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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2012
In the timegate
Having the big 3 have 5 characters each doesn't seem like "it wouldn't fit in."
Mmm...Ill have too disagree with this, the big 3 having 5 characters each would totally fit in its just that unlike Pokemon where their 5 choice's are pretty damn obvious and likely Mario and Zelda Newcomer choice's are not, I am with you on the Vaati support hes a cool little dude.


Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
Toon Zelda is ridiculously and unbelievably excessive and unnecessary
I don't see what's so ridiculous about Tetra/Toon Zelda when she's been active in her appearances and is among the most relevant potential newcomers for Zelda. I hope you aren't just basing that off the fact she's a Toon character.

and Tingle doesn't even have an important role in the actual games.
I know he was essential in Wind Waker, which is a relevant game again. I can't think of any other absolutely essential appearances though.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
Personally, I'd much rather smaller/related series getting more reps than big-names like Mario and Zelda adding one on for the sake of it. I'd much rather 4 DK reps and/or even 2 Yoshi reps, and for Tingle to be added as his own sub-series than mini-Bowser brat, foreverPeach'sneutralB kid, purple Luigi, living-sword/creepy-tongue-guy, Diddy Kong-bait lady, toon whatever, or purple elf-mage guy with a magic hat we never actually fought in the form most people like (including me). Either way, I'd live with none of the aforementioned series getting anything/one new, so long as everyone was returning, and I'd live with anyone I didn't care for getting in so long as they wound up being cool, which they almost certainly would. This's probably why I dread discussing my opinions often.

Mega Bidoof

Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2013
The Drought
And don't get the wrong idea, as I despise COD more than any other game out there.
No, that would be.
Dunparce and I are the only people in my school that play Nintendo and don't play CoD.
And apparently that makes me immature.

And fat and gay somehow........

LOL Why is this even here?
On a website full of Nintendo fans?
Maybe it's a hint from Sakurai.

CoD Soldier confirmed?

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I think there are no Zelda characters left that hold enough distinctiveness, importance, or star-power to warrant entry in SSB4.

Yes there is a character, just one though:



wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Yes there is a character, just one though:

While I cannot deny the awesomeness of this photo nor the relevancy of Impa, there's the factor of limited newcomer slots, which I feel one may or may not go to the Zelda series.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Just saying that if there´s gotta be a newcomer for Zelda, it oughta be Impa. And again, am not opposed to the slightest of her taking Sheik´s spot.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Ok, so I was working with things, I think I'm going to *cringes* add DLC characters.
Ignore this post.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
I'd replace Waddle Dee with Gooey, he's a lot less generic and more deserving (to me at least)
Gooey appears in two games,Bandana Dee appears in 4 games.
Waddle Dees,generic or not, are the 4th most important kirby characters and Bandana Dee is Dedede's right hand,Gooey is Kirby's partner in 2 old games.
Bandana Dee has a lot of fans in Japan,Gooey has a little or normal fanbase.
Bandana Dee has a spear ,Gooey has a tongue,I think spears are cooler.
Gooey is important,but in this moment Bandana Dee is the most deserving Kirby character.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
Furthermore, Gooey's became a rather, ahem, lost relic in terms, not being as relevant as Chandelure + I's most wanted newcomer. Nor is he as popular, to be honest...

Manny Toons

Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2013
Ugh, I dunno, man... The thing that I've realized about Smash Bros.... is that it's just a glorified popularity contest. I don't think it'd be even slightly realistic for Impa (a character who may be important to her respective series but barely iconic nor popular to the general audience) to take the place of Sheik. If anything (yeah, I'll probably get flamed for this, but whatever), Tingle is the most realistic character to be added to the Zelda series as a newcomer. Why? Because the guy's super popular, well-known, and will truly get people hyped to see playable. That, from what I believe, is what should be looked into when it comes to potential newcomers. NOT simply how "important" or "relevant" they are.

Look at Luigi. Was this dude even remotely important to the Super Mario series when he was made playable in Smash Bros. 64? Nope. He was totally just a palette-swap for Mario in 2-player mode. Did he even need to exist? NOPE. They could've just slapped in another Mario and added a "2nd player" tag to his name. Would've been the same game. Luigi had never truly impacted the Super Mario games at the time to be labeled an important character to the series, but guess why he was added? Popularity, man. It (from what I'm seeing) is the most prevalent factor in why a character ends up being playable. Which is why it really saddens me to see people shove aside characters like Tingle and yes, even freaking Waluigi, just for not being important to their respective series, nor making much if not at all of an impact on it.

The whole concept of Super Smash Bros. is just this; iconic characters beating the living **** outta each other. Emphasis on iconic. Characters that should be considered strong contenders are the ones that people will go nuts over if made playable. Rosalina suddenly being listed as the most likely Super Mario newcomer (if there even is one...lol) simply because she's been added in SM3DW as the secret character isn't really a valid statement. Yeah, she's playable in a mainline Mario game. But honestly, she's a pretty damn obscure character at the moment. She is added as a character that can only be seen and used AFTER you beat the entirety of the game, and is barely even important in the Galaxy series (she's no more important that Lubba in Galaxy 2, and only appears in Galaxy 2 at the last goddamn second). This is not to say that Rosalina is, by any means, unpopular, but popular and recognizable enough for Smash? Maybe we need to rethink that one. To be honest, I also felt that Rosalina being a newcomer was inevitable, but after realizing what Super Smash Bros. is truly about... not so much.

If Waluigi was considered popular enough in the Brawl era to receive stickers, a trophy, a color swap for Luigi, a remixed song, and Assist Trophy status (literally the closest thing to being playable), what makes him so super-duper undeserving of being playable in a future Smash title? He hasn't appeared outside of a spin-off? Well the dude's somehow become pretty damn popular regardless of that. And that alone (in my opinion) should be enough to be given a chance as newcomer. He's recognizable, he'll make the general audience more excited if made playable than Rosalina would (once again, not labeling Rosalina as "unpopular", just not as iconic), and would flat-out make more sense (for the lack of a better way to say it) to be playable in Smash Bros. 4. This is also why I don't see Bowser Jr. as a likely candidate for Smash. If anything, the most "deserving" newcomer would've been Toad. But since he's retained his status as a "meat-shield" and is no longer seen as a realistic newcomer... I have no idea. I guess Paper Mario (if made a Super Mario rep instead of a Paper Mario rep) would have to be the runner up at this point, with Waluigi closely behind.

tl;dr: importance is not what we should be looking at when it comes to newcomers... popularity and how recognizable they are, is.

(Holy ****e, when've I ever typed this much in my life)


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Personally, I'd much rather smaller/related series getting more reps than big-names like Mario and Zelda adding one on for the sake of it. I'd much rather 4 DK reps and/or even 2 Yoshi reps, and for Tingle to be added as his own sub-series than mini-Bowser brat, foreverPeach'sneutralB kid, purple Luigi, living-sword/creepy-tongue-guy, Diddy Kong-bait lady, toon whatever, or purple elf-mage guy with a magic hat we never actually fought in the form most people like (including me). Either way, I'd live with none of the aforementioned series getting anything/one new, so long as everyone was returning, and I'd live with anyone I didn't care for getting in so long as they wound up being cool, which they almost certainly would. This's probably why I dread discussing my opinions often.
What confuses me more is why people would want to play as these characters. They aren't strong choices at all, and the only reason why people beg and plead for them anyway is because of some sort of cosmic philosophy stating that because of their popularity both franchises should get a trillion characters. This despite the fact that this means we're scrapping the bottom of the barrel and disregarding conventions of quality.

I would rather see characters that don't feel so forced. Basically something that isn't the likes of Ghirahim or Rosalina.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
What confuses me more is why people would want to play as these characters. They aren't strong choices at all, and the only reason why people beg and plead for them anyway is because of some sort of cosmic philosophy stating that because of their popularity both franchises should get a trillion characters. This despite the fact that this means we're scrapping the bottom of the barrel and disregarding conventions of quality.

I would rather see characters that don't feel so forced. Basically something that isn't the likes of Ghirahim or Rosalina.
I consider this a lot with stuff, I mean, one aspect I take into consideration with my prediction is that some people are going for either very obscure characters that would work, OR characters that are common but honestly are near the bottom of the barrel. I think if we have a newcomer, it should be reasonable, but not outright ham-fisted.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2013
I think there are no Zelda characters left that hold enough distinctiveness, importance, or star-power to warrant entry in SSB4. Therefore, I believe there will be no more Zelda reps.

If you guys will, I want to change gears to the next Mario rep. Since pretty much all here would agree that the most likely 2 reps are Bowser Jr and Waluigi, who do you see being included over the other? I see arguments for both; Waluigi is the FOURTH brother, on the FOURTH installment, filling the FOURTH void for "Smash Mario Bros" in 4 player mode. Also the 2v2 of Mario+Luigi vs Wario+Waluigi. It just seems fitting to include Waluigi in.

Bowser Jr is more important and has been a villain in a couple recent games now. He looks like he would be a unique character with that paintbrush of his as well. Is a main character unlike Waluigi, who has no games under his belt. Maybe that doesn't really matter though?

Or maybe we could get both of them? Whats everyones predictions/thoughts on this?
I honestly don't think there is any special significance to Waluigi.

First thing is, usually when someone brings up the notion of having Waluigi, it's to "represent" the Mario Spin-Off games. Every Mario character can do that; Waluigi isn't special in this regard.

Now, MAYBE there is some significance in the fact that he was created in the Mario Spin-Off games. However, this is also true for Plum, Charlie, Sonny, Harry, etc. What you can say about Waluigi, though, is that he has become of the most recurring Mario characters there is; even if that is only through Mario Kart, Mario Party, and Mario Sports, I think that is significant.

However, his position in this regard is no more special than other characters that were reintroduced during his creation, such as Birdo and ESPECIALLY Daisy. Daisy has had just as many appearances, just as much consistency, and just as much "display of abilities" as Waluigi has. So again, I don't think Waluigi stands out in this regard.

We don't know if it actually does, but I think characters who have had a role in the platforming/action adventure games should hold a higher priority than a character like Waluigi. Bowser Jr., I think, has reached a point where he is close enough to a staple in the games. At this point, he's had plenty of appearances as a recurring boss character, and a role that is usually as a...recurring "rival" throughout the game leading up to the final fight against Bowser.

Additionally, there have been so many opportunities to integrate Waluigi into other things that haven't been taken advantage of; obviously, no one at Nintendo cares. I think it would be so easy to integrate/throw him in to a WarioWare game, but that hasn't happened. As he is now, he's a character created for the sole purpose of being Wario's doubles partner in Mario Tennis, and he's stuck around for these multiplayer party games. It IS significant, but no more significant than the other characters that regularly appear in these games, and (I think) less important than recurring characters that play active roles in the adventure games.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
View attachment 4648

I made a roster! I'm making no more changes, I will just be editing in character models from now on once they get announced. Thoughts?
It's looks cool,but it looks like the exact copy of all the rosters here.
Like always,the only things that people can say is things like add Ridley,replace K.Rool with Dixie or Roy with Chrom.
Is the same over and over again. XD
Oh,I forgot to say that when someone says something like replace Roy with Chrom a fight begins.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
It's looks cool,but it looks like the exact copy of all the rosters here.
Like always,the only things that people can say is things like add Ridley,replace K.Rool with Dixie or Roy with Chrom.
Is the same over and over again. XD
A slightly generic roster isn't necessarily a bad one. Better than the rosters with 7+ retros on it.

Manny Toons

Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2013
We don't know if it actually does, but I think characters who have had a role in the platforming/action adventure games should hold a higher priority than a character like Waluigi. Bowser Jr., I think, has reached a point where he is close enough to a staple in the games. At this point, he's had plenty of appearances as a recurring boss character, and a role that is usually as a...recurring "rival" throughout the game leading up to the final fight against Bowser.

But... why? Because they are important? I just don't get this mentality anymore, to be honest. Super Smash Bros. has always and will always be about icon-ism. Most, if not all characters that have been playable in the Smash Bros. series are not just important. They have the initial recognizability to go along with it. I don't see why Sakurai should just toss in a bunch o' characters that only have importance going for them. Most people will not care to see them. Yes, Super Smash Bros. is an all-star series ("DUKE IT OUT with your favorite Nintendo characters"), but all of these characters that have been playable are well-liked, not just important and filling in gaps for the sake of completion.

And no. There is no significance to Waluigi's existence. At all. He is in the same position now as Luigi was way back when. He makes NO impact on his respective series, and the games would be no different whether he was there or not. Even now, I'm still not very confident in Waluigi making a Smash 4 debut (mostly due to not wanting my heart shattered when/if he is confirmed as an Assist Trophy again), but that's definitely something we should pay more attention to.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
A slightly generic roster isn't necessarily a bad one. Better than the rosters with 7+ retros on it.
I don't say that is bad,I say that is the same as the others,if someone posts a roster with 7 retros,the others will say that the roster needs this and blah blah and it will transform into a clone of the other rosters,so I don't know what is the purpose of showing a roster.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
If Ridley isn't going to be playable, I don't see why Palutena would be even be considered.
I don't understand that mentality. Frankly, Sakurai would add and not add characters regardless of "series representation". I really want Ridley, but I really doubt his inclusion at this point. Still pretty likely, but I'm having doubts.

Point is, I don't think Ridley not being on a roster means anything other than the fact that he's not on it.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
I don't understand that mentality. Frankly, Sakurai would add and not add characters regardless of "series representation".

Point is, I don't think Ridley not being on a roster means anything other than the fact that he's not on it.
This. This thought right here. Some people get way over their heads in rosters when the first thing you hear is that this roster needs __ or this roster shouldn't have __. Different interpretations of a roster are a blessing and a curse.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I consider this a lot with stuff, I mean, one aspect I take into consideration with my prediction is that some people are going for either very obscure characters that would work, OR characters that are common but honestly are near the bottom of the barrel. I think if we have a newcomer, it should be reasonable, but not outright ham-fisted.
From my prospective at least, being obscure should never be an issue. What should be an issue is if the character can provide strong execution and diversity or not. If a character cannot do that, then it will feel forced. Ever wonder why I praise the likes of Dillon and Takamaru while on the opposite spectrum loathe Chrom and Mii? Well, there you go.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
If Ridley isn't going to be playable, I don't see why Palutena would be even be considered.
Ridley not being included would be for reasons that don't affect Palutena. Just because one popular newcomer would be denied doesn't mean Sakurai is on a crusade to deny popular newcomer choices. If Ridley isn't in, it's likely because he's hard to implement because of proportions and body structure (though that becomes a whole lot easier with his Other M model) or maybe even for other reasons. Nothing about Ridley would affect Palutena, and vice versa, because they don't face the same problems, in fact I think the only problem Palutena might face is Sakurai's modesty, which really shouldn't hold true since Palutena isn't his character.


wow, gaming!
Aug 18, 2013
From my prospective at least, being obscure should never be an issue. What should be an issue is if the character can provide strong execution and diversity or not. If a character cannot do that, then it will feel forced. Ever wonder why I praise the likes of Dillon and Takamaru while on the opposite spectrum loathe Chrom and Mii? Well, there you go.

I don't believe that any obscurity is a true issue. I mean, when Brawl was coming out, I actually was hoping we'd get ROB. And ROB is/was a poster boy of obscurity at the time, only appearing rarely in cameos as of late.

However, you are right in the sense that a lot of people are looking for newcomers in areas where they really don't need it and it feels like a force. Having Chrom is one thing; Awakening is not that old of a game and having him in just included is just a recency, ham-fisted clause, one that Playstation All-Stars was plagued with. There are characters that are not relevant anymore that would be epic to see. On the other hand, characters like having Miis(Which I have one specific issue with them) just seems like saying, "Oh hey, this is a recent thing, let's put it in!" It's alright if it's there once or twice, but rosters shouldn't flood with it.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
How likely do you think Bowser Jr. would be had he been in NSMB2, 3D Land and 3d World?
Exactly the same position as he is now. AKA; strongest chance of the Mario series.

Nothing about Ridley would affect Palutena, and vice versa, because they don't face the same problems, in fact I think the only problem Palutena might face is Sakurai's modesty, which really shouldn't hold true since Palutena isn't his character.
Actually I find this quite interesting; did Palutena have any sort of similar traits in the first Kid Icarus to how she is now? After all Palutena is wanted based off her Uprising appearance/Brawl appearance, and Sakurai is technically the one who breathed life into the character.

Whilst Sakurai didn't invent her, he certainly brought her to life.

If Ridley isn't going to be playable, I don't see why Palutena would be even be considered.
If I'm understanding this correctly; if Ridley retains his previous Smash role of being a boss, then you can't see Palutena not retaining her role as part of Pit's Final Smash?

It's possible, I suppose. How popular is Palutena in Japan compared to Ridley? I know the latter is far more requested in the west, but I don't know if she's hugely requested in Japan.
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