Okay so a few things, Lil T, you're making good progress, I didnt notice too much improvement between the last two videos. Dark, Im going to start mainly focusing on helping you improve because you need to catch up to Lil T and obviously need more work. We'll get you there though.
With that being said... 1. Less get-up attacks, thats pretty straight forward, If they shield or side step the attack, you're just going to get hit again or even combo'd.
2. I noticed less Falcon punches.. good.\
3. You can combo really well with Marth, but your Falcon needs some fox work(thats based off the one match)
4. Young Link... lol ftw.
Dark. Im actually noticing a difference, for starters, you're trying to wavedash. its a good start.
Another huge thing I noticed which I've been saying since video one, and you've finally started doing it. DONT STAND STILL WHILE THROWING PROJECTILES.... more bombs are needed imo.
I think you should maybe consider dropping Doc, Or put a bit more work into it, Doc's a fun character. I noticed you dont use your fair for the ko... USE IT, ITS ****ING ****. Here a simple combo that works well. D-throw to Up-Smash, now this next step depends on there height, Its you either you u-tilt to d-throw again or you u-air and go from there(bair's and uairs, maybe nair, never dair)
So what you end up with is; D-throw,Upsmash, uair - uair - bair/nair.
Or D-throw, UpSmash, u-tilt, Up Smash, then air combo. It works well, for both Mario and Doc.
Last two things about Doc, 1. DONT DOWN TILT THEIR RECOVERY, especially Falcon, with his recovery, you could simply Smash him or Fair. Both are considerably more effective. 2. Doc's Tornado(Down-b) is not an attack lmao. Use it a lot less, it can be a good comboing tool, only when used properly.
Now like all of your characters, you really need to work on comboing, Your fox is probably your 2nd best, I would put it under Link because you seem to Like Link the best. Fox needs some combo work, and some tech skill work, but he's a hard character to get really good with, but **** when you do. So keep at it.