boss. Ridley is an Assist. Ridley is a stage hazard. Ridley is playable.

That's literally all i'm trying to say.

The highlighted part up top is something I find ironic and hypocritical. If he is so erratic and crazy with his methods, then how is it likely that he is a stage hazard, with no other evidence to suggest it?

The highlighted part on the bottom is why I can't take you seriously. You think I have no idea what you're talking about, but I do. I have acknowledged that.

If you want people to listen to you, respect you Saturn, then you need to cut the crap like this. It doesn't make you look likable, but instead like an immature little kid.

"I do not think or ever thought or even said that this quote from Sakurai definitively PROOVES anything!"

I never said you did either. I'm simply saying that there really isn't anything to support the claim that he is more likely a stage hazard over something else.
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Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Happy 2014 everyone! Let's hope this year will be much better than the ****fest that was last year for me!!!

Anyway, a Ridley discussion as the first topic of 2014? Nice and ironic. So, personally, judging from the pics of the day, I would believe that this most likely suggests Ridley as a non-playable appearance, in my opinion. That's what I believe, and until we get more solid proof, I think I will keep that opinion.

However, there is no concrete evidence yet, so saying he's really unlikely or really likely or the opposing side is delusional because they're a bunch of Ridley lovers/naysayers is simply ludicrous. We have no solid evidence of anything Ridley yet other than a very vague comment, that most certainly, 99.9% sure applies to him. He could end up as a stage hazard, or a background appearance, an Assist Trophy, a Boss that exclusively appears on the Pyrosphere in the single-player campaign. And that's all reasonable. However, Sakurai could also be ****ing with all of you and make him playable, hinting at his appearance. It might happen, he made it seem on the Brawl Dojo that Ness was replaced with his odd writing on Lucas's page. Sakurai may just be holding him off, for something, for anything. The problem is, at this point, we don't know.

As someone completely neutral on the appearance of Ridley, I felt like saying this. And to both sides, I have things to say:
  • To those who want him: be prepared if he is not in the game. Keep your hopes up, but always prepare yourselves for the worst. He might just not be playable again this time, and there's nothing to be done about that.
  • To those who oppose: he's still likely, whether you like it or not. Don't count your chickens yet, because there is not enough solid evidence to back your reasons up. Sakurai could completely blindside us and screw with our heads.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Happy 2014 everyone! Let's hope this year will be much better than the ****fest that was last year for me!!!

Anyway, a Ridley discussion as the first topic of 2014? Nice and ironic. So, personally, judging from the pics of the day, I would believe that this most likely suggests Ridley as a non-playable appearance, in my opinion. That's what I believe, and until we get more solid proof, I think I will keep that opinion.

However, there is no concrete evidence yet, so saying he's really unlikely or really likely or the opposing side is delusional because they're a bunch of Ridley lovers/naysayers is simply ludicrous. We have no solid evidence of anything Ridley yet other than a very vague comment, that most certainly, 99.9% sure applies to him. He could end up as a stage hazard, or a background appearance, an Assist Trophy, a Boss that exclusively appears on the Pyrosphere in the single-player campaign. And that's all reasonable. However, Sakurai could also be ****ing with all of you and make him playable, hinting at his appearance. It might happen, he made it seem on the Brawl Dojo that Ness was replaced with his odd writing on Lucas's page. Sakurai may just be holding him off, for something, for anything. The problem is, at this point, we don't know.

As someone completely neutral on the appearance of Ridley, I felt like saying this. And to both sides, I have things to say:
  • To those who want him: be prepared if he is not in the game. Keep your hopes up, but always prepare yourselves for the worst. He might just not be playable again this time, and there's nothing to be done about that.
  • To those who oppose: he's still likely, whether you like it or not. Don't count your chickens yet, because there is not enough solid evidence to back your reasons up. Sakurai could completely blindside us and screw with our heads.
Thank you! Literally took the words out of my mouth.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I don't think the backlash would be that great honestly. On Smashboards? Oh hell yes. In general? Nah. We Ridley fans would be dissapointed, sure, but Ridley isn't even the most popular character, heck, his popularity is non-existant outside the west. The only big backlash I can see happening would be if they deconfirm Mewtwo, which probably isn't happening. Ridley's deconfirmation for Brawl was obviously the biggest downer for me, but it wasn't anything too big overall, it's not like copies were lost because of it, people were too busy crying over Mewtwo and R.O.B instead.
This. We should consider that people exist outside of Smashboards who don't really care.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I'll be alright if K.Rool and Ridley don't get in for actually legitimate reasons/alternatives.

Like if Ridley DOES end up as a stage hazard on Pyrosphere, and if he's great, then I probably won't care that much. It would even honestly be nice for somebody to ask about Ridley again, "What are your opinions on him? Fans want to know why he isn't playable." It would be nice to check the boxes as to why he won't be playable.

K.Rool I could understand as well, considering he hasn't been a part of the new age DKC games. While I don't see it as good reason to exclude him, people should not be surprised if he doesn't become playable. At least in my opinion.

I'm almost thinking Little Mac supporters should be cautious as well. We don't know what Sakurai will see in him. He might just keep him as an Assist Trophy again.

These are just things to consider.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Happy New Year everybody!
To a year of talking about the same things we always talk about!
I'm almost thinking Little Mac supporters should be cautious as well. We don't know what Sakurai will see in him. He might just keep him as an Assist Trophy again.
Sakurai referred to Little Mac as "a legend".
And I don't know what that boxing stage means, but it is 100% Punch Out.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Happy New Year everybody!
To a year of talking about the same things we always talk about!

Sakurai referred to Little Mac as "a legend".
And I don't know what that boxing stage means, but it is 100% Punch Out.
The problem isn't his significance. It's his ability to be unique that is his problem.

Even his supporters must admit that being a boxer doesn't necessarily help in that vein. It would be out of character for him to do anything besides punch. He doesn't kick, etc...

I mean Sakurai could integrate different boxing styles into his moveset, but I myself am honestly struggling to see Little Mac being unique on the level of the Newcomers thus far. That is the issue I see with him. Otherwise, his significance is overpowering.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I'll be alright if K.Rool and Ridley don't get in for actually legitimate reasons/alternatives.

Like if Ridley DOES end up as a stage hazard on Pyrosphere, and if he's great, then I probably won't care that much. It would even honestly be nice for somebody to ask about Ridley again, "What are your opinions on him? Fans want to know why he isn't playable." It would be nice to check the boxes as to why he won't be playable.

K.Rool I could understand as well, considering he hasn't been a part of the new age DKC games. While I don't see it as good reason to exclude him, people should not be surprised if he doesn't become playable. At least in my opinion.

I'm almost thinking Little Mac supporters should be cautious as well. We don't know what Sakurai will see in him. He might just keep him as an Assist Trophy again.

These are just things to consider.
There's only so many newcomers we can let go before we start seriously questioning our trust in Sakurai.

Well, we could always talk more about Vaati.
Vaati? Old news. Ghirahim? Pfft. Its all about Midna now.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
The problem isn't his significance. It's his ability to be unique that is his problem.

Even his supporters must admit that being a boxer doesn't necessarily help in that vein. It would be out of character for him to do anything besides punch. He doesn't kick, etc...

I mean Sakurai could integrate different boxing styles into his moveset, but I myself am honestly struggling to see Little Mac being unique on the level of the Newcomers thus far. That is the issue I see with him. Otherwise, his significance is overpowering.
I understand, and I agree. It's hard to get excited for a character that only punches. Unless you are in love with Punch Out, like me.
See, Little Mac may not look particularly interesting, but a moveset revolving solely around punching and boxing is something that we haven't seen.
That alone would make Mac stand out a little bit, being a more traditional fighter in a world of zany fighters like the Wii Fit Trainer.
And we don't have a lot of close range fighters that aren't heavyweight, right?

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
To continue the Little Mac discussion, Sakurai said that he didn't want characters from other fighting games; that could [almost] deconfirm Little Mac.
Punch Out is technically a puzzle/strategy game.
You can't really understand that until you actually play it.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Happy New Year! Also, why didn't Sakurai reveal a character? I was really hoping for Mewtwo.:( But, *sigh*, whatever. Maybe Feb. 6 (Mewtwo's birthday, for all those who don't know), or the release month of Pokémon Z (it's gonna happen, people).

Edit, Well, good thing Little Mac was disconfirmed. Not that I want that to happen, but it means that I don't need to worry about a Move-set for him in my fan game. He could have been confirmed and it would have the same effect. I honestly don't care for him, but he'd be cool, I guess.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Happy New Year! Also, why didn't Sakurai reveal a character? I was really hoping for Mewtwo.:( But, *sigh*, whatever. Maybe Feb. 6 (Mewtwo's birthday, for all those who don't know), or the release month of Pokémon Z (it's gonna happen, people).
If Pokemon Z doesn't even exist yet I doubt it would release before Ssb4.
Derp on quoting. Never mind this post.
Thanks for liking my huge roster. I posted that when everyone had pretty much left. Should I post it again for the gentlemen here today?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 24, 2013
Punch Out is technically a puzzle/strategy game.
You can't really understand that until you actually play it.
That gameplay might be different, but the game itself still revolves around his (Little Mac's) fighting, er, boxing.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Your reaction to: No Mii, No Takamaru, No Ridley, No Pac-Man, No King K. Rool, No Palutena, No Issac?
This is an interesting question.
No Mii: I'll be surprised in fact that the other leaky 3 is fake.
No Ridley: Hurray he's off the roster, I don't care for Ridley.
No Takamaru: Hurray! (Despite me liking the game alot), which retro will Sakurai choose, it's no longer the obvious.
No Pac-Man: Same with Mii.
No K. Rool: Don't really care for K. Rool as much as Ridley.
No Palutena: Surprised, Sakurai has the opportunity to make a distinct unique character like Palutena, to dismiss her after giving her personality and basically a moveset in Chapter 20 in KI:U would be confusing to me.
No Isaac: Not surprised for Sakurai to skip the opportunity.

If Pokemon Z doesn't even exist yet I doubt it would release before Ssb4.

Thanks for liking my huge roster. I posted that when everyone had pretty much left. Should I post it again for the gentlemen here today?
Needs Kawashima even though he's impossible at this point.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Happy New Year! Also, why didn't Sakurai reveal a character? I was really hoping for Mewtwo.:( But, *sigh*, whatever. Maybe Feb. 6 (Mewtwo's birthday, for all those who don't know), or the release month of Pokémon Z (it's gonna happen, people).

Edit, Well, good thing Little Mac was disconfirmed. Not that I want that to happen, but it means that I don't need to worry about a Move-set for him in my fan game. He could have been confirmed and it would have the same effect. I honestly don't care for him, but he'd be cool, I guess.
Sakurai is on a break for the new year, so he won't be posting anything new until January 6th.

Little Mac hasn't been disconfirmed yet either. We're just discussing him.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
All one has to do is take ONE look at Balrog and Dudley from SSFIV.

They're both boxers, yet they play NOTHING alike. (I should know, I main them both).
If one company.. A JAPANESE company could come up with TWO completely different versions of the same fighting style, who's to say Sakurai teaming up with Namco Bandai couldn't?

Not to mention there are also the 2 real life different boxing styles, Outboxers and Inboxers.
And finally... The Star System mechanic. THIS is where Sakurai's going to be looking at besides Little Mac's iconicness.
For the record:
Everytime someone says a moveset that involves just punching is boring, but then they want 4 Fire Emblem swordspeople to be included, I die a little inside.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
What does being Japanese have to do with anything?
Not their native sport? (Or not even that big in Japan)
A western company would be more in touch with boxing than Japan where it isn't that big of a sport. Especially where japanese fighting games usually tend to focus heavily on martial arts, one would think they'd just make one character based on it. But the point is if CAPCOM could handle 2 there's no way Sakurai and co. couldn't handle 1 with an interesting gimmick.

Deleted member

All one has to do is take ONE look at Balrog and Dudley from SSFIV.

They're both boxers, yet they play NOTHING alike. (I should know, I main them both).
If one company.. A JAPANESE company could come up with TWO completely different versions of the same fighting style, who's to say Sakurai teaming up with Namco Bandai couldn't?

Not to mention there are also the 2 real life different boxing styles, Outboxers and Inboxers.
And finally... The Star System mechanic. THIS is where Sakurai's going to be looking at besides Little Mac's iconicness.
For the record:
Everytime someone says a moveset that involves just punching is boring, but then they want 4 Fire Emblem swordspeople to be included, I die a little inside.
And then remember that Namco Bandai has their own boxer fighter. Steve Fox.
Yeah....Little Mac is cakewalk. :p


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I missed it too, so I'll answer now as well;

Your reaction to: No Mii, No Takamaru, No Ridley, No Pac-Man, No King K. Rool, No Palutena, No Issac?
No Mii: Utter surprise and confusion. Didn't see it coming. Felt like they were inevitable inclusions.
No Takamaru: Relief. I feel like I'm missing something vital as to why Takamaru is such a big deal.
No Ridley: Feel bad for Ridley fans. No strong feelings of my own.
No Pac-Man: Surprise Namco didn't want to include their perfectly acceptable iconic mascot character who defined video game mascots as a whole and who is pretty much the only other 3rd party as 'legendary' as Sonic, Megaman or even Snake.
No King K. Rool: Not nearly as surprised as many here will be.
No Palutena: See K. Rool.
No Isaac: Sad, but not surprised at all. He's not as popular as he once was, Japan's not as into Golden Sun as the west either.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
No Mii: All good
No Takamaru: Ah... bummer.. Oh well, there's Kenshin in Jump Stars Victory Vs. at least...
No Ridley: Franky, don't care.
No Pac-Man: Eh.. Megaman and Sonic does it for me.
No King K. Rool: Don't really care either.
No Palutena: Don't care either.
No Issac: A sad loss. :( Hoping for a stage at least. A Brawl Smashville scenario.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
All one has to do is take ONE look at Balrog and Dudley from SSFIV.

They're both boxers, yet they play NOTHING alike. (I should know, I main them both).
If one company.. A JAPANESE company could come up with TWO completely different versions of the same fighting style, who's to say Sakurai teaming up with Namco Bandai couldn't?

Not to mention there are also the 2 real life different boxing styles, Outboxers and Inboxers.
And finally... The Star System mechanic. THIS is where Sakurai's going to be looking at besides Little Mac's iconicness.
For the record:
Everytime someone says a moveset that involves just punching is boring, but then they want 4 Fire Emblem swordspeople to be included, I die a little inside.
Well to be fair, I'm not one of those people anymore. I think Fire Emblem could be well off with just Marth and Ike at this point.

It's hard to compare Street Fighter to Smash Bros. Smash plays like no other game, and I still look at it as a tough character to implement if you're looking at unique characters.

Punching is a basic fighting move that any character without a weapon can replicate. Mario, Luigi, DK, Fox, Falco, Sonic, Snake, Ganondorf, Captain Falcon, Ness, Lucas...etc..., all punch in their movesets. It's a basic move. It's just a matter of Little Mac being different enough from the rest of them. Granted, he could be a rush down fighter with a counter and such, but I find it would be more difficult to make him unique than other characters.

Do I think he should get in? Absolutely. I just think he may face difficulty, and I don't think he should be considered a shoo in character at this point.

Deleted member

No Mii: Meh.
No Takamaru: Meh.
No Ridley: .....oh boy.....*finds shelter* Disappointing, though.
No Pac-Man: Meh.
No King K. Rool: Disappointing....
No Palutena: Meh.
No Isaac: Meh.
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