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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
Because Neon said that Lip's FRANCHISE had no international releases. I said it had 8.
Ok. The way I read what you quoted from Neon is that Lip the character has not had an international release. The series has, but Lip herself hasn't.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Here is my re edited small roster and normal roster.

If this had Bandana Dee, I'd be fine with this. I like your lack of cuts. A lot. And while your original roster is not too out of the question, I think 50 is a nice even, though your 47 with cuts has it's cuts. I can't really be too shocked at your additions here, but with my exception that this cutted roster has 9 Newcomers (10 if you count Diddy/Dixie. And, well, you give DK 3 and Mario 6. I think if Mario gets 6, it's more likely that Kirby and/or DK will get 4. I think it's possible to maybe add another character or two to this, then I'd be satisfied with it.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Impa supporters better stop with the flame war there's a mod viewing the thread, and you guys are leading this thread to being locked.

edit ninja'd
Why is it that EVERYTHING regarding Impa has different rules around here? Why is it that this Roster Prediction Discussion is about all characters possible, except for Impa? What ****ery is this? If I want to talk about Impa, I will. Same as how someone else wants to talk about Roy / Kamek / Bandana Dee / Penisface Mii / Takamaru / Goku & Naruto tagteam combo or Barack Obama with Miley Cyrus Down B transform. **** these unwritten rules about Impa! If I want to say that Impa is likely, I'll do so! And guess what, she may very well be the next newcomer being revealed.

Basically this:

Impa is inherently evil, thus we are going to get the thread locked because we worship an effigy of Satan.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Let's not talk about Lip for once. Let's talk about Impa for the 99 MILLIONTH ****ING TIME, everybody! Thaaaynks, Diddy! :rolleyes:


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I don't see anything wrong, just the usual saturn arguing with something + alot of people posting.
Hell no, I'm not touching that conversaton with a 20 foot pole. This thread has officially become the Impa support thread. I was having a conversation about Lip and Panel De Pon, but no. People decide we had unfinished business with freaking Impa!


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
I don't see what's wrong with impa, its just someone supporting a character they like, nothing new.
I support a lot of characters, honestly. I think people need to get over the fact that nothing is really absolute anymore and people need to use logical arguements with evidence to provide backup. I'm not saying that it's seldom seen, but some people just layer their arguement with "YOURS SUCKS BECAUSE I HATE IT OR IT IS STUPID AND NOT AS COOL AS MY CHARACTER I SUPPORT!" (In this I mean no specific person in particular). I've been prepping my arguement for Impa for a while now, it will come soon. I'm currently refining it.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
Hell no, I'm not touching that conversaton with a 20 foot pole. This thread has officially become the Impa support thread. I was having a conversation about Lip and Panel De Pon, but no. People decide we had unfinished business with freaking Impa!
Well seeing that zelda was confirmed yesterday, it actually makes sense to talk about zelda characters for a little while. Its not the end of the world, there just words, let it be. chill out a little.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
If this had Bandana Dee, I'd be fine with this. I like your lack of cuts. A lot. And while your original roster is not too out of the question, I think 50 is a nice even, though your 47 with cuts has it's cuts. I can't really be too shocked at your additions here, but with my exception that this cutted roster has 9 Newcomers (10 if you count Diddy/Dixie. And, well, you give DK 3 and Mario 6. I think if Mario gets 6, it's more likely that Kirby and/or DK will get 4. I think it's possible to maybe add another character or two to this, then I'd be satisfied with it.
On my small roster I noticed a mistake I gave mario too many characters for that small of a roster, so I put back krystal (:D). As for another Kirby I just dont see it happening as the only one would be bandanna dee and I feel like he suffers from toad syndrome..


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
hey guys whats going on?
"read through discussion"
another impa discussion, and Saturn is typing his head off again, guess nothing has changed over Christmas
Also diddy we the bandanna dee supporters have your back, remember dat peace offering? XD

Well at least I do, I felt bad seeing you get flamed so much for so many years.... just thought i'd say that.
your not the only one:shades:
and I agree, diddy does get too much flame just for liking and supporting a character, oh well, don't worry diddy the bandana Brigade got your back:smirk:


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
I support a lot of characters, honestly. I think people need to get over the fact that nothing is really absolute anymore and people need to use logical arguements with evidence to provide backup. I'm not saying that it's seldom seen, but some people just layer their arguement with "YOURS SUCKS BECAUSE I HATE IT OR IT IS STUPID AND NOT AS COOL AS MY CHARACTER I SUPPORT!" (In this I mean no specific person in particular). I've been prepping my arguement for Impa for a while now, it will come soon. I'm currently refining it.
Awesome glad to hear it, everyone should get to support whatever character they want without flaming, which is why I don't pick on poor blue anymore.... I was a bad person to that guy, forgive me blue.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I'm actually mildly surprised I haven't witnessed anybody misinterpreting Sakurai's statement ("It's great to see so many female characters this time around.") as ("Well, that's it for all potential female characters, there's no more."), particularly against Palutena and others.
I think looking somewhere else like GameFAQs would wield such logic.

Though, it is kind of awkward that we're getting the females now when all the aggressiveness was all during Brawl speculation.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
I'm a men, dammit!

Member Since:
May 31, 2013
Jesus, he's posted way too much. I've been a member for months longer than him and I'm still in the hundreds. Then again, they aren't intelligent posts, just flame wars to those who don't share his opinions. Diddy is fine with people not liking Impa, but Saturn can't have choice. It's all Saturn or the highway.
Spoiler: He also looks at Youtube comments and claim they're more open than us. No freakin' duh, they still support TP Skull Kid.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Don't worry, I'll be with you Bandana Dee supporters to when it's your time! ;) Thanks for having my back, will be covering yours as well!

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
I don't care about if you support this character or etc. I'm just making sure everything doesn't spiral out of control in the abyss of a flame-war. So sorry, I only said Impa supporters when I mean both sides should stop arguing.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
This matters why?
Because when I called her a one-time protagonist you posted that in attempt to prove me wrong.

What makes you say that?
Because it's a background aesthetic in one level in the Japanese version of a game that bombed.

Let's not play dumb here.

Muh Popularity! Muh Requests! Muh commercial reception!
Yup. Bowser, Peach, Marth, Mewtwo, Ganondorf, Pit, Sonic, and Mega Man have all been stated to have been included due to at least the first two of those three. And the third lends to the first two.
And those are just the ones we've been told about.

You people are hopeless. Everything is charts with you. You really think that after Wii Fit Trainer and Rosalina that requests and reception is the sole factor of inclusion and **** everything else? Jesus! Take a hint.
Requests playing a role in inclusion =/= requests being the sole factor in inclusion.

Do you just take what you want from what people say?

So Chibi-Robo is more iconic than Balloon Fighter?
Maybe if Balloon Fighter only played a notable role in 1/8 of the games in his series. :smirk:

Why do you think Sakurai added Wii Fit Trainer? Because she was an iconic character or because Wii Fit was an iconic game, which (like Lip) had a semi-iconic character?
Thus if we are concluding Wii Fit Trainer's game factored in her inclusion, you're basis that Lip only appearing twice in 9 of her games isn't really valid. People still know who Lip is. She has quite some popularity in Smash requests to (since you think that is the center of criteria.). and even if it's less than Issac (which doesn't matter if it's less considering we have Rosalina and Wii Fit Trainer), she's made appearances and references in other Nintendo games too. Nintendo AND Sakurai recognize her. Issac had 3 games and an Assist Trophy. This is disproportionate to Lip combined with her franchise.
It's pretty funny you think Wii Fit and Panel de Pon are even close to each other.

Yeah, having multiple games in the series helps, sure. But this isn't a big series in terms of reception, no matter how you want to look at it. And purely games in a series doesn't amount to inclusion. Look at Wars. Puzzle League could have like double the games it does now, but if they're met with minimal attention, it's not going to matter a whole bunch more. A little, yeah sure, but impact is still pretty important, and Lip's series has left... not a huge one. Other than being something Nintendo rebrands or sticks with Mario when they actually want it to do well.

And as far as Smash candidates go, very very few people know Lip when compared to most other characters. People know her on the internet, sure, do you think that's going to translate to outside of here? At least Marth and Lucas had large fanbases in Japan. Lip doesn't. She doesn't have any large amounts of popularity. At least Takamaru has appeared in some high-profile games as of late (sort of), has actual popularity (it does matter - Sakurai used it as reasoning for Pit), and was stated specifically as a character with a possible future in Smash by Sakurai.

Also, Smash 4 isn't when we started getting unexpected characters. It isn't even close. If popularity didn't matter, Sakurai wouldn't still use it as reasoning for character inclusion. Just because not every inclusion will be due to popularity doesn't mean it is unimportant.

By your logic all that 8-game series Lip is part of amounted to is an item. Just an item. For eight games. Now that's disproportionate. :rolleyes:
Though Clu Clu Land also got an item. So let's not pretend it actually matters.

That's a funny way to mispronouncing 8
Yeah, how many of the games in her series that released worldwide feature her in the international version? Indulge me.

Or maybe just read more carefully next time. I was talking about the character, not the series.

This selective reading of yours really isn't helping prove your point, even if you think it is.

Stop acting like there is only one area of criteria for each character.
N3ON said:
By themselves those factors aren't horrible if there are other redeeming qualities, but together they don't paint the best picture.
Read closer.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Impa > Tingle. Otherwise, looks solid! Don't like seeing Robin though.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
This is my newset roster. Tell it to me straight: how realistic is it?
It's realistic, but you'll have people saying Kyrstal and Tingle aren't the best, Yet, I think there plausible for the roster.
Edit: Wow, mine and Zero's post are so similar it's not even funny.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Then again, they aren't intelligent posts, just flame wars to those who don't share his opinions.
Because saying that if a game changes it's name when internationally released it's a completely different game. That's an intelligent post, rite? And if you have some quotes of me flaming I'd sure like to see it. If not I can bring up a quote of you flaming:

Horse**** is more likely than Lip.
Diddy is fine with people not liking Impa
Is that why he makes fun of and ******* about everyone who doesn't like her?

Spoiler: He also looks at Youtube comments and claim they're more open than us.
Um, when exactly did I say this?


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
It's realistic, but you'll have people saying Kyrstal and Tingle aren't the best, Yet, I think there plausible for the roster.
Edit: Wow, mine and Zero's post are so similar it's not even funny.
Well we do like FE, Ike and stuff, so its not surprising.

Crusher... I C U liking my posts, your cool too bro (for an IGN er )

:troll: jk, no disrespect to your thread thing.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
You don't have a ****ty attitude?
Am the one making the point and trying to argue it. Am not the one who downrightely says 'No' because I don't wanna read / understand another's arguement.

Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains. :rolleyes:
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