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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Herecross was never meant to be the evolution of Pinsir, hence why they've been separate Pokemon since day one.
Alomomola was also thought to be a Luvdisc evolution, but the two are completely different species. In fact, none of the 5th generation Pokemon are related to anyone from the earlier generations.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
Ugh, I HATE this idea so much. Why do people always suggest the v+B rotation for EVERY transforming character? There are other ways to adapt transformations onto characters. No need to rip off from PkmnTrainer/Zelda+Sheik. Could we at least TRY to be a bit more creative?
Why fix what's not broken? sure it's not the most creative thing in the world but neither is the idea of transforming characters at this point.

Deleted member

Except Deoxys has another way; switching forms for various actions, such as Speed for dashing, Defense for shielding, Attack for powerful attacks (like Smash Attacks), etc.
You know, like how it does in its movie and the anime special.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Giving each Deoxys form its own moveset would work out good, but the main flaw would be the transformation process. Basically, if you're using the Normal Form, but want to switch to the Defense Form, you'd have to switch to the Attack Form first, which may turn down some people.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
overall i just don't see Deoxys making it anyway. but you could do something like if you do down taunt he turns into the defense form and forward taunt turns him into speed and so on and so forth

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
overall i just don't see Deoxys making it anyway. but you could do something like if you do down taunt he turns into the defense form and forward taunt turns him into speed and so on and so forth
For something like that to work, each character would have to have "four" different taunts.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Alomomola was also thought to be a Luvdisc evolution, but the two are completely different species. In fact, none of the 5th generation Pokemon are related to anyone from the earlier generations.
I get what Game Freak was doing with the "completely new region, completely unrelated Pokemon" thing for B/W, but every time I see Alomomola it reminds me how it should've been an evolution for that useless little Luvdisc. Oh well, maybe we'll get a middle evolution branching them together. :laugh::rolleyes:

I hope the sixth generation will be more like the 2nd and 4th (it could be a pattern among even gens) with it bringing a fair amount of evos for some Pokemon that really need it. (though Farfetch'd and Dunsparce will probably be skipped again :p)

For something like that to work, each character would have to have "four" different taunts.
Or, unlike the other characters, left and right on the d-pad could have separate functions for Deoxys, in exchange for not actually getting any taunts.

Personally I think a fourth taunt is a more likely addition than Deoxys though.

Deleted member

Why fix what's not broken? sure it's not the most creative thing in the world but neither is the idea of transforming characters at this point.
Because it's ****ING BORING. Doing the same **** over an over again, and never taking the initiative to try something different is what makes games go stale. Example, Call of Duty.

There would be no point in adding a character like Deoxys or any other similar transforming character if it's just gonna be a variation of the Pokemon Trainer Strategy.

My advice, go play some other fighters, especially the Arksys ones like BlazBlue and especially, Guily Gear, and pay attention to how much thought is given to each character's uniqueness when it comes to playstyle and combat strategy.

When you introduce a NEW character, they have to bring something NEW to the table on all frontiers, not just appearance, size/weight/speed/power and movepool, but also in fighting style and overall strategy. This is the main problem with Lucas (an a lot of Smash Characters), he *feels* very similar to Ness, sure, his moves and properties are different, but over-all he's like a mid-long range "specialist" Ness. Every time I played Lucas, I'd just get the urge to play Ness instead, as Ness felt more complete. This is the same exact thing that's gonna happen if you introduce another character with the same mechanics as an other, but with different moves; the over-all strategy of the character is too similar, and thus the character suffers for it, making the character very "disposable." Wolf to Fox is an example of a transition done well. Both characters seem to be quite similar, because their moves have a couple similarities here and there, however, their play-styles and strategies are COMPLETELY different. Same for Lucario.

In short, there are many other ways to introduce the transforming gimmick, just like there are many other ways to introduce the "duo" gimmick. No need to just copy/paste what we already have. The taunt transforms, and Specials transform are great ways to go about it and bring up something new and fresh.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Alomomola was also thought to be a Luvdisc evolution, but the two are completely different species. In fact, none of the 5th generation Pokemon are related to anyone from the earlier generations.
No, this is a different scenario. That was not planned.

I mean that that was Heracross' original plan. Yes, it turned out better, IMO. For 5th Gen, we only know that no evolutions were planned, or atleast that's what we're told so far.

That was not the case for some 2nd Gen guys.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
No, this is a different scenario. That was not planned.

I mean that that was Heracross' original plan. Yes, it turned out better, IMO. For 5th Gen, we only know that no evolutions were planned, or atleast that's what we're told so far.

That was not the case for some 2nd Gen guys.
I can understand Venonat possibly originally evolving into Butterfree, but this I've never heard. Source?

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I can understand Venonat possibly originally evolving into Butterfree, but this I've never heard. Source?
http://pokemon.neoseeker.com/wiki/Pinsir For starters.

http://pokemon.wikia.com/wiki/Heracross Yet another one.

Nobody knows the original source, but hundreds of people keep saying it too. It doesn't help that they specifically, in the Johto Dex, put them right next to eachother, as if it was planned.

And yeah, Venonat was planned that way too. Most likely, Ho-Oh was meant to be in the 1st Gen as well, as shown with its appearance in the Anime. I can't seem to find a site that explains all the dummied out stuff, though. Or plans.

http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_index_number_(Generation_I) Also, this shows the entire list of planned Pokemon for 1st Gen. As we know, the actual hex list does not follow the Pokedex list either, so it's still possible that the evolutions were planned.

Deleted member

A lot of people say Meowth, Pit, and Peach were planned for Smash 64 as well.
However, there is no legitimate proof. So like that, I'm going to treat the Pinsir -> Heracross issue as a commonly believed, yet unproven statement.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
Because it's ****ING BORING. Doing the same **** over an over again, and never taking the initiative to try something different is what makes games go stale. Example, Call of Duty.

There would be no point in adding a character like Deoxys or any other similar transforming character if it's just gonna be a variation of the Pokemon Trainer Strategy.

My advice, go play some other fighters, especially the Arksys ones like BlazBlue and especially, Guily Gear, and pay attention to how much thought is given to each character's uniqueness when it comes to playstyle and combat strategy.

When you introduce a NEW character, they have to bring something NEW to the table on all frontiers, not just appearance, size/weight/speed/power and movepool, but also in fighting style and overall strategy. This is the main problem with Lucas (an a lot of Smash Characters), he *feels* very similar to Ness, sure, his moves and properties are different, but over-all he's like a mid-long range "specialist" Ness. Every time I played Lucas, I'd just get the urge to play Ness instead, as Ness felt more complete. This is the same exact thing that's gonna happen if you introduce another character with the same mechanics as an other, but with different moves; the over-all strategy of the character is too similar, and thus the character suffers for it, making the character very "disposable." Wolf to Fox is an example of a transition done well. Both characters seem to be quite similar, because their moves have a couple similarities here and there, however, their play-styles and strategies are COMPLETELY different. Same for Lucario.

In short, there are many other ways to introduce the transforming gimmick, just like there are many other ways to introduce the "duo" gimmick. No need to just copy/paste what we already have. The taunt transforms, and Specials transform are great ways to go about it and bring up something new and fresh.[/qoute]

Personally I don't think there's any need for another transforming character. Unless toon zelda or another pkmn trainer are added. And as boring as it may be consistncy works wonders, especially for a causual fighter like smash. Is it a cop out, sure. Is it lazy, definitely. But in the end that's better than over complicating a character that really doesn't need to be made so complicated. I remember that there was a similar discussion on masked link and this kid put an idea that each special attack changes him. It wasn't bad but it really make the whole character a pain to use, and even make. And honestly that's not true to that character anyway so it was dumb even in that regard. Though that could actually work in deoxys' case but I digress. I don't wanna see deoxys in smash anyway but if it happened and it was the simple down special transforming thing it really wouldnt be as bad as u seem to think it is cause its a proven successful formula



Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
http://pokemon.neoseeker.com/wiki/Pinsir For starters.

http://pokemon.wikia.com/wiki/Heracross Yet another one.

Nobody knows the original source, but hundreds of people keep saying it too. It doesn't help that they specifically, in the Johto Dex, put them right next to eachother, as if it was planned.

And yeah, Venonat was planned that way too. Most likely, Ho-Oh was meant to be in the 1st Gen as well, as shown with its appearance in the Anime. I can't seem to find a site that explains all the dummied out stuff, though. Or plans.

http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_index_number_(Generation_I) Also, this shows the entire list of planned Pokemon for 1st Gen. As we know, the actual hex list does not follow the Pokedex list either, so it's still possible that the evolutions were planned.
That would explain why Sycther got Scizor evolution while Pinsir got nothing. Could Miltank and Taurus have been planned to have a per-evoluing that evolves on gender like Burmy?

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
That would explain why Sycther got Scizor evolution while Pinsir got nothing. Could Miltank and Taurus have been planned to have a per-evoluing that evolves on gender like Burmy?
Perhaps. But they both have different genders, or should I say, specific genders, so they were most likely meant to be true counterparts. If anything, it was probably Miltank > Tauros evolution-wise. Then again, Azumarril can change genders while evolving into Marril, so that idea probably was still plausible.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Try the edit button. No need for a double post.

Eh, the problem with Knuckles and Gray Fox is that you have to make sure other 3rd Parties don't have a chance first for characters. If they don't, adding another from the same 3rd Party series may be okay. But I doubt we'll get more than one from the same 3rd party series.(company, maybe)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2012
Greensboro, NC
Mater chief would be awsome if it were possible :p

Try the edit button. No need for a double post.

Eh, the problem with Knuckles and Gray Fox is that you have to make sure other 3rd Parties don't have a chance first for characters. If they don't, adding another from the same 3rd Party series may be okay. But I doubt we'll get more than one from the same 3rd party series.(company, maybe)
Very True, It Would Just Be A Cool Idea, Maybe some more donkey kong character's? there only so mcuh they could do

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Very True, It Would Just Be A Cool Idea, Maybe some more donkey kong character's? there only so mcuh they could do
I'll note your other post, since there was a planned DS version of Halo, so he could've been possible. But that fell through.

Anyway, King K. Rool and Dixie Kong are the first major choices. Dixie was going to be in Brawl in some way. And King K. Rool himself is the main villain of the series. One or the other, although I'd prefer Rool first, but Dixie, due to data, would be more likely. I put them on equal footing for that reason alone. XD


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
I'll note your other post, since there was a planned DS version of Halo, so he could've been possible. But that fell through.

Anyway, King K. Rool and Dixie Kong are the first major choices. Dixie was going to be in Brawl in some way. And King K. Rool himself is the main villain of the series. One or the other, although I'd prefer Rool first, but Dixie, due to data, would be more likely. I put them on equal footing for that reason alone. XD
I lean more towards k rool myself. But if Dixie did get in I think I'd like it if she was a tandem character with kiddie or something. But I just feel due to popular vote and he plays a more consistent role in dk games than dixie does, k rool stands a better chance


Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I lean more towards k rool myself. But if Dixie did get in I think I'd like it if she was a tandem character with kiddie or something. But I just feel due to popular vote and he plays a more consistent role in dk games than dixie does, k rool stands a better chance

She was planned to be combined with Diddy. That did not work out. I have a feeling that's why Plusle & Minun didn't work out either.(and while I prefer Gen III, Lucario sells more and he took the smart route on finishing him first, realistically)

Kiddie would most likely only appear if partnered with Dixie, admittably. Otherwise, nope. I prefer K. Rool too, only because I think every series should have a villain if possible. Or a "bad guy". They don't have to be outright evil, a complete monster, whatever. Samurai Goroh is definitely not evil to the core, but he's still a "bad guy".

Deleted member

Personally I don't think there's any need for another transforming character. Unless toon zelda or another pkmn trainer are added. And as boring as it may be consistncy works wonders, especially for a causual fighter like smash. Is it a cop out, sure. Is it lazy, definitely. But in the end that's better than over complicating a character that really doesn't need to be made so complicated. I remember that there was a similar discussion on masked link and this kid put an idea that each special attack changes him. It wasn't bad but it really make the whole character a pain to use, and even make. And honestly that's not true to that character anyway so it was dumb even in that regard. Though that could actually work in deoxys' case but I digress. I don't wanna see deoxys in smash anyway but if it happened and it was the simple down special transforming thing it really wouldnt be as bad as u seem to think it is cause its a proven successful formula

That "kid" was me, I was the one who brought up the Specials Transform idea, it was basically a carry-over from a Deoxys idea I had a while back. As you said, Deoxys would work better with the concept as it would still be 'one' character, the transformations would only be partial, and they would simply change his properties and not his moves. However, seeing as Deoxys is practically NOT making the cut, I simply applied the idea to Masked Link, as it could work with him too.

Anyway, enough on that, me and you have already had this discussion in the Masked Link thread, so lets not derail this thread as well.

http://pokemon.neoseeker.com/wiki/Pinsir For starters.

http://pokemon.wikia.com/wiki/Heracross Yet another one.

Nobody knows the original source, but hundreds of people keep saying it too. It doesn't help that they specifically, in the Johto Dex, put them right next to eachother, as if it was planned.

And yeah, Venonat was planned that way too. Most likely, Ho-Oh was meant to be in the 1st Gen as well, as shown with its appearance in the Anime. I can't seem to find a site that explains all the dummied out stuff, though. Or plans.

http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_index_number_(Generation_I) Also, this shows the entire list of planned Pokemon for 1st Gen. As we know, the actual hex list does not follow the Pokedex list either, so it's still possible that the evolutions were planned.
I think there were 200 Pokemon planned for Gen1 originally, however, the ones that didn't make the cut were introduced in G/S. I'm sure we can all assume that the Babies, Heracross, and Ho-oh were all part of the original 200. I can post sauce if you want it.

Mater chief would be awsome if it were possible :p

I'm not even gonna bother with this one... If this were 4chan I'd the you to GTFO and lurkmoar, but sadly this is not. Still, I recommend you lurk for a bit before posting.

Everyone always forgets about mallow
Because no-one likes him, he flat out ****ing sucked in SMRPG, especially once you got Peach; everything Mallow was good for Peach did a lot better. Geno took the spotlight by actually being a useful character. Not to mention Mallow was pretty whiny and annoying at times.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
http://pokemon.neoseeker.com/wiki/Pinsir For starters.

http://pokemon.wikia.com/wiki/Heracross Yet another one.

Nobody knows the original source, but hundreds of people keep saying it too. It doesn't help that they specifically, in the Johto Dex, put them right next to eachother, as if it was planned.

http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_index_number_(Generation_I) Also, this shows the entire list of planned Pokemon for 1st Gen. As we know, the actual hex list does not follow the Pokedex list either, so it's still possible that the evolutions were planned.
None of that is really concrete proof of anything other than Heracross was originally planned to be in the first gen. "Heracross was thought to be a pre-evolution of Pinsir before the release of Pokémon Gold and Silver" could just as easily be said regarding Luvdisc/Alomomola. The other source is just an editable wiki with no source link (it's also the only place I've been able to find that statement, Bulbapedia and the Pokemon Wiki don't have it).

So... it could be true of course, but as there's actually very little evidence to support it, it's pretty much just a theory as credible as any other semi-plausible (apparently) widely spread rumor. Unless there's another more credible source I'm not aware of, which there definitely could be.

Everyone always forgets about mallow
That's because Mallow's chances are even worse than Geno's chances, and Geno's chances are bad enough as it is.

I liked his design though. Plus he got some points by referencing Bruce Lee. :awesome:

ManlySpirit said:
I think there were 200 Pokemon planned for Gen1 originally, however, the ones that didn't make the cut were introduced in G/S. I'm sure we can all assume that the Babies, Heracross, and Ho-oh were all part of the original 200. I can post sauce if you want it.
Hyper already posted the link (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_index_number_(Generation_I)). Of the 40 planned (there were only 190) that didn't make it, some were babies (Smoochum, Tyrogue, Elekid, Magby), but others such as Pichu, Cleffa, and Igglybuff (and probably some others I'm forgetting) aren't there. Heracross and Ho-oh are though, you're right.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC

I'm not even gonna bother with this one... If this were 4chan I'd the you to GTFO and lurkmoar, but sadly this is not. Still, I recommend you lurk for a bit before posting.
Y'know, while I agree with you that Master Chief in Smash would be a bad idea even if it were possible, you didn't have to be such a d*** to him.

Also, "I'd the you"? Hoping you meant "I'd tell you."

Mater chief would be awsome if it were possible :p
Hoping that you're trolling here. You at least seem to know that MC is owned by Microsoft, so I won't bother explaining that to you, but even ignoring that, I don't see him fitting in particularily well with the rest of the cast.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Plus if any Microsoft character should get in, it would obviously need to be Banjo-Kazooie. :awesome:

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
None of that is really concrete proof of anything other than Heracross was originally planned to be in the first gen. "Heracross was thought to be a pre-evolution of Pinsir before the release of Pokémon Gold and Silver" could just as easily be said regarding Luvdisc/Alomomola. The other source is just an editable wiki with no source link (it's also the only place I've been able to find that statement, Bulbapedia and the Pokemon Wiki don't have it).

So... it could be true of course, but as there's actually very little evidence to support it, it's pretty much just a theory as credible as any other semi-plausible (apparently) widely spread rumor. Unless there's another more credible source I'm not aware of, which there definitely could be.
Nobody knows the original source, which is the issue. And no, there were never anything but pure rumors that some of the 5th Gens were evolutions. Those were confirmed to be fanmade. We don't know if the Heracross rumor was fanmade, or real plans. However, people have constantly been saying it was an official plan, which means that somebody must've heard an official source, or it was the best rumor ever made. Long story short, it's still very possible Heracross was an evolution. It was never possible for the 5th Gen stuff. Ever.

That's all I'm going to convey my point as.

And no thanks for B-K. Not bad, but let's stick with Killer Instinct, which is Nintendo-only still. Fulgore, another robot, could use some spotlight, and since Microsoft don't care about the series as is, they'd less likely have objections to it being repped in Smash 4. And yes, I do clearly think Fulgore is the better choice in my opinion.(however, it is true that Killer Instinct has been Nintendo only for regular consoles. Arcade withstanding)


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
We could of had Banjo in Brawl if it wasn't for that buyout.

To this day just the thought makes me weep.
I feel your pain. I started going through the five stages of grief when the buyout occurred and I still haven't reached acceptance yet. :laugh::urg:

Why can't M$ just go out of business and allow Ninty and Sony to buy their IPs?
IKR. Actually, I don't have a problem with most of Microsoft's IPs, just the Rare ones, which is sad considering at this point Microsoft has owned them longer than Nintendo did. :(
Yet Microsoft has either done nothing with them or made them worse. :glare:

Nobody knows the original source, which is the issue. And no, there were never anything but pure rumors that some of the 5th Gens were evolutions. Those were confirmed to be fanmade. We don't know if the Heracross rumor was fanmade, or real plans. However, people have constantly been saying it was an official plan, which means that somebody must've heard an official source, or it was the best rumor ever made. Long story short, it's still very possible Heracross was an evolution. It was never possible for the 5th Gen stuff. Ever.

That's all I'm going to convey my point as.
True, we really don't have any actual evidence to prove or disprove anything, so I guess the best we can do is treat it as a quite-possibly true rumor that at this point will probably never be confirmed and won't actually affect anything in the Pokemon series. :smirk::ohwell:

And I never meant to imply that I thought the 5th gen was planned to have new evolutions in it, just that some of the pre-5th gen logic could also be applied elsewhere. My bad. :embarrass:

And no thanks for B-K. Not bad, but let's stick with Killer Instinct, which is Nintendo-only still. Fulgore, another robot, could use some spotlight, and since Microsoft don't care about the series as is, they'd less likely have objections to it being repped in Smash 4. And yes, I do clearly think Fulgore is the better choice in my opinion.(however, it is true that Killer Instinct has been Nintendo only for regular consoles. Arcade withstanding)
Microsoft may very well have plans for KI if them renewing the license means anything. Which it might not, but who knows at this point. And yes, I wish B&K hadn't been tainted by Nuts and Bolts too, but B&K was pretty much my go-to N64 game (even over Smash 64), so I don't think I'll ever be able to support a Rare character more than I do for them, however having Fulgore, Conker, and Joanna in Smash would be IMO great also.

No one knows how to run a once-great company into the ground like Microsoft! :facepalm:


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
Lol at Nintendo gettign away with putting in a Killer Instinct rep.

Microsoft obviously has plans for it since they renewed the IP recently.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
True, we really don't have any actual evidence to prove or disprove anything, so I guess the best we can do is treat it as a quite-possibly true rumor that at this point will probably never be confirmed and won't actually affect anything in the Pokemon series. :smirk::ohwell:
Unless somebody finds the report or whatever. But that's what I'm going with. Albeit, they do make a lot of sense as related species, no doubt.

And I never meant to imply that I thought the 5th gen was planned to have new evolutions in it, just that some of the pre-5th gen logic could also be applied elsewhere. My bad. :embarrass:
I know you didn't, but many well.

Microsoft may very well have plans for KI if them renewing the license means anything. Which it might not, but who knows at this point. And yes, I wish B&K hadn't been tainted by Nuts and Bolts too, but B&K was pretty much my go-to N64 game (even over Smash 64), so I don't think I'll ever be able to support a Rare character more than I do for them, however having Fulgore, Conker, and Joanna in Smash would be IMO great also.
They renewed it? Huh. About time. They'd better do something with it, then. I wonder whatever happened to the planned WiiWare/DSWare Clayfighter game...

Also, fun little fact; Sakurai actually would be fine with having James Bond in, for whatever reason. It's the only movie character he thinks would work. Keep in mind that the Motion Sensor Bomb was originally from Goldeneye, not Perfect Dark. That was to hide its origins, but that's that's the second game that used the item.

No one knows how to run a once-great company into the ground like Microsoft! :facepalm:
One could argue it was never great. XD But yeah, it's too bad Rare went there. As long as they do something with Killer Instinct, I'll be happy. I wouldn't mind if they did an XBox All-Star type game now. They have B-K, Killer Instinct, Conker, Halo, Fable, and even more than that alone. Plus random characters from cross-platforms, like Final Fantasy, Transformers, depending how well licensing goes. They also had a popular Viva Pinata game, so...

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
No one knows how to run a once-great company into the ground like Microsoft! :facepalm:
EA anyone? It has its own subsection on the Executive Meddling page on TvTropes. Pretty sure they wrote the book on running succesful, popular companies into the ground.

Edit: Also, renewing a trademark/copyright/whatever doesn't really mean squat. All MS is probably going to do is keep sitting on that IP. Even if they don't do anything with the brand, they sure as hell won't let anyone else do anything interesting with it.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
They renewed it? Huh. About time. They'd better do something with it, then. I wonder whatever happened to the planned WiiWare/DSWare Clayfighter game...
Last time I heard it had been delayed, but that was like two years ago, so I don't think it would be that much of a stretch if it became one of those games that was never officially canceled, but was never completed either. If/when it does come out though, I'll still buy it. Even if it's terrible.

Also, fun little fact; Sakurai actually would be fine with having James Bond in, for whatever reason. It's the only movie character he thinks would work. Keep in mind that the Motion Sensor Bomb was originally from Goldeneye, not Perfect Dark. That was to hide its origins, but that's that's the second game that used the item.
I wonder if Bond was one of the Rare trophies that was yanked from Melee...
Probably not, because it would've required a bunch more licensing than just original Rare IPs, but it would still be funny thinking of having basically a trophy of Pierce Brosnan next to Mario.

I still wouldn't be wild about having him in the game, but if any movie character had to be in it, I guess Bond would make more sense than some others.

One could argue it was never great. XD
Blasphemy. :awesome:

But yeah, it's too bad Rare went there. As long as they do something with Killer Instinct, I'll be happy. I wouldn't mind if they did an XBox All-Star type game now. They have B-K, Killer Instinct, Conker, Halo, Fable, and even more than that alone. Plus random characters from cross-platforms, like Final Fantasy, Transformers, depending how well licensing goes. They also had a popular Viva Pinata game, so...
Yeah, Microsoft would need to rely on 3rd parties even more than PSASBR is. I don't think I could manage seeing poor Banjo in a rival mascot-fighter though. :c

EA anyone? It has its own subsection on the Executive Meddling page on TvTropes. Pretty sure they wrote the book on running succesful, popular companies into the ground.
True, there are many companies that are guilty of this, definitely not just Microsoft. I'm just biased towards Rare so it was the first one that came to my mind.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
Nah an Xbox all stars could never work at least as it stands now. Their exclusives that actually have real characters are to minimal. Halo, gears, all the rare stuff, fable... After that you kinda have to think hard as to which games have quality characters to put in it. And of course most other choices will have to be third parties. Maybe a few years from now when and if they develop more story centered franchises they'll be able to pull it off but no not right now


Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Last time I heard it had been delayed, but that was like two years ago, so I don't think it would be that much of a stretch if it became one of those games that was never officially canceled, but was never completed either. If/when it does come out though, I'll still buy it. Even if it's terrible.
Interact is doing poorly, last I checked.

I wonder if Bond was one of the Rare trophies that was yanked from Melee...
Probably not, because it would've required a bunch more licensing than just original Rare IPs, but it would still be funny thinking of having basically a trophy of Pierce Brosnan next to Mario.
Well, only the Japanese Trophies mention Perfect Dark, but the American ones do not. So there's a good chance that is simply a matter of licensing issues.

And Rare doesn't own James Bond anyway, so enough said right there.

I still wouldn't be wild about having him in the game, but if any movie character had to be in it, I guess Bond would make more sense than some others.
He's the only one Sakurai would allow. Since all other 3rd parties have different requirements. Video Games movies withstanding at best.

Yeah, Microsoft would need to rely on 3rd parties even more than PSASBR is. I don't think I could manage seeing poor Banjo in a rival mascot-fighter though. :c
B-K isn't even really all that Nintendo-like anyway. He really has a small history with it, being omitted from the remake of DKR. I wouldn't give him much of a Nintendo status. Killer Instinct had Nintendo Status, at the very least, though. All the games were that and Arcade, same with the Mario/DK Arcade games.

True, there are many companies that are guilty of this, definitely not just Microsoft. I'm just biased towards Rare so it was the first one that came to my mind.
Yep. Oy.

Deleted member

If Bond actually had made it in, I am willing to bet the "no guns 'rule'" would have not been made for Bond, and he would have like one move with the gun. After all, doesn't Bond have other tech to use, like laser wristwatches, exploding pens, etc.?

With Snake, I'm pretty sure the not allowing of firearms was due to the fact that in a game where you have to send people flying off the stage, explosives make much more sense for that purpose.

EDIT: It seems Victini is not down for the count yet; there is a new event for it in Japan to celebrate Christmas.
This particular Victini, like a previous one, knows signature moves of Reshiram and Zekrom. However, the moves for this one are the other signature moves; Blue Flare and Bolt Strike. It will also know V-Create as well as normal Kyurem's signature move, Glaciate.

Also, a remake of Ruby/Sapphire is starting to sound a little iffy now, given that there is going to be events to be able to get a Groudon in Black 2 and Kyogre in White 2 to celebrate Ruby and Sapphire's 10th Anniversary.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
If Bond actually had made it in, I am willing to bet the "no guns 'rule'" would have not been made for Bond, and he would have like one move with the gun. After all, doesn't Bond have other tech to use, like laser wristwatches, exploding pens, etc.?
Bond is an awesome guy like that.

Nah an Xbox all stars could never work at least as it stands now. Their exclusives that actually have real characters are to minimal. Halo, gears, all the rare stuff, fable... After that you kinda have to think hard as to which games have quality characters to put in it. And of course most other choices will have to be third parties. Maybe a few years from now when and if they develop more story centered franchises they'll be able to pull it off but no not right now

Forgot the Spolosion Man Series, Captain Smiley, Gun Stringer, and Happy Wars.

All of these would work in an all-star brawler.
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