Well obviously punches and kicks. Normal stuff. She'd also be able to summon Enemies (Waddle Dees, Waddle Doos, Bronto Burts, Chilly, Hot Head, ETC), some might even be robotically enhanced to do more damage. Also seeing as she has a clipboard that could be a throwable object or could be used in special moves.
She'd have 2 final smashes (ala Ryu)
In Robobot Armor: Susie explodes the Robobot Armor and temporarily switches to the Robobot Armor of Susie 2.0 (Lets just call it The 2.0 Armor). The 2.0 Armor temporarily increases all of Susies stats for a minute or two. After a minute or two Susie gets out of The 2.0 Armor and it explodes being 2x bigger than a regular Robobot explosion and doing 2x the damage. Susie will temporarily be left without Robobot Armor but a new one will appear 5-10 seconds later.
Outside of Robobot Armor: Kirby (In his Robobot Armor (No this does not change if you already have 1,2,3,4,5,6, or 7 Kirbys on screen) ) flies across the stage spinning a giant drill doing MASSIVE Damage to Enemies.