So I guess my essay went unread because it got cut off last page.
I'm totally reposting it now.
Gryffin enters the fray!
View attachment 4849
I presume you haven't been here in a while. In that case, welcome back!
So about the roster...
It's a little small. I mean, not much bigger than Brawl. Chances are it will be around 45-50, so just keep that in mind and go wild.
My complaints are some of the cuts and some of the additions.
Whoever you cut you seemed to replace with someone, which is understandable, but most understandable in franchises like Pokémon or Fire Emblem. Not all franchises need to have important characters from the past replaced with more recent characters. An example being Ghirahim, a one-shot villain, replacing Ganondorf, a clone, but the main villain of the franchise. The two are incomparable. Replacing Lucas with Paula is also very risky. I don't necessarily love Lucas, but he is a lot more important than Paula and represents the series outside of just Earthbound. Replacing Wolf with Krystal is also a huge no no that I learned about when I first got here. And as much as I want Anna, if ANYONE replaces Ike it will likely be Chrom. Although I think FE can warrant 3 characters. In that case, keep Ike and put in Chrom or Roy. Your choice. Lucario is a somewhat understandable cut, although Lucario has made himself relevant again through Pokémon X and Y, not to mention just being a very popular Pokémon in general.
On to new additions (that weren't mentioned before). Wonder Red is a little too recent, and comes from a brand new IP that hasn't had time to develop yet, or even BECOME a series. Adeline has only appeared in one (arguably 2) Kirby games, and doesn't really deserve to get in over say, Waddle Dee. Mewtwo I wholeheartedly agree with... But only putting in his Mega Evo would be a huge mistake. Put in normal Mewtwo and a Mega Evo Final Smash. And Sonic getting 2 characters is a really small chance, even if Knuckles would be amazing. Perhaps the most confusing of your additions is Fi. She has only appeared in Skyward Sword, similarly to Ghirahim, but in a less important role, serving as the Navi-type character this time around. You may as well put Navi in really, she's actually a lot more important than Fi.
My recommendations: Add a new DK character (the series is expanding), do a minimal cut roster of about 45-50 characters, and definitely rethink your new additions.
Wow that took a while, probably my longest post ever. Take it as a compliment, I spent all this time reviewing your roster!
I am trying to be the nice guy here and give you constructive criticism without being harsh like these other guys. Sorry if you took it the wrong way.
Stop picking on the new guy. Makes me feel lucky actually, when I got here I got through easily...