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Road to Improvement

lil T

Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2010
Freeport IL
I have started a new series called RTI(Road To Improvement) Its going to be me and my friend (DARK) play Melee every other day(Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays) for a good 30 mins to an hour. The goal of this is to get "better" in Melee
During This series I would LOVE if the Views comment on the video(I would love if you comment on the video besides here because I dont check here to often and i want my friend dark to read the comments as-well) giving us Any tips to help us become better Players.
now, we know were not good players so useless comment saying YOU SUCK and other stuff like that would just be deleted. If you think we 'Suck" so bad then give us some nice tips so we can practice em and NOT suck
But yeah, anything from Characters tips, Advance Techniques, Tech skill wise....pretty much anything that we could work/practice haha

I will post every Episode here so yall can watch em but i highly suggest you Subscribe to my channel!
my channel have Project M, Melee Brawl+&- videos also combo videos,and short epic clips and more!
---------Road to Improvement Episodes--------
Road To Improvement : Episode 1 | lil T(C.Falcon/Young Link) Vs Dark(Link)
Road To Improvement: Episode 2| lil T(Marth, C.falcon, Mr.G&W) vs DARK(Link)
Road To Improvement : Episode 3 | lil T(:falconmelee:/:marthmelee:) Vs Dark(:linkmelee:/:drmario:)
Road To Improvement : Episode 4 | lil T(:marthmelee:|:falconmelee:|:younglinkmelee:) Vs Dark(:linkmelee:|:drmario:|:foxmelee:)


Smash Bash
Nov 22, 2009
El Paso, Texas
Too lazy to log into my youtube so ill just let you know what i thought about the first episode here.

Falcon: you seem like you have the basic understanding of how to play the game and thats a very good start. you seemed to be missing a few L-cancels(especially on full hop aerials) so i recommend you practice on those. you also seemed to be jumping off the stage with a dair when your opponent was knocked off. i feel like falcon would have successfully edge guarded the Link if he had just stayed on stage and uptilted after the Link used the hookshot (he wasnt sweetspotting it). also you could have just hung onto the edge and reverse kneed him when he up-Bed... you could be doing alot more punishing off of grabs, because your opponent wasnt teching your down-throw. after the down-throw you should stomp where he lands to pop him into the air for another aerial. The biggest thing you should work on is spacing. I feel that you had the advantage 100% of the time, but would sometimes run into his F-tilts or items... As soon as you touch up on your punishment game (e.g. kneeing missed techs and tech chasing him everywhere) and not run into his moves you will probably 4-stock him everytime...

Link: your friend has more to work on. First off, he should learn how to L-cancel and wavedash. L-Canceling is more important at the moment. You were able to shield grab all his aerials and the lag on Links dair is too great. He also missed crucial edge guarding opportunities. Off the top of my head i remember the match on FOD where you were recovering towards the ledge and all the Link player did was take out a bomb. He could have easily taken your stock by just grabbing on to the ledge or f-tilt.... even up-B would have worked in this situation >.>... Another big problem he has is not teching anything. He's lucky you arent punishing any of his missed techs with stomps/jab-resets/knees... Oh and LOL tell him to practice DIing stuff... You killed him at like 37% on FOD with a knee >.> Basically, your friend has to work on alot of his defensive stuff. Your friend is lucky that you arent punishing him as much for his weak DI and lack of teching.

I like what you're doing. This will make you guys improve a lot faster and in a few months you can LOL at yourselves for the dumb things you used to do, because it'll all be recorded.
I hope my walls of text will help... at least a little... :)


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
Does dark have an account I can send a pm to? I have a TON of stuff for him

lil T

Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2010
Freeport IL
Does dark have an account I can send a pm to? I have a TON of stuff for him
Yes Darkshade08

oh man i thought this was dark from perfect dark

sadness :(
Haha no no plus if im thinking of the same dark your talking about then, by the looks of it he don't need any improvement haha

Also RTI 2 has been recorded and show be up later ill post with link when its up

In this one I pull out my 2nd Main (Marth) for the first few matches I don't know to much about Marth, so when the video is uploaded any tips for him would be nice! :D (but from watching a S**t ton of melee video I picked up a few things haha.) Dark Sticks with Link, and from all the Comments yall posted in the first video I notice he kinda changed up the way he plays and hes getting alittle better(had alittle bit of a harder time reading him lol) I also think my Falcon Improved a bit aswell! so I want to thank EVERYBODY for all the useful tips you sent us and please keep watching to see us improve your self...and as always give out any useful tips you have!!


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I wonder.. how much do you want to get better? Because.. 30 mins - 1 hour every 2nd day is definitely not enough at all.. I mean if you want to get pro status.

lil T

Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2010
Freeport IL
I wonder.. how much do you want to get better? Because.. 30 mins - 1 hour every 2nd day is definitely not enough at all.. I mean if you want to get pro status.
we record 30 mins to an hour every other day..we play more then that tho should of made that more clear lol
I also should note that i cut out alot of the ending of the video as welll... the first video was like 3 hours long but i did't want to upload 3 hours of one video

lil T

Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2010
Freeport IL
Here is the 2nd Episode of RTI
In this Episode i Play Marth C.Falcon and Mr.Game and Watch
Now i play Mr g&W just for fun and only for one match
But Marth is my "2nd main" that I would also like to get better with...
Now i dont know to much about Marth so any tips for him would be nice(i also notice i FSmash a little to much with Marth :/ ). The video also start of Thanking everybody who gave comments
i think i talk for around 3 mins before the video start so ill just skip to the fight since your reading this lol
last thing i want to say is that i got a new controller that i dont really like cause its bigger then a normal one is its kinda stiff...
I was trying to my best to get use to it but that controller causes me to mess up at times...


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
Augusta/Charleston, South Carolina, basically.
Man, It's sort of interesting to watch people playing Smash that look less experienced. It brings back fond memories of when I played in 8th grade.

Anyway, I'm not a great player, myself, but after just watching the first video, I'd like to suggest to DARK to look up and watch videos of The Germ. They're "old" but I think he would greatly appreciate seeing what I consider a Link pioneer could do before other Links started to show up and show out.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26nrBmZJ4pY < Chain of Destiny Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld4jb9Z9OYA < The GERM, DBR Evolution

I'd suggest watching videos of others just to see what other players do that works and see what you can add to your own skills eventually.

On a final note, I'll leave you a paraphrase of a haunting quote the source of whom I cannot name, but is not myself: "You don't necessarily have to practice more, but you certainly must practice better."

Don't give up or get discouraged beyond self-reconciliation; once you start going to tournaments or local smashfests, the smash-blood lust will kick in and you'll never stop, anyway.

lil T

Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2010
Freeport IL
Man, It's sort of interesting to watch people playing Smash that look less experienced. It brings back fond memories of when I played in 8th grade.

Anyway, I'm not a great player, myself, but after just watching the first video, I'd like to suggest to DARK to look up and watch videos of The Germ. They're "old" but I think he would greatly appreciate seeing what I consider a Link pioneer could do before other Links started to show up and show out.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26nrBmZJ4pY < Chain of Destiny Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld4jb9Z9OYA < The GERM, DBR Evolution

I'd suggest watching videos of others just to see what other players do that works and see what you can add to your own skills eventually.

On a final note, I'll leave you a paraphrase of a haunting quote the source of whom I cannot name, but is not myself: "You don't necessarily have to practice more, but you certainly must practice better."

Don't give up or get discouraged beyond self-reconciliation; once you start going to tournaments or local smashfests, the smash-blood lust will kick in and you'll never stop, anyway.
i love that quote "You don't necessarily have to practice more, but you certainly must practice better." Anyways i myself have saw the Chain of Destiny Video not to sure if dark have, I sent him a message telling him to check out the thread more often so he can see what y'all been saying, we both love the support and info yall been giving us


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
I'd suggest NOT showing him combo videos because that will perpetuate really bad play-styles.

bottom line, go to as many tournaments/smash fests as you can. Best way to get better is to get experience. The more people (especially GOOD people) you play vs. on a more regular basis the better off you will be.


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2011
Lynchburg and/or Vienna VA
Don't have a youtube account, so get ready for an essay:

I play with a falcon main a lot and these are bringing back some not-too-fond memories. I would suggest what eventually helped me most; lay off just fighting one another too much. Friendly competition can turn into frustrated rage really fast. Sit at home practicing tech skill (l-cancelling, WDing, sweet-spotting recoveries, etc.), play people you don't play against so much, especially if they're slightly better than you. I say slightly because even though you learn most by losing, you don't learn **** from getting jv 5-stocked for half an hour.

Still play each other, but play as characters you normally wouldn't play as (dorf dittos are great for forcing out the inner l-canceler) sometimes. This'll help you get a feel for other playstyles, mindsets, and spacings and will prevent one person from constantly getting mashed apart in exactly the same way; you'll get mashed up in several slightly different ways. As the saying goes, know your enemy. I main Link and play pretty much only Link, but I practice with Fox, Falco, Shiek, Falcon, Marth, and the Dorf to keep my fingers and mind moving in different playstyles. You're both playing the same way throughout; fiddling around with different characters can help make you be less predictable by swapping styles around.

I say you should lay off fighting one another too much because I think you know each others' playstyles too well, and getting too used to that is going to hurt you in the long run because different players get out of different things differently. If you go out for an edgeguard the same way every time, you're liable to get edgehogged by clever recovery. If you randomly throw out f-smashes because you've always played someone who rolls right into it, you're going to get punished.

Remember that everything in smash is related; perfect tech skill will get you exactly to the middle of nowhere if you don't know how to use it, and getting better technically will give you more tools to use against your opponent. Also remember to not care whether you win or lose against each other because the goal of these ultra-friendlies must always be to get better and try out new things, not to prove that one of you is better than the other. There's a lot of wisdom on the boards for both of you; pay particular attention to the melee general discussion stuff for info on DI, spacing, and the like.

Finally, Link, you're jumping as soon as you possibly can out of hitstun and getting punished for it. Link has a long and varied recovery; hold onto that double jump until you need it. Also, the edge is Marth's little nest, so stay away from it if possible. Really work on up-bing so that you just barely grab the edge; that'll help you avoid some of those edgeguards. L-canceling without getting the shield popping up will help you not get comboed, and teching (both roll and in place, switch it up) will help you get out of comboes.

TL;DR version: work on tech stuff, then go after other people in the area, and spar each other sparingly.

EDIT: Sorry about the paragraphs thing, Brookman. Hopefully this is a little less incoherent now.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
at least . . . form paragraphs. PLEASE.

I watched a match or two of the second vid. Link player should learn player vs. player basics on another character, such as marth/sheik/ganon. Cause link is ****ing terrible and his style is definitely not suited for link. So he should put his fanboyism aside for now and learn some new characters.

As for the marth player, definitely find someone better to play with. Your style of LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT OH HE MADE A REALLY DUMB MOVE I PUNISH NOW ain't gona fly vs. more experienced players, so you should seek them out, you'll learn faster if you're getting scraped.

I'd say, you should both learn C. Falcon to start since he's pretty much the most basic character. (shffl and dash spacing are relatively easy to learn, tech chasing is about as fundamental as it gets.)

honestly, and im not even trying to be offensive here, the link player is so bad you might as well just play vs. a cpu. . .If he seriously wants to get better he should sit down and put some time in. If he just wants to play casual with you and you actually want to get better . . .eventually you'll find a way to get better and he'll probably just quit.

lil T

Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2010
Freeport IL
Poblem is
No one who play melee around me is better(theres not many..only like 2..)
and there no tournaments by me
or anything of the sort....
and i don't have the money or way to travel all the way to like CA in stuff to get in a tournament...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 10, 2010
If you live in Freeport, Chicago has a fairly active tourney scene. Wisconsin doesn't have too many tournaments, but I know that a few people play up there. Check the regional boards and see if you guys can get hooked up with any of those crews and play some other people.

lil T

Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2010
Freeport IL
it would be nice if i could go to Chicago anytime i wanted...lol
alwell...ill find out something..intill then i gotta train the best ways i can....
this also reminds me there was nothing recorded Friday..and most like tomorrow as well do to the fact that my controller broke >:( nintendo systems seems to last forever but the GC controller don't last for Sh*t!


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Theres just a few things Im going to stress because I dont really want to go into mass detail.

For starters, Dark, has a lot of work to do. USE YOUR ITEMS. They are your best asset. Jump and toss a boomerang, it can help so much. It can distract player, interupt there combos, help to start/continue your own combos and various other things. For Bombs, use them a lot more too, randomly toss a few around, his items are great for interupting combos and approaches.

You Smash too much, Up Smash is pretty much useless unless its PERFECTLY set up, Up-tilt however, is good. F-Tilt is better for getting ko's then F-smash. And D-tilt is pretty good too. It can also spike on recovery, so for example, I saw that you were D-smashing lil T's recovery, next time, d-tilt, it'll either pop them up, or spike them down.

Grab: Do more of it, then continue the combo's from there, so either Uthrow or dthrow. Back throw works alright, but you cant do too much of it.

Oh, one last thing, nair more, less fair. Fair is okay to do once in awhile, but it leaves you wide open and its a really long attack unless your short hop it. Nair, is Link's best move, its fast, does decent damage, has priority and gimps spacies... Look at the Link Thread, lots of helpful tips...

As for Lil T, I cant really say anything because to be honest, you're ****** Dark, Like its already been said, watch your L-cancels and less falcon punches(I know there too much fun and worth it when you land one) One thing though, use more nairs... and... I love the Captain Falcon Texture hack you use... Captain America, hawt.

Wow I wrote a LOT more then i had intended...


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
ive had the same controller for about 8 years...
i never understood how people could go through controllers so quickly...
my friend has gone through like 4 in the past year wtf
Lets say your friends name is Mike

Mike vs. ShadwPhoenx

Mike Loses.

ShadwPhoenx witnesses Mike smash controller...

lil T

Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2010
Freeport IL
Theres just a few things Im going to stress because I dont really want to go into mass detail.

For starters, Dark, has a lot of work to do. USE YOUR ITEMS. They are your best asset. Jump and toss a boomerang, it can help so much. It can distract player, interupt there combos, help to start/continue your own combos and various other things. For Bombs, use them a lot more too, randomly toss a few around, his items are great for interupting combos and approaches.

You Smash too much, Up Smash is pretty much useless unless its PERFECTLY set up, Up-tilt however, is good. F-Tilt is better for getting ko's then F-smash. And D-tilt is pretty good too. It can also spike on recovery, so for example, I saw that you were D-smashing lil T's recovery, next time, d-tilt, it'll either pop them up, or spike them down.

Grab: Do more of it, then continue the combo's from there, so either Uthrow or dthrow. Back throw works alright, but you cant do too much of it.

Oh, one last thing, nair more, less fair. Fair is okay to do once in awhile, but it leaves you wide open and its a really long attack unless your short hop it. Nair, is Link's best move, its fast, does decent damage, has priority and gimps spacies... Look at the Link Thread, lots of helpful tips...

As for Lil T, I cant really say anything because to be honest, you're ****** Dark, Like its already been said, watch your L-cancels and less falcon punches(I know there too much fun and worth it when you land one) One thing though, use more nairs... and... I love the Captain Falcon Texture hack you use... Captain America, hawt.

Wow I wrote a LOT more then i had intended...
Thanks for the tips, yeah i tend to falcon punch at times >.<...but...but....its just...I see the option and i tell my self "don't do it" but my hands be like "FU" and do it anyways lol
nah but im done with the falcon punches for now...the only time ima use em is if im just messing around. i been working on my L-cancels im getting better, still missing a few ever now and then but im cuting down on errors alot(well into my controller broke >.<)

Lets say your friends name is Mike

Mike vs. ShadwPhoenx

Mike Loses.

ShadwPhoenx witnesses Mike smash controller...
lol, tbh i never rage in smashbros to the point that i thew my controller or like hit it lol they just like die out quick.....like c-sticks stop working, analog stick stop going left...or right...or even up or down...or just dont work at all....idk how it happens but it does..its so annoying, i gotta buy a new one tomorrow and if things goes my way i should have another RTI video :D

lil T

Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2010
Freeport IL
Should be getting my new GameCube Controller tomorrow :D so new RTI should be up Tuesday cuz i record Monday overall i think i hot alittle bit better thanks to the comments yall been sending would of been better if i had a better controller to practice with >.<
in the mean while yall sohuld match a nice little n00b Face off
MsMasta vs Brew
Yes MsMasta is a girl.... just encase i get asked....
and sense y'all here if y'all want to give MsMasta tips go ahead shes also trying to Improve


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Okay so A few things... 1. I watched the MsMaster vs. Brew set and just a few things that MsMasta needs to work on.. Wave Dashing, I saw she was trying, but couldnt quite get it, so thats a start.
2. Edgehogs, they can make a world of difference, help get the ko considerably faster, therefore saving you time, damage and maybe even a stock.
3. Good luck maining Pichu, I'd suggest playing Roy or Peach over Pichu, but if you're set on them, by all means good luck. I tried maining Pichu, it just wasnt working out... lol
4. Her Peach seems to have a pretty good grasp on float canceling and its importance so thats good.

If Brew wants constructive comments ill give him soom too :p


Smash Rookie
Nov 28, 2010
Now Why would you want to know that?
Okay so A few things... 1. I watched the MsMaster vs. Brew set and just a few things that MsMasta needs to work on.. Wave Dashing, I saw she was trying, but couldnt quite get it, so thats a start.
2. Edgehogs, they can make a world of difference, help get the ko considerably faster, therefore saving you time, damage and maybe even a stock.
3. Good luck maining Pichu, I'd suggest playing Roy or Peach over Pichu, but if you're set on them, by all means good luck. I tried maining Pichu, it just wasnt working out... lol
4. Her Peach seems to have a pretty good grasp on float canceling and its importance so thats good.

If Brew wants constructive comments ill give him soom too :p
I Thank you for advice :D
However I wanna say a few things.
1. I can wavedash pretty good! however I had to work with lil T's horrible controller >.<

2.Ok Ok I understand,Edgehogs, Ill get to em lol

3. But...But...But...I like Pichu D:

4. :D

lil T

Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2010
Freeport IL
1. I can wavedash pretty good! however I had to work with lil T's horrible controller >.<
However i did just get a new one!

That reminds me A new RTI should be up tuesday....If i haven't Already said that..
And Thanks Bing for the tips...(Even tho it was for MsMasta and she already said Thank you ...>.>)

lil T

Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2010
Freeport IL

Road To Improvement : Episode 3 | lil T(:falconmelee:/:marthmelee:) Vs Dark(:linkmelee:/:drmario:)

This RTI is Short and different cause my capture card was messing up..so i only got a few of are fights... Dark also plays :drmario: in this video!
Like always Give any tips you got to help us get better HOWEVER
Please watch all 4 fights before you comment itll just be better and more usefull tips will come from it and besides...its only 4 fights lol


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
Augusta/Charleston, South Carolina, basically.
DARK - I continue to find your lack of projectiles disturbing.

Dash dancing can be done while holding a bomb, if you need to dash dance at all, honestly. Link's Nair is probably easier to connect and more effective than attempting to land Fairs.

If you really want to dash dance, at least have a decent reason - are you going to actually manage to flow into something? Are you trying to avoid an incoming SHFFL'd fair or other attack? I can understand dash dancing to buy maybe half to a full second worth of thinking time, but dash dancing while not holding a bomb in the middle of the stage after sending your opponent across the stage and even beyond the opposite edge is simply missed opportunity. Capitalize on what you do manage to get in.

Link can be played a few different ways and you should figure out whether you're one to prefer bait-n-tank, aggression, strict counter, or what for your given situations. He's a thought demanding character; not to say some intuitive actions are impossible, but you are going to prefer playing him with a well lubricated thought engine.

I didn't really watch the Marf / Doc match cuz I was stuck on that Link.

From what I remember of noticing from the Falcon, lil T, is maybe just keep workin on them SHFFL's. You're taking flight a lot when coming in low would suffice and be more efficient for your flow.

And maybe this is just a bit of bias, but I wanna see more of dat MsMasstaaa -- maybe some matches with lil T and the Ms?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2010
To be honest, I don't really think you need a medium of critique from the melee community. I mean you're pretty much at the point where all you need to do is keep playing and practicing techniques. Eventually you'll feel that you are moving faster and getting more technical. So pretty much visit the character specific boards for various strategies, if not already. Those boards can tell you about some of the obvious, and not so obvious critiques.

One thing I do recommend is try out more characters because a lot of people change mains when starting out. I started playing Link before I could used any ATs but after trying other characters and getting better at ATs I found out how Link didn't suit me at all (and that he was a bad char ><). So definitely try out other characters.

Oh....and you don't use Nair enough with Falcon, especially when approaching. I don't play Falcon but Nair has very nice hitbox and Dairing right over them that obviously generally doesn't work. Buuutt definitely visit the character specific boards.


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
I Thank you for advice :D
However I wanna say a few things.
1. I can wavedash pretty good! however I had to work with lil T's horrible controller >.<

2.Ok Ok I understand,Edgehogs, Ill get to em lol

3. But...But...But...I like Pichu D:

4. :D
To be honest, I am trying to work on Kirby, the only other character considered worse than Kirby, so dont worry about it lmao, I wish you luck! XD

Thats good that your good with wavedashing, it can be kind of... essential, not really for Pichu, but a well spaced F-smash can work well! XD Umm... I wish I could give you more Pichu tips... but umm... I`ve only got good Pikachu experience and intelligence. ... Use lots of aerials is like.. my only advice lmao.

Now for your Peach, I can give you some tips if you want them, but if you REALLY wanna main Pichu, use it most XD


Smash Rookie
Nov 28, 2010
Now Why would you want to know that?
And maybe this is just a bit of bias, but I wanna see more of dat MsMasstaaa -- maybe some matches with lil T and the Ms?
Me? in a RTI?..Nobody wants to see me fight >.>
Besides lil T Refuses to fight my peach XD

To be honest, I am trying to work on Kirby, the only other character considered worse than Kirby, so dont worry about it lmao, I wish you luck! XD

Thats good that your good with wavedashing, it can be kind of... essential, not really for Pichu, but a well spaced F-smash can work well! XD Umm... I wish I could give you more Pichu tips... but umm... I`ve only got good Pikachu experience and intelligence. ... Use lots of aerials is like.. my only advice lmao.

Now for your Peach, I can give you some tips if you want them, but if you REALLY wanna main Pichu, use it most XD
Kirby :D I like him to!
I think were at a little misunderstanding, I LOVE Pichu However Pichu is not my main...Peach Is! I just like to play Pichu, and hope one day I can be really good with him, But when it comes downs to my best Characters It'll be Peach, Roy, and C.Falcon(I don't really like him...but for some odd reason I can play him :/ )

lil T

Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2010
Freeport IL
To be honest, I don't really think you need a medium of critique from the melee community. I mean you're pretty much at the point where all you need to do is keep playing and practicing techniques. Eventually you'll feel that you are moving faster and getting more technical. So pretty much visit the character specific boards for various strategies, if not already. Those boards can tell you about some of the obvious, and not so obvious critiques.

One thing I do recommend is try out more characters because a lot of people change mains when starting out. I started playing Link before I could used any ATs but after trying other characters and getting better at ATs I found out how Link didn't suit me at all (and that he was a bad char ><). So definitely try out other characters.

Oh....and you don't use Nair enough with Falcon, especially when approaching. I don't play Falcon but Nair has very nice hitbox and Dairing right over them that obviously generally doesn't work. Buuutt definitely visit the character specific boards.
When i started this RTI I was Horrible and after posting a few videos and reading all the Comments im getting and practicing new things I been told i have gotten better.
I know about the character specific boards, not to sure if DARK does tho ill send him a link
Oh and about Falcon Nair...So many people Tell me that lol AND I NEED TO START DOING EM..but that's a good thing i want yall to keep talking that into I get it into my head that i need to put them out more. lol


Smash Rookie
Nov 28, 2010
Now Why would you want to know that?
Annnnnnd this is where I bring in the bad new D:
I have to leave Soon, so I wont be able to anyways.
However...we did fight after that one video with me vs brew but the capture card like...stop working so none of those matches was recorded.

lil T

Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2010
Freeport IL
That and she lives a few hours away from me...with is not a big deal... but at times it can be a pain...

Btw dark does read everyones comments and i did give him a link to the " character specific boards"
I think hes also playing around with different characters Dr.mario was a shock to me when he picked him. i had no idea he ever played him..
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