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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2013
Lorraine, France
I'm envious at you all. I only started to play Pokémon with Black and White to see what I missed earlier in my life because I didn't have any console at the time.
All those years gone to waste :cry:

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
Reminiscing time?

I was in second grade (around 6-7 years old) when the Pokemon craze hit.
I enjoyed the anime and card collecting, but I never actually played the proper games until I got Pokemon Gold in 2000. I played the Blue Version shortly after.

I wasn't aware what the cartoon style that Pokemon had was called, though. I saw the word "Anime" appear on various Pokemon sites, but I thought it was the name of a girl or something.

I better call the fun police...

**** MEATLOAF!!!
But I like Meatloaf...


Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Again to bring up the arguement of 'that isn't Impa in Hyrule Warriors' take a good look:

It's her hairstyle from Skyward Sword complete with the one long braid and all, even with a sort of scarf to cover her face with. Her haircolor is white, as in Ocarina of Time, and she's wearing armor that slightly resembles her armor in Ocarina of Time.

At least 90% chance it's her.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Funny you clearly didn't play Skyward Sword didn't you? Zelda in fact is THE most powerful Goddess of them all, Hylia, reborn in a mortal form. And guess who her hand-picked warrior is? None other than Impa.
You know Farore, and Din, and Nayru.


AND IF YOU EVER SAW HER, YOU WOULD GO AND SUMMON LINK! (Totally rhymes and makes a good song.)

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
Again to bring up the arguement of 'that isn't Impa in Hyrule Warriors' take a good look:

It's her hairstyle from Skyward Sword complete with the one long braid and all, even with a sort of scarf to cover her face with. Her haircolor is white, as in Ocarina of Time, and she's wearing armor that slightly resembles her armor in Ocarina of Time.

At least 90% chance it's her.
Nobody is arguing it isn't her,we're arguing her playability.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
Again to bring up the arguement of 'that isn't Impa in Hyrule Warriors' take a good look:

It's her hairstyle from Skyward Sword complete with the one long braid and all, even with a sort of scarf to cover her face with. Her haircolor is white, as in Ocarina of Time, and she's wearing armor that slightly resembles her armor in Ocarina of Time.

At least 90% chance it's her.
I didn't think Impa when I saw her. Neither did Zelda Universe when they posted their analysis of the trailer.
From behind the archer looks a bit like Impa, but it isn't really conclusive.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Nobody is arguing it isn't her,we're arguing her playability.
I've seen others doubting it.

Dynasty Warriors often has many playable characters so I heard. It's not a farfetched idea at all.

Even so, it's another appearance of her and she's clearly fighting, thus capable of having a moveset. Whatever she'll turn out to do, it'll likely give her abilities to make a Smash moveset with. Moreso than Wii Fit Trainer and Rosalina had before at least.

And if nothing else, she'll help with beating King Dodongo. In the trailer, she was just standing still, doing nothing at all though. She wasn't moving automatically like the other soldiers. This is a big hint towards her being playable.

@Platinum: When Skyward Sword showed trailers of Impa, everyone thought she was a new Sheikah character. The hair gives her away though. And the fact it's white, as in Ocarina of Time.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Again to bring up the arguement of 'that isn't Impa in Hyrule Warriors' take a good look:

It's her hairstyle from Skyward Sword complete with the one long braid and all, even with a sort of scarf to cover her face with. Her haircolor is white, as in Ocarina of Time, and she's wearing armor that slightly resembles her armor in Ocarina of Time.

At least 90% chance it's her.
This honestly makes me think.

Let's assume this game is going to be canon, and it fits into the goddess forsaken timeline.

Looking at Impa, she looks like a younger version of Impa's Ocarina of Time incarnation.
Does this mean it takes place before Ocarina of Time?
It is also obvious that there are a bunch of soldiers fighting, (which is extremely odd for Hyrule Soldiers.)

All this seems to point that this game takes place in the Hyrulean Civil War before Ocarina of Time. They time period were the rest of the Sheikah were killed off, along with Link's parents (or his mother at least.)

Deleted member

Okay, so I posted this about an hour ago in the Wonder Red support thread, but I'm reposting it here for visibility since that thread is deader than Toad's chances (:():
This implies that Sakurai went to Platinum Games for a character to put in Smash. The truth is, we don't know why Sakurai went to Platinum Games. It could have been for a character, but so far, nothing indicates as such. It could have been for another reason not related to Smash.

Had Sakurai said he went to Platinum Games for something in relation to Smash, then we might have something here. But with us knowing so little of the detail behind Sakurai going to Platinum games, it eventually leads us to nowhere. Not saying Wonder Red won't be in, but he is nowhere near shoe-in.
@Diddy Kong
Dear lord, not that Impa thing again.:c
View attachment 5231
There is no need to argue like that on a character inclusion. It looks more like a political debate than friendly speculation.
EDIT: You guys are replying too fast, my posts always are miles away from the ones I'm replying to. ^^
People might be shocked, but things get much worse outside of the Smash community if we're talking about game discussions that resembles political debates.

But seriously, talking about who's the worst SWF member? Just no.


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
So to break up the arguing between Noah and Diddy again...

I haven't made a roster since... the Peach reveal. This is a roster of 49 characters, with no cuts, containing 10 characters (the newcomers+Mewtwo) that I think can stand out as really unique characters.

I'll give my explanations for: King K. Rool, Ridley, Bubbles, Shulk, Mewtwo and Lucina in this spoiler tag.

Mewtwo: The roster icon looks deceiving, as this is Mewtwo and its two Mega Evolutions in one character. This is a midbattle transformation, but it's not permanent, and it doesn't cycle through the characters. Imputting certain attacks will cause Mewtwo to change his forme into his two Mega Evolutions before executing the attack. Some physical attacks will go to Mega X, while some long range attacks will go to Mega Y. Some won't cause Mewtwo to transform. Once Mewtwo has transformed, he will stay in his current form until he uses an attack that cause him to transform again (which includes becoming regular Mewtwo again). Each "stance", as I'll call them, has their own unique properties such as run speed and weight.

Bubbles: NES Remix shows that Clu Clu Land is a game that Nintendo wants to be remembered if it's being put up with the likes of Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda. Bubbles is set apart by the cast by the inability to stop moving. If Bubbles hits a wall, (s)he will bounce off of it and continue moving. The only time she isn't moving is when someone is grabbing her, or right after a stock is lost. If Bubbles wants to change directions, she can create a flagpole where she fires herself off of it and turns around. Flagpoles can be made in the air as well, and come out really fast.

Lucina: I hinted at this earlier today, but I see time portals becoming part of what makes her stand out. If you've played Portal for XBox, you know where I'm going. One of Lucina's moves creates a portal. If she uses it again, she makes another portal and can transport between the two. Making a third portal erases the third one. This is completely in character as well, as Lucina uses a time portal to go into the past. The cast of Awakening also uses these portals, called Outrealm Portals, to get to the DLC maps.

Shulk: With Shulk, I'm thinking something along the lines of Project M's Lucario. Not the cancel on hit system, but the new aura system they used. Once Shulk has dealt enough damage, the Monado activates. Without the activation, Shulk has no special moves. The activation unlocks Shulk's special moves. The activation is lost when Shulk is KOed. Shulk is a reasonably heavy character to offset this handicap, as he needs to be able to get in his opponent's face.

Ridley: I know a lot of you guys hate the evolution idea for Ridley, but I think it really helps make him stand out, and I think it's a brilliant idea from a gameplay perspective. Ridley evolves with time. Little Birdie takes 30 seconds to become Mystery Creature, and Mystery Creature takes another 45 seconds to become Ridley. Getting KOed as one stage doesn't reset the timer, but it will delay the evolution of Little Birdie and Mystery Creature. Each evolution has their own moveset and battle properties, but there is no way to go back to later stages of evolution once you've evolved.

King K. Rool: K. Rool doesn't bring a new gameplay mechanic to the game like most of the new characters I've included. K. Rool, to me, fits the archetype of a mix-up character, as he's someone with a strong blend of long range (blunderbuss and crown). He brings just enough to play defensively, but he shines at close range with the brutal claws and teeth. Like with MegaMan, all of his moves are true to his appearance in all four times he is a boss.

Have at thee!


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
I've seen others doubting it.

Dynasty Warriors often has many playable characters so I heard. It's not a farfetched idea at all.

Even so, it's another appearance of her and she's clearly fighting, thus capable of having a moveset. Whatever she'll turn out to do, it'll likely give her abilities to make a Smash moveset with. Moreso than Wii Fit Trainer and Rosalina had before at least.

And if nothing else, she'll help with beating King Dodongo. In the trailer, she was just standing still, doing nothing at all though. She wasn't moving automatically like the other soldiers. This is a big hint towards her being playable.
there are 77 playable characters in the newest Dynasty Warriors so it's not farfetched


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
This honestly makes me think.

Let's assume this game is going to be canon, and it fits into the goddess forsaken timeline.

Looking at Impa, she looks like a younger version of Impa's Ocarina of Time incarnation.
Does this mean it takes place before Ocarina of Time?
It is also obvious that there are a bunch of soldiers fighting, (which is extremely odd for Hyrule Soldiers.)

All this seems to point that this game takes place in the Hyrulean Civil War before Ocarina of Time. They time period were the rest of the Sheikah were killed off, along with Link's parents (or his mother at least.)
I may be wrong, but...isn't this just a spin-off?


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
So to break up the arguing between Noah and Diddy again...

I haven't made a roster since... the Peach reveal. This is a roster of 49 characters, with no cuts, containing 10 characters (the newcomers+Mewtwo) that I think can stand out as really unique characters.

I'll give my explanations for: King K. Rool, Ridley, Bubbles, Shulk, Mewtwo and Lucina in this spoiler tag.

Mewtwo: The roster icon looks deceiving, as this is Mewtwo and its two Mega Evolutions in one character. This is a midbattle transformation, but it's not permanent, and it doesn't cycle through the characters. Imputting certain attacks will cause Mewtwo to change his forme into his two Mega Evolutions before executing the attack. Some physical attacks will go to Mega X, while some long range attacks will go to Mega Y. Some won't cause Mewtwo to transform. Once Mewtwo has transformed, he will stay in his current form until he uses an attack that cause him to transform again (which includes becoming regular Mewtwo again). Each "stance", as I'll call them, has their own unique properties such as run speed and weight.

Bubbles: NES Remix shows that Clu Clu Land is a game that Nintendo wants to be remembered if it's being put up with the likes of Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda. Bubbles is set apart by the cast by the inability to stop moving. If Bubbles hits a wall, (s)he will bounce off of it and continue moving. The only time she isn't moving is when someone is grabbing her, or right after a stock is lost. If Bubbles wants to change directions, she can create a flagpole where she fires herself off of it and turns around. Flagpoles can be made in the air as well, and come out really fast.

Lucina: I hinted at this earlier today, but I see time portals becoming part of what makes her stand out. If you've played Portal for XBox, you know where I'm going. One of Lucina's moves creates a portal. If she uses it again, she makes another portal and can transport between the two. Making a third portal erases the third one. This is completely in character as well, as Lucina uses a time portal to go into the past. The cast of Awakening also uses these portals, called Outrealm Portals, to get to the DLC maps.

Shulk: With Shulk, I'm thinking something along the lines of Project M's Lucario. Not the cancel on hit system, but the new aura system they used. Once Shulk has dealt enough damage, the Monado activates. Without the activation, Shulk has no special moves. The activation unlocks Shulk's special moves. The activation is lost when Shulk is KOed. Shulk is a reasonably heavy character to offset this handicap, as he needs to be able to get in his opponent's face.

Ridley: I know a lot of you guys hate the evolution idea for Ridley, but I think it really helps make him stand out, and I think it's a brilliant idea from a gameplay perspective. Ridley evolves with time. Little Birdie takes 30 seconds to become Mystery Creature, and Mystery Creature takes another 45 seconds to become Ridley. Getting KOed as one stage doesn't reset the timer, but it will delay the evolution of Little Birdie and Mystery Creature. Each evolution has their own moveset and battle properties, but there is no way to go back to later stages of evolution once you've evolved.

King K. Rool: K. Rool doesn't bring a new gameplay mechanic to the game like most of the new characters I've included. K. Rool, to me, fits the archetype of a mix-up character, as he's someone with a strong blend of long range (blunderbuss and crown). He brings just enough to play defensively, but he shines at close range with the brutal claws and teeth. Like with MegaMan, all of his moves are true to his appearance in all four times he is a boss.

Have at thee!
Your ideas for Shulk are almost the exact same as my own. :p ...Kudos?

As for the roster, I like it, it's pretty good. I'd be happy with this roster. It has Ridley, it has Mewtwo, I iz happy. :p

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
I better call the fun police...

**** MEATLOAF!!!
When there's something strange, in the RPDT, who you gonna call?
MOD-ER-A-TORS! Aka the fun police by that moron with the Heavy thread (what an idiot....)

**** Meatloaf?
That sounds oddly pleasuring.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
So to break up the arguing between Noah and Diddy again...

I haven't made a roster since... the Peach reveal. This is a roster of 49 characters, with no cuts, containing 10 characters (the newcomers+Mewtwo) that I think can stand out as really unique characters.

I'll give my explanations for: King K. Rool, Ridley, Bubbles, Shulk, Mewtwo and Lucina in this spoiler tag.

Mewtwo: The roster icon looks deceiving, as this is Mewtwo and its two Mega Evolutions in one character. This is a midbattle transformation, but it's not permanent, and it doesn't cycle through the characters. Imputting certain attacks will cause Mewtwo to change his forme into his two Mega Evolutions before executing the attack. Some physical attacks will go to Mega X, while some long range attacks will go to Mega Y. Some won't cause Mewtwo to transform. Once Mewtwo has transformed, he will stay in his current form until he uses an attack that cause him to transform again (which includes becoming regular Mewtwo again). Each "stance", as I'll call them, has their own unique properties such as run speed and weight.

Bubbles: NES Remix shows that Clu Clu Land is a game that Nintendo wants to be remembered if it's being put up with the likes of Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda. Bubbles is set apart by the cast by the inability to stop moving. If Bubbles hits a wall, (s)he will bounce off of it and continue moving. The only time she isn't moving is when someone is grabbing her, or right after a stock is lost. If Bubbles wants to change directions, she can create a flagpole where she fires herself off of it and turns around. Flagpoles can be made in the air as well, and come out really fast.

Lucina: I hinted at this earlier today, but I see time portals becoming part of what makes her stand out. If you've played Portal for XBox, you know where I'm going. One of Lucina's moves creates a portal. If she uses it again, she makes another portal and can transport between the two. Making a third portal erases the third one. This is completely in character as well, as Lucina uses a time portal to go into the past. The cast of Awakening also uses these portals, called Outrealm Portals, to get to the DLC maps.

Shulk: With Shulk, I'm thinking something along the lines of Project M's Lucario. Not the cancel on hit system, but the new aura system they used. Once Shulk has dealt enough damage, the Monado activates. Without the activation, Shulk has no special moves. The activation unlocks Shulk's special moves. The activation is lost when Shulk is KOed. Shulk is a reasonably heavy character to offset this handicap, as he needs to be able to get in his opponent's face.

Ridley: I know a lot of you guys hate the evolution idea for Ridley, but I think it really helps make him stand out, and I think it's a brilliant idea from a gameplay perspective. Ridley evolves with time. Little Birdie takes 30 seconds to become Mystery Creature, and Mystery Creature takes another 45 seconds to become Ridley. Getting KOed as one stage doesn't reset the timer, but it will delay the evolution of Little Birdie and Mystery Creature. Each evolution has their own moveset and battle properties, but there is no way to go back to later stages of evolution once you've evolved.

King K. Rool: K. Rool doesn't bring a new gameplay mechanic to the game like most of the new characters I've included. K. Rool, to me, fits the archetype of a mix-up character, as he's someone with a strong blend of long range (blunderbuss and crown). He brings just enough to play defensively, but he shines at close range with the brutal claws and teeth. Like with MegaMan, all of his moves are true to his appearance in all four times he is a boss.

Have at thee!
Personally I would trade Bubbles for Palutena, or extend your roster.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
there are 77 playable characters in the newest Dynasty Warriors so it's not farfetched
Yeah, I agree.
Even if there are 77 playable characters in it, I doubt that is Farfetch'd in that picture. I'm pretty sure that's Impa, not Farfetch'd.


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
I just thought of something,
Mega man isn't as unique as you guys think.
He uses moves from all the bosses he's defeated and blah, blah, blah...
So does Kirby. Most, if not all of his moves come from enemies he has swallowed. Maaaaaybe we should stop comparing Kirby to pac-man, and start comparing megaman to Kirby :troll:

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
there are 77 playable characters in the newest Dynasty Warriors so it's not farfetched
Am thinking they'll limit it in this game. I mean, Zelda is mostly about Link. Think they won't go much further than Impa, Faore, Din, Nayru and just a few others.
This honestly makes me think.

Let's assume this game is going to be canon, and it fits into the goddess forsaken timeline.

Looking at Impa, she looks like a younger version of Impa's Ocarina of Time incarnation.
Does this mean it takes place before Ocarina of Time?
It is also obvious that there are a bunch of soldiers fighting, (which is extremely odd for Hyrule Soldiers.)

All this seems to point that this game takes place in the Hyrulean Civil War before Ocarina of Time. They time period were the rest of the Sheikah were killed off, along with Link's parents (or his mother at least.)
It could easily be pre-OoT. But the whole game had a vibe of pre-SS to me. It looks like the first war agains the Demon Army, let by Hylia. Then again, Zelda herself is in there... So it might not be true. It's crazy how Link still has his cape from the Skyward Sword manga though. Could be there to fit his design, as he's obviously fighting with the army of Hyrule.

I hope there's a story though. For once, am really happy to have a Zelda game with a LOT of combat in it!


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
Personally I would trade Bubbles for Palutena, or extend your roster.
I really wanted Palutena (it kinda hurts to not have her on it because I support her so bad), but I really like the idea on Bubbles being totally momentum based. Plus we're getting a retro character. She'd be character number 50, and I still might put her in if I can come up with a way to implement Centurions in her moveset without seeming too much like Rosalina or Olimar.

Also I think anything 50+ is a bit unrealistic.

I like this roster 10/10, The only complaint, I think doesn't warrant a deduction of a point, but maybe a 5th Zelda character, if you can't decide on one, maybe the Zelda icon which would Represent either Tingle/Tetra/Impa/Vaati.
I like the idea of Vaati with the wind magic. I also like the idea of Phantom Zelda. The problem though is space. :p

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
So to break up the arguing between Noah and Diddy again...

I haven't made a roster since... the Peach reveal. This is a roster of 49 characters, with no cuts, containing 10 characters (the newcomers+Mewtwo) that I think can stand out as really unique characters.

I'll give my explanations for: King K. Rool, Ridley, Bubbles, Shulk, Mewtwo and Lucina in this spoiler tag.

Mewtwo: The roster icon looks deceiving, as this is Mewtwo and its two Mega Evolutions in one character. This is a midbattle transformation, but it's not permanent, and it doesn't cycle through the characters. Imputting certain attacks will cause Mewtwo to change his forme into his two Mega Evolutions before executing the attack. Some physical attacks will go to Mega X, while some long range attacks will go to Mega Y. Some won't cause Mewtwo to transform. Once Mewtwo has transformed, he will stay in his current form until he uses an attack that cause him to transform again (which includes becoming regular Mewtwo again). Each "stance", as I'll call them, has their own unique properties such as run speed and weight.

Bubbles: NES Remix shows that Clu Clu Land is a game that Nintendo wants to be remembered if it's being put up with the likes of Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda. Bubbles is set apart by the cast by the inability to stop moving. If Bubbles hits a wall, (s)he will bounce off of it and continue moving. The only time she isn't moving is when someone is grabbing her, or right after a stock is lost. If Bubbles wants to change directions, she can create a flagpole where she fires herself off of it and turns around. Flagpoles can be made in the air as well, and come out really fast.

Lucina: I hinted at this earlier today, but I see time portals becoming part of what makes her stand out. If you've played Portal for XBox, you know where I'm going. One of Lucina's moves creates a portal. If she uses it again, she makes another portal and can transport between the two. Making a third portal erases the third one. This is completely in character as well, as Lucina uses a time portal to go into the past. The cast of Awakening also uses these portals, called Outrealm Portals, to get to the DLC maps.

Shulk: With Shulk, I'm thinking something along the lines of Project M's Lucario. Not the cancel on hit system, but the new aura system they used. Once Shulk has dealt enough damage, the Monado activates. Without the activation, Shulk has no special moves. The activation unlocks Shulk's special moves. The activation is lost when Shulk is KOed. Shulk is a reasonably heavy character to offset this handicap, as he needs to be able to get in his opponent's face.

Ridley: I know a lot of you guys hate the evolution idea for Ridley, but I think it really helps make him stand out, and I think it's a brilliant idea from a gameplay perspective. Ridley evolves with time. Little Birdie takes 30 seconds to become Mystery Creature, and Mystery Creature takes another 45 seconds to become Ridley. Getting KOed as one stage doesn't reset the timer, but it will delay the evolution of Little Birdie and Mystery Creature. Each evolution has their own moveset and battle properties, but there is no way to go back to later stages of evolution once you've evolved.

King K. Rool: K. Rool doesn't bring a new gameplay mechanic to the game like most of the new characters I've included. K. Rool, to me, fits the archetype of a mix-up character, as he's someone with a strong blend of long range (blunderbuss and crown). He brings just enough to play defensively, but he shines at close range with the brutal claws and teeth. Like with MegaMan, all of his moves are true to his appearance in all four times he is a boss.

Have at thee!
I like this roster 10/10, The only complaint, I think doesn't warrant a deduction of a point, but maybe a 5th Zelda character, if you can't decide on one, maybe the Zelda icon which would Represent either Tingle/Tetra/Impa/Vaati.
I bet you got that from my sig.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Oh really? That's cool.

Can you send me your Shulk video? I want to see what else you came up with.
Alrighty then:

Also, some changes made from the video to now...I changed it from KOs to Damage output, working like so in three levels:

Start: The Monado is sealed, and Special attacks are not able to be used.
Do 20% damage: Activates Level 1 power, Monado activates to enable special moves. The form with the highest range but lowest power and knockback output.
Do 150% damage: Activates Level 2 power, Range decreases but power increases.
Do 300% damage: Activates Level 3 power, Power is at max, but Range is at a minimum.

The cycle is reset once Shulk is KOd.


Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
Hours upon hours and still on Impa? Eh, I've always been indifferent about her. Personally, I'd rather a character from another series. I don't see why we need a new Zelda rep this time around.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Venus is the planet of Love.

Love can be dangerous, but it depends on you.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
Venus isn't dangerous or anything, just as long as you follow the rules. :p
I know, its recurring gag in my posts that I am afraid Venus is going to close everything.
It's a joke, I don't actually think that.

Plus I wants to make that PINGAS joke.


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
I shall give my 2 cents about Impa right now
I don't know that much about Zelda games but I would be fine with Impa as long as they get rid of Shiek both of them would seem kind of overkill
Hours upon hours and still on Impa? Eh, I've always been indifferent about her. Personally, I'd rather a character from another series. I don't see why we need a new Zelda rep this time around.
people always say Kirby is fine with 3 characters and then talk about how they want more Zelda character this slightly bugs me:urg:
if Kirby is fine with 3 characters then Zelda should be fine with 4


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
What do we know about Hyrule Warriors? I'm pretty sure anything from that game is going to be irrelevant, so no reason to really bring it up.
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