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Rolla Athletics Dept Presents: Rolla Smash Monthly I Oct. 8th

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Tourney thread
Video Thread


1: Dekuschrub & Bert (Dekuschrub & Bert) ($54.00)
2: Scrub & Akuma (Sinister & Akuma) ($27.00)
3: We won 1st at the last Pathways tournament (Zivilyn Bane & Zantetsu) ($9.00)
4: Strong King (Strong Bad & King Siegfried)
5: ******* Jim & Cookiemonsta (******* Jim & Cookiemonsta)
5: We Come Together (Applejack & Smooth)
7: Team Get Some (Big E & Leumas)
7: Tender Terrence (Terrence & Wretched)
9: Team 1 (Joe & Bryce)
9: 7N (Phelix & QTICA)

Bracket image


1: Dekuschrub ($54.00)
2: Sinister ($27.00)
3: Strong Bad ($9.00)
4: Zivilyn Bane
5: Zantetsu
5: Akuma
7: Leviathan
7: Terrence
9: Leumas
9: King Siegfried
9: Cookiemonsta
9: Bert
13: Applejack
13: Smooth
13: Big E
13: Bandito the Sheriff
17: Joe
17: Saffy
17: Kami
17: Phelix

Bracket image


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2010
Washington, MO
Major shoutout to Deku for being the bro-iest bro ever in dubs.

Strong Bad, thanks again for putting this on. You did an awesome job with setting it up and getting the word out about it.

To my CoMO crew: <3 u all. Good seeing u guys.
Springfield: thanks for taking nearly every single one of us out in brackets. Zant took out Leviathan, Terry took me out, and Ziv took out Akuma. We need to step it up! (we'd still beat u guys in a crew battle :troll:)

Terry: caps/ thanks a lot for taking my 2 dollars in the MM!!! \caps I will get my revenge!! Haha


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Gilbert, AZ
EDIT: Adam if you do plan on doing brawl for the next tournament I'm for sure donating $50-100.
So pleaseee let me know the date of the next one if you decide.

I had so much fun :3. Thanks for the nice tournament, and it was very close to me <3

Can't wait for the next.

quick few shout outs.

1: Dekuschrub - Your falco is one word... wait no two words: SO AMAZING.
2: Sinister - Your sheik is way too good, also nice to meet you.
3: Strong Bad - Y u no win?
4: Zivilyn Bane - Nice to see you again, but real talk your eyes were so red. You looked pretty sick :( I hope you are alright. Come to the next one! Is your earache feeling better?
5: Zantetsu - Nice Job! And Your gf is very pretty :) It's cool that she plays as well.
5: Akuma - Too good!
7: Terrence - No hi again? TERRY WHY SO MEAN?
9: King Siegfried - Nice to meet you, and amazing peach!!! You were funny :p
9: Cookiemonsta - Nice to meet you!! Your fox is insane, and your backflips were pretty cool lol.
9: Bert - Nice to see you again, I hope you felt good <3 and awesome job on teams.
13: Applejack - LOL our matches.. Too good. =] Nice to meet you
13: Big E - I swear you are crazy at that one game. ;o you are too good at everything.

Zivilyn Bane

Smash Master
Nov 18, 2004
Springfield, MO
1: Dekuschrub - Very glad you came. Although I probably would have won money if you didn't lol. Come back and bring Atma next time :)
2: Sinister - Good job today Sam, getting 2nd and 2nd. You stepped it up in losers finals and that made the difference vs Roman and I.
3: Strong Bad - You played really good today. I hope you come to Pathways. Good tourney.
5: Zantetsu - You are getting soooo good! The comeback in dubs and your win vs Leviathan was simply amazing. Now we just need to work on your vs Samus matchup...
5: Akuma - Good games Jared. And great job getting 2nd in dubs!
7: Leviathan - We didn't get to play!! I think if you played in more tournies you would **** everyone.
7: Terrence - To be honest, I was a little relieved to see that you lost to Akuma. But I still wish you had won. Good job today though.
9: Leumas - Didn't get to play you either Sam. But nice seeing you again.
9: King Siegfried - You are a beast. So glad Missouri has another good player that is active.
9: Cookiemonsta - You play a lot like Zantetsu and that might give me an unfair advantage when we play. What backflips??
9: Bert - Nice job not only winning teams, but swiping Deku before anybody else could claim him lol. But seriously you played well.
13: Applejack - Good games in dubs. We should have played some friendlies.
13: Smooth - Good games in dubs. We should have played some friendlies.
13: Big E - We need to play next time.
13: Bandito the Sheriff - Too funny Mr. Bandito
17: Saffy - I appreciate the concern. The whole left side of my face hurts pretty bad from the ear infection. However, it didn't hurt my play. In fact, sometimes the loss of hearing in that side seemed to help me focus lol. But yeah, fevers and sore throat accompany the infection so overall I feel pretty crappy. But I'll be fine soon.
17: Kami - Keep playing Kendra! You are smart enough to figure this game out and be good at it. You have a better shot at being the best girl smasher than Roman has to become the best guy smasher. So show him up lol.


Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
after everyone left DJ and Cookiemonsta came back to help move TV's and stuff back to the rooms. karl brought a balloon from the party he ditched us for earlier and was throwing it up and doing a backflip to try to kick it like Fox's upsmash saying the balloon was Jigglypuff... lol.


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
after everyone left DJ and Cookiemonsta came back to help move TV's and stuff back to the rooms. karl brought a balloon from the party he ditched us for earlier and was throwing it up and doing a backflip to try to kick it like Fox's upsmash saying the balloon was Jigglypuff... lol.
I would've driven two hours to see that.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2010
Washington, MO
was there some conflict resolution between alex and sam? maybe??
AFAIK there was. They both played really well. Alex went Marth in their first set and then he went Falco in GF. Lots of fun to watch. It was recorded too. Wish you could have been there man.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
Dream Land
They both played really well
well i wouldn't say that. not that i would've won anyway, but it would've been nice. oh well. gg's deku. hopefully next time i'll play a bit better and give you at least a fraction of a challenge.

edit: oh and about the "conflict", i think we both kind of pretended it didn't happen. which is probably for the better. water under the bridge.

Zivilyn Bane

Smash Master
Nov 18, 2004
Springfield, MO
I JUST realized that Wretched didn't enter singles. What's the deal dude??

My shoutout to you then is:
Wretched - You fit in very well with our crew and I'm very glad you moved here. You have potential and can't wait until you are better than me.



Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Dekuschrub: Nice seeing you again. I hope you attend more of these tournaments. I enjoyed the friendlies with you in the beginning of the day and I hope to play you some more.
Sinister: We didn't play any singles but 1, I think. Either way, I see you often enough that I can't complain about not playing you. Good **** getting 2nd.
Strong Bad: Great tournament, Rolla is in a great location for Missouri smash. I'm looking forward to these monthlies and I'll do my best to attend each and every one of them, and I'll bring the crew with me. Also, that 3rd spot would have been mine, if it weren't for that side b. Next time..
Zivilyn Bane: No shoutouts for you.
Zantetsu: Hey ;)
Akuma: Your Falco is getting crazy good, but I'm sorry to say that it won't beat my Fox as much (if at all :troll:) the next time we play. I've got some tricks up my sleeve. As for your Samus? She's history. Good job beating me in bracket though.
Leviathan: You applied too much pressure on me in the beginning, but I managed to get the timing of all your moves down and began to punish a lot of your moves with a spot dodge, which allowed me to catch up. I swear though, if you played more, you might have been able to win this tournament. Also, MM SSB64 next time? I'll do 3 dollars.
Terrence: Months ago, you sucked. A lot. Now, you've progressed more than I ever did in a few years. Your Sheik scares me, but in a good way. Keep it up.
Leumas: Dude, where did you go?! I didn't even see you after we got back. I think it may be because I was spending a lot of time in the bracket matches. Either way, you should come to Pathways this month and I'll get you back.
King Siegfried: Our set was very intense and I love your Peach's playstyle. We should get some more friendlies in the next time we play (Pathways?). Also, thanks for all the driving around you did.
Cookiemonsta: I like how you main Fox, Falco, and Falcon, because those matchups with Fox are always very fast. We need to get more friendlies next time. See you at Pathways.
Bert: Beeeert, thank you for letting me use your laptop for the recording set up. You're too nice. Your falcon is also getting really good, you kept getting me with those down smashes. Congrats on winning 1st in teams, by the way. Will I see you at Pathways?
Applejack: Good games in doubles.
Smooth: Since I never heard of you, I didn't expect you to be as good as you were. That Falcon was really good. Good games.
Big E: Didn't you move near Springfield or something? Why don't you play us more and why did you show up here but not our Springfield events? I'm confused.
Bandito the Sheriff: Who's this guy?


Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2008
Columbia, Missouri
I played like absolute garbage.......I played more marth than falcon... need I say more? Yea I dont know about going to any more tournies after that one.

But gj to everyone that did well.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
I played like absolute garbage.......I played more marth than falcon... need I say more? Yea I dont know about going to any more tournies after that one.
When you don't attend any tournaments very often, you can't expect to do real well. I'm sure you'll catch up quite fast, you can't give up so easily.


Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2008
Columbia, Missouri
When you don't attend any tournaments very often, you can't expect to do real well. I'm sure you'll catch up quite fast, you can't give up so easily.
I mean its not the placing/winning/losing that I am talking about. You know how sinister will play bad on his own standards and not be able to play like he usually does? I'm exactly the same way.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
I mean its not the placing/winning/losing that I am talking about. You know how sinister will play bad on his own standards and not be able to play like he usually does? I'm exactly the same way.
I think everyone has their times when they're not playing as well as they usually do. I was the same way at MIST. That's no excuse to stop showing to tournaments, though.


Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2008
Columbia, Missouri
I think everyone has their times when they're not playing as well as they usually do. I was the same way at MIST. That's no excuse to stop showing to tournaments, though.
The amount of bad that I was playing is indescribable, and up until that point (couple of days before) I was also playing much worse than usual. I mean...... I could not even shuffle half the time at the tournament. In my eyes if you cant shuffle..... you have no business at a tourney for me anyways.

I already dont come to tournaments (this was my first), and I played absolutely garb compared to original play, so I dont have that many good reasons to come man


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
The amount of bad that I was playing is indescribable, and up until that point (couple of days before) I was also playing much worse than usual. I mean...... I could not even shuffle half the time at the tournament. In my eyes if you cant shuffle..... you have no business at a tourney for me anyways.

I already dont come to tournaments (this was my first), and I played absolutely garb compared to original play, so I dont have that many good reasons to come man
You seemed to be shuffling just fine against me, but I didn't ever see you play outside of our matches. If this was your first tournament, then you probably just choked and it's something you'll have to work around.

But, I'm not going to pressure you into attending anymore tournaments. If you enjoy the game, you should attend more, but if you don't find much fun in any of it, then I can understand why you don't want to go.

If I do end up coming to anything ever again though Zantetsu, I'll do that MM with you in 64.
Good ****.

Also, I'm eating Toaster Strudels right now. I found that funny.


Smash Ace
Apr 26, 2011
I can't shuffle. Sup?

I'll do shoutouts on my phone in a bit. Gotta go.

Dekuschrub - God Damnit, I wanted to get a few friendlies in with you. We started to play but I had to pay for food and then I had matches to play and we didn't get to play. ****ING ****
Strong Bad
Zivilyn Bane
King Siegfried
Big E
Bandito the Sheriff


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2006
St. Louis MO
being mad because you "didn't play your best" is kind of a slippery slope in melee. when you play someone who is your level or better, youre going to mess up and seem like "omg I never mess this up!" It happens to me all the time. You just have to learn that melee is about adapting, and when youre under a ton of pressure you just need to calm down and focus on executing even the most basic of movements/attacks. Once those start flowing you can play more relaxed/risky, but many players don't get to that point


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
I found my Hard Drive. I'm going to start uploading my matches, now. Sadly, I don't think anyone but me recorded anything, so it'll be nothing but Zantetsu vs _____ and Zivilyn Bane & Zantetsu vs _____ & _____


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Because that's annoying and can lead to corruption more often than starting and stopping. It's like, the opposite of what your problem was with your capture card.

Also, my HDD is clicking, meaning that it's ****ed up, so Bert, if you see this, DON'T DELETE THE VIDEOS. I'm still working on my HDD, but I'm not sure if I can repair it :\

Edit: I fixed it. Probably only a temp fix, but I'm moving the files over to my computer now, so we should be good.


Smash Ace
Apr 26, 2011
Dekuschrub - God Damnit, I wanted to get a few friendlies in with you. We started to play but I had to pay for food and then I had matches to play and we didn't get to play. ****ING ****
Sinister - if you didn't SD so much you'd **** so hard. It looks like you're not even trying but you somehow make 2nd. I think I speak for a few people when I say I think a lot if it is in your head.
Strong Bad - Gah%_&'@%!)_(_-"+'+ #&#&@
Zivilyn Bane - lol noob, I thought you said you could beat strong bad.
Zantetsu - wtf are you doing to get so good?
Akuma - I hate falco, I thought I'd win but your falco is pretty good. And I assume you have some pretty good Sheik experience. Thanks for giving me tips all the time. :)
Leviathan - I was a little intimidated at first because my crew was saying you were so good but when I almost beat you first game I thought I could do it. Good **** though. Hope you don't really give up going to tourneys. You're definitely good.
Terrence - why do people call you tender. You're definitely tough.
Leumas - I dunno who you
King Siegfried - what? You looked so much better then at last pathways. Still, I won't let you beat me. :D
Cookiemonsta - I hate Sheik dittos fuuuu. We play friendlies again then play your main
Bert - thanks for the money xD didn't realize we were so close in skill level. Mm again? ;p
Applejack - ?????
Smooth - GGs in teams, my teammate is a dork, but I don't blame him. We need more experience together.
Big E - what? You came to this but you never come to pathways ;_;
Bandito the Sheriff - lol, you were ****** me at pathways, wtf? This time I wrecked you.
Joe - @-@
Saffy - lol, hypocrite
Kami - wtf? Roman make her better you scrub.
Phelix - I don't know
Wretched - stop squeezing my shoulder ******
Hope you all can make it to pathways! <33



Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2010
Washington, MO
Terrance, I'll definitely mm you again bro. I had a lot of fun. Although, i wasn't really expecting my falcon to go to game 5 with your Sheik. Ledge stall more. It throws me off more than anything in this game. I find it so frustrating. It's a big mind f**k to falcons cuz they're so used to such a fast paced game. Toning it down screws up the whole momentum for them. I look forward to our next mm.

And Roman, it's no problem, you're allowed to use my laptop at any time. If you need me to upload those matches, just let me know and I can definitely do it. It's no big deal to me.


Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
All of the videos that were recorded on my setup are queued for upload. It's currently on Doubles Grand Finals set 2, then it'll go to singles. I'll make a vid thread for it tomorrow.


Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2008
Columbia, Missouri
All of the videos that were recorded on my setup are queued for upload. It's currently on Doubles Grand Finals set 2, then it'll go to singles. I'll make a vid thread for it tomorrow.
How about you include everyone's singles videos cept for mine??????

You can even take out my character in put in a pokemon or something idc
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