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Roster Prediction Discussion Thread

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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
BluePikmin11 raises a good point.

Let's say that in Smash 4, we get Mega Man, Snake, Sonic, and Pac-Man. That's a pretty solid 3rd party cast. This makes sense because all 4 are incredibly iconic (or legendary) to gaming in general, so they can all draw a crowd.

But once those 4 are in, who else gets the nod in future installments? I mean obviously the next Smash Bros. is many many many years away, so relationships may change. But the point still stands. I'm finding it hard to think of a character from another company that is close to the iconic status of the 4 mentioned above. (think what you want, but Snake is a pretty damn iconic character known worldwide, and Metal Gear Solid is a very VERY popular series.)


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Sorry to be off topic, but I think the reason Sakurai wants "legendary 3rd parties" is because he wants characters that can stay in the roster. Snake, Sonic, and Mega Man can all manage this, hence why I believe Snake will be back, with or without Pac-Man.
That's not even off-topic. Like at all. After all, that all relates back to Roster Predictions.
Okay guys, really quick to add to the Namco debate:

During Brawl (Where the chance of us getting more than one third-party looked even more slim there), people were heavily considering Pac-Man before any involving. Well, heavily as in more like a 10% because he was overshadowed by MegaMan and Sonic. Simply put, they (Or anyone around) viewed him as an improbability, not an impossible feat.
This is exactly what I'm say. After Snake was confirmed in Brawl, the top candidates were clearly Sonic >>>>>>>> Mega Man > Pac-Man. No one else was even moderately mentioned as much as those 4. Those 4 always seemed like the first 4 we were always destined to get.

I mean, who knows who is the most wanted 3rd party character after Pac-Man=??? Is it Geno, or Rayman, or Bomberman, or Simon Belmont, or Tails=???


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I always thought it was bomberman
For Brawl it probably was, but his popularity has decreased pretty sharply. It's unlikely Sakurai will use Brawl-era popularity past this game, so unless he starts getting games again, I'd say Bomberman's chance has passed.

EDIT: Yeah, other than Geno (and the third parties that have since become playable). Dunno how I forgot about him.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I always thought it was bomberman
Bomberman was probably the #5 most wanted 3rd party newcomer for Brawl.

After Snake was revealed, the order went Sonic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mega Man >>> Geno > Pac-Man >>>>>> Bomberman.

Truth be told his popularity has taken several shots the last few years, especially with him now being owned by Konami, the same company that owns everything Metal Gear, including Snake.
BluePikmin11 raises a good point.

Let's say that in Smash 4, we get Mega Man, Snake, Sonic, and Pac-Man. That's a pretty solid 3rd party cast. This makes sense because all 4 are incredibly iconic (or legendary) to gaming in general, so they can all draw a crowd.

But once those 4 are in, who else gets the nod in future installments? I mean obviously the next Smash Bros. is many many many years away, so relationships may change. But the point still stands. I'm finding it hard to think of a character from another company that is close to the iconic status of the 4 mentioned above. (think what you want, but Snake is a pretty damn iconic character known worldwide, and Metal Gear Solid is a very VERY popular series.)
Honestly, if say in Smash 6 (since 1 of these 2 forthcoming smash games is Smash 5) we get a new 3rd party character (on top of say Sonic, Snake, Mega Man, and Pac-Man), I think the most likely choice would be Tails actually, especially given the Nintendo-SEGA partnership.

I also think Ryu (Street Fighter), Ryu (Ninja Gaiden), Simon Belmont (Castlevania), Bomberman, Rayman, the Black Mage (Final Fantasy), Slime (Dragon Quest), and heck, maybe even the off chance of Geno (Super Mario RPG) could all end up being 3rd party newcomers in Smash 6, 7, or really any future Smash game.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
For Brawl it probably was, but his popularity has decreased pretty sharply. It's unlikely Sakurai will use Brawl-era popularity past this game, so unless he starts getting games again, I'd say Bomberman's chance has passed.

EDIT: Yeah, other than Geno (and the third parties that have since become playable). Dunno how I forgot about him.


...Bombermaaaaaan! D:

...on a side note...How about Geno? Would be nice if he was in the Roster...but me thinks it's a long shot. Plus Square Enix copyrights and all...


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Geno would be cool, but the chances of Sakurai going through the monumental effort of procuring a third-party from a company noted for their difficulty in allowing their characters to be used is pretty slim, considering that character is no more than a supporting character from a game nearly twenty years old whose inclusion would only appease a rather small demographic of the game's audience. It's not like he's on Sonic, Snake, or Mega Man's level, where the effort is presumably worth the outcome. He's not even on level with Pac-Man, or Layton, or Bomberman, or Lloyd, Rayman, Ryu Hayabusa, or even other characters from SE.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Geno would be cool, but the chances of Sakurai going through the monumental effort of procuring a third-party from a company noted for their difficulty in allowing their characters to be used is pretty slim, considering that character is no more than a supporting character from a game nearly twenty years old whose inclusion would only appease a rather small demographic of the game's audience. It's not like he's on Sonic, Snake, or Mega Man's level, where the effort is presumably worth the outcome. He's not even on level with Pac-Man, or Layton, or Bomberman, or Lloyd, Rayman, Ryu Hayabusa, or even other characters from SE.
True, but I was mostly thinking of the off chance that Nintendo just outright buys the rights to Super Mario RPG in order not to pay Square Enix any royalties for said game.

Plus given the fact that the last Paper Mario game was utter trash (and might make that IP kinda irrelevant, ala Star Fox post-64), Nintendo might ought to just up and replace it... for a while. And going back to Super Mario RPG would probably be their preferred way of replacing it (to coincide with the Mario & Luigi franchise of course).

Of course, another thing worth mentioning is that from Smash 6 until now, there's probably at least a 6 year long gap. Anything could happen by then. Nintendo could own SEGA (and thus Atlas), Capcom (or just a specific IP like Mega Man), the rights to several previous Rare IPs (specifically Perfect Dark, Conker, and Banjo), etc.

Deleted member

I'm rather neutral on Geno at this point, but I would prefer if he doesn't come in unless he starts to appear in Mario games again.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I'm rather neutral on Geno at this point, but I would prefer if he doesn't come in unless he starts to appear in Mario games again.
I'd feel like he'd be a lot more "worthy" if Nintendo just outright bought the rights to Super Mario RPG and everything in that game, including Geno.

After all, if that were to happen, there'd be no excuse not to add Geno (other than characters with higher priority), especially since he'd likely make more and more appearances in Mario games. And even if Geno isn't playable he could always be an awesome trophy, sticker, and especially an awesome Assisst Trophy character.

Speaking of which, how come like a lot of characters from Paper Mario never return=??? There have been so many awesome Paper Mario characters and villains, and yet almost none of them return. Several of them would make for interesting Assist Trophy characters in Smash Bros.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
True, but I was mostly thinking of the off chance that Nintendo just outright buys the rights to Super Mario RPG in order not to pay Square Enix any royalties for said game.

Plus given the fact that the last Paper Mario game was utter trash (and might make that IP kinda irrelevant, ala Star Fox post-64), Nintendo might ought to just up and replace it... for a while. And going back to Super Mario RPG would probably be their preferred way of replacing it (to coincide with the Mario & Luigi franchise of course).
Well yeah, if they bought the rights to Geno and SMRPG it'd be a different story, but even with the lackluster PM game we just got, I'm not expecting Nintendo would be inclined to buy rights to another RPG Mario series when they have two perfectly profitable ones already. Especially since they've really made no indication they're even interested.

Of course, another thing worth mentioning is that from Smash 6 until now, there's probably at least a 6 year long gap. Anything could happen by then. Nintendo could own SEGA (and thus Atlas), Capcom (or just a specific IP like Mega Man), the rights to several previous Rare IPs (specifically Perfect Dark, Conker, and Banjo), etc.
Unless Sega really starts to spiral down like Capcom (which I suppose is a possibility in the next couple years) the only one I really see as something that could potentially happen is Nintendo picking up a few of Capcom's IPs (or at least Mega Man) should the company totally collapse. Even though it still makes me sad to think about, I doubt Nintendo would care enough to buy Rare's IPs back at this point (seems like they would've tried to get them back by now - especially since the longer they wait, the more of the original audience they're losing), and I doubt Microsoft would let them go for cheap anyway.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Nintendo should buy the rights of Megaman. I am sure they can revive him (even if they did drown the Starfox series in the bathtub).


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I hope to see some sort of trivia regarding Captain N. He was made by people over at NOA, so at least he's technically 1st party. :p
(Pretty sure if he was made at the offices of NoJ, Sakurai would have him be a SSB character already).

But yeah, even a sticker of him would be nice. :)


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
If Nintendo did end up owning the rights to Mega Man one day, I wonder if they would ask Inafune to lead the development on his games.

And maybe if they bought Clover's IPs they could get Platinum to work on them.

(And while we're at it lets just have Retro work on a Banjo game :troll:)


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Well yeah, if they bought the rights to Geno and SMRPG it'd be a different story, but even with the lackluster PM game we just got, I'm not expecting Nintendo would be inclined to buy rights to another RPG Mario series when they have two perfectly profitable ones already. Especially since they've really made no indication they're even interested.
Eh, I dunno, I just think that after Super Paper Mario being not what people wanted and Sticker Star being trash, they should just let the Paper Mario franchise not be recognized for a good half decade. Let time heal those wounds. Plus they shouldn't increase the pace of the Mario & Luigi franchise games, so I think the way to go is either a new Mario RPG franchise or buying the originals' rights from Square Enix.
Unless Sega really starts to spiral down like Capcom (which I suppose is a possibility in the next couple years) the only one I really see as something that could potentially happen is Nintendo picking up a few of Capcom's IPs (or at least Mega Man) should the company totally collapse. Even though it still makes me sad to think about, I doubt Nintendo would care enough to buy Rare's IPs back at this point (seems like they would've tried to get them back by now - especially since the longer they wait, the more of the original audience they're losing), and I doubt Microsoft would let them go for cheap anyway.
I think Nintendo could buy SEGA like how Square Soft and Enix merged (except Nintendo would still exist), to where SEGA could be a 1st or 2nd party. I mean, you don't have to be going under to be successful and be bought out at the same time.

As for Capcom, yeah, anything with them could happen, given their shaky financial status. Their cash supply is limited, and their Quick (Acid) Ratio is quite terrible, which means they can't get loans worth a crap. Given Nintendo's interest in Capcom crossover fighting games and Mega Man, buying that isn't crazy. Nintendo could also buy the rights to old Clover IP's, like Viewtiful Joe (why haven't we gotten a new one=??? Those sold very well) or Okami (again, wai u no threequel=??).

As for Rare, eh... Microsoft seems to have no purpose for Perfect Dark and Conker at least. Banjo they at least have some plans for. I honestly don't see Microsoft hanging onto many of those IP's for more than a decade quite frankly.

Oh, and there's Nintendo buying Game Arts. That would be a great move, similar to Nintendo buying Monolith Soft.

Deleted member

I'd feel like he'd be a lot more "worthy" if Nintendo just outright bought the rights to Super Mario RPG and everything in that game, including Geno.

After all, if that were to happen, there'd be no excuse not to add Geno (other than characters with higher priority), especially since he'd likely make more and more appearances in Mario games. And even if Geno isn't playable he could always be an awesome trophy, sticker, and especially an awesome Assisst Trophy character.

Speaking of which, how come like a lot of characters from Paper Mario never return=??? There have been so many awesome Paper Mario characters and villains, and yet almost none of them return. Several of them would make for interesting Assist Trophy characters in Smash Bros.
It wouldn't be enough for Nintendo to merely obtain his (and other SMRPG original characters') rights to make him "worthy".
He would need to make more appearances beforehand, not merely assume he would.

And I agree; we need to see the RAAAAAAAWWWWK again.
Rawk Hawk > Geno.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
How is this roster? Should I stick with having cuts or not?

It wouldn't be enough for Nintendo to merely obtain his (and other SMRPG original characters') rights to make him "worthy".
He would need to make more appearances beforehand, not merely assume he would.

And I agree; we need to see the RAAAAAAAWWWWK again.
Rawk Hawk > Geno.
It's probably too late for that. So I guess we can't expect Geno then.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Ahhh Diddy/Dixie.... literally the worst idea ever... :facepalm:
If Nintendo did end up owning the rights to Mega Man one day, I wonder if they would ask Inafune to lead the development on his games.
That would be so hype, especially if Might No. 9 was a success (which it seems destined to be).
And maybe if they bought Clover's IPs they could get Platinum to work on them.
Staph. You're making me sad that I won't ever get Viewtiful Joe 3 or another Okami game... :cry:

Or the people at Platinum Games working on Devil May Cry again (they worked on 1 and 3, IMO the 2 best games in said franchise), Resident Evil again (they worked on 1, 2, and 4), etc.
(And while we're at it lets just have Retro work on a Banjo game :troll:)
Well we already have a few former Rare guys working on DKC, so who knows=???


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Staph. You're making me sad that I won't ever get Viewtiful Joe 3 or another Okami game... :cry:

Or the people at Platinum Games working on Devil May Cry again (they worked on 1 and 3, IMO the 2 best games in said franchise), Resident Evil again (they worked on 1, 2, and 4), etc.

Or Breath of Fire... Or Mega Man...


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
It wouldn't be enough for Nintendo to merely obtain his (and other SMRPG original characters') rights to make him "worthy".
He would need to make more appearances beforehand, not merely assume he would.
Well if the rights to SMRPG were bought, I would assume Geno would have some cameos, given that he serves a higher authority. :p
Rawk Hawk > Geno.
Rawk Hawk is cool, but not that cool. He didn't even have a suplex move! C'MON MAN!!!!
Nintendo should buy the rights of Megaman. I am sure they can revive him (even if they did drown the Starfox series in the bathtub).
To be fair, the Mega Man franchise has a lot more quality than Star Fox.

Also, Nintendo could do wonders with Mega Man. Could you imagine if Retro Studios made a Mega Man game=??? It could be amazing.
Or Breath of Fire... Or Mega Man...
Or God Hand. Really, that crew at Platinum Games have made some of the best games over the last 15 or so years.

Nintendo would be foolish to not buy them if they were ever presented the chance, especially given that IP's like Bayonetta can be a draw.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Eh, I dunno, I just think that after Super Paper Mario being not what people wanted and Sticker Star being trash, they should just let the Paper Mario franchise not be recognized for a good half decade. Let time heal those wounds. Plus they shouldn't increase the pace of the Mario & Luigi franchise games, so I think the way to go is either a new Mario RPG franchise or buying the originals' rights from Square Enix.
If it were an IP other than Mario, I'd probably agree, but SS sold about as well as any other Paper Mario game, and that's what usually matters most to Nintendo, especially since they have access to the series whenever they want and wouldn't have to pay either to use it or just outright purchase it as they would with SMRPG.

I think Nintendo could buy SEGA like how Square Soft and Enix merged (except Nintendo would still exist), to where SEGA could be a 1st or 2nd party. I mean, you don't have to be going under to be successful and be bought out at the same time.
But if Nintendo hasn't bought Sega yet, doesn't seem overly likely they would in the future unless Sega was looking for a buyer.

As for Capcom, yeah, anything with them could happen, given their shaky financial status. Their cash supply is limited, and their Quick (Acid) Ratio is quite terrible, which means they can't get loans worth a crap. Given Nintendo's interest in Capcom crossover fighting games and Mega Man, buying that isn't crazy. Nintendo could also buy the rights to old Clover IP's, like Viewtiful Joe (why haven't we gotten a new one=??? Those sold very well) or Okami (again, wai u no threequel=??).
Yeah, if Capcom goes under and starts auctioning off their IPs (which there's a pretty good chance of imo unless they manage to turn around like crazy - which seems unlikely considering how terribad they are these days) the ones I would most want Nintendo to pick up and would be the best fit with the company would be Mega Man (obv) and Clover's IPs. And maybe Ghosts N' Goblins.

And I could also see Nintendo trying to acquire MH, considering how well it does on their platforms.

As for Rare, eh... Microsoft seems to have no purpose for Perfect Dark and Conker at least. Banjo they at least have some plans for. I honestly don't see Microsoft hanging onto many of those IP's for more than a decade quite frankly.
Honestly I see them rotting with Microsoft as more likely than being sold off at this point, in part due to lack of interest from other companies to seriously purchase them. And gawd, aren't they done ruining poor Banjo yet, what plans do they have for him now? :(


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Banjo would serve as a better 3rd party in a Nintendo crossover from a Nintendo perspective than any other 3rd party imo considering the cause of his success and popularity as a whole was as a Nintendo character, and since then he hasn't really amounted to much. Sure, he has had games since, but they've been meh to bad, and for a Nintendo crossover, he does have the closest ties to Nintendo, closer than Sonic or Mega Man tbh (not that they're bad choices). Not that it'll happen.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
You know who I'd love to see more than anyone in the world, but has lower chance of getting in that Geno?

Banjo and Kazooie...
I'd love to see Banjo and Kazooie in Smash, hell I'd love to see them on a Nintendo system in general, but Microsoft is too busy dragging it through the mud at the moment and Nintendo probably couldn't get it out of their grubby hands...

And I could also see Nintendo trying to acquire MH, considering how well it does on their platforms.

They definitely would try, but Sony and other companies would probably not let them have it easily. That series sells like hotcakes in Japan and whatever system it's on is bound to sell with it.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
They definitely would try, but Sony and other companies would probably not let them have it easily. That series sells like hotcakes in Japan and whatever system it's on is bound to sell with it.
Yeah, it's pretty much the only IP keeping Capcom afloat. Or at least one of the main ones. But Nintendo and Sony both have some pretty deep pockets, should they both be interested it could be quite the bidding war. However Nintendo never really seems overly interested in gaining more IPs, so if Sony was truly determined, my guess is it'd go to them. Though it would finally give more people reason to get a Vita (at least in Japan) so I could see Nintendo wanting to prevent that from happening.

I'm selfish though, so as they as they got Mega Man MH would come secondary to me. :p


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Hey guys i got really bored so made a sort of strange all retro roster , what you guys think ?
Well I adore this roster. You have every possible character I could possibly want.
Nice job! Some characters over there I don't know, but that's not an issue at all, I'd gladly look into who they are (like John Solver, for example). 3rd party choices are pretty cool, btw.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2013
Well I adore this roster. You have every possible character I could possibly want.
Nice job! Some characters over there I don't know, but that's not an issue at all, I'd gladly look into who they are (like John Solver, for example). 3rd party choices are pretty cool, btw.
THANK YOU SO MUCH ! it was just some thing i made randomly but i'm glad ya'll liked it :)
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