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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Ness and Lucas must be in the next Smash :(

who's to say that they won't return, anyway?

And so would I, really. I didn't notice I had clipped him out during messing around with stuff.

Anyway, here's the one with Diddy.

And now put in Zelda now instead of Zelda + Sheik. I'm still wondering would Sakurai go so far as to include Sheik AGAIN without messing the idea behind SS-Zelda's character, who definitely wouldn't be using Sheikah-form. They got away with it in TP but here I bet it would just overshadow Zelda too much if they use the SS-one. I'd suggest Impa but at the end I don't want to start a huge debate, so here, only Zelda. It's up to Sakurai who'll be her second form.
and who's to say they'll use the Skyward Sword designs this time around?

besides, there's a Zelda game in the works for the Wii U, using models similar to Twilight Princess, but in HD, so... the devs may end up using these instead of Skyward Sword's.

as @ManlySpirit posted... Snake? Snake! SNAAAAAKE!!! seriously, you have Sonic and Megaman... but no Snake?

these issues aside, it's an overall good roster.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
besides, there's a Zelda game in the works for the Wii U, using models similar to Twilight Princess, but in HD, so... the devs may end up using these instead of Skyward Sword's.
There's no guaruntee that game will be released. I'm predicting that's going to end up like the Zelda Spaceworld demo.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
True enough. Still, whichever design they use, I don't see that as a reason to get rid of Sheik.
therefore, you agree with me. they could design a new Sheik model for Smash. they did it for many characters like Fox, Falco, Wolf, Marth, Samus, Captain Falcon or Olimar in Brawl, so I don't see how they couldn't do it with Zelda characters.


Smash Cadet
Nov 6, 2012
Blackburn, England
I want Mewtwo to return as he was my favorite character in Melee and I was annoyed that he didn't return to Brawl. I suppose Dr. Mario could be an alternate costume for Mario as he was practically a clone anyway. Pichu was a joke character and unless they were to alter his moveset or make him an alternate Pikachu costume I doubt he will return. Young Link could also be an alternate costume, however it would be unlikely as his moveset is different to those of Link and Toon Link. As for Roy, I don't follow the Fire Emblem games and don't know whether he's popular or not but I enjoyed playing as him and using his move set in Melee and wouldn't mind playing as him again in the next game.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2012
If they'd remove Sheik, the same whining would occur that occured when Mewtwo (and in a lesser extent Roy) got ditched. An original character with a unique moveset getting ditched without anyone more memorable to replace her as I don't see a more important Zelda character that could use a similar moveset.

Deleted member

If they'd remove Sheik, the same whining would occur that occured when Mewtwo (and in a lesser extent Roy) got ditched. An original character with a unique moveset getting ditched without anyone more memorable to replace her as I don't see a more important Zelda character that could use a similar moveset.
Not to mention Sheik was top-tier and incredibly bad *** back in Melee, and overall, a very competitive and fun character. Also, SSB4 is supposed to play more like Melee than Brawl, so to bring back those physics and omit on of the characters that plays best under those conditions is blasphemous.


Smash Cadet
Nov 6, 2012
Blackburn, England
I prefer Sheik to Zelda and of they were to remove Toon Link (or make him an alternate costume for Link) Sheik could have a separate slot and could also have a separate moveset to Zelda and then they could both have a down-special move and unique Final Smashes.
Also, Ganon needs a completely revamped moveset, as a taunt he gets out his sword,stares at it, then puts it back away, at least let him use it. Captain Falcon has been in longer so he won't change and the moveset suits his style anyway.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2012
Also, SSB4 is supposed to play more like Melee than Brawl, so to bring back those physics and omit on of the characters that plays best under those conditions is blasphemous.
When did anybody say SSB4 was going to play more like Melee than Brawl? That'd be great, but, can I have a source on that?

Deleted member

There's not source for that. I think he's just thinking wishfully.
No no, I recall hearing on /v/ that it was mentioned by Sakurai he was gonna design this game to have faster gameplay like Melee. I'll try to find sauce, but no promises. It was in one of the earlier interviews.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
No no, I recall hearing on /v/ that it was mentioned by Sakurai he was gonna design this game to have faster gameplay like Melee. I'll try to find sauce, but no promises. It was in one of the earlier interviews.
I've been paying pretty close attention to any information about the game. Likely, what you heard was just a mutation of something else Sakurai said.

Deleted member

I've been paying pretty close attention to any information about the game. Likely, what you heard was just a mutation of something else Sakurai said.
It's possible, that's why I said no promises. I'll see what I can find though.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Well there was the statement of balancing the characters to be more competitively balanced, but that doesn't mean that the next game will play like Melee. That's the only statement that I know of that may of sparked the idea of the next game being more like Melee on /v/.

Speaking of /v/, they have very interesting ideas on who should be on the roster. Some of them are the common drivel we've seen a lot of, but they sometimes dip into more particular choices like Ashley or Scrafty. Not surprisingly they tend to pick out their waifus and completely disproves of " furry bait" like Krystal or Zoroark.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
@ManlySpirit... after seeing your posts... seriously? /v/? I don't think that's a... reliable source for whatever information.

well, anyway, it's good to speculate and have some wishes for the game as long as we don't overdo it. seriously, Brawl was overhyped and we know what happened after. the fanbase is still split on which of Melee or Brawl are the best game (I like both). but, I'm not discussing this any further for everyone's convenience.

@Habanero, Scrafty, eh? doesn't seem a bad choice, being a dual Fighting and Dark type, he could have an interesting moveset. I really like this guy in the Pokémon games, I remember beating the Elite Four in Black with ease, since his types gave advantage against three of them.

@GoldenYuiitusin, why not? :troll: totally unique moveset potential, ladies and gentlemen! :troll:

but wait, there's more! an ICON for SSB Roster Maker!

Give me all the credit, cause I made an icon for the best newcomer ever! :troll:

lame joking aside, I think that there are a lot of characters with potential. oh, and I really wish to have a sword using Ganondorf in the next game, keeping some of his old moves, like Up A, Side A, Up Smash and Side B, which were unique moves to him (two of them he used in Twilight Princess: Side A during his boss battle as an armor piercing attack and Side B appeared in a cutscene, where he kills a Sage with the same move). speaking of heavyweight fighters like Ganon, King K. Rool is also a good option.

...and here are two icons I also made:

Deleted member

You can't get rid of his F-Tilt anyway, since it's the SPARTA KICK. :awesome:

Deleted member

@ManlySpirit... after seeing your posts... seriously? /v/? I don't think that's a... reliable source for whatever information.

well, anyway, it's good to speculate and have some wishes for the game as long as we don't overdo it. seriously, Brawl was overhyped and we know what happened after. the fanbase is still split on which of Melee or Brawl are the best game (I like both). but, I'm not discussing this any further for everyone's convenience.

@Habanero, Scrafty, eh? doesn't seem a bad choice, being a dual Fighting and Dark type, he could have an interesting moveset. I really like this guy in the Pokémon games, I remember beating the Elite Four in Black with ease, since his types gave advantage against three of them.

@GoldenYuiitusin, why not? :troll: totally unique moveset potential, ladies and gentlemen! :troll:

but wait, there's more! an ICON for SSB Roster Maker!

Give me all the credit, cause I made an icon for the best newcomer ever! :troll:

lame joking aside, I think that there are a lot of characters with potential. oh, and I really wish to have a sword using Ganondorf in the next game, keeping some of his old moves, like Up A, Side A, Up Smash and Side B, which were unique moves to him (two of them he used in Twilight Princess: Side A during his boss battle as an armor piercing attack and Side B appeared in a cutscene, where he kills a Sage with the same move). speaking of heavyweight fighters like Ganon, King K. Rool is also a good option.

...and here are two icons I also made:
/v/'s pretty up to date on the big news, normally when something interesting happens you hear it there first, like the PS3 lv.0 leaks for example. However, I can see why you would think /v/'s a bad source of info, it really isn't especially once you learn to discern the trolls from legitimate info, but /v/ also has the problem of being littered with underage new***s, so sometimes there's a lot of dumb posting going around. Unlike /a/, where aside from the trolls, you can always count on /a/ to be on the money on just about everything.

Still, /v/'s a good source of news, and reviews (sometimes).

On the subject of heavyweights, I just want them to be relevant again, I remember back in Melee, Ganondorf was a hardass, and overall strong character, but Brawl butchered him.

Oh, and about the sauce, I didn't find squat, so disregard my previous comment about it playing like Melee. C'est la vie...

Vintage Creep

Smash Master
Oct 8, 2012
Silent Hill
Because he's a Tekken/SC character, and there are other Namco/Bandai characters who deserve to get in before anyone from Tekken or SC.
True, but I chose him exactly because he's from both series. And I think he fits well in Brawl, the moves are already there (sword-copter, the energy recovery move...).

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
True, but I chose him exactly because he's from both series. And I think he fits well in Brawl, the moves are already there (sword-copter, the energy recovery move...).
Still, other characters, like Lloyd, and even f***in' Pac-Man, would be better choices for Namco rep IMO.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Yeah well I agree, it's just brainstorming. And who knows, maybe Namco gets more reps... They're working on the title, aren't they?
They are, but we've yet to see wheter or not that gets them special treatment(I hope not). There's also the fact that the Tekken series director is unsure whether or not Tekken series characters would fit/be welcome in Smash.

Vintage Creep

Smash Master
Oct 8, 2012
Silent Hill
They are, but we've yet to see wheter or not that gets them special treatment(I hope not). There's also the fact that the Tekken series director is unsure whether or not Tekken series characters would fit/be welcome in Smash.
Yeah well, we'll see. I'd love him anyway.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Someone out of Tekken would be the next "NEWCOMER: SOLID SNAKE" I'd imagine. You know, a character that nobody anticipated but becomes excited when it actually happens.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Someone out of Tekken would be the next "NEWCOMER: SOLID SNAKE" I'd imagine. You know, a character that nobody anticipated but becomes excited when it actually happens.
Well, I must agree with this. Since Tekken Tag Tournament 2 already has the characters literally cosplaying as Nintendo characters, it's not out of possibility.

@Vintage Creep, I find your signature images... disturbing.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2012
I'd like to talk a bit about Leon.

Everyone predicts that if there's a new Star Fox rep it will undoubtedly be Krystal. I think however that in many fans' eyes Krystal represents in many ways the decline of the franchise, and perhaps Sakurai is aware of that. Also since she was essentially designed by Rare, and not a Japanese team, that may not give her as good standing. What I mean is, Nintendo may not prefer her to other characters in the series, and she may not have a lot of Japanese fans.

The inclusion of Leon gives Wolf a buddy, and Falco a nemesis. He's also been in more Star Fox games and is the next important Star Wolf member. He's also a very interesting character, and I think he would be quite unique. I think if we get a 4th rep from Star Fox, it should be him. An underrated choice, imo.

Deleted member

Leon would be a cool choice, and much more favorable to Krystal IMO, but if there's any non-Krystal SF character to be added at this point, it's Slippy.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2012
That's interesting. I think Leon would be great too. I've never been huge on Krystal at all.

Why do you say it'd be Slippy if anyone? I'm genuinely curious. I know he's a Star Fox vet, but he's kind of seen as useless and not taken seriously. I don't think he's as strong of a character as Leon. Most people kind of hate him. I kind of see adding Slippy like adding Toad or Waluigi or something. Not quite the main sidekick like Luigi, just kind of the other guy.

Deleted member

-Slippy is much more popular in Japan than anyone that isn't Fox, Falco, or Wolf.
-He is the one that designs the weapons, vehicles, and tech.
-He's the one that analyzes health of bosses and their weak points (giving incentive to keep him from being shot down).
-While not being that great of a pilot (except when using a Landmaster) or direct combat, that doesn't matter if you got a whole arsenal of weapons that you know how to use. (Seriously, play as him in Assault's multiplayer. He's one of the best characters to use on-foot.)
-He's pretty much the closet thing to a sidekick, since he's the only member other than Fox that remains an active pilot on the team in every game he's in (Falco leaves prior to Adventures, then rejoins the team towards the end of the game, Peppy retires prior to Assault and has Krystal take his place, and Krystal is kicked off the team for her own safety by Fox at the beginning of Command), and is Fox's childhood friend. Falco may be 2nd in command (though I'm not sure how true that really is), but Falco is definitely not a sidekick by any stretch of the means.
-Leon may be an active Star Wolf pilot in every game he's in, but he's not really important. He's just....there. I mean, at least Wolf had some importance, but Leon? Not so much.

Deleted member

I agree with the Slippy deal, be to be honest, I don't want any more SF characters, at least not until we get a decent StarFox game that isn't a rehash. Same as with F-Zero.

However, if we HAVE to have a SF newcomer, Slippy>>>>>>>>>>>>Krystal furry bait, any day.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2012
Yeah, I agree. No Krystal, please.

I guess even though Slippy designed the weaponry I always imagined him too derpy to use them. But that's my Star Fox 64 bias I think. He'd definitely have a lot of moveset potential(He invented their reflectors as well if I remember correctly).

I think he'd make an alright character. Not nearly as cool as Leon, but he's definitely more involved in the games. I really hope we get a proper Star Fox game soon for WiiU. I'm still convinced that's what Retro is working on.

Deleted member

I know I talked about Fossil Fighters not having a character to work with due to size, but I have been thinking, and it occurs to me that Smash is not particularly accurate when it comes to sizes anyway.

And neither is the official artwork for the Fossil Fighters series.
In-game, T-Rex and it's Super Revived counterpart, T-Rex Lord, are the same documented height, 42 ft.
However, the official artwork promoting Super Revive portrays otherwise...

So, if say, T-Rex were to not be so large, like say, Bowser+ size (like Ridley), while having T-Rex Lord be a more accurate portrayal in size for a Final Smash, would that be so bad?

Also, looking at clips from the game, it seems the the Vivosaurs themselves are not portrayed accurately to scale either when you compare larger ones to smaller ones, so I suppose it really wouldn't be so bad in the long run. Espececially when you consider the 1 ft 4 in. Pikachu isn't too terribly small compared to the 5 ft 7 in. Charizard in Brawl.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
yeah i just started playing Fossil Fighters myself and i'm finding that they would fit just fine into Smash. I've thought that Dino would work out as a character all on his own but T-Rex would be a better option just cause Dino is not actually a fighter. though I don't really see Fossil Fighters making the cut character wise anyway. Assist Trophy but i'm not seeing them character wise. but i would welcome them wholeheartedly.

Deleted member

Hate to deviate from the subject of T-Rex, but the whole "pra_mai" business has been bugging me lately.
People have been saying that it translates to "Every Player" and that it refers to the Random box. First, how does it translate to that, and what in the Hell would the file for a random character select be doing with the file folders for characters? Wouldn't be in with file folders for menus or the character selection screen?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2012
The pra_mai thing has always been weird to me too. If it were Plusle+Minun like some suggest, that would make 3 proposed tag-team characters if Diddy and Dixie were planned on being a team as well. Ice Climbers, Plusle/Minun, and Diddy/Dixie. That kind of kills the uniqueness and I find it strange. Perhaps it was something else, like a random button, or something completely different.

Edit: but their japanese names are Purasle and Minun. So Pra and Mai doesn't really work.

Deleted member

Romanized, Minun is Mainun.

The whole "Every Player" thing doesn't work out either.
Sure, Every (or "Each", I should say) is Mai, but Player is Pureiyā. How does that become "Pra"?

EDIT: And that still doesn't change the fact the file for a Random Box would be in the characters section if it WAS "Each Player"; why would it be there?
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