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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2013
That's a healthy outlook. I mean, I don't agree and am filled with negative thoughts towards her, but still... you've got a good way of looking at it.

The last thing I would've asked for in Smash was a freaky emotionless mannequin that tells me how to live my life... :p
Oh absolutely, if it was up to me there wouldn't be a Wii Fit Trainer in the game. I was talking to some friends and one said 'it's not so much that she's in the game, it's that someone will not be in the game because she is'. Straight away I imagined my most wanted characters missing out and Wii Fit Trainer troll facing me in my nightmares.

I do think the timing is a little off. If she'd been slipped in quietly some time in the future it may have gone better than her being reviled a few hours what has been a widely praised reveal.

With any luck though future reveals will follow a similar path. Each one with their own trailer. I think with Miiverse and Nintendo direct, new Smash can become even more hyped than it Brawl was.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Oh absolutely, if it was up to me there wouldn't be a Wii Fit Trainer in the game. I was talking to some friends and one said 'it's not so much that she's in the game, it's that someone will not be in the game because she is'. Straight away I imagined my most wanted characters missing out and Wii Fit Trainer troll facing me in my nightmares.

I do think the timing is a little off. If she'd been slipped in quietly some time in the future it may have gone better than her being reviled a few hours what has been a widely praised reveal.

With any luck though future reveals will follow a similar path. Each one with their own trailer. I think with Miiverse and Nintendo direct, new Smash can become even more hyped than it Brawl was.

Exactly, exactly... but I like to think that the effort that was put into creating a simple character like the WFT was less than that which goes into a character with more history. If that's the case, then maybe we can think of her as a funny little addition more so than a character that got in instead of one of our favorites.

I'm super excited for future character unveiling trailers... they'll each be epic, I think. Even WFT's trailer was fun, despite my whole hearted objection to the character.

Deleted member

People still think that one character getting in means another doesn't?
First the scapegoat was R.O.B., now it's WFT....

If the character you want doesn't make it in, they still wouldn't be in even if WFT wasn't.
It's not like Sakurai goes "Hmm, I can either add WFT or add *insert character that is highly requested/popular*.... I'll go with WFT! :troll:"

Deleted member

Mii isn't exactly WTF.

And I would normally scoff at the idea of AR Man, but given the reveal of Wii Fit Trainer, I can't really say the idea is out there anymore. What really defines "out there" at this point?

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
Mii isn't exactly WTF.

And I would normally scoff at the idea of AR Man, but given the reveal of Wii Fit Trainer, I can't really say the idea is out there anymore. What really defines "out there" at this point?
4th party characters and 3rd party characters not from a Nintendo game?


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
I do think the timing is a little off. If she'd been slipped in quietly some time in the future it may have gone better than her being reviled a few hours what has been a widely praised reveal.
The timing was perfect. Fitness Trainer's announcement was sure to generate massive furor, and what better place to do that for press than E3? Plus, those who hate her have now gotten her out of the way right at the beginning and can look forward to more palatable updates.


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2013
I keep trying to justify it in Brawl terms. Is she like Snake, a character we never expecting in the first trailer or more like R.O.B. or Game and Watch in terms of, well 'wtf-ness'. I think the best thing to do is just take it for what it is and try look at it in this crazy new smash world we live in.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
Expect more WTF characters like Mii and AR Man. Is it jokey like Wii Fit Me thinks so, because it's the first time they ever implemented Augemented Reality.
I'd be surprised if they doubled down on WTF characters, especially since Villager already cuts kinda close to the Mii.

Deleted member

I thought I recall it being said elsewhere on the forums. They refer to characters that didn't even originate in a video game, being so beyond 1st party that they're... 4th party.

You know, like Goku.
It was a fanterm made by the old developers of Super Smash Bros. Crusade to refer to characters like Goku.

There is literally no such thing as one, though.
3rd Party (in regards to Nintendo) refers to all characters that Nintendo has no ownership over whatsoever.
This includes characters that originated in other works of fiction outside of games.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
It was a fanterm made by the old developers of Super Smash Bros. Crusade to refer to characters like Goku.

There is literally no such thing as one, though.
3rd Party (in regards to Nintendo) refers to all characters that Nintendo has no ownership over whatsoever.
Sorry for using a fanterm, then. I didn't know that was problematic.

My only point in saying it is that it's the only thing more out there than WFT. That's all I wanted to say. Can we settle on that?


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
After seeing the Wii Fit Trainer, I feel as though I've lost confidence in a lot of characters all of a sudden. Not sure if anyone else is having this feeling...

Deleted member

Yes we can, though I my initial statement in "what defines 'out there'?" was more within context of Nintendo. :p

As in "who is really 'out there' anymore if we get someone like WFT?"


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2008
Wii fit was one of the most popular games for the Wii. Why wouldn't they add the WFT?


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
People still think that one character getting in means another doesn't?
First the scapegoat was R.O.B., now it's WFT....

If the character you want doesn't make it in, they still wouldn't be in even if WFT wasn't.
It's not like Sakurai goes "Hmm, I can either add WFT or add *insert character that is highly requested/popular*.... I'll go with WFT! :troll:"
To be fair, while one character being included does not specifically knock another out, each character indisputably takes up resources which otherwise could have been used to implement a different newcomer or returning character.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
It scares me but I think its still ok, I just wish we could have found out about her much much later....
Would you really want her near the end? This way we get her out of the way early, and if you don't like her you can wash away the bitter aftertaste with a reveal you love.

Also, exclusive characters is a ****ing stupid idea. Especially when both versions will have the same amount of characters.
Exclusive characters is an absolutely terrible idea. Game companies are already parceling up content in alarming amounts. Exclusive characters would be the last straw.

On another note, Wii Fit trainer shouldn't make anyone lose confidence in reps any more than ROB or G&W would for Brawl and Melee respectively. There's always one pick from out of left field.

Deleted member

To be fair, while one character being included does not specifically knock another out, each character indisputably takes up resources which otherwise could have been used to implement a different newcomer or returning character.
Could have been =/= would have been

Character A's inclusion has nothing to do with Character B's exclusion.
So if Character A was not included, Character B still would have been excluded.


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2012
I talked about the Villager but everyone says that was impossible.
Take this!


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
Could have been =/= would have been

Character A's inclusion has nothing to do with Character B's exclusion.
So if Character A was not included, Character B still would have been excluded.
I agree that there is no direct correlation, but there are always more candidates in development than those who make it into the finished product; cuts are dictated by available resources. Each character absolutely is occupying a slot that could have gone to somebody else. Fitness Trainer is no exception, nor are my favorite characters, such as, say, ZSS.

Anyways, looks like there's a at least somewhat reliable rumor that Little Mac, Mii, and Pac-Man will be revealed as playable. Grain of salt as always, but can't say that I am enthused at the prospect of the Mii. Pretty indifferent on Pac-Man, and Little Mac should be fun.

Deleted member

I fail to see how a lack of K. Rool in the next DK game reduces his chance. By the time we heard of this, Sakurai has already decided on the roster, so this is unlikely to influence Sakurai.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
Whoever drew that must be eating some crow right now.

Mewtwo in the disguise is pretty hilarious.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2013
I doubt that rumor regarding to Pac-man, Little Mac, and Mii being revealed. Never trust any rumors.
The only thing that makes me do a double take is that the guy predicted Wii Fit Trainer and Villager, and is claiming inside information. One or the other I could dismiss as a guess, even Wii Fit Trainer (she's an obvious pick in hindsight) but both of them together? That'd be one hell of a guess.

He also predicted Mega Man correctly, but that's less of an achievement given how many people expected Mega Man to be the big reveal, and how many more people expected Mega Man to be in.

I hope he's wrong, but it seems at least mildly credible.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I doubt that rumor regarding to Pac-man, Little Mac, and Mii being revealed. Never trust any rumors.
Did you read the reasoning behind why people are believing it now? It's pretty solid.

No one else, like in the history of ever, has predicted the Wii Fit Trainer to be in Smash, let alone with the Villager.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
It seems like Sakurai loves to not change movesets of characters.
Except that Bowser looks like he's getting a huge overhaul on his A-moves, not to mention his stance change, different running animation, and probably much different stats. Plus look at Pit as well.

Anyhow, I'm kinda liking this WTF WFT addition. She's hilarious and Sakurai knows this is a great joke character as well as a nice rep for the success of Wii Fit. Watch this video, he's smiling hardcore when people are like noooooo!

Turn up the volume to max to somewhat clearly hear the talking.


Deleted member

Bajef, do you have any evidence of K. Rool showing up in Mario Kart 8? I'd really like to see it.
thethirdkoopa said:
This is a game where I think so far I feel like we'll at least be worrying more about the supporting cast than new franchises.
You do have a point there. The fact that all three confirmed newcomers were from new series could very well indicate Sakurai emphasizing more on new series this time than existing series. If the rumor in regards to Little Mac, Pac-Man and Mii are true, that brings us to six new series; two third-parties and four misc. series.

We could very well get at least seven this time around, especially if the rumor above is true.
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