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Rolla Athletics Dept Presents: Rolla Smash Monthly I Oct. 8th


Smash Ace
Apr 26, 2011
Terrance, I'll definitely mm you again bro. I had a lot of fun. Although, i wasn't really expecting my falcon to go to game 5 with your Sheik. Ledge stall more. It throws me off more than anything in this game. I find it so frustrating. It's a big mind f**k to falcons cuz they're so used to such a fast paced game. Toning it down screws up the whole momentum for them. I look forward to our next mm.

And Roman, it's no problem, you're allowed to use my laptop at any time. If you need me to upload those matches, just let me know and I can definitely do it. It's no big deal to me.

You weren't expecting to get to game 5 because you thought I was much better than you? I honestly thought you might **** me because I hadn't seen you play for a while and thought you probably had a good amount of Sheik experience. But I can usually beat Ziv's Falcon so I thought I had a good chance. Thanks for the tip.

I didn't think to ledge stall more because I don't usually need to with my crew. Obviously, I can't play the same against every character though and I didn't think about it then. With Fox, Aka Roman, I don't ledge stall much or at all because he can easily steal the ledge from me. Marth can steal it from me if I'm not careful but usually I'll slap Michael or he'll just get hit with the explosion before he can get it.

Ew, that picture is ugly. And was that tourney match? I didn't even notice you! And look, Sinister is watching me get ***** by Leviathan's Marth. LOL. I was playing so stupid. I DI'd Marth's down throw (I think it's down throw) wrong into tipped Fsmashes. I NEVER DO THAT, I ALWAYS DI OUT. FUUUUUUU I felt good before we started that game because I had 3 stocked Michael's Marth on Yoshi's the night before. ;-;


Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2008
Columbia, Missouri
Dekuschrub - God Damnit, I wanted to get a few friendlies in with you. We started to play but I had to pay for food and then I had matches to play and we didn't get to play. ****ING ****
Sinister - if you didn't SD so much you'd **** so hard. It looks like you're not even trying but you somehow make 2nd. I think I speak for a few people when I say I think a lot if it is in your head.
Strong Bad - Gah%_&'@%!)_(_-"+'+ #&#&@
Zivilyn Bane - lol noob, I thought you said you could beat strong bad.
Zantetsu - wtf are you doing to get so good?
Akuma - I hate falco, I thought I'd win but your falco is pretty good. And I assume you have some pretty good Sheik experience. Thanks for giving me tips all the time. :)
Leviathan - I was a little intimidated at first because my crew was saying you were so good but when I almost beat you first game I thought I could do it. Good **** though. Hope you don't really give up going to tourneys. You're definitely good.
Terrence - why do people call you tender. You're definitely tough.
Leumas - I dunno who you
King Siegfried - what? You looked so much better then at last pathways. Still, I won't let you beat me. :D
Cookiemonsta - I hate Sheik dittos fuuuu. We play friendlies again then play your main
Bert - thanks for the money xD didn't realize we were so close in skill level. Mm again? ;p
Applejack - ?????
Smooth - GGs in teams, my teammate is a dork, but I don't blame him. We need more experience together.
Big E - what? You came to this but you never come to pathways ;_;
Bandito the Sheriff - lol, you were ****** me at pathways, wtf? This time I wrecked you.
Joe - @-@
Saffy - lol, hypocrite
Kami - wtf? Roman make her better you scrub.
Phelix - I don't know
Wretched - stop squeezing my shoulder ******
Hope you all can make it to pathways! <33

Bro, thanks for the compliment, but there is no need to be intimidated as I am horrible at this game.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2010
Washington, MO
It's kinda getting sickening hearing how much CoMO says they suck, and this and that. We ALL need to have more confidence in our crew.

Leviathan, be thankful there aren't two videos of yourself getting 4 stocked on YouTube. It happens, we have our bad days. But I'm not gonna be down for the count after getting a scrapped elbow. I'm gonna get right back up again and play my heart out. I expect you to do the same.



Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
Dream Land
It's kinda getting sickening hearing how much CoMO says they suck, and this and that. We ALL need to have more confidence in our crew.

Leviathan, be thankful there aren't two videos of yourself getting 4 stocked on YouTube. It happens, we have our bad days. But I'm not gonna be down for the count after getting a scrapped elbow. I'm gonna get right back up again and play my heart out. I expect you to do the same.

i just say i suck under pressure. which is kinda true.


Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2008
Columbia, Missouri
It's kinda getting sickening hearing how much CoMO says they suck, and this and that. We ALL need to have more confidence in our crew.

Leviathan, be thankful there aren't two videos of yourself getting 4 stocked on YouTube. It happens, we have our bad days. But I'm not gonna be down for the count after getting a scrapped elbow. I'm gonna get right back up again and play my heart out. I expect you to do the same.

Err...... Ryan I've always said i'm bad... not just after this tourney lol


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
I haven't been living under a rock, I've just been at school with only 2 bars of Edge for my Internet connection so I couldn't exactly check SB's YouTube account.


Smash Ace
May 19, 2010
St. Louis and Rolla, MO
It's kinda getting sickening hearing how much CoMO says they suck, and this and that. We ALL need to have more confidence in our crew.

Leviathan, be thankful there aren't two videos of yourself getting 4 stocked on YouTube. It happens, we have our bad days. But I'm not gonna be down for the count after getting a scrapped elbow. I'm gonna get right back up again and play my heart out. I expect you to do the same.

Two videos of you getting four-stocked? LOLOLOLOL How bout a combo video with ONLY YOU on the receiving end of the *** whoopins? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3-ulPtjBL8 Let me know when this happens to you Navneet? Then we can talk about getting embarrassed on camera :awesome:
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